kripto bilimi

listen to the pronunciation of kripto bilimi
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Askeri) cryptology
The practice of analysing encoded messages, in order to decode them
{n} a very doubtful language, a whisper
The science that encompasses both cryptography and cryptanalysis See also cryptanalysis; cryptography
Secret or enigmatical language
the study of both cryptography and cryptanalysis
The science of transforming confidential information to make it unreadable to non-authorized parties (see also Public Key, Private Key, DES, RSA, Algorithm)
Another scientific area wherein the results from information theory are applied is cryptology Since the term cryptology is a contraction of the Greek words "kruptos" and "logos", it literally means the study of hiding As such, it deals among others with the development of methods for the enciphering and deciphering of messages"
  The science that deals with hidden, disguised, or encrypted communications   It embraces communications security and communications intelligence [JP1] (188)
The practice or art of encoding messages into secret code or cipher
The science of secret writing in all its forms, covering both crytography and cryptanalysis
The study of techniques that can be used to conceal information, or reveal information that has been previously concealed; that is, the combination of cryptanalysis, cryptography and steganography See also: Cryptanalysis Cryptography Decryption Encryption Plaintext Public Key Cryptography Private Key (or Symmetric) Cryptography Steganography
The branch of knowledge which treats of the principles of cryptography and cryptanalytics
the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms
The science and study of cryptanalysis and cryptography
The study of secretive communication, including both cryptography and cryptanalysis
The science that includes making secret messages Cryptography, and reading those messages anyway Cryptoanalysis
The branch of mathematics concerned with cryptography and cryptanalysis
The science which deals with hidden, disguised, or encrypted communications
the combined fields of cryptanalysis and cryptography
kripto bilimi