
listen to the pronunciation of key
الإنجليزية - التركية

Başarının anahtarı olan dürüstlük söylenilmediği taktirde sürer - It goes without saying that honesty is the key to success.

Kaç tane anahtar? Pepperberg sordu. - How many keys? asked Pepperberg.

{i} tuş

Tom bilgisayar klavyesindeki bir tuşa bastı. - Tom pressed a key on the computer keyboard.

Devam etmek için bir tuşa basın. - Press any key to continue.

{i} perde

O perdede bu şarkıyı söylemek benim için zor olacak. - It'll be difficult for me to sing this song in that key.

Bu şarkıyı o perdede söyleyemem. - I can't sing this song in that key.

(Bilgisayar) kiplemek sayısal
girmek bilgisayar
şifre cetveli

Tom anahtarı cebine koydu. - Tom put the key in his pocket.

Tom anahtarı cebine koydu. - Tom put the key into his pocket.

ses perdesi
(Ticaret) ana sanayi
(Ticaret) temel sanayi

Kendine güvenmek başarının anahtarıdır. - Trusting yourself is the key to success.

Kendine güven başarının anahtarıdır. - Self confidence is the key to success.

tuş (klavyede)
tuşlara basmak
(Bilgisayar) tuşuna bastığınızda
{f} uydur
(to ile) daha uygun hale getirmek
müzik anahtarı
(piyano/daktilo/vb.) tuş

O anahtar bu çekmeceyi açar mı? - Will that key unlock this drawer?

Bu anahtar neyi açar? - What does this key unlock?

başarı için gerekli
çok önemli
(to ile) çözüm yolu
(Spor) Basketbol sahasında pota altındaki "ampul" olarak da tabir edilen serbest atış bölgesi
(Mühendislik) kama
{i} rumuz
{i} çözüm yolu
key up heyecanlan dırmak
kilit taşını yerleştirip kemeri tamamlamak
{f} to -e göre ayarlamak, -e uygun duruma getirmek, -e uydurmak
{i} müz. anahtar
soruların çözüm cetvelini vermek
{f} akort etmek
{i} kilit nokta
daha uygun ha
{f} kilitlemek

Kapıyı kilitlemek istedim ama anahtarı kaybettim. - I wanted to lock the door, but I'd lost the key.

kitapta bakılması gereken yeri gösteren not koymak
{i} elektrik düğmesi
{i} çözüm
{i} ses
{s} ana

John cebinden bir anahtar çıkardı. - John took a key out of his pocket.

Araba anahtarlarımı unuttum. - I have left my car keys behind.

{f} girmek [(Bilgisayar) ]
{s} kilit

Jim kilitin içinde anahtarı çevirdi. - Jim turned the key in the lock.

Kilit soru ne kaybedebilirim değil fakat kaybedecek neyim vardır. - The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.

{f} uydurmak
{i} (klavyede) tuş
(Askeri) ANA, TEMEL, ESAS, KENET, KİLİT, ÖNEMLİ: Bir işte esas olan ve diğerlerine temel teşkil eden; çeşitli parça ve bölümleri birbirine bağlayan; bir topluluk içinde en önemli durumda olan, örneğin (keyman), (keystone) gibi
böyle bir not sistemi kullanmak
(Ticaret) temel para
somun anahtarı
en önemli

Ne yaptığına dikkat etmek başarmak için en önemli anahtarlardan biridir. - Paying attention to what you are doing is one of the most important keys to success.

tespit etmek

Bir dil milyonların anahtarıdır. - A language is a key to the heart of millions.

Sözde herhangi bir dilin hakimiyetinin anahtarı, kelimeleri ve dilbilgisini bağlama yoluyla hayata geçirmektir. - The key to the so-called mastery of any language is bringing the words and grammar to life through context.

vida anahtarı
zemberek kurgusu
kontak anahtarı
devreye sokmak
cevap anahtarı
skeleton key
key click
tuş tıklama
key depot
özel depo
key field
(Bilgisayar) şifre alanı
key fob
key gun
anahtar yükleme birimi
key item
temel madde
key item
(Askeri) temel ikmal maddesi
key lock
tuş kilidi
key man
üstün adam
key word
madde başı sözcük
key bit
anahtar dili
key bounce
tuş tutukluğu
key combination
tuş dizisi
key coupling
kamalı bağlantı
key driven
key fossil
kılavuz fosil
key groove
kama oluğu
key man
kilit adam
key money
tenek parası
key plug
anahtar deliği
key ring
key seat
kama yatağı
key shaft
kama aksı
key to disk
klavyeden diske
key to disk unit
klavyeden diske aktarma birimi
key to tape
klavyeden banta
key to tape unit
klavyeden şeride aktarma birimi
key witness
en önemli tanık
key word
anahtar kelime
key account management
Kilit müşteri yönetimi
key accounts
anahtar hesapları
key card
anahtar kart
key code
anahtar şifre
key concept
Ana fikir
key disk
anahtar disk
key driven
key figures
kilit isimler
key fob
anahtar fob
key force
anahtar güç
key industry
temel sanayi
key lime
anahtar kireç
key pad
tus takımı
key player
anahtar oyuncu
key qualifications
kilit nitelikler
key rate
anahtar oranı
key role
anahtar rol
key rollover
anahtar rollover
key signature
(Muzik) Tonal donanım
key signature
anahtar imza
key staff
çekirdek kadro
key stakeholders
ana hissedarlar
key takeaway
Bir konunun akılda tutulması gereken en önemli kısmı
key term
anahtar terim
key to tape unit
klavyeden seride aktarma birimi
key touch
anahtar dokunma
key verify
delgi gerçeklemek
key word
anahtar sözcük

Anahtar sözcük eşitliktir. - The key word is equality.

key words
anahtar kelimeler
key-operated telephone
anahtar çalışan telefon
key encryption key
(Askeri) anahtar kriptolama anahtarı
key in
(Bilgisayar) veri girmek
key personnel
(Askeri) kilit personel
key point
kilit nokta
(Sinema) ana resimler
a key
önemli bir
key account
Önemli bir müşterinin banka hesabı
key holder
key in

Tom kaybettiğini sandığı anahtarları buldu. - Tom found the keys he thought he had lost.

Araba anahtarlarımı unuttum. - I have left my car keys behind.

key figure
en önemli figür
key figure
anahtar figür
key in
key in
(veri) girmek
key in
girmek [(Bilgisayar) ]
key in
data girmek
key money
hava parası
key point
(Askeri) KİLİT NOKTASI: İmhası veya ele geçirilmesi savaşın durumunu veya harekatın başarısını ciddi olarak etkileyebilecek merkezi bir nokta veya tesis. Buna (key position) da denir
key ring
anahtar halkası
key to
-e uygun duruma getirmek
key to
-e göre ayarlamak
key up
key up
key up
müzperdesini yükseltmek
key up
perdesini yükseltmek
key up
(Fiili Deyim ) heyecanlandırmak , sinirleri gerdirmek
key up
key up
müz. perdesini yükseltmek
key word
(Askeri) ANAHTAR KELİME: Gelişigüzel seçilen ve her birinden belirli harfler alınmak suretiyle bir kripto anahtarı meydana getiren kelimelerin her biri. Ayrıca bakınız: "keyphrase"
key word
key word
(sözlükte/ansiklopedide) madde, madde başı sözcük
التركية - التركية
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Eski Acem pâdişahlarının nâmıdır
Mercan resifleri üzerinde oluşan, çoğunlukla kumlu ve küçük düz ada
Kum adacağı
Ufak dağlar, kayalar
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Zekâ, kavrayış, anlayış, idrâk
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To link (as one might do with a key or legend)

The American Heart Association has prepared their own guide to classification and, keying it with the Standard Nomenclature of Diseases, have done much to encourage a concise yet complete diagnosis.

: A value that uniquely identifies an entry in an associative array

He is the key witness.

To mark or indicate with a symbol indicating membership in a class

Indicate the comparative value of each heading by keying it with a number in pencil, in the left margin, as follows:.

: The free-throw lane together with the circle surrounding the free-throw line, the free-throw lane having formerly been narrower, giving the area the shape of a skeleton key hole

He shoots from the top of the key.

A piece of information (e.g. a passphrase) used to encode or decode a message or messages
: kilogram
A crucial step or requirement

the key to winning this game.

To vandalize (a car, etc.) by scratching with an implement such as a key

He keyed the car that had taken his parking spot.

One of a number of rectangular moving parts on a piano or musical keyboard, each causing a particular sound or note to be produced
: In a relational database, a field used as an index into another table (not necessarily unique)
A guide explaining the symbols or terminology of a map or chart; a legend

The key says that A stands for the accounting department.

A hierarchical scale of musical notes on which a composition is based

the key of B-flat major.

: (more usually to key in) To enter (information) by typing on a keyboard or keypad

Our instructor told us to key in our user IDs.

A device used to transmit Morse code
Important, salient

She makes several key points.

An object designed to open and close a lock
One of a string of small islands

the Florida Keys.

To operate (the transmitter switch of a two-way radio)
To depress (a telegraph key)
To fit (a lock) with a key
One of several small, usually square buttons on a typewriter or computer keyboard, most of which generally correspond to a particular character

Press the Escape key.

An object designed to fit between two other objects (such as a shaft and a wheel) in a mechanism and maintain the orientation between them
One of various levers on a musical instrument used to select notes, such as a lever opening a hole on a woodwind
To fit (pieces of a mechanical assembly) with a key to maintain the orientation between them
{n} a thing to open a lock or explain, part of musical instrument, tone in music, wharf
(Spor) (Basketball) An area at each end of the court between the base line and the foul line and including the jump-ball circle at the foul line: a jump shot from the top of the key
(Spor) The key, officially referred to as the free throw lane is an area in a basketball court underneath the basket bounded by the endlines, the foul lanes and the free throw line. Usually painted (although unpainted on some courts with painted perimeters), it is a critical area on the court, where much of the action takes place in a game
In a database, a field in a record that is used as a search argument (but is not necessarily unique)
{f} lock with a key, fasten with a key; fit, adapt, adjust; tune, adjust the pitch of (Music); supply with an explanatory device; type into a computer by means of a keyboard (Computers)
a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida
The way a scale is identified One of system of tones or harmonies generated from a scale of seven tones Its name is determined by its key note A key may be major or minor It also denotes a lever on an instrument, such as a piano or saxophone, which is depressed to produced the sound
a winged often one-seed indehiscent fruit as of the ash or elm or maple
1 In cryptography, a symbol or sequence of symbols which controls the operations of encryption and decryption 2 As it pertains to the Headline puzzle, a word that is used in the process of creating the mixed alphabet This word must not contain any repeated letters See hat
"flat seven,"
A password, pass phrase, or other sequence used to access encrypted information, the key 'unlocks' controlled data or systems
a generic term for any device whose possession entitles the holder to a means of access; "a safe-deposit box usually requires two keys to open it"
as, the key of a line of defense; the key of a country; the key of a political situation
One of the following: A value used to identify a record in a database, derived by applying a fixed function to the record The key is often simply one of the fields (a column if the database is considered as a table with records being rows) Alternatively, the key can be obtained by applying a function to one or more of the fields A value that must be fed into the algorithm used to decode an encrypted message in order to reproduce the original plain text Some encryption schemes use the same (secret) key to encrypt and decrypt a message, but public key encryption uses a "private" (secret) key and a "public" key that is known by all parties
metal device shaped in such a way that when it is inserted into the appropriate lock the lock's mechanism can be rotated
The key person or thing in a group is the most important one. He is expected to be the key witness at the trial
Hence, that which serves to unlock, open, discover, or solve something unknown or difficult; as, the key to a riddle; the key to a problem
That part of a mechanism which serves to lock up, make fast, or adjust to position
In music, a key is a scale of musical notes that starts on one specific note. the key of A minor
{i} device used to open locks; something which allows entry; something which explains or assists in solving a problem; means to acquire or reach something; legend, list which provides decoding information; button on a keyboard; tone, note, pitch (Music); cay, Florida key, reef located off the southern coast of Florida
A string of bits used to encrypt and decrypt data In an encryption algorithm, the key determines the mapping from plain text to encrypted text
A set of columns in a table variable which constitute a unique identifier for every row in the table Note that a key may contain no columns, as well as multiple columns In effect, a key states that no two rows in the table variable for which it is defined are allowed to have the same values for all the columns of the key Note also that keys are inferred for derived table variables
a coral reef off the southern coast of Florida United States lawyer and poet who wrote a poem after witnessing the British attack on Baltimore during the War of 1812; the poem was later set to music and entitled `The Star-Spangled Banner' (1779-1843) a kilogram of a narcotic drug; "they were carrying two keys of heroin"
A musical work that is centered around a certain scale or tone is said to have a key A piece written in C major will usually end in that key Most music is written in major keys or minor keys Some pieces are written without a key so that all the tones can be equally important
To use a key as a tool of convenience
regulate the musical pitch of vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key; "His new Mercedes was keyed last night in the parking lot"
A short piece of information that is used with the rule for decryption to allow an authorized user to decrypt a message Often abbreviated as K
An instrument by means of which the bolt of a lock is shot or drawn; usually, a removable metal instrument fitted to the mechanism of a particular lock and operated by turning in its place
A simplified version or analysis which accompanies something as a clue to its explanation, a book or table containing the solutions to problems, ciphers, allegories, or the like, or a table or synopsis of conspicuous distinguishing characters of members of a taxonomic group
Data used when encrypting or decrypting secure data Encrypted data must have a key to be decrypted
provide with a key; "We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building"
provide with a key; "We were keyed after the locks were changed in the building
Chromatic tones are temporary members of a key, under such names as " sharp four, " "flat seven," etc
A value that uniquely identifies an entry in an associative array
harmonize with or adjust to; "key one's actions to the voters' prevailing attitude"
A key is a specially shaped piece of metal that you place in a lock and turn in order to open or lock a door, or to start or stop the engine of a vehicle. They put the key in the door and entered
To fasten or secure firmly; to fasten or tighten with keys or wedges
A digital code used to encrypt or decrypt messages Private key encryption uses a single, secret key Dual key (public key) encryption uses two keys of which one is secret and one is public
A metallic lever by which the circuit of the sending or transmitting part of a station equipment may be easily and rapidly opened and closed; any device for closing or opening an electric circuit
Scales and tunes of every variety are made from the tones of a key
A guide explaining the symbols or terminology of a map or chart
Keys are elements of the Iconclass system that are declared in lists A list of keys is valid for a certain range of notations Keys are made up of one or more digits, occasionally by digits and one ore more words Keys are always preceded by a plus (+) sign and placed between parentheses They are placed at the end of a notation and add a 'shade of meaning' to the definition or meaning of the notation proper Where two or more key numbers are used in a single notation, the lower number always comes first In many computer applications, no more than one key is added to a notation For more keys, the notation is repeated key numbers can be combined with text
pitch of the voice; "he spoke in a low key"
(1) (n ) A button on a keyboard that represents a character (2) (n ) A character or characters that identify a record in a data file A key field (one located in the same place in every record of a file or data set) has content that is the key for the record (3) (n ) The code for encrypting or decrypting data See also encryption
A value used to identify a record in a database, often simply on the fields The set of keys for all records is the index L Return to top
Key Stage
Any of the stages of the state education system of the United Kingdom and Gibraltar, introduced with the National Curriculum in 1988, defining the knowledge expected of students at various ages
Key Stages
plural form of Key Stage
key binding
A key, or pattern of keys which, when pressed, cause something to happen

I changed the key binding for pause to the escape key.

key bindings
plural form of key binding
key cards
plural form of key card (alternative spelling of keycards)
key chains
plural form of key chain. an alternative spelling of keychain
key exchange
An exchange of peers' keys at initialization phase of connection
key exchanges
plural form of key exchange
key fob
a remote control for locking/unlocking a car door, carried with the car keys
key fob
an item carried on a key ring either as decoration or security
key fobs
plural form of key fob
key in
to enter data by keyboarding
key into
To grasp; to understand the overall concept of or be acutely aware of the underlying and essential meaning of something. To get it
key lime
A small yellow lime, Citrus aurantifolia, from southern Florida
key log
The log which, if removed, would free up the whole logjam
key log
The key issue or problem, which if (re)solved, would make the current task easy to complete. The issue around which the whole problem revolves

Present conditions are a crisis of confidence. . . . Electric utilities are the key log..

key logger
Software or hardware designed to record keyboard entries, thus stealing passwords or other sensitive data
key loggers
plural form of key logger
key off
To take as a controlling input datum

This logic keys off the user's social security number.

key performance indicator
A financial or non-financial metric used to help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals
key press
The buffered electrical signal resulting from such an event, sometimes distinguished from the release
key press
The act or action of pressing keys; manual input
key press
The depression of an input key; a keystroke
key presses
plural form of key press
key presses
Important or indispensable presses, possibly
key set identifier
A value that is used to identify a key
key set identifiers
plural form of key set identifier
key signature
An indication of the key of a composition, giving the number of sharps or flats in the corresponding scale

The key signatures of D major and b minor both have two sharps.

key signatures
plural form of key signature
key to the midway
A Ferris wheel or carousel, due to their central location
key to the midway
A type of fool's errand
Key Performance Indicator
(Finans) Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are financial and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance of an organization. KPIs are used in Business Intelligence to assess the present state of the business and to prescribe a course of action. The act of monitoring KPIs in real-time is known as business activity monitoring. KPIs are frequently used to "value" difficult to measure activities such as the benefits of leadership development, engagement, service, and satisfaction. KPIs are typically tied to an organization's strategy (as exemplified through techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard)
key concept
Main idea
key player
The key players in a particular organization, event, or situation are the most important people or things involved in it
key signature
(Muzik) The group of sharps or flats placed to the right of the clef on a staff to identify the key
The Florida Keys
A device for signalling by pressing keys or switches
One who, or that which, keys
key account
A wholesaler's or manufacturer's primary customer that provides the majority of sales volume
key grip
(Film) In US American and Canadian film-making, the key grip is the chief grip on the set. Like a foreman, the key grip directs a crew of grips, some with specialized skills such as dolly grips, crane operators, camera car operators, etc
Key West
5 mi (2.4 km) wide in the western Florida Keys. The name is an English corruption of Cayo Hueso ("Bone Islet"), as it was called by Spanish explorers who found human bones there. In 1822 a U.S. naval depot was set up on Key West as a base of operations against pirates. Now a winter resort, Key West is also a tourist destination. Many writers and artists have lived there, and the homes of Ernest Hemingway and John James Audubon have been preserved
Key West
A city of extreme southern Florida on the island of Key West, the westernmost of the Florida Keys in the Gulf of Mexico. Fishing and tourism are important to its economy. Population: 24,832. an island off the coast of Florida, one of the Florida Keys, which is popular with tourists because of its warm weather and interesting buildings. City (pop., 2000: 25,478), southwestern Florida, U.S. The southernmost city of the continental U.S., it lies on an island about 4 mi (6.5 km) long and
key account
bank account of a very important customer
key fob
{i} security token: small device having a built-in authentication mechanisms
key in
If you key something in, you put information into a computer or you give the computer a particular instruction by typing the information or instruction on the keyboard. Brian keyed in his personal code. = type in
key lime
small yellow-green limes of southern Florida
key money
Payment made to a landlord as an inducement to assure a rental
key money
payment given to a property owner in return for long term use of that property
key personnel
People who are critical to the project organization
key personnel
It is expected that the Project Leaders of the constituent laboratories or projects will be regarded as leaders in their respective fields
key personnel
Individuals who contribute in a substantive way to the scientific development or execution of a project, usually only the senior members of the project staff Sponsor permission is usually required to change key personnel
key personnel
The personnel considered to be of primary importance to the successful conduct of a research project The term usually applies to the senior members of the project staff
key personnel
The roles and qualifications of all key project personnel should be clearly identified Funding agencies need to see WHO will be responsible for carrying out the project’s services on a daily basis
key point
site or installation whose destruction by the enemy would damage the course of the war
key ring
a circular ring of metal for holding keys
key ring
metal ring for holding keys
key ring
In computer security, a file that contains public keys, private keys, trusted roots, and certificates
key ring
n gelang kunci (kunci)
key ring
In secure communications, a file that contains public keys, private keys, trusted roots, and certificates See also public key, private key, trusted root, and certificate
key ring
A key ring is a metal ring which you use to keep your keys together. You pass the ring through the holes in your keys
key west
a town on the westernmost of the Florida keys in the Gulf of Mexico
key word
A word you type into a search engine to indicate what pages you would like it to locate for you
key word
A word used to search a library database or the Internet Key word searches locate results by exactly matching the search word to an item in the database or at the Internet site For example, a search term using the key words "third world" will find items with that exact term, but may not include items that use the term "developing countries "
key word
The first word in a classified ad
key word
a significant word used in indexing or cataloging
key word
The most important, or main, word or words in your topic
key word
a significant word used in indexing or cataloging a word that is used as a pattern to decode an encrypted message
key word
a word that is used as a pattern to decode an encrypted message
key word
A word or words used by the search engines to describe what your website is about Most search engines will allow you a maximum of 5 key words The two top directories (yahoo and open directory) look at your site title and your description to match what people type into the search box
key word
A reserved word or function-name whose presence is required when the format in which the word appears is used in a source program
key word
Used in database searches to specify the search criteria Seen on Usenet when using Archie, Veronica, WAIS, Netfind or similar applications
key word
important word, word from a title or document used as an index to content
{s} locked, fastened with a key, strengthened with a key; having a key or keys (Music); set in a particular key (Music)
fitted with or secured by a key; "a keyed instrument"; "the locks have not yet been keyed" set to a key or tone
past of key
fitted with or secured by a key; "a keyed instrument"; "the locks have not yet been keyed"
Furnished with keys; as, a keyed instrument; also, set to a key, as a tune
so adjusted as to be appropriate or brought into harmony; "an industry not attuned to the demands of the market"; "a remark keyed to the situation"; "charges finely tuned to the amount a student can afford"
set to a key or tone
The use of symbols, usually letters, to code copy that will appear on a dummy
1) The modulation of an analog signal to carry digital information 2 ) The interruption of a DC circuit for the purpose of Signaling information
  The generating of signals by the interruption or modulation of a steady signal or carrier   (188)  See  chroma keying
Any specification for how a cylinder is, or group of cylinders are, combinated
to key data into a computer file involves entering it directly through the keyboard (gb) key word the word input to a concordance program to obtain the required lines of text (gb) knowledge base a source of rules used by an artificial intelligence program to carry out some task Note that these rules are usually written in a formal, logical notation (tm/aw) KWAL key word and line, a form of concordance which can allow several lines of context either side of the the key word (tm/aw) KWIC key word in context, a form of concordance in which a word is given within x words of context and is normally centred down the middle of the page (tm/aw)
Generating signals by the interruption or modulation of a steady signal or carrier
present participle of key
The mechanical feature of a connector system that guarantees correct orientation of a connection, or prevents the connection to a jack, or to an optical fiber adapter, of the same type intended for another purpose
{i} act of entering data by typing on a keyboard (Computers); special effects process wherein an image or text is inserted into another image (Television & Movie business)
Pin-tumbler cylinder offer the possibility of very complex keying arrangements These are the basic terms INDIVIDUAL KEY: key for an individual cylinder KEYED ALIKE: All cylinders may be operated by same key (Not to be confused with Master keyed) KEYED DIFFERENT: Different individual key operates each cylinder (or group of cylinder) MASTER KEY: All cylinders in a group can be operated by one maser key, although all cylinders may be keyed different (Not to be confused with Keyed alike)
Answer a kind of Set containing the keys of the receiver
(Pattern As String = "*") As GlabDictionary<Unkeyed String>Get By Value Returns a new, unkeyed dictionary of strings where each string is a key in this dictionary that matches the supplied pattern Pattern matching is performed using the Match function provided by this component C++ programmers: even if there are no matching keys returned, successful calls to this method output a valid GlabDictionary instance When there are no matching keys found, S_FALSE is returned
plural of key
Returns an enumeration of the keys in this dictionary
defines the PA anf PF key functions for AROS and AROS BAS
Integer array of length 10 to return the keys vector associated with the specified generic name If LBANK is zero, KEYS may be used to select a specific copy of a file
Construct an iterator over the keys of the dictionary
Returns an enumeration of the dictionary's keys
Tools that come in public and private form for both encryption and revealing the contents of digital information
Returns an enumeration of the keys
03 Jan 2002 - 10: 25 - NEW ZaB
Characters within < and > keys are keys to press You can see some of these in the common commands section But for example, if it says press <h> you just need to press the h key control keys: To indicate that you have to press the <CONTROL> key with another key, the ^ sign is used So press <^x> means you must press <CONTROL> and <x> at the same time
These are found on keyboards There is an information page on the keyboard Some programmers use icons that look like keys - perhaps for security functions It is quite normal for users to be confused when programmers do this Do not confuse keys with buttons
third-person singular of key
(See St Sitha )
Returns an Enumeration object of the keys (not the values) in this dictionary, which can be used to visit each key in turn
>>> s keys() ['Abend', 'Bild', 'Erkennung', 'Hand', 'Fliege', 'Fl\366te', 'aber', 'deshalb', 'gewinnen']
The list of keys
Keys are numeric assignments for the various calling features an ISDN adapter supports, like call drop, transfer and hold Also called buttons, keys get their names from the various feature buttons on an advanced multi-line voice phone Incoming calls, for example, are assigned to a key when they arrive at the central office switch To activate an incoming call when one is already on the line, an ISDN adapter drops or puts the current call on hold, then activates the key assigned to the inbound call
returns an Enumeration that iterates through a Dictionary's keys
In cryptography, keys are unique numbers used to scramble data so that someone without a key cannot read the information Also used to create digital signatures
Report the keys of all the items stored in the dictionary
LiveVault Service uses public/private keys to verify an Agent computer's and Vault Server's identity These keys enable the Agent computer and its associated Vault Server to authenticate their identities to each other and to certify that they are to be trusted before they exchange data RSA keys are used for backup and Internet restores; GnuPG keys are used for media restores See also RSA, Internet restore, GnuPG, media restore
Notches on a memory module that help prevent it from being installed incorrectly or into an incompatible system
التركية - الإنجليزية
command key
kontak anahtarı car key, engine key
(of an automotive vehicle)