It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.
- Me tomó más de dos horas traducir unas pocas páginas en inglés.
We have been studying English for three years.
- Llevamos tres años estudiando inglés.
an English ton.
severe prohibuit viris suis tum misceri feminas in consuetis suis menstruis, etc. I spare to English this which I have said.
What’s the English for ‘à peu près’?.
English is spoken here as an unofficial language and lingua franca.
My coworker has pretty good English for a non-native speaker.
The English language is undoubtedly the easiest and at the same time the most efficient means of international communication.
- La lengua inglesa es sin lugar a dudas la más fácil y al mismo tiempo la más eficiente forma de comunicación internacional.
I know an English language instructor who comes from Canada.
- Conozco a un profesor de inglés que viene de Canadá.
It's impossible to learn English in a month.
- É impossível aprender inglês em um mês.
Almost all the students like English.
- Quase todos os alunos gostam de inglês.