
listen to the pronunciation of kurt
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Bilgisayar) basıklık
التركية - التركية
(Osmanlı Dönemi) (A) (C.: Kırta-Kırat) Küpe
Bir yeri, bir şeyi iyi bilen
Güney gök küresinde, Akrep ile Boğa arasında bulunan takımyıldız
Yumuşak vücutlu, uzun gövdeli, omurgasız, bacaksız, ayaksız veya çok ilkel ayaklı küçük hayvan
Bazı böceklere veya bazı böcek larvalarına verilen ad
Bir yeri, bir şeyi iyi bilen. İşini iyi bilen, aldanmaz, kurnaz: "Deminden beri sus pus olmuş, fırsat bekleyen kurt müşterilerin ilk defa sesi duyuluyor."- H. Taner
Köpekgillerden, Avrupa, Asya ve Kuzey Amerika'da yaşayan, gri sarı renkli, yırtıcı, etçil memeli hayvan (Canis lupus): "Kurt kocayınca köpeklere maskara olur."- Atasözü
Güney gök kürede, Akrep ile boğa arasında bulunan takım yıldız
İşini iyi bilen, aldanmaz, kurnaz
Köpekgillerden, Avrupa, Asya ve Kuzey Amerika'da yaşayan, gri sarı renkli, yırtıcı, etçil memeli hayvan (Canis lupus)
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ŞEYZUMAN
(Osmanlı Dönemi) LU'LU'
(Osmanlı Dönemi) AS'ÂS
(Osmanlı Dönemi) KILLÎB
(Osmanlı Dönemi) SİLFED
(Osmanlı Dönemi) HIM'
(Osmanlı Dönemi) EVS
(Osmanlı Dönemi) HALÎ'
(Osmanlı Dönemi) AMELLES
(Osmanlı Dönemi) SELFE
(Osmanlı Dönemi) VELLAS
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ERSAH
(Osmanlı Dönemi) HAYTEUR
kurt ağzı
(Denizcilik) Bastika, tel halat veya zincirlerin istikametlerini muhafaza etmek ya da değiştirmek için kullanılan tertibat veya araçlar. Halat veya zincir bu sayede makara, tambura vesaireye düz bir şekilde ve karışmadan girer. Bu tertibat, kılavuz tamburalı, makaralı veya zincir ya da tel halatın kolaylıkla üzerinde kayabildiği düz delik veya yuvalarda olabilir
kurt üzümü
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Elips şeklindeki parlak kırmızı renkte meyve veren boyu 1 ile 3 metre arasında değişen yüksek bir çalı türüdür. Goji bitkisi Çin ve Moğolistan’da doğal olarak yetişir
kurt baklası
kurt bilimci
Kurt bilimi ile uğraşan kimse
kurt bilimi
Solucanların yapılarını, yaşayışlarını ve yaptıkları hastalıklarla, bu hastalıklara karşı mücadeleyi anlatan asalak bilimi dalı, helmintoloji
kurt kapanı
Güreşte rakibi alta düşürdükten sonra üstüne oturarak uylukları arasında ayak bağlama, bir yandan da iki kolu altından el geçirerek ağırlığı bel üzerine verme
kurt kuyusu
Dibine ucu sivri bir kazık çakılmış ve koni biçiminde kazılmış, tuzak olarak kullanılan derin çukur
kurt kuş
Bütün yaratıklar, bütün canlılar
kurt köpeği
Kurt ve köpek kırması bir köpek türü
kurt mantarı
Tazeyken yenebilen, olgunlaştığında basılınca sporlar saçan, beyaz renkli, yuvarlak biçimli, bazitli bir mantar (Lycoperdon)
kurt masalı
Birini oyalamak, kendini suçsuz göstermek için ileri sürülen gereksiz, inandırıcı olmayan sözler
kurt sineği
Kurtlara dadanan bir sinek türü
kurt yeniği
Kurt tarafından yenilen yer
kurt yeniği
bakınız: bit yeniği
eski kurt
Bir işin hileli yanlarını bilen ve kolay aldatılmayan kimse
eski kurt
Mesleğinde uzmanlaşmış olan kimse
kancalı kurt
İpsiler familyasından, 10 mm boyunda, ağzı çift çengelli, ince bağırsaklarda yaşayan asalak solucan
keseli kurt
Genellikle omurgalılarda, kasların içinde gelişen şerit kurtçuklarının genel adı (Cysticercus)
yeleli kurt
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A male given name borrowed from German, a contracted form of Konrad
Cobain Kurt Eisner Kurt Gödel Kurt Jooss Kurt Lewin Kurt Schleicher Kurt von Schuschnigg Kurt von Schwitters Kurt Vonnegut Kurt Jr. Waldheim Kurt Weill Kurt Julian
{i} male first name; family name
borrowed from German, a contracted form of Konrad
Kurt Cobain
born Feb. 20, 1967, Aberdeen, Wash., U.S. died April 5, 1994, Seattle, Wash. U.S. rock musician. He formed the rock trio Nirvana in Aberdeen in 1986. The band, whose style derived from punk rock, combined the fury of that genre with anguished lyrics, a style that, together with their torn jeans and flannel shirts, became known as grunge rock. Their first album, Bleach (1989), was followed by Nevermind (1991), featuring the hit "Smells Like Teen Spirit"; it was the first punk-oriented album to achieve popularity with a mainstream audience. Cobain was elevated to prominence, but with the album In Utero (1993) he railed against his fame. Known for his self-destructive behaviour and heroin use, he shot and killed himself in his home
Kurt Cobain
(1967-1994), American lead singer of the rock group "Nirvana" who committed suicide by shotgun
Kurt Eisner
born May 14, 1867, Berlin, Prussia died Feb. 21, 1919, Munich, Ger. German journalist and politician. From 1898 he was editor of Vorwärts, the official Social Democratic Party newspaper. He joined the Independent Social Democratic Party in 1917, later becoming its leader. In November 1918 he organized a Socialist revolution that overthrew the monarchy in Bavaria, and he became first prime minister and minister of foreign affairs of the new Bavarian republic. In February 1919 he was assassinated by a reactionary zealot
Kurt Goedel
(1906-1978) Czech mathematician and logician
Kurt Gödel
born April 28, 1906, Brünn, Austria-Hungary died Jan. 14, 1978, Princeton, N.J., U.S. Austrian-born U.S. mathematician and logician. He began his career on the faculty of the University of Vienna, where he produced his groundbreaking proof (see Gödel's theorem) in the early 1930s. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1940 and taught at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. There his close friendship with Albert Einstein led him into the field of general relativity theory and to solutions of some of Einstein's equations. A quiet and unassuming man, Gödel did not at first recognize the importance of his famous theorem, and later in life he declined many of the honours that it brought him
Kurt Jooss
born Jan. 12, 1901, Wasseralfingen, Ger. died May 22, 1979, Heilbronn, W.Ger. German dancer, teacher, and choreographer. After studying dance with Rudolf Laban (1920-24), he established a school and company. He became ballet master at the Essen Opera House in 1930, where he choreographed his signature ballet, The Green Table (1932). He moved his school and company to England in 1934, and his renamed Ballets Jooss toured worldwide until disbanding in 1947. He returned in 1949 to Essen, where he continued to choreograph works that combined ballet and modern dance in an Expressionist style
Kurt Jr. Vonnegut
v. born Nov. 11, 1922, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S. U.S. novelist. He attended Cornell University and the University of Chicago. Captured by the Germans during World War II, he also survived the Allied firebombing of Dresden, an experience he made part of his novel Slaughterhouse-Five (1969; film, 1972). His pessimistic and satirical novels use fantasy and science fiction to highlight the horrors and ironies of 20th-century civilization. They include Player Piano (1952), Cat's Cradle (1963), Breakfast of Champions (1973), Galápagos (1985), and Timequake (1997). He also wrote plays and collections of short stories
Kurt Julian Weill
born March 2, 1900, Dessau, Ger. died April 3, 1950, New York. N.Y., U.S. German-born U.S. composer. Son of a cantor, by age 15 he was working as a theatre accompanist. He studied composition briefly with Engelbert Humperdinck, and a conductor's post gave him wide experience. For a master class with Ferruccio Busoni (1920), he wrote his first symphony. He gained attention with his one-act opera Der Protagonist (1925); its sparse and spiky style prefigured that of his greatest works. In 1927 he teamed with Bertolt Brecht to write The Threepenny Opera (1928) in a new "cabaret" style; the musical had enormous success in Berlin and elsewhere. In 1930 the two produced The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny. When the Nazis took power in 1933, he fled to Paris with his wife, Lotte Lenya, where he wrote The Seven Deadly Sins (1933). In 1935 the couple immigrated to the U.S.; there he collaborated on musicals such as Knickerbocker Holiday (1938) and Lost in the Stars (1949). Two of his songs, the "Morität" ("Mack the Knife") from Threepenny Opera and "September Song" from Knickerbocker Holiday, have remained especially popular
Kurt Lewin
born Sept. 9, 1890, Mogilno, Ger. died Feb. 12, 1947, Newtonville, Mass., U.S. German-U.S. social psychologist. After training and teaching in Berlin, he immigrated to the U.S., where he taught at the University of Iowa (1935-45) and later became director of a group dynamics research centre at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1945-47). He is best known for his field theory of behaviour, which holds that human behaviour is a function of an individual's psychological environment. To fully understand and predict human behaviour, according to Lewin, one must view the totality of events in a person's psychological field, or "lifespace." His works include A Dynamic Theory of Personality (1935) and Field Theory in Social Science (1951)
Kurt Schwitters
born June 20, 1887, Hannover, Ger. died Jan. 8, 1948, Little Langdale, Westmorland, Eng. German Dada artist and poet. Associated with the Berlin Dadaists from 1918, he moved back to Hannover in 1924. He assembled collages and other constructions from everyday objects (train tickets, wooden spools, newspapers, postage stamps); his poems were composites of newspaper headlines, advertising slogans, and other printed ephemera. He referred to all his artistic activities and later to all his daily activities and even to himself as Merz, the syllable left when he snipped letters from Kommerzbank ("Commercial Bank"). When the Nazis declared his art "degenerate" in 1937, he moved to Norway and later to England
Kurt Vonnegut
(born 1922) American author
Kurt Waldheim
Austrian statesman and diplomat
Kurt Waldheim
born Dec. 21, 1918, Sankt Andrä-Wördern, Austria Fourth secretary-general of the United Nations (1972-81). After military service in the German army before and during World War II, he entered the Austrian foreign service and served successively as ambassador to Canada (1958-60) and the UN (1964-68, 1970-71) and as foreign minister (1968-70). Elected to succeed U Thant as UN secretary-general, he served two terms, during which he oversaw disaster relief in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, and Guatemala and peacekeeping missions in Cyprus, the Middle East, Angola, and Guinea. Denied a third term, he returned to Austria and ran for president in 1986. His candidacy became controversial when it was learned that he had been a member of the Nazi Party and had served in a German army unit that had deported most of the Jewish population of the Greek town of Salonika to Nazi death camps in 1943. Elected nonetheless, he was diplomatically isolated throughout his term (1986-92)
Kurt Weill
a German composer, who wrote the music for The Threepenny Opera, for which Bertolt Brecht wrote the words (1900-50). born March 2, 1900, Dessau, Ger. died April 3, 1950, New York. N.Y., U.S. German-born U.S. composer. Son of a cantor, by age 15 he was working as a theatre accompanist. He studied composition briefly with Engelbert Humperdinck, and a conductor's post gave him wide experience. For a master class with Ferruccio Busoni (1920), he wrote his first symphony. He gained attention with his one-act opera Der Protagonist (1925); its sparse and spiky style prefigured that of his greatest works. In 1927 he teamed with Bertolt Brecht to write The Threepenny Opera (1928) in a new "cabaret" style; the musical had enormous success in Berlin and elsewhere. In 1930 the two produced The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny. When the Nazis took power in 1933, he fled to Paris with his wife, Lotte Lenya, where he wrote The Seven Deadly Sins (1933). In 1935 the couple immigrated to the U.S.; there he collaborated on musicals such as Knickerbocker Holiday (1938) and Lost in the Stars (1949). Two of his songs, the "Morität" ("Mack the Knife") from Threepenny Opera and "September Song" from Knickerbocker Holiday, have remained especially popular
Kurt von Schleicher
born April 7, 1882, Brandenburg, Ger. died June 30, 1934, Berlin German army officer and last chancellor of the Weimar Republic. A career army officer, he rose to major general by 1929 and became a key figure in the Weimar Republic. His political intrigues helped secure for him the posts of defense minister (1932) and chancellor (1932-33). Seeking to keep the Nazis under the army's control, he offered to participate in a government with Adolf Hitler, but Hitler refused him and thereafter regarded Schleicher as his chief enemy. Dismissed by Paul von Hindenburg in favour of Hitler, Schleicher was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives
Kurt von Schuschnigg
However, on March 11 Germany invaded Austria and carried out the Anschluss, and Schuschnigg was imprisoned until the war ended. He later lived and taught in the U.S. (1948-67)
Kurt von Schuschnigg
born Dec. 14, 1897, Riva del Garda, Trento, Austria-Hungary died Nov. 18, 1977, Mutters, near Innsbruck, Austria Austrian politician and chancellor (1934-38). Elected to the Austrian parliament in 1927, he served in the government of Engelbert Dollfuss as minister of justice (1932) and education (1933-34). After Dollfuss was assassinated, Schuschnigg was named chancellor. He disbanded the paramilitary Heimwehr in 1936 and tried to prevent the German takeover of Austria. After making concessions to Adolf Hitler in February 1938, he sought to reassert national independence through a plebiscite to be held on March
التركية - الإنجليزية
(isim) Wolf

The boy said a wolf would come. - Çocuk bir kurtun geleceğini söyledi.

The boy cried Wolf, wolf! and the villagers came out to help him. - Kurt, kurt diye çocuk bağırdı! ve köylüler ona yardım etmek için dışarı çıktılar.


Hookworm is a worm, a parasite of man, that sticks to the small intestine. - Kancalı kurt bir kurttur, ince bağırsağa yapışan bir insan paraziti.

Worms are sometimes beneficial to soil. - Kurtlar bazen toprağa yararlıdır.

shrewd person
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji,Latin) canis lupus
(Biyoloji) gapeworm
old hand
hard boiled
(Tabiat Doğa) (hayvan) [syn.: kurt, solucan, askarit] worm

Mary was rescued by a handsome firefighter. - Mary yakışıklı bir itfaiyecil tarafından kurtarıldı.

The rescue workers are going to hand out supplies to the victims of the earthquake. - Kurtarma ekipleri depremin kurbanlarına malzeme dağıtacak.

wolf; worm, maggot; shrewd person, old hand

His wounds were infested with flesh-eating maggots. - Onun yaraları et yiyen kurtçuklarla istila edildi.

I heard that a paralyzed man was eaten alive by maggots. - Ben felçli bir adamın kurtçuklar tarafından canlı canlı yenildiğini duydum.

{i} grub

He rescued the dog at the risk of his own life. - Kendi hayatını riske atarak köpeği kurtardı.

Can you tell wolves from dogs? - Kurtlarla köpekleri birbirinden ayırabilir misin?

eski kurt
kurt (takımyıldızı)
(Astronomi) wolf
kurt (takımyıldızı)
(Astronomi) lupus
kurt adam
kurt ağazı
(Askeri) chock
kurt bağrı
(Tıp) ligustrum vulgare
kurt boğan
(Tıp) aconitum napellus
kurt gibi
kurt gibi acıkmak
kurt gibi aç
kurt gibi saldırarak yeme
kurt gibi yemek
kurt helvası
dittany of crete
kurt köpeği
wolf dog
kurt masalı
(deyim) cock-and-bull story
kurt yemiş
kurt yeniği
worm hole
kurt ağzı
(Denizcilik) Fairlead
kurt adam
kurt adam olan
kurt aramak
kurt avcısı
kurt ayağı
ground pine
kurt ağızlı kavrama
claw clutch
kurt ağızlı kavrama
claw coupling
kurt balığı
kurt dişli
(Otomotiv) worm gear
kurt dişli
serrated plate
kurt dişli testere
gullet saw
kurt dişli ve sektör
(Otomotiv) worm and sector
kurt dişlisi
starting jaw
kurt dökmek
to pass worms
kurt dökmek
to pass a worm
kurt dökmek
kurt dökmek
pass a worm
kurt gibi
kurt gibi
kurt gibi
like a wolf

I have been living like a wolf trapped in a snare. - Kapana kıstırılmış bir kurt gibi yaşıyorum.

kurt gibi
kurt gibi acıkmak
to starve
kurt gibi aç
ravenous, peckish
kurt gibi aç
hungry as a hunter
kurt gibi aç
hungry as a wolf
kurt gibi aç
hungry as a bear
kurt gibi sessizce dolaşmak
pad along
kurt gibi yemek
to wolf
kurt gibi yemek yemek
eat like a horse
kurt helvası
(Tabiat Doğa) (bitki, Fam: ballıbabagiller,şefeviye) [syn.: kurt helvası, mangır otu, Girit diktamı] Cretan dittany
kurt ilacı
anti helminthic
kurt ile ilgili
kurt köpekleri
kurt köpeği
wolf dog, wolfhound
kurt köpeği
kurt mantarı
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) puff-ball
kurt pençesi
kurt politikacı
kurt sineği
kurt sineği
kurt sineği larvası
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) screwworm
kurt sürüsü
wolf pack
kurt yapan
kurt yapmak
to give someone/an animal worms, cause someone/an animal to be infested with worms
kurt yavrusu
kurt yavrusu
wolf cub
kurt yavrusu
kurt yemez
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) catalpa bignonioides
kurt yemiş
worm eaten
kurt yeniği
(kereste) worm hole
kurt yeniği
kurt üzümü
(Tıp) actaea spicata
kurt şeklinde
kuzu postunda kurt
wolf in sheep's clothing
kurt gibi yemek
dişi kurt
she wolf
emici kurt
(Askeri) fluke

Worms are sometimes beneficial to soil. - Kurtlar bazen toprağa yararlıdır.

Your dog has worms. Give him vitamins. - Köpeğinizin bağırsak kurtları var. Ona vitamin verin.

pembe kurt
pink bollworm
yuvarlak kurt
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) tinea
yuvarlak kurt
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) ringworm
yuvarlak kurt
kurt adam
kurt gibi
Hangi dağda kurt öldü
How come?
alman kurt köpeği
police dog
kurt gibi
kurt gibi
hungry as a wolf
kurt gibi
like a hungry wolf
kurt gibi saldırmak
to attack (a meal) like a ravenous wolf; to seize voraciously. acından ölmek 1. to starve to death. 2. to be dying of hunger. 3. to be very poor
kurt gibi yemek
to wolf
kurt gibi yemek
wolf down
benekli gri kurt
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) brindled gray wolf
beyaz kurt
white wolf
dişi kurt
bitch wolf
erkek kurt
eski kurt
eski kurt
old hand
hangi dağda kurt öldü
(Konuşma Dili) This is a nice surprise, but whatever made you/him do it?
ihtiyar kurt
old bird
içine kurt düşmek
to feel suspicious
içini bir kurt yemek/kemirmek
for a doubt to nag one
kendini kurt sanma
koyun postuna bürünmüş kurt
a wolf in sheep's clothing
kurt adam
{i} werewolf

Would you still love me if I wasn't a werewolf? - Ben bir kurt adam olmasam beni hala sever misin?

Mary thought that Tom wasn't at the Halloween party, but in fact he was secretly observing her from behind his werewolf mask. - Mary Tom'un cadılar bayramı partisinde olmadığını düşündü ama aslında o onu kurt adam maskesinin arkasından gizlice izliyordu.

sürüden ayrılanı kurt kapar
(Atasözü) A person who insists on going it alone is headed for trouble
tatlı kurt
cigarette beetle
yavru kurt
cub scout
yavru kurt
wolf cub
yaşlı kurt
elder statesman
yaşlı kurt
sly old fox
yuvarlak kurt
yuvarlak kurt
(Tabiat Doğa) (hayvan, Fam: yuvarlak kurtlar) roundworm, nematode