
listen to the pronunciation of labor
الإنجليزية - التركية
{f} uğraşmak
{f} çalışmak

Ben, bir gün laboratuvarda çalışmak istiyorum. - I wish to work in the laboratory some day.

{i} emek

Tesisatçılara emekleri için iyi ödeme yapılır. - Plumbers are well paid for their labor.

Tom bir emekçi olarak çalıştı. - Tom worked as a laborer.

{i} işgücü

Sanayi ülkeleri birçok nitelikli işgücüne ihtiyaç duyarlar. - Industrial countries require a lot of skilled labor.

{i} doğum sancısı

Birkaç saatlik doğum sancısından sonra, güzel sağlıklı bir bebek doğurdu. - After several hours of labor, she delivered a lovely healthy baby.

{i} çalışma

Ben, bir gün laboratuvarda çalışmak istiyorum. - I wish to work in the laboratory some day.

İşçiler çalışma şartlarına karşı söyleniyorlar. - The laborers are murmuring against their working conditions.

{i} iş gücü

Bu makine bize bir sürü iş gücü kazandırır. - This machine saves us a lot of labor.

Bu iş yoğun iş gücü gerektirmektedir. - This task is labor-intensive.

{i} işçi sınıfı
(Tıp) doğum eylemi
{i} zahmet
{i} den. fırtınada geminin şiddetle çalkalanması

İşçi sendikaları hükümeti genel grevle tehdit etmekteydi. - The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

Bir işçi sendikası düzenleyecekler. - They will organize a labor union.


İşçilik maliyetlerini azaltmamız gerekiyor. - We need to reduce labor costs.

Belirtilen fiyat işçilik ücretini içermez. - The stated price does not include labor charges.

(Askeri) denizlerde çalkalanmak
{f} çalış

Jim bedensel çalışmadan korkuyordu. - Jim was afraid of physical labor.

İşçiler çalışma şartlarına karşı söyleniyorlar. - The laborers are murmuring against their working conditions.

doğum ağrı
{i} hizmet
(Askeri) İŞ, EMEK
{f} emek vermek
{f} alın teriyle yapmak
{f} 1. çalışmak
işin teferr
{f} çaba harcamak
doğurma halinde olmak
ağrı çekmek
{f} doğum sancısı çekmek
l will not labor the point
güçlükle ilerlemek
{f} lafı uzatmak
çok hırpalanmak
işçi,v.çalış: n.iş gücü
emekle meydana getirmek
labour çalışmak
sıkıntı çekmek
emek harcamak
(Tıp) labor
labor force
labor budget
(Ticaret) maaş bütçesi
labor contract
iş sözleşmesi
labor contract
hizmet sözleşmesi
labor cost
(Ticaret) işçilik
labor cost
işgücü maliyeti
labor costs
işgücü maliyeti
labor courts
iş mahkemeleri
labor demand
iş talebi
labor disputes
iş uyuşmazlıkları
labor exchange
(Ticaret) işçi bulma kurumu
labor force
(Ticaret) beşeri sermaye
labor force
işgücü oranı
labor force
(Ticaret) işgücü arzı
labor force
işgücüne katılma oranı
labor hours
işçilik saati
labor law
iş kanunu
labor laws
(Ticaret) iş yasaları
labor market
iş piyasası
labor market
iş talebi
labor pain
(Tıp) doğum sancısı
labor pains
(Tıp) doğum sancısı
labor policy
çalışma politikası
labor safety
(Ticaret) iş güvenliği
labor supply
iş gücü arzı
labor union
(Ticaret) çalışma saatleri
labor unions
işçi sendikaları
labor agreement
iş anlaşması
labor contract
iş anlaşması
labor day
iş günü
labor department
iş kısmı
labor pains
çalışma özeni
labor resources
iş kaynağı
labor room
ağrı odası
labor union
iş birliği
Labor Studies
Emek Araştırmaları
labor and equipment estimates
işgücü ve ekipman tahminleri
labor augmentation
(Doğum) Sunî sancı
labor control
işçilik kontrolü
labor dispute
iş anlaşmazlığı
labor efficiency variance
işgücü verimliliği varyans
labor force
İş gücü
labor grade
işçi sınıfı
labor market discrimination
İş gücü piyasasında ayrımcılık
labor pains
doğum sancıları
labor party conference
emek parti konferans
labor productivity
emeğin verimliliği
labor rate variance
işgücü oranı varyans
labor right
emek hakkı
labor saving
emekten tasarruf edici
labor saving
işgücü tasarrufu
labor secretary
emek sekreter
labor theory of value
değerin emek teorisi
labor under a misconception
yanlış kanıda olmak
labor union
İşçi sendikası

İşçi sendikası grev ilan etti. - The labor union announced a strike.

Bir işçi sendikası düzenleyecekler. - They will organize a labor union.

labor unions
labor, labour [brit.], moil
emek, emek [brit.], didinmek
Labor Day
işçi bayramı

İngiltere'de işçi bayramı mayıstadır. - In England, Labor Day is in May.

labor act
(Kanun) çalışma kanunu
labor agreement
labor bureaus
çalışma bakanlığı
labor camp
çalışma kampı
labor contract
(Askeri) TOPLU İŞ SÖZLEŞMESİ: İşveren ile sendika arasında yapılan sözleşme
labor day
(Ticaret) işçi bayramı (abd'de)
labor exchange
iş ve işçi bulma kurumu
labor exchange
iş ve işçi bulma kurumu (İng.)
labor flow
(Ticaret) işgücü akımı
labor hygiene
iş hijyeni
labor intensive
labor intensive
emek yoğun
labor intensive
labor leader
(Ticaret) işçi lideri
labor market
işgücü piyasası
labor of love
hatır işi
labor of love
zevk için yapılan iş
labor oriented
emeğe yönelik
labor party
işçi partisi (İng.)
labor piracy
(Ticaret) işçi korsanlığı
labor question
(Ticaret) işçi sorunu
labor relations
işçi ve işveren ilişkileri
labor relations
işçi işveren ilişkileri
labor relations
iş ilişkileri
labor requirement
iş gücü ihtiyacı
labor saving
(Ticaret) işten tasarruf sağlayan
labor schedule
(Askeri) İŞ ÇİZELGESİ: Bir inşaat esnasında her gün gerekli işçi sayısını gösteren çizelge; grafik veya cetvel halinde hazırlanır. İnsan gücünün randımanlı kullanılmasını sağlar
labor service company
(Askeri) İŞÇİ BÖLÜĞÜ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor service unit
(Askeri) İŞÇİ HİZMET BİRLİĞİ: Yarı askeri bir birlik halinde kurulmuş ve kullanma, idare ve hareket bakımlarından kolaylık sağlamak üzere teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosuna uygun bir hale sokulmuş harp esirleri veya, genellikle, yabancı uyruklu siviller grubu. Bu gibi birlikler; bir kadro birliği olarak, fiilen veya ismen teşkil edilmez; ancak, belirli bir işin yapılması söz konusu olduğu zaman dikkate alınır
labor supervision area
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BÖLGESİ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision center
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE MERKEZİ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision company
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BÖLÜĞÜ: Bak. "labor supervision unit"
labor supervision unit
(Askeri) İŞÇİ İDARE BİRLİĞİ: Bir işçi birliğinin idare ve kullanılmasını murakabe maksadıyla, çekirdek halinde, fiilen teşkil edilmiş, teçhizat ve malzeme kadrolu birlik. Bu birlikte; bir işçi idare takımı bir işçi takımını; bir işçi idare bölüğü bir işçi bölüğünü murakabe eder; bir işçi idare merkezi 4: 8 işçi bölüğünü; bir işçi idare bölgesi 16: 32 işçi bölüğünü kontrol eder
labor time
(Ticaret) emek süresi
labor total
emek toplamı
labor troubles
(Ticaret) iş ve işçi olayları
labor turnover
(Ticaret) işçi devir oranı
labor turnover
(Ticaret) işçi giriş çıkış devri
labor turnover
(Ticaret) işgücü devri
labor under a
yanlış kanıda olmak
labor union
işçi sendikası [amer.]
labor union locals
yerel işçi sendikaları
labor union members
işçi sendika üyeleri
labor zionism
(Ticaret) iş yaşamında siyonizm
labor's party
(Politika, Siyaset) emeğin partisi
{i} çaba harcamak
{i} işçi sınıfı
(Tıp) doğum
alien labor
yabancı iş gücü
alien labor
yabancı işçi
collective labor agreements
toplu iş sözleşmeleri
division of labor
(Ticaret) uzmanlaşma
division of labor
home labor
ev işi
hours of labor
çalışma saatleri
indirect labor
(Teknik,Ticaret) dolaylı işçilik
international labor office
labor cost
(Ticaret) emek maliyeti
labor force
insan gücü
labor force
(Ticaret) faal nüfus
labor union
(Ticaret) ücret
tabii olmayan
(Politika, Siyaset) iş gücü
(Tıp) travay
(Ticaret) işçiler
işçi partisi
geminin denizde çalkalanması
(Ticaret) beden yükümlülüğü
(Ticaret) mesai
emek harcamak
manual labor
el işi

Tom el işinde çok yetenekli. - Tom is very skilled in manual labor.

Tom el işinde çok yeteneklidir. - Tom is very skilled at manual labor.

skilled labor
kalifiye işçi
ayrıntılara girmek
İşçi Partisi'ne ilişkin
İşçi Partisi üyesi
güçlükle hareket etmek
{i} uğraşmak
{f} çalış
Doğum sancısı
{i} doğum sancısı çekmek
{i} işçi partisi (İng.)
{i} hizmet
{i} işgücü
(isim) çalışma, hizmet, emek, işgücü, işçi sınıfı, işçi partisi (İng.), doğum sancısı
labor union
işçi sendikası
{s} çok çalışan
{s} zahmetli
{s} rahat/tabii olmayan
{s} yorucu

Onlar 1997 mali yılı için bütçe üzerinde çalıştılar. - They labored over the budget for the fiscal year 1997.

Onlar üst üste her gün çalıştılar. - They labored day after day.

{s} çalışkan
i., f., İng., bak. labor
{i} lafı uzatmak
{i} emek vermek
(Avrupa Birliği) İşgücü iş, çalışma
{s} çok çalışan
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The Australian Labor Party
Effort expended on a particular task; toil, work

so I set myself to enlarge my cave, and work farther into the earth; for it was a loose sandy rock, which yielded easily to the labour I bestowed on it.

Workers in general; the working class, the workforce; sometimes specifically the labor movement, organised labor
The time period during which a mother gives birth
spelling of labour; see British/commonwealth entry for definitions, etymology, pronunciation, translations, etc
The act of a mother giving birth
{n} pains, toil, work, childbirth
{i} political party which represents the interests of the worker
The pay and allowances due employees in exchange for the labor services they render in behalf of the transit agency The labor allowances include payments direct to the employee arising from the performance of a piece of work
see labour. the American spelling of labour. American Labor Party Canadian Labor Congress Farmer Labor Party Knights of Labor Labor Day National Labor Relations Board Labor Management Relations Act National Labor Relations Act American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations
Intellectual exertion; mental effort; as, the labor of compiling a history
the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913
productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill" a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field" undergo the efforts of childbirth work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long
undergo the efforts of childbirth
Any pang or distress
Travail; the pangs and efforts of childbirth
Led by Prime Minster Ehud Barak, the "One Israel" coalition of Labor, Gesher and Meimad holds 26 seats and is the largest party in the Knesset The Labor government under the control of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and his successor Shimon Peres is credited with taking the historic steps of engineering and implementing the Israeli-PLO Declaration of Principles, as well as with formally ending the state of war with Jordan
undergo the efforts of childbirth work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long
refers to the human effort to produce goods and services
a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
a mine pit (see medidas de mina)
strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
All human exertion in the production of wealth
To be in travail; to suffer the pangs of childbirth
The labor costs associated with making goods to be sold This labor is part of the cost of sales, part of the manufacturing and assembly The row heading refers to fulfillment costs as well, for service companies
To pitch or roll heavily, as a ship in a turbulent sea
Heavy rolling or pitching while underway
The period of contractions that change the cervix and ends with the birth of your baby
To work at; to work; to till; to cultivate by toil
To exert one's powers of mind in the prosecution of any design; to strive; to take pains
Choose as many of the defined labor sources as needed If selecting "Other" please include additional labor sources in the entry box provided
Physical toil or bodily exertion, especially when fatiguing, irksome, or unavoidable, in distinction from sportive exercise; hard, muscular effort directed to some useful end, as agriculture, manufactures, and like; servile toil; exertion; work
To be oppressed with difficulties or disease; to do one's work under conditions which make it especially hard, wearisome; to move slowly, as against opposition, or under a burden; to be burdened; often with under, and formerly with of
{f} work, toil, exert oneself; work hard, struggle (especially to attain a goal); move heavily; be troubled, suffer a disadvantage; give birth; discuss or think about excessively; tire
To belabor; to beat
the services performed by workers in return for wages
{i} strenuous physical or mental work, toil, exertion; job or work that must be accomplished; work-force, workers; working class; uterine contractions; childbirth
a factor of production; the talents, training, and skills of people which contribute to the production of goods and services
concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of labor to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and the socialization of key industries
To exert muscular strength; to exert one's strength with painful effort, particularly in servile occupations; to work; to toil
Resource that includes the total of physical and mental effort expended by people in the economy
any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted; "he prepared for great undertakings"
work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
To form or fabricate with toil, exertion, or care
A measure of land in Mexico and Texas, equivalent to an area of 177&frac17; acres
The labor is a unit of area used in Mexico and Texas In Texas it equals 177 14 acres (or 1 million square varas)
The pitching or tossing of a vessel which results in the straining of timbers and rigging
productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
That which requires hard work for its accomplishment; that which demands effort
- the physical and mental exertion that human beings put into production activities
A stope or set of stopes
Physical effort a person has to expend to repair, inspect, or deal with a problem It is expressed in hours, and can be divided by crafts or skills
Rates for all service work per hour
To prosecute, or perfect, with effort; to urge strenuously; as, to labor a point or argument
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action especially via labor unions (especially the leaders of this movement)
All human exertion engaged in the production of wealth or performing a service
Labor Day
The holiday marking the unofficial end of summer, held on the first Monday in September
Labor Day
Annual holiday held May 1 to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers
labor camp
Alternative spelling of labour camp
labor camps
plural form of labor camp
labor force
The collective group of people who are employed
labor market
A market with labor of workers
labor markets
plural form of labor market
labor of love
A task performed voluntarily without expectation of reimbursement; an altruistic work or undertaking

Writing a textbook has become more a labor of love than a money-making enterprise, wrote the professor, because of the peculiar way the books are now marketed.

labor union
A continuous association of wage-earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment; a trade union
labor unions
plural form of labor union
Requiring a great deal of work, especially physical and manual effort

Picking beans is a very labor-intensive activity, there's no machine made that can do it.

labor market
The nominal market in which workers find paying work, employers find willing workers, and wage rates are determined
Labor Day
{i} national holiday in the United States and Canada which honors the worker (observed on the first Monday in September)
Labor Day
In the United States, Labor Day is a public holiday in honour of working people. It is the first Monday in September. The first Monday in September, observed as a holiday in the United States and Canada in honor of working people. a public holiday in the US on the first Monday in September. Annual holiday devoted to the recognition of working people's contribution to society. It is observed on the first Monday in September in the U.S. and Canada. It was first celebrated in New York City on Sept. 5, 1882, under the sponsorship of the Knights of Labor. Various U.S. states observed the holiday before 1894, when Congress passed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday. It is often celebrated with parades and speeches, as well as political rallies, and the day is sometimes the official kickoff date for national political campaigns in the U.S. In most other countries, workers are honoured on May Day
Labor Party
{i} British political party devoted to social reform and promoting labor interests
Labor Party conference
meeting of members of the Labor Party for elections or making fundamental decisions
Labor and Social Affairs Ministry
government agency which handles labor issues and social welfare
labor agreement
work agreement
labor camp
prison or penal colony where the prisoners have to do hard physical work; camp for migratory farm workers
labor coach
assistant (often the father) who provides support for a woman in labor by encouraging her to use techniques learned in childbirth-preparation classes
labor content
(Ticaret) labor cost
labor contract
contract between labor and management government wages and benefits and working conditions
labor cost
(Ticaret) The portion of a manufactured item's standard or actual cost attributed to the usage of direct labor, as specified by the hours consumed times the pay rate per hour
labor court
court that arbitrates in labor conflicts
labor day
In most of the States and Territories of the United States, a day, usually the first Monday of September, set aside as a legal holiday, in honor of, or in the interest of, workingmen as a class
labor day
first Monday in September in U S and Canada
labor day
Also, a similar holiday in Canada, Australia, etc
labor day
first Monday in September in U
labor day
and Canada
labor department
the federal department responsible for promoting the working conditions of wage earners in the United States; created in 1913
labor dispute
conflict between employer and employee, legal stage before a strike is declared
labor efficiency
level of effectivity of work, efficiency of work
labor efficiency variance
(Ticaret) The cost variance created by using more or less actual labor hours than the standard labor hours for a given amount of production, while assuming the actual pay rate equaled the standard pay rate
labor exchange
employment office
labor force
Total labor force comprises people who meet the International Labour Organization (ILO) definition of the economically active population: all people who supply labor for the production of goods and services during a specified period It includes both the employed and the unemployed While national practices vary in the treatment of such groups as the armed forces and seasonal or part-time workers, in general the labor force includes the armed forces, the unemployed, and first-time job-seekers, but excludes homemakers and other unpaid caregivers and workers in the informal sector For more information, see World Development Indicators Table 2 2
labor force
a group consisting of persons who are either working or looking for work
labor force
The number of people over the age of 16 who are either employed or unemployed
labor force
All civilians who are working or actively looking for work, plus members of the Armed Forced stationed in the U S
labor force
– the population 15 years old and over whether employed or unemployed who contribute to the production of goods and services in the country (National Statistics Office)
labor force
consists of anyone who is 16 years or older, not in an institution, and is working
labor force
The economically active population (Labor Force) who is either employed or unemployed as defined above at the time of the survey
labor force
All employed and unemployed persons The labor force participation rate is the ratio of the labor force to the working age population
labor force
Residents of a nation that are 16 or older, non-institutionalized, and either working or actively seeking work
labor force
all of the wage-earning workers
labor force
Persons aged 15 to 64 either employed or actively seeking work, comprise a labor force
labor force
This entry contains the total labor force figure
labor force
- those who are working or actively seeking work
labor force
the source of trained people from which workers can be hired
labor force
The number of individuals in an economy that are either employed or unemployed and actively seeking employment Individuals who are unemployed and not actively seeking employment are considered out of the labor force
labor force
Labor force by place of residence Estimates represent the sum of the average annual employed (V105) and unemployed (V106) persons by place of residence "Place of residence" estimates were developed with data secured from establishments and adjusted to remove the effects of commuting and multiple jobholding This variable is an annual average of monthly data for the calendar year 1990, 1991, and 1992 data have been revised and are not comparable to previous years For more information call the Employment Security Commission at (919)733-2936 Source: Department of Commerce
labor force
The total number of employed and unemployed people in the economy
labor force
All persons over age 16 who are either working for pay or actively seeking paid employment
labor force
The number of people who have jobs or who are available for work and are actively seeking jobs The labor force participation rate is the labor force as a percentage of the noninstitutional population age 16 or older [Back to top]
labor force
Persons are classified as in the labor force if they are employed, unemployed, or in the Armed Forces during the survey week
labor force
Those people either who have jobs or who are looking for work the figures are obtained through monthly inquiry from a rotating sample of households
labor grade
(Ticaret) A labor classification that indicates capabilities and sometimes an associated pay range and ranking against other labor grades
labor intensive
requires a lot of work, requires a lot on manpower, needs many workers
labor laws
laws dealing with work issues
labor leader
a leader of a labor movement
labor market
a "place" in economic theory where labor demand and supply interact
labor market
Those organizations performing related types of work, in related industries and/or locations that compete for employees with similar knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics For example, the labor market for FAA includes those contractors who hire similar types of employees to perform similar types of work
labor market
An area large or small in which people are selling their skills and/or knowledge (seller) to employers who are purchasing skills and/or knowledge (buyer) in exchange for wages and other benefits Through this exchange, employers are able to purchase the labor they need to transfer raw materials onto foods and services and workers can earn income to support themselves and others
labor market
the market in which labor services are bought and sold
labor market
supply of labor versus the demand
labor market
The geographical area that normally encompasses the claimant's normal occupation This area varies, depending on the type of employment A person who works as a cashier may have a labor market of a section of a city, while a person who normally works as a seafaring merchant marine may have a labor market which is world-wide
labor market
the market in which workers compete for jobs and employers compete for workers
labor market
The labor market refers to the area from where a replacement worker for a given job would generally originate It can vary for each job in the organization based on where a replacement worker would likely be found For instance, the labor market for a CEO will likely be defined as average rate paid for CEO's at similarly-sized organizations nation-wide Since it could very well take a nation-wide search to fill a position like this, it is important to be competitive at a nation-wide level For a position like Secretary or Customer Service Representative the labor market will generally be defined as local to the organization but may not vary by size of organization as a qualified pool of candidates could very well exist in the local area
labor mobility
ability to change a job role and/or the location of employment
labor mobilization
change of job roles and/or employment location
labor movement
an organized attempt by workers to improve their status by united action especially via labor unions (especially the leaders of this movement)
labor movement
movement of workers who seek to improve their situation through joint action (often through labor unions)of the land
labor of love
productive work performed voluntarily without material reward or compensation
labor pain
pain and discomfort associated with contractions of the uterus during labor
labor pains
pains of child-birth, sharp aches that accompany child-birth
labor party
{i} workers' political party, political party that stresses the rights and privileges of workers
labor practice
work force management (within a company)
labor principles
39 types of work that are forbidden on the Sabbath (according to Jewish law)
labor rate variance
(Ticaret) The cost variance created by reporting labor hours with a pay rate higher or lower than the standard pay rate, while assuming the actual hours worked were equal to the standard
labor relations
Those formal activities developed by an organization to negotiate and bargain with its workforce, whether or not that workforce is unionized
labor relations
Work that involves establishing and maintaining effective relationships - including the use of non-traditional collaborative approaches - with labor organizations that represent Federal employees, negotiating and administering labor agreements, and providing guidance and consultation to management on a variety of labor relations matters
labor relations
The process through which management and workers identify and determine the job relations that will be in effect at the workplace
labor relations
relations between workers and employers
labor resources
resources of available manpower
labor turnover
- changes in the employment of an establishment during a reference period resulting from accessions and separations
labor turnover
The relationship between employee hirings and separations
labor turnover
The continuing flows of people into and out of the labor force, employment and unemployment, and various jobs (p 406)
labor turnover
– changes in the employment of an establishment during a reference period resulting from accessions and separations
labor union
union of workers who have joined together to protect their rights
labor union
A labor union is an organization that represents the rights and interests of workers to their employers, for example in order to improve working conditions or wages. An organization of wage earners formed for the purpose of serving the members' interests with respect to wages and working conditions. an organization that represents the ordinary workers in a particular trade or profession, especially in meetings with employers British Equivalent: trade union
labor utilization
(Ticaret) The measure of the labor hours recorded against production activities vs. the hours available or scheduled for a given period
labor work center
(Ticaret) A work center where the specified capacity is constrained by labor availability instead of machine availability
requiring a large expenditure of labor but not much capital; "cottage industries are labor intensive
(Ticaret) A product or product line that requires a higher usage of direct labor as compared to other products that make more use of automation. Labor- intensive products may be candidates for outsourcing unless there is a unique skill set required
labor-intensive industrial zone
area of accelerated industrial growth
conserving work forces, conserving man hours
back labor
Intense pain in one's back while in labor (giving birth)
child labor
The employment of children who are under the legal (or generally recognised) minimum age
day labor
Work done where the worker is hired and paid one day at a time, with no promise that more work will be available in the future
forced labor
Work which one is compelled to perform against one's will, especially in a condition of involuntary servitude as a prisoner or slave

The outcry over forced labor is a serious blow to the ruling Communist Party.

Simple past tense and past participle of labor
Present participle of labor
To belabour, to emphasise or expand upon (a point in a debate, etc)

I think we've all got the idea. There's no need to labour the point.

A political party or force aiming or claiming to represent the interests of labour
The time period during which a mother gives birth
Of writing or speech or similar, stilted or not natural due to too much effort being used in the production
Simple past tense and past participle of labour
Present participle of labour
manual labor
Any work done by hand; usually implying it is unskilled or physically demanding
touch labor
The hands-on production or technical aspects of a task or service at the operational level of an organization
Short for the Labour Party
{i} Labor party, political party (alternate spelling for labor)
Of an action that is difficult to perform
lacking natural ease; "a labored style of debating
past of labor
requiring or showing effort; "heavy breathing"; "the subject made for labored reading"
{s} done with difficulty, heavy (as of breathing); forced, constrained; artificial, unnatural
lacking natural ease; "a labored style of debating"
Bearing marks of labor and effort; elaborately wrought; not easy or natural; as, labored poetry; a labored style
the American spelling of laboured
doing arduous or unpleasant work; "drudging peasants"; "the bent backs of laboring slaves picking cotton"; "toiling coal miners in the black deeps"
Suffering pain or grief
US, present participle of labor
performing coarse, heavy work, not requiring skill also, set apart for labor; as, laboring days
That labors; performing labor; esp
plural of labor
third-person singular of labor
An engine which is struggling to keep turning due to lack of revs or the use of too high a gear
human effort employed directly in production
To toil, to work
a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages; "there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
In Britain, people use Labour to refer to the Labour Party. They all vote Labour
Effort expended on a particular task; toil, work
la·bour labours labouring laboured in AM, use labor
The act of a mother giving birth
Labour is very hard work, usually physical work. the labour of seeding, planting and harvesting The chef at the barbecue looked up from his labours; he was sweating. see also hard labour
concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of labor to the birth of a child; "she was in labor for six hours"
the number of hours people work in producing goods and services (chapters 2 and 5)
work hard; "She was digging away at her math homework"; "Lexicographers drudge all day long"
The mental and physical training and talents of people; sometimes called human resources
To belabour, to emphasize or expand upon (a point in a debate, etc)
{i} work, toil; craft; entire body of workers; status of workers; work force; contractions of childbirth; childbirth (alternate spelling for labor)
Someone who labours works hard using their hands. peasants labouring in the fields Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years
strive and make an effort to reach a goal; "She tugged for years to make a decent living"; "We have to push a little to make the deadline!"; "She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
Workers in general; the working class, the workforce; sometimes specifically the labour movement, organised labour
One of the processes by which A acquires property for B
Onset of regular painful contractions associated with cervical dilatation or effacement and decent of the presenting part
The work done by a group of workers or by a particular worker is referred to as their labour. The unemployed cannot withdraw their labour -- they have no power
Labour is one of the primary factor inputs into production The term 'labour' refers to productive activity provided by humans, including physical effort, intellectual powers, trade skills, etc
A Labour politician or voter is a member of a Labour Party or votes for a Labour Party. a Labour MP Millions of Labour voters went unrepresented
employees with little supervisory responsibility whose main task is the production of goods and services
productive work (especially physical work done for wages); "his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
Time when the baby is about to be born
{f} work, toil; bother, take pains; become weary, become tired; make an effort; move heavily; be delayed; make weary, make tired
undergo the efforts of childbirth
Labour is used to refer to the workers of a country or industry, considered as a group. Latin America lacked skilled labour They were cheap labour
If you labour under a delusion or misapprehension, you continue to believe something which is not true. She laboured under the illusion that I knew what I was doing You seem to be labouring under considerable misapprehensions
If you labour a point or an argument, you keep making the same point or saying the same thing, although it is unnecessary. I don't want to labour the point but there it is
The economically productive capabilities of humans, their physical and mental talents as applied to the production of goods and services
If you labour to do something, you do it with difficulty. For twenty-five years now he has laboured to build a religious community. a young man who's labouring under all kinds of other difficulties. = struggle
a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and the socialization of key industries
See Labour; Labour Party; political party aiming or claiming to represent the interests of labour
Labour is the last stage of pregnancy, in which the baby is gradually pushed out of the womb by the mother. I thought the pains meant I was going into labour. the British Labour Party under Labour. In economics, the general body of wage earners. In classical economics, labour is one of the three factors of production, along with capital and land. Labour can also be used to describe work performed, including any valuable service rendered by a human agent in the production of wealth, other than accumulating and providing capital. Labour is performed for the sake of its product or, in modern economic life, for the sake of a share of the aggregate product of the community's industry. The price per unit of time, or wage rate, commanded by a particular kind of labour in the market depends on a number of variables, such as the technical efficiency of the worker, the demand for that person's particular skills, and the supply of similarly skilled workers. Other variables include training, experience, intelligence, social status, prospects for advancement, and relative difficulty of the work. All these factors make it impossible for economists to assign a standard value to labour. Instead, economists often quantify labour hours according to the quantity and value of the goods or services produced. child labour division of labour International Labour Organization Israel Labour Party labour economics labour law Labour Party labour union migrant labour
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