تعريف kabini في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.
- cabinet
- A small chamber or private room
- milkshake
- The advisory council of the chief executive officer of a nation; a cabinet council
- A group of advisors to the President in key areas such as defense, commerce, education,etc
- A body composed of all ministers heading government departments, as well as the prime minister or premier
- A small, private room where works of art, valuables and curiosities were kept and contemplated at leisure; over time the term was used for the collections themselves Renaissance cabinets played an important role in the development of museums and art galleries
- The heads of government ministries The Premier is the head of the cabinet and chooses cabinet ministers from among elected members of his or her party
- To inclose a cupboard-like repository or piece of furniture with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television a storage compartment for clothes and valuables; usually it has a lock persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers
- The most senior members of the Government
- committee concerned with the coordination and presentation of government policy
- the group of senior ministers in a government
- also, the collection itself
- persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers
- A set of drawers or a cupboard intended to contain articles of value
- An enclosure that may house connection devices, terminated cables, splices, apparatus, wiring and equipment Typically affords security and/or protection from prevailing conditions such as weather, vandalism or accidental damage
- The President carries out the laws passed by Congress and he or she does this through many departments such as the Department of State, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, and so forth The President appoints a head of each dpartment with the consent of the Senate and often meets with these heads as a group They are referred to as the "Cabinet"
- a group consisting of the heads of the (cabinet) executive departments, who are appointed by the president, subject to confirmation by the Senate The cabinet was once the main advisory body to the president but no longer plays this role
- the group of senior ministers in a government; all the ministers in the Northern Territory Government campaign a competition for votes by people who are seeking election to parliament candidate someone who stands for election to parliament cast a vote to make a choice between candidates by filling in a ballot paper, or by some other means citizen a member of a community such as a town, city, state, territory, country etc censure motion a motion moved in parliament which is very critical of, and which seeks to attach blame to, a minister, another member, or the government chair (see Speaker's Chair)
- The Ministers, who, as senior Members of the governing party, are responsible for the development and implementation of policy Campaign: The period before an election in which candidates and parties seek to win voters' support
- A hut; a cottage; a small house
- kabin
- {i} cabin
Every member of the cabinet was present.
- Kabinenin her üyesi mevcuttu.
He has been living in the cabin by himself for more than ten years.
- O, on yıldan daha fazla süredir tek başına bir kabinde yaşamaktadır.
- kabin
- {i} car
They're taking the freight out of the train car.
- Onlar tren kabininden navlun çıkarıyorlar.
- kabin
- booth
Tom sat alone at one of the booths in the diner.
- Tom lokantadaki kabinlerden birinde yalnız oturdu.
- boya kabini
- (Otomotiv) spraying booth
- kabin
- cabinet
Forming a cabinet is difficult.
- Bir kabine oluşturmak zordur.
He asked his cabinet for advice.
- O, kabinesinden nasihat istedi.
- kabin
- passenger cabin
- kabin
- cage
- telefon kabini
- phone-box
- yolcu kabini
- (Otomotiv) passenger compartment
- kabin
- cubicle
- banyo kabini
- bathroom cabinet
- asansör kabini
- cage
- banyoda duş kabini var mı
- Are there bathrooms equipped with shower cabins
- deneme kabini
- fitting room
I would like to try it. Where is the fitting room?
- Onu denemek istiyorum. Deneme kabini nerede?
The fitting room is being used now.
- Deneme kabini şimdi kullanılıyor.
- dosya kabini
- file cabinet
- kabin
- cabin (of an airplane or ship)
- kabin
- (telephone) booth
- kabin
- changing cubicle (at a beach, in a store)
- kabin
- cabin; cubicle; cabinet; (telefon) booth
- kabin
- cab
He has been living in the cabin by himself for more than ten years.
- O, on yıldan daha fazla süredir tek başına bir kabinde yaşamaktadır.
Forming a cabinet is difficult.
- Bir kabine oluşturmak zordur.
- kıç kabini
- aftercabin
- oy verme kabini
- polling booth
- pilot kabini
- cabin
- pilot kabini
- cockpit
The badly burnt pilot was still in the cockpit.
- Berbat bir şekilde yanmış pilot hâlâ pilot kabinindeydi.
- soyunma kabini
- changing cubicle
- soyunma kabini
- (tekerlekli) bathing machine
- steril hava kabini
- (Gıda) laminar air flow cabinet
- telefon kabini
- phone box
- tropik bölge kabini
- tropics cab
- uyku kabini
- sleeping cabin
- uzay kabini
- (Askeri) space cabin
- uçuş kabini
- cockpit
- yolcu kabini
- passenger cabin