
listen to the pronunciation of kafesi
التركية - الإنجليزية
A flat panel constructed with widely-spaced crossed thin strips of wood or other material, commonly used as a garden trellis
A partially ordered set in which every pair of elements has a unique supremum and an infimum
{n} a window formed of network
openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars
A lattice can be viewed as an N-dimensional grid
A periodic arrangement of points such as the vertices of a tiling of space by cubes or the positions of atoms in a crystal More technically, a discrete abelian subgroup of an n-dimensional vector space which not contained in an n-1-dimensional vector space Lattices play a central role in the theory of Lie groups, in number theory, in error-correcting codes, and many other areas of mathematics
small opening (like a window in a door) through which business can be transacted
framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal an arrangement of points or particles or objects in a regular periodic pattern in 2 or 3 dimensions
A lattice is a pattern or structure made of strips of wood or another material which cross over each other diagonally leaving holes in between. We were crawling along the narrow steel lattice of the bridge
An arrangement in space of isolated points in a regular pattern, which for example show the positions of atoms, molecules, or ions in the structure of a crystal
Any work of wood or metal, made by crossing laths, or thin strips, and forming a network; as, the lattice of a window; called also latticework
The representation of a piece of latticework used as a bearing, the bands being vertical and horizontal
A surface representation that uses a rectangular array of points spaced at a constant sampling interval in the x and y directions relative to a common origin A lattice is stored as a grid, but differs in that it represents the value of the surface only at the mesh points of the lattice rather than the value of the cell area surrounding each mesh point
A lattice is a poset in which any two elements have a greatest lower bound and a least upper bound
framework consisting of an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal
the regular geometrical arrangement of points in crystal space
To close, as an opening, with latticework; to furnish with a lattice; as, to lattice a window
{i} structure of interwoven strips of wood or metal (used for windows, gates, etc.)
A flat panel constructed with widely-spaced crossed thin strips of wood or other material. It is commonly used as a garden trellis
A lattice can be viewed as a grid in an n-dimensional vector space See Section A 5

Where is the nearest internet cafe? - En yakın internet kafe nerede?

The cafeteria was self-service. - Kafeterya kendi kendine servis.

kart kafesi
card cage
göğüs kafesi
anat . rib cage
göğüs kafesi
sincap kafesi
squirrel cage
bitki kafesi
göğüs kafesi
rib cage
(Turizm) coffee shop

I had a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. - Kafede bir fincan kahve içtim.

Shall we stop in at a coffee shop? - Bir kafeteryada duralım mı?

çocuk kafesi
göğüs kafesi
Rib cage, thorax, chest
kuş kafesi
baca tel kafesi
chimney netting
bagaj dik kafesi
luggage-rack grid
bilye kafesi
ball cage
boole kafesi
(Matematik) boolean lattice
emniyet kafesi
(Otomotiv) safety cage
etkinlik kafesi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) activity cage
evcil tavşan kafesi
rabbit hutch
göğüs kafesi
hakuran kafesi gibi
ramshackle, dilapidated, tumbledown
hayvan kafesi
cage for poultry
café, coffee bar
kristal kafesi
crystal lattice
kuyu kafesi
pit cage
kuş kafesi
bird cage

He thought that it was like a bird cage. - Onun bir kuş kafesi gibi olduğunu düşündü.

kuş kafesi

He thought that it was like a bird cage. - Onun bir kuş kafesi gibi olduğunu düşündü.

The bird flew into the cage. - Kuş kafesin içine uçtu.

kuş kafesi gibi small and beautiful
kıvılcım kafesi
spark arrester
kıvılcım kafesi
exhaust pipe
kıvılcım kafesi
blast pipe
meyve ağacı kafesi
pencere kafesi
window screen
pencere kafesi
radyatör kafesi
radiator grid
rulman kafesi
bearing carrier
sahne kafesi
(Tiyatro) garmony
sincap kafesi motor
squirrel cage motor
tavuk kafesi
hen coop
tavşan kafesi
rabbit hutch
taşıma kafesi
uzay kafesi
space lattice
yatak kafesi
bearing cage
yumurta kafesi
çıkarma kafesi
drawing cage
التركية - التركية
Osmanlılar'da vezirlerin giydiği serpuşlardan birine verilen ad
Kafes gibi, kafes görünüşünde olan
göğüs kafesi
Vücutta omurganın, kaburgaların ve göğüs kemiğiyle bunları saran kasların oluşturduğu yürek ve akciğerleri koruyan boşluk
bakınız kahvehane
kuş kafesi
Kuşun içinde barındırıldığı yuva