(Askeri) İSTİSNAİ DAĞITIM MADDELERİ: Genel ve özel istihkak cetvelleriyle yetkisi verilmiş istihkaklardan farklı olan, veya bu cetvellerde gösterilmeyen ikmal maddelerinin verilmesini temin eden ve yetkili makamca onaylanan istihkaklar
(Askeri) DEĞİŞTİRME DAĞITIM MADDELERİ: Teçhizatı kullanan makamlara verilen dağıtım ikmal maddelerinden, teçhizatı iş görme standartları içinde ve tahsis çizelgelerinde gösterilen miktarlarda muhafaza için, evvelce ikmali yapılmış teçhizat yerine geçen kısım. Bu gibi dağıtım maddelerini; ekonomik onarım dışı eskime, imha, terk, düşman tesiri ve yağmadan ileri gelen kayıpların yerine konan maddeler teşkil eder. Transit nakliyat sırasında gemilerin batması yüzünden meydana gelen kayıplar, hizmetten ayrılan personelin sebep olduğu giyecek kayıpları ile depolar arası transfer, hizmete elverişsiz fakat ekonomik şekilde tamir edilebilir teçhizat dağıtım malzemeleri ve teşkilden alınan hizmete elverişli malzeme yerine o birliğe verilen dağıtım maddeleri, değiştirme ikmal maddeleri arasında değildir
The information about a message which is one of a pre-determined group of simulation topics set prior to the simulation Users may not add additional issues The number of issues is limited to facilitate categorization and searching the archives Please see Reading New Messages
An issues course concentrates on the identification and examination of topics which are considered controversial in nature and, thus, are classified as "issues" not yet resolved, or not generally resolvable Student experiences should involve defending certain stands, or critically attacking other stands, or sides, of the issue In-depth study of the issues are necessary for such activity
Issues are decisions that need to be made This includes still open issues that need to be resolved; decisions that need to be made; areas where the group needs to reach agreement
While the game was running, one of the buttons in the menu bar read "Issues"; this button took players to the Issues page From there, they could get Briefings on each of the issues before Congress that week
While the game was running, one of the buttons in the menu bar read "Issues"; this button took players to the Issues page From there, they could get Briefings on each of the issues before Congress that week
The information about a message which is one of a pre-determined group of simulation topics set prior to the simulation Users may not add additional issues The number of issues is limited to facilitate categorization and searching the archives Please see Reading New Messages
An issues course concentrates on the identification and examination of topics which are considered controversial in nature and, thus, are classified as "issues" not yet resolved, or not generally resolvable Student experiences should involve defending certain stands, or critically attacking other stands, or sides, of the issue In-depth study of the issues are necessary for such activity
Issues are decisions that need to be made This includes still open issues that need to be resolved; decisions that need to be made; areas where the group needs to reach agreement