
listen to the pronunciation of interface
الإنجليزية - التركية

Arayüz yeterince hızlı değil. - The interface isn't fast enough.

Ona bütün arayüzü çevireceğime söz verdim. - I promised him I'd translate the whole interface.

(Dilbilim) karışmalı
(Kimya) ara yüzeyi
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) ortak yüzey (bookchin)
{i} (Bilgisayar) arabirim
(Mint Szoftver Elem) Ara Birim (Mint Szoftver Elem)
ara yüz
interface adapter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) arayüz uyarlayıcısı
interface adapter
(Bilgisayar) arabağ uyarlayıcısı
interface test
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) arayüz testi
interface testing
(Bilgisayar) arayüz testi
interface type
(Bilgisayar) arabirim türü
interface unit
(Askeri) bağlantı ünitesi
interface card
arabirim kartı
interface checker
arayüzey çek edici
interface routine
arayüzey yordamı
interface data
arabirimi veri
interface routines
arayüzey yordamlari
interface adapter
arayuz uyarlayicisi
interface adapter unit
(Askeri) arayüz adaptör birimi
interface bus
ara yüz veri hattı
interface card slots
ara birim kart yuvaları
interface checker
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) arabirim denetleyici
interface control document
(Telekom) arayüz kontrol dokümanı
interface control unit
(Askeri) arayüz irtibat kontrol birimi
interface converter module
(Askeri) arayüz çevirici modül
interface count
(Bilgisayar) arabirim sayısı
interface credentials
ara birim tanıtımları
interface id
(Bilgisayar) arabirim kimliği
interface mode
(Bilgisayar) arabirim modu
interface name
(Bilgisayar) arabirim adı
interface operating procedure
(Askeri) enterfaz işletim usulleri
interface routines
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) arayüzey yordamları
interface signal
(Nükleer Bilimler) arayüzey sinyali
interface standard
(Ticaret) arayüz standardı
interface surface
(Nükleer Bilimler) ara yüzey
interface test
arayuz testi
interface trigger
(Nükleer Bilimler) hareket noktası sinyali
interrupt interface
kesinti arabirimi
individual deployment site; integrated deployment system; interface design stand
(Askeri) bireysel konuşlanma sahası; birleştirilmiş konuşlanma sistemi; enterfaz tasarım standartları; müsadesiz girişleri tespit sistemi
intensive care unit; interface control unit
(Askeri) yoğun bakım ünitesi; enterfaz kontrol ünitesi
arayüzey ile ilgili
dealing interface
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı arayüzü
host interface
(Bilgisayar) ana bilgisayar arayüzü
host interface
(Bilgisayar) ana bilgisayar arabağı
human computer interface
(Askeri) insan bilgisayar arayüzü
peripheral interface
(Bilgisayar) çevre donatımı arabağı
peripheral interface
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevre donatımı arayüzü
serial interface
dizisel arayüz
common programming interface
ortak programlama arabirimi
computer interface unit
bilgisayar arayüz birimi
hybrid interface
melez arayüzey
musical instruments digital interface
müzik gereçleri sayısal arabirimi
parallel interface
koşut arabirim
serial interface
seri arabirim
user interface
kullanıcı arabirimi
application programming interface
uygulama programlama arabirimi
bus interface
centronics interface
Centronics arabirimi
command line interface
komut satırı arayüzü
data system interface
BİLGİ İŞLEMİ ORTAK YÖNÜ: Sistemler arası bilgi alıp verme kabiliyetine sahip iki veya daha çok bilgi sisteminin müşterek bir yönü; veya otomatik bilgi işlem sistemleri ya da tek bir sistemin parçaları arasındaki müşterek bir sınır
enhanced ide interface
gelişmiş ide arabirimi
extensible firmware interface
Genişletilebilir Ürün Bilgisi Arabirimi
graphical interface
(Bilgisayar) Çizgisel arabirim
high performance parallel interface
yüksek performanslı paralel arabirim
human machine interface
insan makine arayüzü
Yüzeyler arası, ara-yüzeysel
language interface
dil arabirimi
network interface controller
ağ arabirimi denetleyici
network interface unit
şebeke arayüz birimi, ag arayüz birimi
peripheral interface channel
çevresel arayüzey kanalı
procedural interface
prosedürel arabirimi
standard interface
standart arayüzey
system interface
sistemi arabirimi
transmission interface
iletim arayüzü
transmission interface converter
gönderme arayüzey dönüstürücüsü
voice interface
ses arabirimi
weather sytems interface csci
hava sistemlerinde csci arabirimi
Application Program İnterface
uygulama programi arabirimi
CEF control interface unit
(Askeri) CEF kontrol arayüz birimi
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) interface unit
(Askeri) NATO arayüz birimi
active directory services interface
(ADSI) Etkin Dizin Servisleri Arayüzü
advanced configuration and power interface
(ACPI) Gelişmiş Yapılandırma ve Güç Arayüzü
air-ground interface
hava-yer ara yüzeyi
analog simple data interface
(Askeri) analog simple data interface
application programming interface,
application programming interface,
(API) Uygulama Programlama Arayüzü
beach interface unit
(Askeri) kıyı arayüz birimi
circuit switch interface planning guide
(Askeri) devre anahtarı arayüz planlama rehberi
codirectional interface
esyonlu arabag
commercial electronic data interface
(Askeri) ticari elektronik veri arayüzü
communications interface group
(Askeri) muhabere arayüz grubu
communications interface processor
(Askeri) muhabere arayüz işlemcisi
communications interface processor pseudo line
(Askeri) muhabere arayüz işlemcisi sahte hattı
communications link interface planning system
(Askeri) muhabere köprüsü arayüz planlama köprüsü
connectivity interface module
(Otomotiv) bağlantı arabirim modülü
contradirectional interface
karsit yonlu arabag
customer interface
müşteri arayüzü
customization interface
isteğe uyarlama arabirimi
data system interface
(Askeri) BİLGİ İŞLEMİ ORTAK YÖNÜ: Sistemler arası bilgi alıp verme kabiliyetine sahip iki veya daha çok bilgi sisteminin müşterek bir yönü; veya otomatik bilgi işlem sistemleri ya da tek bir sistemin parçaları arasındaki müşterek bir sınır
device driver interface
(DDI) Aygıt Sürücüsü Ara Birimi
dial interface
çevirme arayüzü
digital simple data interface
(Askeri) dijital basit veri ara yüzeyi
digital video interface
(DVI) Sayısal Görüntü Arayüzü
electromagnetic interface; electromagnetic interference
(Askeri) elektromanyetik ara yüzey; elektromanyetik müdahale (karıştrrma, titreşim)
fiber optic interface unit
(Askeri) fiber optik ara yüzey ünitesi
graphical interface
çizimsel / grafiksel arabirim
graphical user interface
(GUI) Grafik Kullanıcı Ara Yüzü
graphical user interface
(GUİ) grafik kullanici arayuzu
graphics device interface
(GDI) Grafik Aygıtı Ara Yüzü
hippi interface
(Bilgisayar) hıppı arabirimi
host interface
ana bilgisayar arabagi
idle channel noise; interface control net
(Askeri) boş kanal gürültüsü; enterfaz kontrol ağı
{T} fodra
ip interface
(Bilgisayar) ip arabirimi
joint interface control officer
(Askeri) müşterek enterfaz kontrol subayı
joint interface operational procedures
(Askeri) müşterek entefaz harekat usulleri
line driver interface
(Askeri) hat sürücüsü arabirimi
macintosh user interface
Macintosh kullanıcı arayüzü
man/machine interface
(Askeri) kullanıcı/makine arayüzü
memory interface
bellek arayuzu
midi interface cable
MIDI arabirimi kablosu
musical instruments digital interface
(MIDI) Müzik Gereçleri Sayısal Arayüzü
network device interface specification
(NDIS) Ağ Aygıt Arayüzü Özellikleri
network interface
ag arayuzu
open system interconnection; operational subsystem interface
(Askeri) açık sistem bağlantısı; harekat tali sistem ara birimi
parallel port interface
Paralel Kapı Arayüzü
peripheral interface
cevre donatimi arayuzu
programmable interface
programlanir arayuz
secure digital net radio interface unit
(Askeri) emniyetli dijital ağ telsiz arabirimi
serial interface
Seri arabirim, seri arayüz
small computer standard interface
(SCSI) Küçük Bilgisayar Ölçünlü Arayüzü
small computer system interface (
SCSI;Küçük Bilgisayar Sistemi
sub interface
alt arayüz
tactical Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) satellite compensation interface de
(Askeri) taktik Otomatik Dijital Ağ uydu dengelemesi arayüzü aracı
technical interface design plan
(Askeri) teknik arayüzey tasarım planı
technical interface specification; thermal imaging system
(Askeri) ortak teknik özellikler; termal görüntüleme sistemi
telephone interface planning guide
(Askeri) telefon arabirimi planlama kılavuzu
time division interface controller
(Askeri) zaman bölmeli arayüz kontrolörü
time division interface group
(Askeri) zaman bölmeli arayüz grubu
time division interface module
(Askeri) zaman bölmeli arayüz modülü
token ring interface coupler
simgeli halka arabirimi bağlayıcısı
transport driver interface
(TDI) Taşıma Sürücüsü Ara Birimi
user interface
kullanıcı arabirimi;kullanıcı
user interface class
(UI) Kullanıcı Arabirimi Sınıfı
user interface toolbox
Kullanıcı arayüzü takımı
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
to construct an interface for, to connect through an interface
The point of interconnection between two entities

Public relations firms often serve as the interface between a company and the press.

In object-oriented programming, a piece of code defining a set of operations that other code must implement
A thin layer or boundary between two different substances or two phases of a single substance

The surface of a lake is a water-air interface.

to be an interface, to be into an interface
The connection between a user and a machine

The options are selected via the user interface.

The point of interconnection between two systems or subsystems

The data is sent over the air interface to the remote system.

In computing and electronics, an interface is an electrical circuit which links one machine, especially a computer, with another
A noun describing a connection between two dissimilar devices or COM objects, such as Automation clients and servers A common phrase is user interface, meaning the "connection" between the display-keyboard combination and the user Use of interface as a verb is jargon
If one thing interfaces with another, or if two things interface, they have connections with each other. If you interface one thing with another, you connect the two things. the way we interface with the environment The different components all have to interface smoothly He had interfaced all this machinery with a master computer. Common Gateway Interface. Musical Instrument Digital Interface Small Computer System Interface graphical user interface
In hardware, an interface is a connector used to link devices In software, it allows communication between two software systems or between people and systems In the automation field, interface refers to the method by which users can access the automated library system See Graphical User Interface
the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other; "the interface between chemistry and biology"
A connection (through a hardware device or through a software program) between different components of a computer system (usually performing some kind of translation between protocols internal to the components); used especially in the contexts of network communication, or communication between computer systems and their users
(computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)
A physical or logical connection to another computer system A physical interface may consist of a Network Interface Card (NIC) that connects the computer to the Internet A logical interface generally consists of a Graphical User Interface (GUI), a computer screen a user uses to interact with programs, that allows a user to interact with local and remote computer systems and servers
The drive interface is the "language" or protocol a drive uses to communicate with a host computer or network The three main types of drive interfaces are ATA (IDE), SCSI, and Fibre Channel) The ATA and SCSI interfaces have evolved to include many sub-types, which may or may not be backwardly compatible
(computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system
The interface between two subjects or systems is the area in which they affect each other or have links with each other. a witty exploration of that interface between bureaucracy and the working world
The on-screen appearance of a computer application or program; the connection between the user and the program (See graphical user interface and command-line interface ) With reference to hardware, interface also means the point of connection between communicating devices, for example, a parallel port and printer cables
(1) A shared boundary across which information is passed (2) A Hardware or software component that connects two or more other components for the purpose of passing information from one to the other (3) To connect two or more components for the purpose of passing information from one to the other (4) To serve as a connecting or connected component as in (2) [6]
(chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases)
A linkage between two things A user interface is the system of controls with which the user controls a device Two devices are said to be interfaced when their operations are linked electronically An interface box is often required to convert signals from one form to another For example, in order to get MIDI data in and out of a computer, you need some type of MIDI interface hardware This may hook to an existing port on the computer, such as the printer port, or (in the case of the IBM-PC) it may consist of a circuit board that is plugged into one of the computer's internal slots
An interface is what you see when you look at your monitor: the collection of words, pictures, buttons, menus, and other stuff that lets you do things The interface is also sometimes referred to as the graphic user interface, which is shortened to GUI and pronounced "gooey" Back to Top
Portable digital audio players generally use of one of two ways to connect to PCs for uploading and downloading tracks and track information Some older players may use a parallel interface, which uses a 25-pin connector (type DB-25) to connect the device to your computer Parallel ports have long been standard on computers as the most common means to connect peripherals like printers and scanners
If you refer to the user interface of a particular piece of computing software, you are talking about its presentation on screen and how easy it is to operate. the development of better user interfaces
{i} surface which is a common boundary between two bodies; equipment or programs which enable two different systems or programs to communicate (Computers, Electronics)
A boundary across which two systems communicate An interface might be a hardware connector used to link to other devices, or it might be a convention used to allow communication between two software systems
1 A shared boundary A physical point of demarcation between two devices where the electrical signals, connectors, timing and handshaking are defined 2 The procedures, codes and protocols that enable two entities to interact for a meaningful exchange of information
In relation to human communication with a computer, the appearance of the screen via which the interaction occurs Also: the boundary between two devices or programs in a transmission path At an interface, the circuitry and/or software routine is standardised so as to allow information to pass from one device to the other The interfaces themselves must be compatible for standardisation to occur
A point of connection between two systems, networks, or devices
This is any type of point where two different things come together Most often, the term is used to describe the programs between you and your computer like Windows, OS/2 and others What you see on the screen is the interface between you and what your computer is doing
Simply, the place in the electrical circuitry of the computer system at which the hard disk drive is connected to the controller More precisely, the interface is a specification that defines the signals that must pass between the controller and hard disk These signals include both the digital data and the analog control information that tells the hard disk where the data is or where it should go The most common disk interfaces used in the PC environment today is SCSI
The contact point between a computer and a peripheral device or a communications medium An interface may be physical, involving a connector, or logical, involving software
A linkage, usually between a computer and a user, or among computer programs An interface between a computer and user refers to the elements of the computer and software that the user interacts with--the screens, icons, menus, and dialogues An interface among computer programs involves using agreed-upon commands and statements that let one computer program exchange information with the other in a way that the first program can integrate the second's
Part of a computer, program, or peripheral that communicates with other components Interface also refers to the user interface
The boundary between a computer and a drive it communicates with Win98 has a graphical user interface; a parallel port is a printer interface
A common boundary or connector between two applications or devices, such as the graphical user interface (GUI) that allows a human user to interact with an application written in code
{f} bring into an interface; act as an interface; connect, coordinate, cooperate
For data communication, a hardware and software link that connects two computer systems, or a computer and its peripherals
A shared boundary across which information is passed A hardware or software component that connects two or more other components for the purpose of passing information from one to another
An interface is a declaration of a set of methods with no information given about their implementation In object systems that support interfaces and inheritance, interfaces can usually inherit from one another
(chemistry) a surface forming a common boundary between two things (two objects or liquids or chemical phases) (computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals) the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other; "the interface between chemistry and biology"
The specific communication methods through which you communicate with a system The graphical user interface provides a set of graphical elements that you use to effectively communicate your intentions to the underlying system
character user interface
command line interface
command line interface
A user interface in which the user interacts with the computer through lines of text instead of graphical images. Abbreviated as CLI
graphical user interface
A type of user interface which allows people to interact with a computer through a metaphor of direct manipulation of graphical images and widgets in addition to text. Abbreviation: GUI
haptic interface
A user interface that allows a user to receive tactile feedback via movement of a limb or the head
A layer of fabric inserted between other layers of a garment to provide stiffening
network interface card
a computer hardware component designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network
network interface cards
plural form of network interface card
user interface
The part of a software application that a user sees and interacts with
CD ROM interface
interface for sound cards which allows the direct connection of a compact disc drive
Centronics interface
interface of a regular parallel printer port in IBM compatibles
EIDE interface
advanced interface for controlling drives, Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (Computers)
Enhanced IDE interface
advanced interface for controlling drives
command line interface
a user interface in which you type commands instead of choosing them from a menu or selecting an icon
graphical user interface
a user interface based on graphics (icons and pictures and menus) instead of text; uses a mouse as well as a keyboard as an input device
graphical user interface
{i} interface which uses graphical methods for ease of use (Computers)
graphical user interface
GUI. GUI a way of showing and organizing information on a computer screen that is easy to use and understand. Computer display format that allows the user to select commands, call up files, start programs, and do other routine tasks by using a mouse to point to pictorial symbols (icons) or lists of menu choices on the screen as opposed to having to type in text commands. The first GUI to be used in a personal computer appeared in Apple Computer's Lisa, introduced in 1983; its GUI became the basis of Apple's extremely successful Macintosh (1984). The Macintosh's GUI style was widely adapted by other manufacturers of personal computers and PC software. In 1985 Microsoft Corp. introduced Windows, a GUI (which later grew into an operating system) that gave MS-DOS-based computers many of the same capabilities as the Macintosh. In addition to being used for operating-system interfaces, GUIs are used in other types of software, including browsers and application programs
hard disk interface
device which supervises hard drives on a physical level
human machine interface
Also referred to as a GUI (graphical user interface) or MMI (man machine interface), this is a process that displays graphics and allows people to interface with the control system in graphic form It may contain trends, alarm summaries, pictures, or animation It is usually classified as a separate task within a multitasking environment like QNX In Windows, the GUI/HMI/MMI program may claim to also provide the control features needed in the system Very often this is not true, and when it is true, these control programs still have to run on a Windows platform that Cogent considers too unstable for high availability systems
human machine interface
Human Machine Interface (HMI) is the term used to describe the factors related to the way humans and technology interact Because of the complexities, variables and unpredictable nature of HMI human factors and related studies are moving into the fore front and are helping us better define this complex relationship, and most importantly develop models which predict and adequately prevent dangerous problems from repeatedly occurring The increase in automated functions changes the human role which in turn directly impacts the design of the HMI
human machine interface
Also known as Man Machine Interface (MMI) A device able to present information to the operator about the state of a process, and to accept and implement the operators control instructions It may also interpret the plant information and guide the interaction of the operator with the system
human machine interface
Also known as man machine interface The communication between the computer system and the people who use it
human-machine interface
-any point where data is communicated from a worker to a computer or from a computer to a worker Data entry programs, inquire programs, reports, documents, LED displays, and voice commands are all examples of human-machine interfaces
human-machine interface
Français : Interface homme-machine Deutsch : Menschmashineschnittstelle
human-machine interface
The interface from which the operator can remotely monitor and control equipment status Also referred to as Man-Machine Interface (MMI)
ide interface
computer interface that includes the electronic control circuits and hard disk in one unit (included in the motherboard without the need for a control card or expansion slot)
past of interface
NUMBER Number of interfaces that this Java class implements
In the OSI reference model, each layer provides some service or action that prepares the data for delivery over the network to another computer Interfaces are boundaries that separate the layers from each other
plural of interface
are intermediaries between two components or tools or between the user and the machine SNiFF+ uses interfaces to interact with the outside world and external tools A SNiFF+ interface can have multiple specific implementations called adaptors For example, the generic CMVC interface of SNiFF+ has adaptors for CMVC tools The SNiFF+ debugger interface has adaptors for debuggers like gdb and dbx
One or more well-defined base classes providing member functions that, when implemented in an application, provide a specific service Interfaces may include compiled support functions to simplify their implementation
Devices allowing one piece of equipment to "talk" to another one
Logical entities that represent sources and destinations for packets The router routes packets between interfaces not between devices Some devices can support multiple interfaces Every interface must use at least one device to physically transport packets
Included between two plane surfaces or faces; as, an interfacial angle
{s} between two or more faces; of an interface (Computers, Electronics)
relating to or situated at an interface; "an interfacial layer"; "interfacial tension is the surface tension at the interface between two liquids"
Of or pertaining to an interface
relating to or situated at an interface; "an interfacial layer"; "interfacial tension is the surface tension at the interface between two liquids
The process of establishing a satisfactory working boundary between two adjacent parts See Interface
present participle of interface
Woven or non-woven fabrics used between outer fabric and lining to reinforce or stiffen, as in interfacing used in trouser waistbands Some major types include haircloth, canvas, plain cottons, resin-stiffened materials and a variety of usable and non-wovens
Fabrics used to support, reinforce and give shape to fashion fabrics in sewn products Often placed between the lining and the outer fabric , it can be made from yarns or directly from fibers, and may be either woven, nonwoven, or knitted Some interfacings are designed to be fused (adhered with heat from an iron), while others are meant to be stitched to the fashion fabric
Joining of dissimilar devices in such a way that they are able to function in a compatible and coordinated manner; connection of the output of a system to the input of a different system with different electrical characteristics
mosaic interface
(Computers) interface which supplies a simple and convenient graphical connection to the Internet (especially to the World Wide Web)
musical instrument digital interface
a standard protocol for communication between electronic musical instruments and computers
network interface card
expansion card which supplies a connection interface to a local area network
oil-water interface
an interface forming the boundary between the non-miscible liquids oil and water
parallel interface
an interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously
parallel interface
connection between communications devices which transfers one complete word of information at a time
serial interface
port used for a serial connection between communication devices, interface for serial communication between peripheral devices (Computers)
small computer system interface
interface consisting of a standard port between a computer and its peripherals that is used in some computers
user interface
the way the user tells the software what to do and how the computer displays information and options to the user
user interface
The view a user has of a computer program, usually understood to mean the visual look and feel of a program, but also extending to other modes of interaction, e g voice and touch
user interface
The interface between the user and the program See also command line interface (CLI), graphical user interface (GUI), user
user interface
(in terms of ITV) – (UI) – (a k a Interface) – (1) The opening TV screen (picture) that users would see when they turned on their TV service This could be in the form of an Electronic Program Guide (Interactive Program Guide) (2) The interface on the TV screen the user would interact with when involved with, and interacting with, ITV
user interface
The collection of buttons, menus, scrollbars, and other functional elements that you give your customers to manipulate your documents In a general sense it is the things people click on and what they do when clicked As a Web page designer you have to make sure that what your customers click on makes sense, and that the actions that happen are well thought out, standard, and not confusing to the customer
user interface
The portion of a program with which a (human) user interacts See also graphical user interface
user interface
The junction between a user and a computer program An interface is a set of commands or menus through which a user communicates with a program A command-driven interface is one in which you enter commands A menu-driven interface is one in which you select command choices from various menus displayed on the screen The user interface is one of the most important parts of any program because it determines how easily you can make the program do what you want Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that use icons, pop-up menus and the mouse have become the standard on personal computers
user interface
An application (software program) which manages user input to and output from (i/o) a computer system interactively Often used with the qualifier "graphical" to denote a user interface which is based on a graphical interface (as opposed to purely textual) for performing interactive i/o
user interface
The means of communication with the user The user interface is generally not a part of the ES technology, and was not given much attention in the past However, it is now widely accepted that the user interface can make a critical difference in the perceived utility of a system regardless of the system's performance
user interface
The part of a computer program that the user sees displayed on the screen Also used to describe how people interact with what they see on the computer screen A good user interface makes it easy for users to do what they want to do
user interface
What you interact with on your computer, which is most likely graphical icons, resizable windows, menus, etc
user interface
The aspects of a computer or its software which can be seen and heard by the end-user, and the commands and mechanisms whereby the user communicates with the computer to control its operation and to modify input/output data A graphical user interface (GUI) relies primarily on bit-mapped graphics and pointers (usually controlled by a mouse) for this interface, whereas a command line interpreter (CLI) relies on text
user interface
interface: (computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and that allows the user to interact with the system
user interface
the point of communication and interaction between computer and human The UI design should provide a positive user experience by providing clues about what to do and how to do it
user interface
how a computer program looks on screen and how the user enters commands and information into the program
user interface
The aspects of a computer system or program that can be perceived by the human user, and the commands and mechanisms used to control its operation and input data See Graphical User Interface and Command Line Interface
user interface
The portion of a program with which a user interacts Types of user interfaces, or UIs, include command-line interfaces, menu-driven interfaces, and graphical user interfaces
user interface
The on-screen appearance, or the program component with which the user interacts by inputting data, selecting options, issuing commands, and viewing the results of these actions User interfaces may be graphical (for example, as with Macintosh or Windows computers) or character based (for example, as with DOS or UNIX machines)
user interface
Also known as Man/Machine Interface (MMI) The means by which the user interacts with a machine or device In the past, knobs, dials and displays manipulated by a user's hand were common interfaces on technical devices Today, User Interfaces include more advanced functions such as voice recognition, speech synthesis and touch screens
user interface
All aspects of how a user interacts with a computer program
user interface
means by which a person uses a computer and its applications
user interface
The part of a computer program that displays on the screen for the user to see Also used to describe how humans interact with what they see on the computer screen A good user interface makes it easy for users to do what they want to do See also graphical user interface
user interface
The aspect of a computer or program that is visible to the user, giving and accepting information from him or her User interfaces are, broadly, CLIs and GUIs
user interface
The part of an application that the end user sees on the screen and works with to operate the application, such as menus, forms and "buttons "
user interface
The Interface to your computer - a combination of controls used to perform any operation See also graphical user interface and command prompt
user interface
A set of controls such as buttons, commands and other devices that allow a user to operate a computer program
user interface
The point at which the user interacts with a device or piece of software viewed on a monitor
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف interface في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

analog simple data interface
(Askeri) analog simple data interface