
listen to the pronunciation of investigation
الإنجليزية - التركية

Clay bir soruşturma talep etti. - Clay demanded an investigation.

Polis soruşturmaya devam etti. - The police continued their investigation.


Araştırma nasıl gidiyor? - How is the investigation's going?

Araştırma devam ediyor. - The investigation is ongoing.

{i} inceleme

Firma inceleme altında. - The firm is under investigation.

(Tıp) investigasyon
{i} gözlem

Şimdi gözlem altında mıyım? - Am I under investigation now?

{i} teftiş
(Askeri) TAHKİKAT, SORUŞTURMA: Gerçekleri ortaya çıkarmak ve bir konunun gerçeğini kararlaştırmak için tam yetkili, sistematik detaylı bir inceleme veya araştırma. Bu; geçerli bilginin toplanmasını, işleme tabi tutulmasını, rapor verilmesini, depolanmasını, kaydını, analizini, değerlendirilmesini ve yayımını kapsar
(Hukuk) tahkikat/soruşturma
investigation method
araştırma yöntemi
investigation Level
(Nükleer Bilimler) araştırma düzeyi
investigation commission
inceleme heyeti
investigation depth
araştırma derinliği
investigation method
araştırma metodu
investigation of disaster
afet etüdü
investigation of soil
zemin araştırması
investigation officer
(Askeri) tahkikat subayı
investigation officer
(Askeri) TAHKİKAT SUBAYI, SORUŞTURMA SUBAYI: Kazaları, hükümet aleyhinde yapılan şikayetleri, askeri mahkemeyi ilgilendiren suçları ve buna benzer işleri tahkik eden subay
investigation officer
(Askeri) soruşturma subayı
investigation techniques
(Politika, Siyaset) soruşturma teknikleri
informal investigation
(Ticaret) biçimsel olmayan araştırma
inspector general investigation
(Askeri) GENEL MÜFETTİŞ ARAŞTIRMASI (TETKİK KURULU ARAŞTIRMASI): Emri veren komutana; bir isnat hal veya dûrumla ilgili olarak, açık ve yerinde işlem için sağlam bir mesnet gayesiyle, böyle bir isnat, hal veya durum raporu üzerinde genel müfettiş tarafından yapılan ve yeminli tanıklık, vesaire ile maddi delillerin sistemli şekilde tedarikini, incelenmesini ve kıymetlendirilmesini de içine alan bir inceleme. Bu inceleme sonunda, standart formda bir rapor verilir. Böyle bir araştırma; Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Kurmay Başkanı bünyesinde genel müfettiş bulunan komutanlıklar ve makamlarca emredilebilir
X-ray investigation
Medikal röntgen araştırması
cluster investigation
(Kimya) küme araştırması
conduct investigation
soruşturma yürütmek
crime scene investigation
olay yeri inceleme
criminal investigation
(Kanun) ceza kovuşturması
criminal investigation
cezai soruşturma
expert investigation
(Ticaret) bilirkişi araştırması
expert investigation
uzman araştırması
expert investigation
exposure investigation
(Tıp) maruziyet araştırması
preliminary investigation
ön araştırma
committee of investigation
soruşturma komisyonu
launch an investigation
soruşturma başlatmak
market investigation
pazar araştırması
market investigation
piyasa araştırması
Internal Affairs investigation
İç İşleri soruşturması

You know, Captain Raydor, I could probably be much more helpful with your Internal Affairs investigation.

background investigation
Sabıka kaydı sorgulaması
credit investigation
kredi soruşturması
disrupt investigation
bozabilir soruşturma
launch an investigation
tahkikat başlatmak example: poliçe aunched an ınvestigation
make investigation
yapmak soruşturma
police investigation
polis araştırması
social investigation report
sosyal inceleme raporu
structure investigation
yapı soruşturma
the result of the investigation
inceleme sonucu
third degree, deep investigation
Üçüncü derece, derin soruşturma
third level; deep investigation
Üçüncü seviye; derin soruşturma
accident investigation board
(Askeri) kaza tetkik kurulu
administrative investigation
idari soruşturma
coastal investigation
(Askeri) kıyı araştırması
combat identification; combat intelligence division; criminal investigation divi
(Askeri) muharebe tanımlama; muharebe istihbarat tümeni; suç tahkikatı tümeni
commencement of investigation
(Kanun) tahkikatın başlaması
conduct an investigation
(Ticaret) soruşturma açmak
conduct an investigation
inceleme yürütmek
conducting of investigation
(Kanun) tahkikat yapılması
confidential investigation
gizli soruşturma
criminal investigation detachment
(Askeri) CEZA İŞLERİ SORUŞTURMA BİRLİĞİ: İyi yetişmiş ve güvenilir ceza işleri tahkik memurlarından oluşan inzibat birliği. Bu birlik, genellikle bir komutanlığa atanır veya bir inzibat teşkilatının emrine verilir. Buna "military police investigation detachment" da denir
criminal investigation division
(Askeri) CEZA İŞLERİ SORUŞTURMA ŞUBESİ: Büyük bir komutanlığın merkez komutanlığının bir şubesi
drug investigation
(Tıp) ilaç araştırması
drug investigation support program (FAA)
(Askeri) uyuşturucuyla mücadele destek programı (FAA)
federal bureau of investigation
(Askeri) FEDERAL TAHKİKAT BÜROSU: Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Adliye Bakanlığının bir şubesi
ground investigation
zemin incelemesi
homicide investigation
adam öldürme soruşturması
laboratory investigation
laboratuar incelemesi
laboratory investigation
laboratuvar incelemesi
landslide investigation
(Çevre) heyelan etüdü
launch an investigation
inceleme başlatmak
limitation of investigation
(Kanun) tahkikatın hududu
military criminal investigation organization
(Askeri) askeri kriminal araştırma teşkilatı
ocean investigation
(Askeri) okyanus incelemesi
organized crime investigation
organize suç soruşturması
personnel security investigation
(Askeri) PERSONEL GÜVENLİK SORUŞTURMASI: Sadakat, karakter, duygusal denge ve güvenirlik ile ilişkili bir emniyet durumu için güvenilirlik ve uygunluk ile ilintili olarak bir kimsenin faaliyetleri hakkında uygun bilgiyi toplamak üzere yapılan soruşturma
personnel security investigation
(Askeri) personel güvenlik araştırması
philosophical investigation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) felsefe araştırması
philosophical investigation
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) felsefi araştırma
remedial investigation
düzeltici araştırma
report of investigation
(Askeri) SORUŞTURMA RAPORU, SORUŞTURMA ZAPTI: Cürüm, suç, kaza, isnatla ilgili veya bir şahsın geçmişine ait bir soruşturmada elde edilen bütün bilgilerin resmi mahiyette tutulmuş kaydı
scour investigation
oyulmanın etüdü
site investigation
saha incelemesi
subsoil investigation
sığ yeraltı zemin araştırması
subsurface investigation
sığ yer altı araştırması
superficial investigation
yüzeysel inceleme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, especially patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist
A systematic, minute, and thorough attempt to ascertain the facts about something complex or hidden It is often formal and official Top
Synonymous with scrutiny (qv)
"Investigation" is another term without common meaning from state to state It refers generally to the process of preparing/developing a case for adjudication and disposition hearings Typically, law enforcement officers (either police or prosecutors) prepare the case for an adjudication hearing by handling the evidence, interviewing witnesses/victims, and preparing motions If the judge finds the juvenile delinquent at the adjudicatory hearing, the probation department makes its own investigations, preparing a social history or pre-disposition report with recommendations for the judge to consider in making a disposition
The gathering and assessment of objective information to determine if a child has been or is at risk of being maltreated Generally includes face-to-face contact with the victim and results in a disposition as to whether the alleged report is substantiated or not
The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp
A systematic process of examination, inquiry and observation The Act's definition of "law enforcement," includes police, security and administrative investigations, including the complaint that leads to the investigation Within this context, an investigation may be carried out by or on behalf of a public body or by a police service The term "investigation" also refers to the procedures used by the Commissioner to ensure compliance with the Act After conducting an investigation, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner may issue an Investigation Report
an examination undertaken for the purpose of detection of violations of this chapter or securing information lawfully required under this chapter (per RCW 19 146 010)
patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist
A duly authorized, systematic, detailed examination to uncover the facts and determine the truth of a matter IG investigations are administrative in nature -- they are fact finding rather than judicial proceedings They are not criminal proceedings in which proof beyond a reasonable doubt is required Rather, the standard of proof that applies is proof by a preponderance of the evidence
the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically
an examination or inquiry into something, especially a detailed one that is undertaken officially
The gathering of information, statements and evidence through telephone calls and interviews
{i} probe, examination, inspection; process of investigating; detailed inquiry and questioning
The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist
The formal examination and evaluation of all relevant facts to determine whether misconduct has occurred
the process of collecting evidence by law enforcement officers or the prosecutor to determine if a crime has been committed
an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
a detailed examination, usually involving a site visit plus interviews and file searches, with all involved licensees, district and/or regional offices of government agencies, the complainant and others
This term is used to refer to explorations, inquiry, experiments, research and inventions which are undertaken in the course of project work Usually investigation is initiated by the children through the questions they are interested in answering through their project work The teacher facilitates the research through organizing field visits, visiting experts to the classroom, acquiring artifacts for close inspection or providing secondary sources of information such as books, videos, CDs or internet access
a systematic examination, observation, or inquiry Investigations can be: (1) a type of assessment task or activity; or (2) a process conducted during or after the administration of an assessment as part of a quality check (e g , examining a teacher's portfolio that has been assigned discrepant ratings by two raters, comparing the observation summary record with the notes collected by the observer)
{n} a searching out, an examination
background investigation
A background check or background investigation is the process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records and financial records of an individual or an organization
calls for further investigation
demands additional research, warrants additional examination
criminal investigation command
the United States Army's principal law enfocement agency responsible for the conduct of criminal investigations for all levels of the Army anywhere in the world
criminal investigation department
division of Scotland Yard which researches crimes
criminal investigation division
section in the police department that investigates crimes
disrupt investigation
disturb or impede an investigation
exhaustive investigation
thorough investigation
federal bureau of investigation
a federal law enforcement agency that is the principal investigative arm of the Department of Justice
A law enforcement officer that uses inquiries for ascertaining facts about a crime
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{i} detailed inquiries and questioning
Inquiry into a topic using scientific skills
plural of investigation
pending investigation
investigation which is still in progress
public investigation
investigation that is known to the general public
sound investigation
extensive examination, comprehensive investigation
the investigation continues
the examination is ongoing, the investigation in still in progress
thorough investigation
extensive search, deep search
united states army criminal investigation laboratory
a defense laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Command; the Army's primary forensic laboratory in support of criminal intelligence