(Tarım) A cultivar is a cultivated plant that has been selected and given a unique name because it has desirable characteristics (decorative or useful) that distinguish it from otherwise similar plants of the same species. When propagated it retains those characteristics
A variant plant produced in cultivation Named cultivars are identified by the parent species followed by the cultivar name eg: Acer Palmatum 'Deshojo'
a variety of a plant developed from a natural species and maintained under cultivation
1 An assemblage of cultivated plants, clearly distinguished by some characters (morphological, physiological, cytological, and so forth) and which when reproduced either sexually or asexually retains its distinguishing characteristics 2 A cultivated variety It is given a non-Latin name, and designated 'cv' (as distinct from 'var ' for a variety) A cultivar is any clone, race or product of breeding deemed worthy of cultivation and of a separate name
A variety created through horticultural processes that do not occur naturally The cultivar name follows the botanical name It is not italicized and is set within single quotation marks
The cultivated form of a plant, usually propagated by horticulturalists Often shown as cv
Contraction for "cultivated variety"; a plant that is clearly distinguished by iden-tical physical characteristics and maintains these characteristics through proper propa-gation means
a plant bred or selected by horticulturists for a variety of reasons including flower size and colour
A cultivar is a manmade variety Many varieties of plants, especially those used as food crops and in landscaping, originated thanks to the hand of a gardener, horticulturist, or scientist
contraction word for "cultivated variety"; a plant that is clearly distinguished by identical physical characteristics and maintains these characteristics through proper propagation means
Literally meaning a "cultivated variety", a cultivar is a form of a species that is propagated in mass production at nurseries, for sale as a landscape plant Since most cultivars are clones, they are genetically identical to one another and display uniformity in all features, such as fall foliage color
This term is now often used in place of the older word, variety, when indicating a variation in a plant species Cultivars may differ in growth habit, maturity, fruit-color, shape
Shortened form of cultivated variety A group of plants with distinguishable features that are different from the normal form of the plant Cultivars retain these characteristics when reproduced
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تعريف kültivar في التركية التركية القاموس.
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Kültivar ya da kültürvaryete, doğa da veya fidanlıklarda mutasyon sonucunda ortaya çıkmış olan mutantlar