This company is using new technologies to reduce its environmental footprint. - Bu şirket çevresel kaplama alanını azaltmak için yeni teknolojiler kullanıyor.
the geographic region on the earth underneath a satellite which is in the appropriate range to receive that satellite's information
The geographic area over which a satellite antenna receives or directs its signals There is often a collection of concentric footprints, each representing a particular satellite EIRP or G/T These quantities can be related to the size of the antenna that is needed on the ground to receive or transmit a particular service respectively
The area of the earth's surface in which a particular satellite signal can be received
The surface area of the earth which the Satellite "sees" No one Satellite can transmit a signal to the entire earth, though theoretically 3 equally spaced apart Satellites in a network could cover the entire earth The footprint is a roughly square area when represented on a flat-earth map Global beams cover the 1/3 of the entire surface of the earth, hemi beams cover a single hemisphere, zonal beams cover half a hemisphere, & steerable spot beams using phased array can cover single geopolitical areas
The area of Earth with sufficient antenna gain to receive a signal from a satellite
The area of the tire's tread that is in actual contact with the ground (See Contact Patch)
The area with which a satellite in geostationary orbit can communicate A footprint can be as large as an entire country; for example, many Canadian satellites have footprints almost the entire size of Canada, from coast to coast Click here for a picture of a satellite's footprint
{i} imprint left by a foot, footmark; (Computers) surface area taken by a particular hardware device (external - peripheral or internal); size of memory space required for a program
The amount of floor space that a piece of equipment (e g , a desktop/tower enclosure) occupies
homes that can be reached by the beam of a particular satellite and therefore receive that satellite's signals
Space required by a piece of equipment. Eg: This computer has a smaller footprint
In satellite communications, that portion of the Earth's surface over which a satellite antenna delivers a specified amount of signal power under specified conditions (188) Note: The limiting case of footprint area is somewhat less than one-half the Earth's surface, and depends on the altitude of the satellite