Institutional means relating to a building where people are looked after or held. Outside the protected environment of institutional care he could not survive
Relating to an institution in the sense of a humanly created and generally accepted social custom, usage, law, rule, principle or pattern of procedure or organization, etc , which pertains to, guides or regulates social conduct Examples: Government, language, family, individual laws, private property, market society, money, etc See also "Institutional economics" and "Institutionalism "
Institutional means relating to a large organization, for example a university, bank, or church. The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors
An institutional value or quality is considered an important and typical feature of a particular society or group, usually because it has existed for a long time. social and institutional values
One of the markets in children's publishing, named for the institutions the books are sold to[md]schools and libraries IRC--Short for International Reply Coupon: good for postage anywhere in the world Send one or more to a foreign publisher along with a self-addressed envelope for the response