
listen to the pronunciation of kunden…
ألمانية - التركية

تعريف kunden… في ألمانية التركية القاموس.


Son zamanlarda müşterilerimiz artmakta. - In letzter Zeit haben wir viele neue Kunden gewonnen.

Bu mağazanın birçok müşterisi vardır. - Dieses Geschäft hat viele Kunden.

الإنجليزية - التركية

تعريف kunden… في الإنجليزية التركية القاموس.

{i} gelenek

Çok sayıda eski gelenek yavaş yavaş ortadan kalkıyor. - Many old customs are gradually dying out.

Yurt dışında eğitim görerek, öğrenciler diğer görgü ve gelenekler ile temas kurabilirler. - By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs.

{i} görenek

Alman gelenek ve görenekleri hakkında benden daha çok biliyorsun. - You know more than I do about German customs and traditions.

Görenek nesilden nesile devredildi. - The custom was handed down from generation to generation.

{i} adet

O günlerde âdet olduğu üzere, genç yaşta evlendi. - As was the custom in those days, he married young.

Bu eski bir Amerikan âdeti. - That's an old American custom.

{i} alışkanlık

Hiç böyle garip bir alışkanlık duydunuz mu? - Did you ever hear of such a strange custom?


Gümrük memurları bütün gemiyi araştırdılar. - The customs officials searched the whole ship.

Bir gümrük beyanı gereklidir. - A customs declaration is required.

{i} töre

Onlar bizim törelerimize henüz alışkın değil. - They are not used to our customs yet.

{s} sipariş üzerine yapılmış

Hiç sipariş üzerine yapılmış bir şey yedin mi? - Have you ever had anything custom made?


Onlar bizim törelerimize henüz alışkın değil. - They are not used to our customs yet.

(Bilgisayar) özel ayarlar
davranış biçimi
davranış biçimi,özel
(sıfat) ısmarlama, sipariş üzerine yapılmış
ısmarlama üzerine çalışan customs union gümrük anlaşması
ısmarlama yapılmış
ألمانية - الإنجليزية
To make familiar; to accustom
Long-established practice, considered as unwritten law, and resting for authority on long consent; usage. See Usage, and Prescription
To have a custom

On a bridge he custometh to fight. Edmund Spenser.

See Usage, and Prescription
commonly done practice
A generally accepted practice or behaviour developed over time customary law Rules of conduct developed over time and enforceable in court debit Any transaction which sends money out of the country (e g payments for the import of goods) deep ecology A form of environmentalism holding that nature and the natural order should be valued over individual human happiness deficit Occurs when the value of a state's imports is more than the value of its exports delegate A representative role in which the individual subordinates his/her views to those of their constituents
To supply with customers
If the Telco indicates that their switch-type is Custom, then configure the switchtype on the router as basic-5ess (for BRI with 5ess switch), primary-5ess (for PRI with 5ess), basic-dms (for BRI with DMS switch), or primary-dms (for PRI with DMS)
a specific practice of long standing
Products and services created for specific orders or events that require nonstandard material, engineering or process resources and may incur extra cost
Walls designed specifically for one project and using parts and details specially made for this purpose
A custom is an activity, a way of behaving, or an event which is usual or traditional in a particular society or in particular circumstances. The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries Chung has tried to adapt to local customs
made according to the specifications of an individual
Duties or tolls imposed by law on commodities, imported or exported
made in a different way from usual, specially to fit ones needs
Many hobbyists and artists enjoy custom painting their original finish models to make them unique Some may reposition body parts, such as a leg or the tilt of the head, and even add hair mane and tails
Familiar acquaintance; familiarity
habitual practice, as in: In the United States, business people have the custom of shaking hands when they meet
principle source of international law; general practices which are accepted as legally binding rules of conduct for civilized nations
A generally accepted practice or behaviour developed over time
Kunden akquirieren
to canvass for customers
Kunden gewinnen
to acquire customers
Kunden höchster Bonität
blue-chip customers
Kunden verlieren
to lose customers
Kunden von Prostituierten
Kunden von Prostituierten
Kunden von Prostituierten
Kunden von Prostituierten
Kunden werben
to win customers
Kunden werben Kunden.
Customers solicit customers
Kunden zufriedenzustellen ist nicht so einfach wie es sich anhört. Dazu muss man
Satisfying customers is not as easy as it seems. For this purpose, you need to understand their expectations
Kunden, die wiederkommen
repeat clients
Abspenstigmachen eines Kunden
enticing away a customer
Abwerbung von Kunden
enticement of customers
Artikel in diesem Zustand können wir unseren Kunden nicht zumuten.
We cannot expect our customers to accept items in such a condition
Beistellungen (durch den Auftraggeber/Kunden)
free-issue parts
Betreuung von Kunden
Betreuung von Kunden
support service
Bündelvertrag (zwischen einem Versorgungsunternehmen und mehreren Kunden)
bundled contract (between a utility and several customers)
Das Sekretariat stellt die Schnittstelle zu unseren Kunden dar.
The secretary's office is the interface with our clients
Der Online-Händler vergibt für jeden Kunden eine einmalige Verschlüsselungsnumme
The online trader issues a unique encryption key for each customer
Die Bibliothek prüft die Möglichkeit, ihren Kunden E-Bücher anzubieten.
The library is investigating the possibility of offering e-books to their customers
Die Firma bietet ihren Kunden die Möglichkeit, alle Produkte in Augenschein zu n
The company offers its customers the opportunity to inspect all products
Die Kunden standen plötzlich ohne Unterstützung da (und mussten sehen, wie sie z
Customers were left high and dry
Die Stromanbieter können einen Großteil der Kosten auf ihre Kunden abwälzen.
Generators are able to pass on the major part of the cost to their customers
E-Mails von Kunden
e-mails from customers
Einzelhandelgeschäfte bieten ihren Kunden Fachberatung.
Retail shops provide their customers with specialist advice
Es kam zu einer lautstarken Auseinandersetzung zwischen Personal und Kunden.
An altercation occurred between staff and customers
Firmenveranstaltungen (für Kunden/Mitarbeiter)
corporate hospitality
Hast du von Kunden Rückmeldungen zum neuen System bekommen?
Have you had any feedback from customers on/about the new system?
Lockvogelangebot (Artikel, der unter seinem Wert verkauft wird, um Kunden anzulo
loss leader
OEM customers
Sie verdächtigt einen Kunden, die Tat begangen zu haben.
She suspects a customer of committing the offence
Steuerumwälzung (auf Kunden oder Lieferanten)
tax shifting
Steuerumwälzung (auf Kunden oder Lieferanten)
shifting of taxes (to customers or suppliers)
Unterbleibt die Rechtsbelehrung, erlischt das Widerrufsrecht des Kunden nicht.
If a notice of rights is not given, the consumer's right of cancellation shall not lapse
Was können wir tun, um unsere Kunden besser zu betreuen?
What can we do to serve our customers better?
Wechselquote (von Kunden zu anderen Anbietern)
churn rate
Wenn die Muster unseren Kunden zusagen, ...
If the samples meet with our customer's approval
Wir haben ein offenes Ohr für die Probleme unserer Kunden.
We listen to our customers' problems
Zahlungsfähigkeit (eines Geschäftspartners/Kunden)
(a business partner's/customer's) ability to pay
Zahlungsfähigkeit (eines Geschäftspartners/Kunden)
capacity to pay
abwerben (Kunden)
to steal
abwerben (Kunden)
to poach
anspruchsvolle Kunden/Kundinnen
upmarket consumers
anspruchsvolle Kunden/Kundinnen
upscale consumers
auf den Kunden zugeschnitten
auf den Kunden zuschneidend
auf den Kunden zuschneidend
betriebsfertiges Kunden-FFS
custom turnkey FMS
die Bindung von Kunden an das Unternehmen
the retention of customers
die Mehrkosten, die dem Kunden dadurch erwachsen
the additional costs being incurred by the client
die spontane Reaktion der Kunden
the customers' intuitional responses
einen Kunden bedienen
to attend to a customer
einen Kunden bedienen
to wait on a customer
einen Kunden bedienen
to serve a customer
etw. auf den Kunden zuschneiden
to customize
etw. auf den Kunden zuschneiden
to customise something (for a client)
für Kunden gebaut
im Auftrag des Kunden
on behalf of the client
im Geschäft einen Artikel für einen Kunden zurücklegen/weglegen
to put aside an article in a shop for a customer
jdm. Kunden abwerben
to solicit the custom/business of somebody
jdn. bedienen (Kunden)
to serve somebody (customer)
jdn. bedienen (Kunden)
to attend to somebody
jdn. bedienen (Kunden)
to wait on somebody
jdn. zu seinen Kunden zählen
to count somebody among your customers
mit einem Kunden beschäftigt sein
to attend to a customer
mit einem Kunden beschäftigt sein
to serve a customer
mit einem Kunden beschäftigt sein
to wait on a customer
monopolabhängige Kunden
captive customers
mögliche Kunden
mögliche Kunden
would-be buyers
mögliche Kunden
prospective customers
mögliche Kunden
prospective buyers
neue Kunden ansprechen
to attract new custom/patronage
potentielle Kunden abschrecken
to put off potential customers