Line that connects points of equal amounts of a quantity such as evapotranspiration, chloride concentration, etc < back to top K
General term for a line connecting points of equal value of some quantity Isobars, isotherms, etc all are examples of isopleths
A line on a map joining points of equal value Isopleths separate areas with low values from those with higher values Examples are a contour line (joining points of equal elevation) or an isotherm (joining points of equal temperature) Also, called an isoline, or isarithm
A line of constant or uniform value of a given quantity See isanostere, isobar, isohaline, isopycnic, and isotherm
A general term referring to lines drawn on a map or chart to display the distribution of any element, each line being drawn through places at which the element has the same value See, for example, isohaline, isobar, etc Isogram is sometimes used as a synonym
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() From iso- + Ancient Greek πλῆθος (plēthos, “a great number”).