
listen to the pronunciation of kodu
التركية - الإنجليزية
Of a patient, to suffer a sudden medical emergency such as cardiac arrest
A very short abbreviation, often with little correlation to the item it represents

You assigned the same unique code to two intake-categories, causing a database error!.

To categorise by assigning identifiers from a schedule, for example CPT coding for medical insurance purposes
A computer program, or more generally, any defined computing process
To code something means to give it a code or to mark it with its code. He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely
Any system of rules or regulations relating to one subject; as, the medical code, a system of rules for the regulation of the professional conduct of physicians; the naval code, a system of rules for making communications at sea means of signals
A system used to obscure a message by use of a cipher, mark, symbol, sound, innocuous verse, or piece of music ("Two lanterns in the church tower ")
convert ordinary language into code; "We should encode the message for security reasons"
To write software programs
Computer code is a system or language for expressing information and instructions in a form which can be understood by a computer. see also bar code, Highway Code, machine code, morse code, postcode, zip code. System of symbols and rules used for expressing information according to an unvarying rule for replacing a piece of information from one system, such as a letter, word, or phrase, with an arbitrarily selected equivalent in another system. Substitution ciphers are similar to codes except that the rule for replacing the information is known only to the transmitter and the intended recipient of the information. Binary code and other machine languages used in digital computers are examples of codes. Elaborate commercial codes were developed during the early 20th century (see Jean M.E. Baudot, Samuel F. B. Morse). In recent years more advanced codes have been developed to accommodate computer data and satellite communications. See also ASCII, cryptography. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Beginner's All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code bar code binary code building code Clarendon Code genetic code German Civil Code Hammurabi Code of Justinian Code of law code machine code Morse code Napoleonic Code Code Civil slave code Universal Product Code zip code black codes
1 A system of symbols or signals for representing information, and the rules for associating them
n 1 Trad any representation of actions to be performed, whether conceptual or as an actual object, such as forms, lambda expressions, objects of type function, text in a source file, or instruction sequences in a compiled file This is a generic term; the specific nature of the representation depends on its context 2 (of a character) a character code
A system of characters and rules for representing information in a language capable of being understood and used by a computer Code can be in the form of alphanumeric characters or binary data that can be directly executed by a computer
a coding system used for transmitting messages requiring brevity or secrecy (computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones) attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later
Symbols or values which stand for symbols, values, sequences, or even operations (as in computer "opcodes") As opposed to a cipher, which operates only on individual characters or bits, classically, codes also represent words, phrases, and entire sentences One application was to decrease the cost of telegraph messages In modern usage, a code is often simply a correspondence between information (such as character symbols) and values (such as the ASCII code or Base-64), although computer opcodes do have independent meanings and variable lengths Coding is a very basic part of modern computation and generally implies no secrecy or information hiding Some codes are "secret codes," however, and then the transformation between the information and the coding is kept secret Also see: cryptography and substitution
attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later"
In popular usage, a code is a compilation of statutes Statutes are generally divided into topics (e g criminal, corporate, etc ) These topics are called "titles" and are generally given a number No matter who the publisher is, the numbering system will remain the same because it is decided by the legislature
Source code
(computer science) the symbolic arrangement of data or instructions in a computer program or the set of such instructions
kodu çalıştır
(Bilgisayar) run script
komut kodu
instruction code
konu gösterge kodu
(Askeri) subject indicator code
konu tanıma kodu
(Askeri) subject identification code
konum kodu
position code
koordine evrensel saat; birlik türü kodu
(Askeri) Coordinated Universal Time; unit type code
alan kodu
area code
aksam kodu
(Bilgisayar) feature code
bölüm kodu
(Ticaret) segment code
damga kodu
(Bilgisayar) character code
dil kodu
(Bilgisayar) language code
evrensel ürün kodu
universal product code
fatura kodu
(Bilgisayar) billing code
harita kodu
(Askeri) map code
harita kodu
(Askeri) geographic code
hata düzeltme kodu
(Bilgisayar) error correction code
hata düzeltme kodu
error-correcting code
hesap kodu
(Politika, Siyaset,Ticaret) account code
kimlik kanıtlama kodu
(Bilgisayar) authentication code
(Bilgisayar) script
lisans kodu
(Bilgisayar) license code
makine kodu
(Bilgisayar) executable code
meteoroloji kodu
(Askeri) weather code
mobil şebeke kodu
(Telekom) mobile network code
morse kodu
(Telekom) morse code
motor kodu
(Otomotiv) engine code
neden kodu
(Bilgisayar) reason code
pin kodu
pin code
posta kodu
(Bilgisayar) zip or postal code
swift kodu
swift code
uyumluluk kodu
(Bilgisayar) compatibility code
yönetim kodu
(Bilgisayar) management code
zaman kodu
(Bilgisayar) timecode

Adding comments makes it easier to read the code. - Yorum eklemek kodu okumayı daha kolay hale getirir.

The country code for calling Italy is 39. - İtalya'yı arama için ülke kodu 39'dur.

dedi kodu
said code
güvenlik kodu
Security code
code of
source code

Show me the source code. - Bana kaynak kodunu göster.

Do you have the source code? - Senin kaynak kodun var mı?

Amerika Standart Bilgi Mübadelesi Kodu
(Askeri) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Birim Tür Kodu Sarfiyat Faktörleri Dosyaı
(Askeri) Unit Type Code Consumption Factors File
Birleşik Devletler Kodu; enrevsel hizmet sözleşmesi
(Askeri) United States Code; universal service contract
Dünya Alan Kodu Temel Ansiklopedisi
(Askeri) World Area Code Basic Encyclopedia
Federal Talimatlar Kodu
(Askeri) Code of Federal Regulations
Göçmenlik ve Uyruğa Geçirme Servisi; atalet seyrüsefer sistemi; kodu giriniz
(Askeri) Immigration and Naturalization Service; inertial navigation system; insert code
Savunma Bakanlığı işlem makamları kodu
(Askeri) Department of Defense activity address code
Savunma Bakanlığı tanı kodu
(Askeri) Department of Defense identification code
ahlak kodu
(Ticaret) ethics code
alfabe kodu
(Askeri) alphabet code
amerika'nın ülke kodu nedir
What is the country code of the USA
ana gösterge kodu; nakit ödeme; kişi tanımlama kodu; uçağı idare eden pilot
(Askeri) parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; pilot in command
anti-damping kodu
(Hukuk) anti-dumping code
avrupa ülke kodu
(Telekom) european country code
bant kodu
tape code
birlik seviye kodu
(Askeri) unit level code
birlik tanımlayıcı kodu
(Askeri) unit descriptor code
birlik tanıtma kodu
(Askeri) unit identification code
birlik tanıtma kodu bilgi subayı
(Askeri) unit identification code information officer
buyruk kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) order code
bölge kodu
area code
coğrafi konum; coğrafi konum kodu
(Askeri) geographic location; geographic location code
darbe kodu
pulse code
delikli şerit kodu
(Bilgisayar) punched tape code
denetim kodu
control code
denetleme kodu
(Askeri) checking code
deniz kuvvetleri mühimmatı lojistik kodu
(Askeri) naval ammunition logistic code
depo takip kodu
(Gıda) stock keeping unit code
derleyici kodu
(Bilgisayar) compiler code
durdurma kodu
stop code
en az aralık kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) minimum distance code
en az erişim kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) minimum access code
en az geciktirme kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) minimum delay code
faal görev birliği teşhis kodu
(Askeri) active duty unit identification code
girdi komut kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) input instruction code
gray kodu
(Bilgisayar) gray code
grup kodu
group code
gönderen makam kodu
(Askeri) routing indicator code
gümrük kodu
(Ticaret) statt code
güvenlik sınıflandırma kodu; Uzay Kontrol Merkezi; Standart Koordinasyon Komites
(Askeri) security classification code; Space Control Center (USSPACECOM); Standards Coordinating Committee
güç kodu
power code
hareket kodu
(Bilgisayar) transaction code
harita koordinat kodu
(Askeri) map coordinate code
harita referans kodu
(Askeri) map reference code
hata bulma kodu
error-detecting code
hata kodu
error code
hava nakliyatı öncelik kodu
(Askeri) air priority identification
html kodu
(Bilgisayar) html code
iletim kontrol kodu; ulaştırma unsur komutanlığı
(Askeri) transmission control code; transportation component command
intikal gösterge kodu
(Askeri) deployment indicator code
istihbarat konu kodu
(Askeri) intelligence subject code
işaret kodu
signal code
işletim kodu
operation code
işlevsel bölge kodu
(Askeri) functional area code
kablo renk kodu
cable colour code
karakter kodu
character code
kart kodu
card code
karşılık kodu
answerback code
kuvvet birlik tanıtma kodu
(Askeri) service unit identification code
kuvvet gösterge kodu
(Askeri) force indicator code
lamba kodu
lamp codes
mesaj kodu
(Ticaret) message code
minimum erişim kodu
minimum access code
minimum gecikme kodu
minimum delay code
mobil ülke kodu
(Telekom) mobile country code
muhabere istihbaratı özel işlem kodu
(Askeri) special handling designator
mühimmat kodu
(Askeri) DOD ammunition code
müşterek birlik tanıtım kodu
(Askeri) joint unit identification code
parça tesirli kodu
(Askeri) fragmentation code
pogo kodu
(Askeri) pogo
posta kodu
postal code
posta kodu
posta kodu
postcode, postal code, Zip code
posta kodu
zip code

Aarhus, the second-largest city in Denmark, has the zip code 8000. - Danimarka'nın ikinci büyük şehri, Aarhus'un posta kodu 8000'dir.

Can you tell me what the zip code is for New York? - New York'un posta kodunun ne olduğunu bana söyleyebilir misiniz?

posta kodu bölgesi
zip area
program unsur kodu
(Askeri) program element code
proje kodu
(Askeri) project account number
pın kodu değiştir
(Bilgisayar) change pin code
renk kodu
colour code
sanal ülke kodu
(Telekom) virtual country code
sistem link kodu
(Askeri) system link designator
suskunluk kodu
code of silence
sınıf kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) class code
taşıyıcı seçim kodu
(Telekom) carrier selection code
tedarik tavsiye kodu
(Askeri) acquisition-advice-code
tektik telsiz komünikasyonu; ileti gönderme kodu
(Askeri) tactical radio communication; transmission release code
telefon kodu
area code
telefon kodu
dialing code
telgraf kodu
telegraph code
teslimat sorumluluk kodu
(Askeri) delivery term code
tür kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) class code
ulusal alan kodu
(Telekom) national destination code
uzatılmış iki tabanlı kodlu ondalık mubadele kodu
(Askeri) extended binary coded decimal interchange code
veri kodu
data code
yasak karakter kodu
forbidden-character code
yasak karakter kodu
(Elektrik, Elektronik) forbidden character code
yatak ölçü kodu
(Otomotiv) bearing no
yayım kodu
emission code
zincir kodu
chain code
çağrı yönlendirme kodu
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) call direction code
ülke kodu
country code
şifre kodu
cipher code
التركية - التركية

تعريف kodu في التركية التركية القاموس.

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