keton cisimcikleri

listen to the pronunciation of keton cisimcikleri
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) ketone body
Any of several compounds that are intermediates in the metabolism of fatty acids; principally acetoacetate and acetone (together with hydroxybutyrate which is not a ketone)
A ketone-containing substance, such as acetoacetic acid, that is an intermediate product of fatty acid metabolism. Ketone bodies tend to accumulate in the blood and urine of individuals affected by starvation or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Also called acetone body
a ketone that is an intermediate product of the breakdown of fats in the body; any of three compounds (acetoacetic acid, acetone, and/or beta-hydroxybutyric acid) found in excess in blood and urine of persons with metabolic disorders
keton cisimcikleri