(Bilgisayar) When a file is new, much time can be wasted because the seeding client might send the same file piece to many different peers, while other pieces have not yet been downloaded at all. Some clients, like ABC, Vuze, BitTornado, TorrentStorm, and µTorrent have a "super-seed" mode, where they try to only send out pieces that have never been sent out before, theoretically making the initial propagation of the file much faster. However the super-seeding becomes less effective and may even reduce performance compared to the normal "rarest first" model in cases where some peers have poor or limited connectivity. This mode is generally used only for a new torrent, or one which must be re-seeded because no other seeds are available
Placing of good players in tournament competition so that they do not meet in early round play
Purchase seed at least 1 week before planting and germinate it in your refrigerator
The special case of initiation of ice crystal formation in undercooled water or aqueous solutions by the introduction of ice crystals
A system of ranking players entering a tournament so that the best players do not play against each other immediately This prevents the most skilled players from being eliminated too early in the competition
A method for ensuring that two or more routers agree about which physical networks correspond to which network numbers and zone names There are three options: non-seeding, soft seeding, and hard seeding Seeding can often be set separately for each router port See also hard seeding, non-seeding, seed router, and soft seeding
Planting of dummy names in a mailing list to check usage, delivery, or unauthorized reuse