A Canadian gold coin that is impressed with the picture of a maple leaf Margin - If you buy on margin, you put up some of the cost of the purchase and borrow the rest from your broker The margin is the value of the cash or securities that you must deposit as collateral in your margin account That initial margin requirement is set by the Federal Reserve Board under Regulation T, also known as Reg T It says that to initiate a purchase, you need a margin of at least 50% of the total price of the stock you're buying In addition, there's a maintenance requirement of at least 25% of the purchase price, a figure set by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) Individual firms may set their maintenance requirement higher If the value of the margin account drops below the maintenance requirement, you must add cash or securities to the account to bring its value back to the minimum or face a margin call
A gold, silver, or platinum coin minted in Canada that usually trades at slightly more than its current bullion value
Canadian gold coin with a nominal value of CAD 50 and containing one ounce of pure gold