
listen to the pronunciation of inventory
الإنجليزية - التركية

Envanterim neredeyse dolu. - My inventory is almost full.

Envanter çıkarıyorum. - I'm taking inventory.

{f} envanterini yapmak
(Ticaret) envanter defteri
{i} stok

Bu Paris şehrine ait sanat eserlerinin genel stokudur. - It is the general inventory of art works belonging to the City of Paris.

(Ticaret) mal stokları
{i} sayım defteri
(Ticaret) demirbaş

Sayım dökümlerini inceliyorum. - I've been going over the inventory.

demirbaş eşya çizelgesi
ayrıntılı gösterge
(Ticaret) mal mevcudu
sayım çizelgesi
envantere kaydet
(Askeri) SAYIM, ENVANTER: İkmal maddelerinin sayılması. Bir ikmal tesisindeki bütün ikmal maddelerinin, belirli bir tarihte sayılmasına tam sayım (complete inventory); belirli bir süre içinde yapılan parça parça sayımlara da kısmi sayım (cycle inventory) denir. Yalnız belirli bir malzemenin sayılması ise özel sayım (special inventory) dır
{i} deftere kayıtlı eşya, demirbaş
{f} envantere işlemek
müfredat defterine geçirmek
inventory actor
(Ticaret) envanter görevlisi
inventory balance
(Ticaret) envanter bakiyesi
inventory conduct
(Ticaret) envanter çıkartılması
inventory control centre
(Askeri) envanter kontrol merkezi
inventory cycle
(Ticaret) stok döngüsü
inventory difference
(Ticaret) stok farkı
inventory holding
(Ticaret) envanter tutma
inventory holding cost
(Ticaret) envanter tutma masrafi
inventory manager
(Askeri) stok mal yöneticisi
inventory optimization
(Ticaret) stok optimizasyonu
inventory overages
(Ticaret) sayım ve tesellüm fazlaları
inventory policy
(Ticaret) envanter politikası
inventory price discrepancies
(Ticaret) envanter fiyatı
inventory profit
(Ticaret) envanter karı
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter ihtiyatı
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter yedeği
inventory reserve
(Ticaret) envanter karşılığı
inventory schedule
(Ticaret) envanter planı
inventory sheet
(Ticaret) envanter listesi
inventory shortages
(Ticaret) sayım noksanlığı
inventory shortages
(Ticaret) stok noksanları
inventory sign
(Bilgisayar) stok işareti
inventory stock
inventory theory
(Ticaret) envanter kuramı
inventory to
(Politika, Siyaset) envanterini çıkarmak
inventory to
(Politika, Siyaset) kaydetmek
inventory to
(Politika, Siyaset) deftere geçirmek
inventory turnover ratio
(Ticaret) envanter dönüşüm hızı
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) stok değerleme
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) envanteri değerlendirme
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) sok değerlendirmesi
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) envanter değerlendirmesi
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) stok değerlemesi
inventory control
stok kontrolü
inventory control
envanter kontrolü
inventory investment
stok yatırımı
inventory rate
envanter değeri
inventory level
stok düzeyi
inventory management
Envanter yönetimi
inventory adjustment
(Askeri) STOK AYARLAMASI: Kayıttaki stok mevcudu bakiyesinin gerçek fiili mal mevcudu ile uzlaştırılması
inventory and inspection record
inventory card
(Ticaret) envanter kartı
inventory certificate
(Ticaret) envanter tespit vesikası
inventory change
(Nükleer Bilimler) envanter değişikliği
inventory change report
(Nükleer Bilimler) envanter değişikliği raporu
inventory control
(Askeri) ENVANTER KONTROL, STOK MAL KONTROLÜ: Askeri lojistiğin; malzeme yönetimi, kataloglanması, ihtiyaçlarının tespiti, tedariği, dağıtımı, revizyonu ve son işlemini içine alan safhası. Bu terim; malzeme kontrolu (material control), malzeme yönetimi (material management), stok mal manejmanı (inventory management) ve ikmal manejmanı (supply management) ile eş anlamlıdır
inventory control point
(Askeri) STOK MAL KONTROL NOKTASI: Ya belirli bir kuvvet komutanlığı veya bir bütün olarak Milli Savunma Bakanlığına ait bir malzeme grubunun malzeme manejmanı ana sorumluluğu verilmiş Milli Savunma Bakanlığı ikmal sistemine dahil bir teşkilat birliği. Malzeme stok manejmanı; kataloglama idaresini, ihtiyaç hesaplamasını tedarik idaresini dağıtım manejmanını, son işlem idaresini ve genel olarak yenileştirme idaresini içine alır
inventory control point
(Askeri) stok mal kontrol noktası
inventory investment
(Ticaret) stok şeklinde yatırım
inventory investment
(Ticaret) stok yatırımları
inventory loan
(Ticaret) envanter kredisi
inventory loan
(Ticaret) stok kredisi
inventory management
(Askeri) STOK MAL MANEJMANI: Bak. "inventory control"
inventory management
(Askeri) stok mal yönetimi
inventory managers
(Askeri) STOK MAL YÖNETİCİLERİ: Bak. "inventory control point"
inventory pricing
(Ticaret) envanterde değerleme
inventory pricing
(Ticaret) stok değerlendirme
inventory stock
demirbaş eşya
inventory turnover
(Ticaret) stokların devri
inventory turnover
(Ticaret) stok dönme çabukluğu
inventory turnover
(Ticaret) malların dönüşümü
inventory turnover
envanter stok yenileme oranı
intransit inventory
(Askeri) nakil halinde mal mevcudu
inactive aircraft inventory
(Askeri) gayri faal uçak envanteri
inactive aircraft inventory
(Askeri) GAYRİ FAAL UÇAK ENVANTERİ: Depoda tutulan, alıkonan uçaklar. Askeri kuvvetler için mevcut olmayan veya savunma kuruluşu dışında ödünç verilen ya da kiralanan hükümetin sağladığı teçhizat
intransit inventory
(Askeri) TRANSİT ENVANTER: Askeri dağıtım sistemindeki tedarik ve üretimden itibaren alındı noktasından (dağıtım noktasına bağlı olarak ya müteahhidin ya da ilk hedeften) ve depolama ile dağıtım noktaları arasında hareket halinde bulunan malzeme
perpetual inventory system
Sürekli envanter (denetim) sistemi
year-end inventory
Sene sonu envanteri
backup aircraft inventory
(Askeri) takviye uçak envanteri
complete inventory
(Askeri) tam sayım
finished goods inventory
(Ticaret) mamuller
(Ticaret) demirbaşlar
(Ticaret) stoklar
inventory control
(Askeri) envanter kontrol
inventory control
(Ticaret) envanter denetimi
inventory control
(Askeri) stok mal kontrolü
perpetual inventory
(Ticaret) sürekli envanter
product inventory
(Bilgisayar) ürün bilgileri
special inventory
(Askeri) özel sayım
system inventory
(Bilgisayar) sistem bilgileri
actual inventory
hazır mevcut
actual inventory
hazır stok
book inventory
muhasebe içi envanter
manufacturing planning and inventory control
üretim planlaması ve stok kontrolü
cost of inventory
envanter maliyeti
excess inventory
Fazla envanter
hedge inventory
hedge envanter
negative inventory
negatif envanter
periodic inventory
Aralıklı envanter
personality inventory
Kişilik envanteri
slow moving inventory
yavaş hareket eden envanter
adjustment inventory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyum anketi
aggregate inventory
(Ticaret) toplam envanterler
average inventory
(Ticaret) envanter ortalaması
backup aircraft inventory
(Askeri) TAKVİYE UÇAK ENVANTERİ: Takviye yetkisini karşılamak üzere tayin edilmiş uçaklar. bkz: "Primary aircraft inventory"
backup aircraft inventory; battlefield air interdiction
(Askeri) yedek uçak envanteri; muharebe sahası hava tecrit
book inventory
liste envanteri
book inventory
(Ticaret) kaydi envanter
book inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) defter envanteri
burnout inventory
tükenmişlik ölçeği
classification of inventory
(Ticaret) stokların gruplandırılması
complete inventory
(Askeri) TAM SAYIM: Bak. "inventory"
complete shutdown inventory
(Askeri) FAALİYETİ DURDURARAK TAM SAYIM: Bir tesiste bulunan bütün maddelerin belirli bir tarihte sayımı. Bu sayım yapılırken bütün tesellim veya dağıtım faaliyetine son verilir
continuous inventory
(Ticaret) devamlı envanter
contractor inventory
(Askeri) MÜTEAHHİT MAL SAYIMI: Bir işin bitiminden önce şartname veya projelerdeki dolayısıyla veya yapılan ana ya da tali sözleşmenin feshedilmesi nedeniyle hükümetçe görülen lüzum üzerine hükümetin teslim almaya mecbur olduğu malların sayımı
cycle inventory
(Askeri) kısmi stok kontrolü
cycle inventory
(Askeri) kısmi sayım
cycle inventory
cycle inventory
(Askeri) periyodik sayım
cycle inventory
(Askeri) periyodik stok kontrolü
ending inventory
(Ticaret) kapanış stoğu
environmental inventory
çevre envanteri
financial inventory accounting
(Askeri) MALİ ENVANTER MUHASEBESİ: Kara ordusu ikmal sisteminde mal saymanlığı kayıtlarında stok olarak bulundurulan malzeme. İkmal maddeleri ve teçhizata ait para muhasebesinin kurulması ve tutulması işi
fissile material inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) fisil madde envanteri
fuel inventory
yakıt çizelgesi
fuel inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt envanteri
implementation; inventory management plan
(Askeri) uygulama; envanter yönetim planı
management inventory
(Ticaret) yönetim envanteri
materiel inventory objective
(Askeri) malzeme envanter hedefi
materiel inventory objective
(Askeri) MALZEME ENVANTER HEDEFİ: M gününde bir malzeme ikmal ve tahliye kanalı temin etmek ve teçhiz etmek için ve onaylanmış ABD kuvvet yapısı (faal ve yedek) ABD malzeme desteğine tahsis edilmiş Müttefik kuvvetleri, savaş malzemesi planlama amaçları için idame ettirmek amacıyla elde hazır bulundurulması gereken malzeme miktarı. Savaş malzeme ihtiyacının, savaş malzeme istihsali imkan ve kabiliyeti ve savaş malzeme istihsali düzenlemelerini aştığı miktardır. M-günü kuvvet malzeme ihtiyaçları ve savaş yedek malzeme ihtiyaçlarını içerir
merchandise inventory
(Ticaret) mal envanteri
merchandise inventory
(Ticaret) mal sayımı
mixed inventory
(Ticaret) karışık stok
net inventory assets
(Askeri) net envanter mevcutları
net inventory assets
(Askeri) NET ENVANTER MEVCUTLARI: Toplam malzeme mevcutlarının, malzeme envanter hedeflerini karşılamak üzere ayrılan kısmı. Net envanter mevcudu, toplam malzeme mevcutlarından barış zamanı malzeme tüketimi ile normal tahminle bulunan kayıtlar ve tedarik devresi zamanının çıkarılması ile kalan miktarı ihtiva etmektedir
opening inventory
(Ticaret) başlangıç envanteri
periodical inventory method
(Ticaret) periyodik envanter metodu
perpetual inventory
(Askeri) DEVAMLI STOK KAYDI USULÜ: Yardımcı bir defteri kebir olarak da faydalanılan ve dolar miktarları ile fiili miktarları gösterir teferruatlı kayıtlar vasıtasıyla, eldeki stoklara devamlı mutabakat halinde bulundurulan bir defter sayımı. Stok yerinin kısımlarında kısa fasılalarla sayım yapılır, miktarlar ayarlanır ve gerekirse, bunun için fiili sayıma başvurulur
perpetual inventory method
(Ticaret) devamlı envanter yöntemi
physical inventory
(Askeri) MUHASEBE DIŞI ENVANTER; FİİLİ SAYIM; FİZİKSEL ENVANTER: Eldeki malzemenin miktar ve değeri fiilen sayılmak, tartılmak veya ölçülmek suretiyle yapılan sayım
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fiili mal sayımı
physical inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) fiziksel envanter
physical inventory
(Askeri) fiziki sayım
physical inventory
(Askeri) fiili sayım
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fiziki envanter
physical inventory
(Ticaret) fizik envanter
physical inventory
(Ticaret) stok sayımı
physical inventory
(Ticaret) muhasebe dışı envanter
physical inventory list
(Nükleer Bilimler) fiziksel envanter listesi
pipeline inventory
naklıyat envanteri
primary aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas uçak envanteri
primary aircraft inventory
(Askeri) ESAS UÇAK ENVANTERİ, MEVCUDU: Esas uçak müsaadesini karşılamak üzere verilen uçak
primary development/test aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas geliştirme / test uçak envanteri
primary mission aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas görev uçak envanteri
primary other aircraft inventory
(Askeri) esas diğer uçak envanteri
primary training aircraft inventory
(Askeri) ana eğitim hava aracı envanteri
range inventory
(Tarım) mera envanteri
rate of inventory turnover
(Ticaret) stokların dönüşüm oranı
rate of inventory turnover
(Ticaret) stokların dönme çabukluğu
rate of inventory turnover
(Ticaret) stokların dönme hızı
raw material inventory
(Ticaret) ham madde stoku
reactor core inventory
(Nükleer Bilimler) reaktör kalp envanteri,reaktör koru envanteri
record inventory
(Ticaret) kayıtlara göre envanter
record inventory
(Ticaret) kaydi envanter
ship's inventory
(Ticaret) gemi envanteri
ship’s inventory
(Askeri) geminin demirbaşı
special inventory
(Askeri) ÖZEL SAYIM: Bak. "inventory"
stop inventory
(Bilgisayar) sayımı durdur
tactical missile inventory
(Askeri) TAKTİK FÜZE ENVANTERİ: Bütün muharebe ve destek kademelerinde elde bulunan ve depolarda, sevkiyat halinde, kıta cephane yükünde ve ihtiyat stoklardakileri de içine alan, halihazır taktik füze toplamı. Taktik dışı maksatlarla tahsis edilmiş füzeler bunun dışındadır
tactical missile inventory
(Askeri) taktik füze envanteri
take in inventory
(Ticaret) sayım yapmak
take in inventory
(Ticaret) envanter almak
take inventory
envanter çıkarmak
take inventory
(Ticaret) sayım yapmak
take inventory
envanterini yapmak
take inventory
(Ticaret) envanter almak
take out inventory
dökümünü yapmak
take the inventory
sayım yapmak
target data inventory
(Askeri) HEDEF BİLGİLERİ/ESASLARI ENVANTERİ: Hedef planlama koordinasyonu ve silah kullanımı için, Kurmay Başkanlıkları Kuvvet Komutanlıkları, ve birleşik ve belirli komutanlıkların standartlaştırılmış hedef bilgileri temin eden temel bir hedefleme programı
target data inventory
(Askeri) hedef bilgileri
target data inventory
(Askeri) hedef veri envanteri
task inventory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görev envanteri
termination inventory
(Askeri) FESİH SAYIMI: Bir harp sözleşmesinin feshedilen taahhüt kısmına dahil edilebilen malların sayımı. Ayrı bir sözleşme hükümleriyle kullanılmaları veya ne şekilde bir işleme tabi tutulacakları gösterilen makina ve malzeme bu sayımdan hariç tutulur
termination inventory
(Askeri) fesih sayımı
total active aircraft inventory
(Askeri) FAAL HALDEKİ UÇAKLARIN TOPLAM MEVCUDU: Faal haldeki uçak kadrosunun tamamını karşılamak üzere verilen asıl ve yedek uçakların toplamı
total inactive inventory
(Askeri) toplam atıl durumdaki envanter
total overall aircraft inventory
(Askeri) GENEL UÇAK MEVCUDU TOPLAMI: Faal haldeki uçak mevcudu toplamı ile gayri faal uçak mevcudunun toplamı
total overall aircraft inventory
(Askeri) toplam genel uçak envanteri
valuation method of inventory
(Ticaret) stok değerleme yöntemi
vendor managed inventory
(Askeri) imalatçı tarafından yönetilen envanter
work in process inventory
(Ticaret) yarı mamul stoku
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
a detailed list of all of the items on hand

The inventory included several items that one wouldn't normally think to find at a cheese shop.

The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or business

Due to an undersized inventory at the Boston outlet, customers had to travel to Providence to find the item.

To take stock of the resources or items on hand; to produce an inventory

The main job of the night shift was to inventory the store, and restock when necessary.

the process of producing or updating such a list

This month's inventory took nearly three days.

The process of periodically accounting for capital, attractive, and other property items on a scheduled basis
The monetary value of a company's raw materials, work in progress, supplies used in operations and finished goods Excess inventory on a company's balance sheet could indicate a slowdown in sales and a lack of pricing power See "Inventories " BACK TO TOP
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; "the inventory took two days"
{f} take inventory, make a detailed list of property; summarize; sum up the worth of
The amount of property on hand at any given time, or an itemized listing thereof A "physical inventory" is one determined by actual physical count of the items A "book inventory" is one determined from records maintained in connection with day-to-day business activities Industrial inventories typically consist of raw materials, work-in-process, finished goods, and M R O (maintenance, repair, and operating) supplies
Typically, a national inventory is the register of sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in a particular country The UNFCCC calls for all Parties to commit to "develop, update periodically, publish and make available to the Conference of the Parties (COP) their national inventories of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all Greenhouse Gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol and, to "use comparable methodologies for inventories of GHG emissions and removals"
For companies: Raw materials, items available for sale or in the process of being made ready for sale They can be individually valued by several different means, including cost or current market value, and collectively by (First-in-first-out) FIFO, (Last-in-first-out) LIFO or other techniques The lower value of alternatives is usually used to preclude overstating earnings and assets For security firms: securities bought and held by a broker or dealer for resale
To make an inventory of; to make a list, catalogue, or schedule of; to insert or register in an account of goods; as, a merchant inventories his stock
The ad space available for sale on a website Ad inventory is determined by the number of ads on a page, the number of pages containing ad space and an estimate of future page views Also called ad avail
a collection of resources; "he dipped into his intellectual armory to find an answer"
a list of goods in the estate of a deceased person
an inventory is a legal list of all the property in a deceased person's estate The executor of the will is required to make an inventory
(Ticaret) Raw, intermediate or finished items that are physically stocked by an organization, or for which they are financially liable. Classification methods specify the usage (for production or as MRO), valuation method, degree of control, timing (to order or to stock) and other factors associated with investing company assets in inventoried items. The sole purpose of carrying inventory is to fill an expected future internal or external demand; the ability to accurately predict that demand determines the level of investment required
a list of goods that a business has on hand for sale to her customers
a detailed list of all the items in stock (accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods make or include in an itemized record or report; "Inventory all books before the end of the year
(1) A basic archival finding aid usually describing the records of a Federal agency or part of an agency It generally includes a brief history of the organization and functions of the agency whose records are being described; a description of each record series (giving as a minimum such data as title, dates, quantity, and arrangement, and sometimes relationships to other series and description of significant subject content); and, if appropriate, appendices that provide such supplementary information as a filing scheme, a glossary of abbreviations and special terms, lists of folder headings on special subjects, or indexes (2) In records management, a survey of records prior to development of records disposition schedules
{i} stock; list of assets; act of checking stock
A company's merchandise, raw materials, and finished and unfinished products which have not yet been sold
Raw, intermediate or finished items that are physically stocked by an organization, or for which they are financially liable Classification methods specify the usage (for production or as MRO), valuation method, degree of control, timing (to order or to stock) and other factors associated with investing company assets in inventoried items The sole purpose of carrying inventory is to fill an expected future internal or external demand; the ability to accurately predict that demand determines the level of investment required
the merchandise that a shop has on hand; "they carried a vast inventory of hardware"
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; "the inventory took two days" a detailed list of all the items in stock (accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods make or include in an itemized record or report; "Inventory all books before the end of the year
An account, catalogue, or schedule, made by an executor or administrator, of all the goods and chattels, and sometimes of the real estate, of a deceased person; a list of the property of which a person or estate is found to be possessed; hence, an itemized list of goods or valuables, with their estimated worth; specifically, the annual account of stock taken in any business
Information that SMS inventory client agents collect for each client in a site The inventory can include hardware and software information and collected files, depending on the administrator-defined configuration See also inventory agent
A list of articles of property For income tax purposes, inventory refers only to a list of articles comprising stock in trade--articles held for sale to customers in the regular course of a trade or business The cost of goods sold during the year is determined by adding to the inventory at the beginning of the year the purchases during the year, and subtracting from this sum the inventory at the close of the year
make or include in an itemized record or report; "Inventory all books before the end of the year"
For most companies this is merchandise, raw materials, unfinished products and finished products of a business that have not yet been sold Investment dealers hold inventories of shares, bonds, debentures and other investment products to fill long and short positions for clients
An inventory is a written list of all the objects in a particular place. Before starting, he made an inventory of everything that was to stay
The detailed descriptive list of your household goods showing the number and condition of each item
The number of ads available for sale on a Web site Ad inventory is determined by the number of ads on a page, the number of pages containing ad space and the number of page requests
1 A basic archival finding aid whose unit of entry is usually the series An inventory generally includes a brief administrative history of the organization(s) whose records are being described as well as descriptions of the records Series descriptions give as a minimum such data as title, inclusive dates, quantity, arrangement, relationships to other series, and scope and content notes Inventories may also contain appendices that provide such supplementary information as container lists, folder lists, a glossary of abbreviations and special terms, lists of file units on special subjects, indices, and classification plans/schemes 2 In records management, a detailed listing of the contents, function, volume, scope, and complexity of an organization's records, usually compiled for the purpose of creating a records schedule (SAA)
In the context of a Year 2000 program, the process of determining the components that comprise the agency's systems portfolio The inventory includes all applications, databases, files, and related system components that will require inspection to locate date data and related date computations
Parts and material on hand Inventory is Items that are in a stocking location or work in process and that serve to decouple successive operations in the process of manufacturing a product and distributing it to the consumer Inventories may consist of finished goods ready for sale; they may be parts or intermediate items; they may be work in progress; or they may be raw materials [APIC] Actual quantities, specifications, and location of materials in storage
A fulfillment report that is a computer print-out of all of a magazine's subscriptions, usually tabulated by expire issue, price, term or source, without individual names and addresses Used for source analysis and budgeting Not to be confused with inventories of promotional materials, which should be referred to as “stock ”
An inventory is a supply or stock of something. one inventory of twelve sails for each yacht. In business, any item of property held in stock by a firm, including finished goods held for sale, goods in the process of production, raw materials, and items that will be consumed in the process of producing salable goods. Inventories appear on a company's balance sheet as assets. Inventory turnover, which indicates the rate at which goods are converted into cash, is a key factor in appraising a firm's financial condition. For financial statements, inventories may be priced either at cost or at market value
(especially US) an amount of goods stored ready for sale; in accounting, the value of raw materials, work in progress and finished but unsold products
(accounting) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished goods
a detailed list of all the items in stock
inventory management
The formal management of the timing and quantities of goods to be ordered and stocked by an organization in order that demand can always be satisfied without excess expenditure
inventory management
Inventory management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory
inventory turnover
The Inventory Turnover is an equation that equals the cost of goods sold divided by the average inventory. Average inventory equals beginning inventory plus ending inventory divided by 2
inventory accounting
accounting that controls and evaluates inventory
inventory buffer
(Ticaret) Stock held to prevent a disruption of supply in the face of uncertainty in future demand
inventory control
supervision of the supply and storage and accessibility of items in order to insure an adequate supply without excessive oversupply
inventory evaluation
estimation of the worth of listed articles
inventory item
an item listed in an inventory
inventory item
item which has been included on a detailed list of property or goods
inventory level
amount of stock in inventory, total reserve goods
inventory management
(Ticaret) Systems and processes that identify inventory requirements, set targets, provide replenishment techniques and report actual and projected inventory status
inventory management
method whose purpose is to maintain the level of normal stock without damaging other business elements
inventory revaluation
(Ticaret) The function of assigning a new cost valuation to on-hand inventory, based on a standards change or other determination of a change in its future worth
inventory status
(Ticaret) The classification of inventory based on its stage in the processing cycle. Common classifications include raw materials (materials and components not yet transformed from their initial state), work-in-process (partially-completed units of production that have been altered from their original state), and finished goods (end items that require no further processing)
inventory turnover
period of time in which the inventory of a business is completely used up and restocked
inventory turnover
(Ticaret) An inventory investment and activity measure that compares inventory usage (as defined by the annual cost of goods sold) divided by the inventory investment (as defined as the average inventory level at standard cost). Higher values indicate a more efficient use of inventory; absolute targets can only be set based on relevant industry figures, as the turnover for grocery chains is vastly different than for capital goods manufacturers
inventory turnover ratio
(Accounting) index of the inventory held by a company in contrast with the sales (used to assess the effectivity of holding inventory)
inventory usage
(Ticaret) The volume of inventory consumed for a given period of time, sometimes broken into demand from recurring requirements and from miscellaneous adjustments not considered as normal, or repeating
inventory valuation
(Ticaret) The process of assigning a financial value to on-hand inventory, based on standard cost, first-in, first-out (FIFO), last-in, first-out (LIFO), average list price or other method. The method used is determined by a requirement to meet legal or other standards specified by a third party, or by an operational measure found to be useful in analyzing inventory positions
inventory write-off
(Ticaret) The reduction of the currently-stated financial value of an inventory item based on a determination that its future worth is less than its acquisition cost due to obsolescence or market changes
in-process inventory
(Ticaret) work-in-process (WIP)
ad inventory
The types of advertisements (web banners) that can be displayed
ad inventory
The number of page views that a website receives
take inventory
to compile an inventory; to take stock; to inventory
take inventory
to assess a situation
perpetual inventory system
A system of stock control followed by stores department that follows a method of recording stores by which information about each receipt, issue and current balance of stock is always available
{v} to make a list or account of articles
{n} a list or account of seperate articles of goods, usually of a deceased person
periodic inventory
Periodic inventory is a system of inventory in which updates are made on a periodic basis. This differs from perpetual inventory systems, where updates are made continuously
personality inventory
A questionnaire that is supposed to yield a description of a person's personality traits

A personality inventory is a direct test of personality, as contrasted with a projective test.

allocated inventory
inventory that has already been reserved for a specific order or a contracted job
beginning inventory
(Ticaret) The calculated (perpetual) inventory at the start of an accounting period; often generated from month-end close functions that use the ending inventory of one period as the beginning inventory of the next
beginning inventory
inventory taken at the end of an accounting period
book inventory
(Ticaret) See: perpetual inventory
book inventory
(Finance) stock in hand, stock on hand that should be in accordance with the accounting records
california personality inventory
a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI; consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc
consigned inventory
(Ticaret) Inventory physically at a customer site that remains the financial possession of the vendor. The inventory is considered transferred when agreements specify it is physically recounted by the vendor, when it is used in production by the customer, by a customer self-billing process, or other method
emission inventory
A listing, by source, of the amount of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere of a community; used to establish emission standards
emission inventory
An estimate of the amount of pollutants emitted from mobile and stationary sources into the atmosphere over a specific period such as a day or a year
emission inventory
A data bank of air pollution statistics, identifying the type, size, and location of various pollution sources Categories include point, mobile, and area sources
emission inventory
a listing by source of the amounts of air pollutants discharged into the atmosphere
emission inventory
{i} system of recording and analyzing the amount of air pollutants emitted into the atmosphere
ending inventory
amount of inventory at the end of the current reporting accounting period
ending inventory
(Ticaret) The book or perpetual inventory at the end of an accounting period, often calculated as beginning inventory + receipts - issues ± adjustments
excess inventory
(Ticaret) Any inventory above the minimum manually-specified or system-calculated level required to support production and distribution operations. Excess inventory definitions may include any inventory above zero, above a defined safety stock level, or over a defined number of days supply
eysenck personality inventory
a self-report personality inventory based on Hans Eysenck's factor analysis of personality which assumes three basic factors (the two most important being extraversion to introversion and neuroticism)
four wall inventory
(Ticaret) wall-to-wall inventory
hedge inventory
(Ticaret) Inventory created to protect against a possible future event or disruption in supply, such as a strike, major vendor shutdown, prospective trade or government program change, or similar situation
Of or pertaining to an inventory
Stocks of goods held by businesses either for further processing or for sale [Back to top]
Stocks of goods held by businesses either for further processing or for sale (BEA)
All goods and materials available for sale (in the case of wholesalers, retailers, and distributors) or raw materials and supplies, work in process, and finished goods (in the case of manufacturers) Listed in the current assets section on the statement of financial position
Raw materials, principally newsprint, used in the business
Cost of merchandise on hand for the school that could be used for demonstration and instruction and that also could be sold
stocks of unsold goods and materials
plural of inventory
Stocks of goods in the hands of producers These stocks are included in the definition of capital and an increase in inventories is considered to be investment
Lists of chemical substances manufactured or processed in the United States that EPA compiles and keeps current
This is a numbered list of all items loaded onto the moving van with the condition of furniture pieces noted Cartons will be noted as packed by the van line, or "PBO" packed by owner A copy must be kept for your records
Counts and makes a list of items
making an itemized list of merchandise or supplies on hand; "the inventory took two days"
level inventory plan
(Ticaret) A plan that varies production levels in order to maintain a specific, even level of inventory over a given period of time, due to storage or other considerations
minimum inventory level
(Ticaret) The lowest desired amount of inventory, used by planning systems to generate replenishments that will keep projected on-hand at that level or higher
minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
a self-report personality inventory consisting of 550 items that describe feelings or actions which the person is asked to agree with or disagree with; many scales estimating traits and qualities of personality have been developed using MMPI items
negative inventory
(Ticaret) An error condition resulting from a transaction that drives the perpetual inventory below zero. Systems that allow negative inventory usually provide exception reports for cycle counting and analysis, and specify how the negative is handled in modules such as MPS and MRP
on-hand inventory
(Ticaret) The physical or perpetual quantity of current inventory
parts inventory
an inventory of replacement parts
perpetual inventory
a method of keeping up to date records on all inventory items by recording every time an item enters or leaves inventory
perpetual inventory
The book inventory calculated as a result of all issue, receipt and adjustment transactions, as opposed to verification by physical count
perpetual inventory
a book inventory kept in continuous agreement with stock on hand by means of a detailed record that may also server as a subsidiary ledger where dollar amounts as well as physical quantities are maintained; Sections of the stockroom are inventoried at short intervals and the quantities or amounts or both are adjusted, where necessary, to the physical count
perpetual inventory
In a perpetual inventory system, an up-to-date record of inventory is maintained and the inventory account is revised each time a purchase or sale is made (pp 152; 529)
personality inventory
a questionnaire that is supposed to yield a description of a person's personality traits; "a personality inventory is a direct test of personality, as contrasted with a projective test
personality inventory
A questionnaire that is scored to yield a profile of the particular traits or characteristics that make up the respondent's personality
physical inventory
(Ticaret) The verification of on-hand inventory quantities by taking an actual count. Often refers to the annual or quarterly process of counting all items, rather than the physical verification of selected groups of parts on a continuing basis (a cycle count)
self-report personality inventory
a personality inventory in which a person is asked which of a list of traits and characteristics describe her or him or to indicate which behaviors and hypothetical choices he or she would make
slow moving inventory
(Ticaret) Items in stock that have had no usage activity for a specified number of days, or whose usage rate is significantly below the historical or expected average
two bin inventory system
(Ticaret) An inventory system that uses two bins (or the logical equivalent, based on usage over lead time) to hold inventory. Requirements are taken from an initial single bin; when that bin is empty a reorder is placed and requirements are taken from the second bin
vendor-managed inventory
(Ticaret) (VMI) An inventory planning and fulfillment technique in which a supplier is responsible for monitoring and restocking customer inventory at the appropriate time to maintain predefined levels. The vendor is given access to current customer inventory, forecast and sales order information and initiates replenishment as required
wall-to-wall inventory
(Ticaret) A physical inventory of all items within a given warehouse or facility
zero inventory
(Ticaret) A term initially used to represent the optimum stock level in a just-in-time system and the idea that inventory is a liability instead of an asset
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف inventory في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

create an inventory
envanter oluşturmak
perform an inventory
envanter oluşturmak