
listen to the pronunciation of induction
الإنجليزية - التركية
(Tıp) Elektrikle veya mıknatıslı bir maddenin diğer bir maddeye yaklaştırılmasıyla ikinci maddede mıknatıs veya elektrik meydana getirme, indükleme, endüksiyon
{i} tümevarım
{i} giriş
{i} başlatma
özel durumlarda doğruluğu kesin olan bir önermenin genel durumlarda da doğru olduğunu tanıtlama
(Biyokimya) başlatım
{i} indükleme
göreve başlatma
(Gıda) harekete geçirme
{i} askere alma
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endükleme
(Elektrik, Elektronik) irgitim
tümevarım yöntemi
{i} indüksiyon

Gazlı pilav pişireceğini bozdum bu yüzden onun yerine indüksiyonlu pilav pişirici aldım. - I broke my gas-powered rice cooker so I got an induction rice cooker instead.

İndüksiyon setüstü mıknatıslar kullanır. - Induction cooktops use magnets.

{i} neden olma
tüme varım
induction current tesir akımı
göreve getirme
{i} resmen göreve başlatma
(Tıp) Sebep olma
{i} ileri sürme
{i} man. tümevarım
(Tıp) Bir embriyonda muhtelif doku ve organların yerli yerinde ve normal olarak oluşumunu sağlama
{i} sonuç çıkarma
induction mo
(Askeri) CELP: Bir kimsenin celp suretiyle orduya veya Milli Muhafız Teşkilatı'nın Federal Hükümet hizmetine alınması ile ilgili işlem veya merasim
induction coil indüksiyon bobini
(Askeri) celp
induction circuit
(Askeri) endüksiyon devresi
induction coil
(Elektrik, Elektronik) irgitme sargısı
induction coil
(Elektrik, Elektronik) doğuşturma sargısı
induction field
(Bilgisayar) doğuşturu alanı
induction hardened
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endüklemeli sertleştirilmiş
induction hardening
(Mekanik) endüksiyonla sertleştirme
induction heating
(Tıp) indüksiyonla ısıtma
induction heating
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) indüksiyon ısıtma
induction instrument
(Bilgisayar) irgitili alet
induction instrument
(Bilgisayar) doğuşturulu alet
induction machine
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endüksiyon motoru
induction machine
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endüksiyon jeneratörü
induction accelerator
indüksiyon hızlandırıcı
induction coil
indüksiyon bobini
induction coil
endükleme bobini
induction current
endüksiyon akımı
induction field
endüksiyon alanı
induction furnace
endüksiyon fırını
induction generator
endüksiyon jeneratörü
induction hardened case
endüklemeli sertleştirilmiş doku
induction hardening
endüklemeli sertleştirme
induction heating
endüksiyonla ısıtma
induction heating equipment
endüksiyonlu ısıtma cihazı
induction loss
endüksiyon kaybı
induction machine
endüksiyon makinesi
induction manifold
endüksiyon manifoldu
induction modulator
endüksiyon modülatörü
induction motor
endüksiyon motoru
induction noise
endüksiyon gürültüsü
induction period
endüksiyon zamanı
induction pipe
giriş borusu
induction pipe
emme borusu
induction port
emme deliği
induction stroke
emme zamanı
induction tempering
endüklemeli menevişleme
induction valve
emme supabı
induction weld
endüksiyon kaynağı
induction cooker
indüksiyon ocak
induction course
indüksiyon ders
induction hardened
endüklemeli sertlestirilmis
induction lighting
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Endüksiyon metoduyla aydınlatma
induction motor
indüksiyon motor
induction therapy
(Tıp, İlaç) (Kanser) Başlangıç tedavisi
induction brazing
(Havacılık) endüksiyon kaynağı
induction center
(Askeri) ASKERLİK ŞUBESİ: Bak. "induction station"
induction circuit
(Askeri) ENDÜKSİYON DEVRESİ: Deniz mayın harbinde, geminin hareketi veya detektördeki akımın değişmesinden dolayı manyetik bir alandaki değişmenin hızı ile harekete geçen devre
induction coil
endüksiyon sargısı
induction coupling
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endüksiyon bağlaştırma
induction current
(Elektrik, Elektronik) endükleme akımı
induction current
indüksiyon akımı
induction current
(Elektrik, Elektronik) indükleme akımı
induction current
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ikaz cereyanı
induction field locator
(Askeri) ENDÜKSİYON ALANI TESPİT CİHAZI: Uçaklardan atılan paraşüt paketlerinin yerlerini tespit etmek için kullanılan ve akümülatörle işleyen küçük bulucu telsiz cihazı
induction field transceiver
(Askeri) ENDÜKSİYON ALANLI ALICI-VERİCİ: Atılmış olan paraşüt paketlerinin yerlerini tespit etmek için kullanılan küçük telsiz cihazı
induction flame damper
(Havacılık) endüklenmiş alev kapanı
induction generator
(Elektrik, Elektronik) asenkron alternator
induction heating equipment
endüklemeli ısıtma aygıtı
induction instrument
dogusturulu alet, irgitili alet
induction melting furnace
indüksiyonla ergitme ocağı
induction meter
(Bilgisayar) doğuşturumölçer
induction motor
almaşık alım motoru
induction phenomena
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) indükleme olayları
induction ratio
indüksiyon oranı
induction seal
(Tıp) endüksiyon yalıtımlı kapak
induction seal
(Tıp) emniyetli kapak mühürü
induction sensor
indüksiyon sensörü
induction soldering
endüksiyon kaynağı
induction station
(Askeri) ASKERLİK ŞUBESİ: Fertlerin, celp suretiyle askere alındığı merkez. ABD'de bu merkezde, genel sıhhi muayeneler yapılır, erlere ant içtirilir ve esas kayıtların tutulmasına başlanır. Buna eskiden "induction center" de denirdi. INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE OF TRE ARMED FORCES: SİLAHLI KUVVETLER ENDÜSTRİ AKADEMİSİ: Washington'da Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları idaresi altında faaliyet gösteren müşterek, yüksek öğretim müessesesi. Akademi öğretim programı; güvenliğin ekonomik, endüstriyel, bilimsel ve teknolojik yönleri üzerinde durur. Bu programın esasını, dikkatle seçilmiş üst rütbeli subaylarla resmi hükümet personelinin, Milli güvenlik bünyesindeki önemli mevkiler için hazırlıklarını arttırmak maksadıyla her yıl açılan, devam mecburiyetli, 10 aylık bir kurs teşkil etmektedir. Ayrıca; biri, seçilmiş üst rütbeli yedek subaylar ile ileri gelen işletmeci, akademik ve mahalli idari temsilcilere, belli başlı şehirlerde iki haftalık milli güvenlik semineri; diğeri muvazzaf ve ihtiyat ana teşkillere mensup subaylara, kalifiye sivil personele ve seçme yabancı subaylara mektuplaşma suretiyle kurs gösterilerek iki yoldan ek çalışma imkanı sağlanmaktadır. Gerek mecburi, gerek ek kurs imkanları, bütün gayreti her türlü ihtilaf -genel mevzii veya soğuk harp- ihtimallerinde ABD ve Hür Dünya ekonomik imkan ve kabiliyetlerini destekleme ve kuvvetlendirme meseleleri üzerinde toplamaktadır
induction stroke
(Otomotiv) emme stroku
induction stroke
(Otomotiv) giriş stroku
induction training
(Askeri) gezip gösterme eğitimi
induction unit
indüksiyon cihazı
induction weld
indükleme kaynağı
induction wind tunnel
(Havacılık) emmeli rüzgar tüneli
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) özindüklenme
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) özirgiti
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektromanyetik endüksiyon
electrostatic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrostatik irgitim
magnetic induction
(Bilgisayar) manyetik irgiti indüklenme
magnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) manyetik irgiti
ovulation induction
(Tıp) ovülasyon indüksiyonu
proof by induction
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tümevarımla tanıt
coefficient of induction
endüksiyon katsayısı
core type induction heater
çekirdek tipi endüksiyon ısıtıcı
electromagnetic induction
elektromanyetik indüksiyon
electrostatic induction
elektrostatik endüksiyon
high frequency induction
yüksek frekanslı indükleme
high frequency induction furnace
yüksek frekanslı indükleme fırını
high frequency induction heating
yüksek frekanslı indükleme ile ısıtma
homopolar induction
homopolar indükleme
law of electromagnetic induction
elektromanyetik indüksiyon yasası
magnetic induction
manyetik endüksiyon
magnetoelectric induction
mıknatısla elektrik irkilimi
mathematical induction
matematiksel tümevarım
self endüksiyon
backward induction
Geriye dönük indüksiyon
mutual induction
karşılıklı indüksiyon
normal induction
normal endüksiyon
repulsion induction motor
geri tepmeli endüksiyon motoru
residual induction
artık indüksiyon

Gazlı pilav pişireceğini bozdum bu yüzden onun yerine indüksiyonlu pilav pişirici aldım. - I broke my gas-powered rice cooker so I got an induction rice cooker instead.

İndüksiyon setüstü mıknatıslar kullanır. - Induction cooktops use magnets.

air induction system
(Otomotiv) hava emiş sistemi
air induction valve
(Otomotiv) hava giriş supabı
armed forces induction station
(Askeri) SİLAHLI KUVVETLER ASKERLİK ŞUBESİ: Şahısların silahlı kuvvetlerine celp suretiyle alınma durumlarını tespit ve elverişli görülenleri kabul edip çeşitli sınıflara tahsis için kurulmuş bir teşkil
cortical induction
(Tıp) kortikal indüksiyon
cortical induction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kortikal indükleme
current induction method
(Nükleer Bilimler) akım indükleme yöntemi
electric induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektriksel endüksiyon
electrical induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektrik indükleme
embryonic induction
(Biyoloji) embriyonal endüksiyon
faraday's law of induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Fizik) faraday endüksiyon kanunu
finite induction
(Matematik) sonlu tümevarım
fraudulent induction
(Askeri) hile ile asker olma
fraudulent induction
(Askeri) HİLE İLE ASKER OLMA: Yanlış beyanda bulunan ve önemli hususları gizleyen bir kimsenin asker olması
magnetoelectric induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) manyetoelektrik indüksiyon
nuclear induction
(Fizik) nükleer indüksiyon
oil induction tube
(Otomotiv) yağ emme borusu
proof by induction
tumevarimla tanit
psychomotor induction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) psikomotris indükleme
ram induction
(Otomotiv) ram girişi
residual induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) artık endüksiyon
single phase induction motor
bir fazlı endüksiyon motor
spawning induction method
(Denizbilim) yumurta sağım metodu
synchronous induction motor
senkronize asenkron motor
synchronous induction motor
(Elektrik, Elektronik) senkronize endüksiyon motor
transfinite induction
(Matematik) sonluötesi tümevarım
unipolar induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) tek kutuplu endüksiyon
visual induction
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) görsel indükleme
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
In developmental biology, the development of a feature from part of a formerly homogenous field of cells in response to a morphogen whose source determines the feature's position and extent
the derivation of general principles from specific instances
a formal ceremony in which a person is appointed to an office or into military service
The use of rumors to twist and complicate the plot of a play or to narrate in a way that does not have to state truth nor fact within the play
the act of inducing childbirth
the act of inducting
A general proof of a theorem by first proving it for a specific integer (for example) and showing that, if it is true for one integer then it must be true for the next
an introduction
the generation of an electric current by a varying magnetic field
The process by which a system makes inferences about the structure of the environment from its experience with that environment (Anderson)
Inference of a generalized conclusion from particular instances In Environmental Science, inductive reasoning would involve the development of a theory to explain previously collected facts or observed phenomenon
Form of signal (tone) application Rectangular coil in a transmitter fed with an a c voltage sets up a magnetic field through the coil, returning through earth and inducing itself onto any conductors parallel to the coil Advantages are the technique is quick (requires no physical connection to service) the disadvantages are the signal can easily couple to unwanted services (compared with direct connection)
Ideally, a form of reasoning in which one moves from one or more premisses to a conclusion in such a way that while the conclusion seems to have been given some justification, it is logically possible for the premisses to be true and the conclusion false E g "Most of the philosophy majors have seen Rocks in the Throat, featuring Dawn Demosthenes Igor Metchnikov is a philosophy major Therefore Igor Metchnikov has seen Rocks in the Throat " See deduction
the process whereby changes in the current flow in a circuit produce magnetism or an EMF
(physics) a property of an electric circuit by which an electromotive force is induced in it by a variation of current
An inference in which the conclusion contains information that was not contained in the premises See deduction; mathematical induction
The process by which an electrical charge on one object can induce a charge onto another object without physical contact See "Field-Induced Charging" Insulative Material - (Also called "Nonconductive Material" or "Dielectric Material") Material that resists the flow of electrons across its surface or through its mass Because insulative material resists the flow of electrons, it has a tendency to hold static charges on its surface for long periods of time Ion - A positively or negatively charged air molecule Ionizer - See "Ionized Air Blower " Ionized Air Blower - A device that generates positive and negative ions These ions, blown across a worksurface by a low-turbulence fan, will neutralize potentially damaging static charges on any objects on the worksurface 3M Ionization Units Back To Top
An introduction or introductory scene, as to a play; a preface; a prologue
The synthesis of a gene product (or products) in response to the action of an inducer, that is, a chemical or environmental agent
The act or process of reasoning from a part to a whole, from particulars to generals, or from the individual to the universal; also, the result or inference so reached
A method of reasoning by which one infers a generalization from a series of instances See abduction, deduction <Discussion> <References> Chris Eliasmith
The introduction of a clergyman into a benefice, or of an official into a office, with appropriate acts or ceremonies; the giving actual possession of an ecclesiastical living or its temporalities
The processes which should happen between the offer of a job being made and the completion of the probationary period Induction can have three aspects: induction to the job, induction to the organisation and induction to the profession Not all are relevant to every appointee
Inference of a rule from particular experiences
{i} causing, bringing about; introduction, initiation; formal installation in an office; act or process of deriving a general proposition from certain facts; production of an electric or magnetic state without direct contact (Electricity)
the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); "the induction of an anesthetic state"
In developmental biology, the development of a feature from part of a formerly homogenous field of cells in response to a morphogen whose source determines the features position and extent
A technique that infers generalizations from the information in the data
stimulation that calls up (draws forth) a particular class of behaviors; "the elicitation of his testimony was not easy"
the process by which an object is electrified, magnetized, or given an induced voltage by exposing it to a magnetic field
The production of a magnetic field by the proximity of a electric charge or the production of a magnetic field by proximity of an electric charge
In theatre, induction is the use of rumors to twist and complicate the plot of a play or to narrate in a way that does not have to state truth nor fact within the play
Induction is the process by which charge is moved in a conductor by the presence of an electric field In wires this will lead to a current, in discrete conducting objects it will lead to local charging--ie the side near the inducing charge will become the opposite charge and the far side will acquire a similar charge leaving the overall charge of the object unchanged
an initial period of exposure to a school or work setting during which the teacher learns local policies and practices and the norms of teaching in that setting See Context (Teaching), Teacher Norms
Genus: Mental process of forming conclusions based on premises Differentia: Goes from the specific to the generic Link: Article
The process by which an electrical or electromechanical effect is produced in a device by its exposure to a magnetic field
the act of bringing about something (especially at an early time); "the induction of an anesthetic state" an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current the process whereby changes in the current flow in a circuit produce magnetism or an EMF
The process by which the gravitational, magnetic or electric field of one body creates a field in itself (self induction) or another non-contacting body (mutual induction) J J joule
an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current the process whereby changes in the current flow in a circuit produce magnetism or an EMF
A method of logical inference used to suggest relationships from observations This is the process of generalisation we use to create models of the world See also: Deduction, Abduction, Inference
the introductory training program for a new employee designed to facilitate them into the organisation job with a minimum of disruption and a maximum of efficiency
reasoning from detailed facts to general principles
The act or process of inducting or bringing in; introduction; entrance; beginning; commencement
a formal entry into an organization or position or office; "his initiation into the club"; "he was ordered to report for induction into the army"; "he gave a speech as part of his installation into the hall of fame"
a formal ceremony in which a person is inducted into an office or into military service
A process of demonstration in which a general truth is gathered from an examination of particular cases, one of which is known to be true, the examination being so conducted that each case is made to depend on the preceding one; called also successive induction
the initiation phase of a particular therapy
an electrical phenomenon whereby an electromotive force (EMF) is generated in a closed circuit by a change in the flow of current
The property by which one body, having electrical or magnetic polarity, causes or induces it in another body without direct contact; an impress of electrical or magnetic force or condition from one body on another without actual contact
1 The relief of repression for a gene or set of genes under negative control by a repressor 2 Regarding temperate phages, the process causing a prophage to become virulent 3 In development, an interaction between two cell lineages to alter the developmental fate of one or both of them
Term denoting the process by which an object becomes electrically or magnetically polarized, i e , one end becomes + and the other - or one end a north pole and the other end a south pole
an act that sets in motion some course of events
The process of charging one body by bringing it into the electric field of another charged body
Induction is a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new job, organization, or way of life. an induction course for new members. see also induce. In logic, a type of nonvalid inference or argument in which the premises provide some reason for believing that the conclusion is true. Typical forms of inductive argument include reasoning from a part to a whole, from the particular to the general, and from a sample to an entire population. Induction is traditionally contrasted with deduction. Many of the problems of inductive logic, including what is known as the problem of induction, have been treated in studies of the methodology of the natural sciences. See also John Stuart Mill; philosophy of science; scientific method. electromagnetic induction electrostatic induction induction problem of induction heating
The process of reaching a conclusion by reasoning from specific premises to form a general premise Also, an introductory portion of a work of literature, especially a play Geoffrey Chaucer's "Prologue" to the Canterbury Tales, Thomas Sackville's "Induction" to The Mirror of Magistrates, and the opening scene in William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew are examples of inductions to literary works (Compare with Deduction )
induction coil
a transformer that produces a high voltage alternating current pulse from a low voltage direct current supply, especially such a device in the starter motor of an automobile
induction heater
A heater than employs induction heating
induction heating
the heating of an electrical conductor by eddy currents induced by a varying magnetic field
induction loop
An electromagnetic communication and detection system, relying on the fact that a moving magnet will induce an electrical current in a nearby conducting wire
induction loops
plural form of induction loop
induction motor
an alternating current motor in which currents in the secondary wiring of the rotor are created by induction from the magnetic field of the primary winding of the stator
induction programme
The process used within many businesses to welcome new employees to the company and prepare them for their new role
induction therapy
(Tıp, İlaç) Treatment designed to be used as a first step toward shrinking the cancer and in evaluating response to drugs and other agents. Induction therapy is followed by additional therapy to eliminate whatever cancer remains
induction center
place where new military recruits are examined and processes
induction coil
a coil for producing a high voltage from a low-voltage source
induction coil
coil that accumulates energy in electrical circuits
induction coil
A transformer, often used in automotive ignition systems, in which an interrupted, low-voltage direct current in the primary is converted into an intermittent, high-voltage current in the secondary. a piece of electrical equipment that changes a low voltage to a higher one
induction generator
A machine built as an induction motor and driven above synchronous speed, thus acting as an alternating-current generator; called also asynchronous generator
induction generator
Below synchronism the machine takes in electrical energy and acts as an induction motor; at synchronism the power component of current becomes zero and changes sign, so that above synchronism the machine (driven for this purpose by mechanical power) gives out electrical energy as a generator
induction heating
the heating of a conducting material caused by an electric current induced in it
induction heating
Heating a conducting material by placing it in a rapidly changing magnetic field The changing field induces electric currents in the material and dissipation accounts for the resulting heat
induction heating
Heating by combined electrical resistance and hysteresis losses induced by subjecting a metal to the varying magnetic field surrounding a coil carrying alternating current
induction heating
Heating a conducting material by placing it in a rapidly changing magnetic field the changing field induces electric currents in the material and I2R losses account for the resultant heat
induction heating
Method of raising the temperature of an electrically conductive material by subjecting it to an alternating electromagnetic field. Energy in the electric currents induced in the object is dissipated as heat. Induction heating is used in metalworking to heat metals for soldering, tempering, and annealing, and in induction furnaces for melting and processing metals. The principle of the induction-heating process resembles that of the transformer. A water-cooled coil (inductor), acting as the primary winding of a transformer, surrounds the material to be heated (the workpiece), which acts as the secondary winding. Alternating current flowing in the primary coil induces eddy currents in the workpiece, causing it to become heated. The depth to which the eddy currents penetrate, and therefore the distribution of heat within the object, depend on the frequency of the primary alternating current and the magnetic permeability, as well as the resistivity, of the material
induction heating
Heating a conducting material by placing it in a rapidly changing magnetic field The changing field induces electric currents in the material and IR losses account for the resultant heat
induction heating
A process of heating by electrical induction
induction method
philosophical method of drawing conclusions about a general situation from details on a single situation
induction motor
A type of alternating-current motor comprising two wound members, one stationary, called the stator, and the other rotating, called the rotor, these two members corresponding to a certain extent to the field and armature of a direct-current motor
induction of labor
(obstetrics) inducing the childbirth process artificially by administering oxytocin or by puncturing the amniotic sac
backward induction
The process of reasoning backwards in time, from the end of a problem or situation, to determine a sequence of optimal actions
electromagnetic induction
the production of an electrical potential difference in a conductor situated in a changing magnetic flux
mutual induction
the production of an electric current in a circuit by a changing current in a nearby one
planar induction
The process in which genetic signals are transmitted across a single embryonic layer, such as ectoderm
rhetorical induction
reasoning from specific examples to general laws
induction in a circuit caused by changes in the circuit itself
{n} an introduction, a taking possession
backward induction
In game theory, backward induction is an algorithm used to compute subgame perfect equilibria in sequential games. The process proceeds by first looking at the last possible action and determining what the last player will do in each situation (i.e. in each information set). Using this information, one can then determine what the second to last player will do. This process continues until one determines all possible actions
by means of induction
coefficient of mutual induction
a measure of the induction between two circuits; the ratio of the electromotive force in a circuit to the corresponding change of current in a neighboring circuit; usually measured in henries
coefficient of self induction
the ratio of the electromotive force produced in a circuit by self-induction to the rate of change of current producing it, expressed in henries
electromagnetic induction
Induction of an electromotive force in a circuit by varying the magnetic flux linked with the circuit. The phenomenon was first investigated in 1830-31 by Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday, who discovered that when the magnetic field around an electromagnet was increased or decreased, an electric current could be detected in a separate nearby conductor. A current can also be induced by constantly moving a permanent magnet in and out of a coil of wire, or by constantly moving a conductor near a stationary permanent magnet. The induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux cutting across the circuit
electromagnetic induction
production of an electric current by changing the magnetic field enclosed by an electrical circuit
electrostatic induction
Modification in the distribution of electric charge on one material under the influence of an electric charge on a nearby object. It occurs whenever any object is placed in an electric field. When a negatively charged object is brought near a neutral object, it induces a positive charge on the near side of the object and a negative charge on the far side. If the negative side of the original object is momentarily grounded, the negative charge may escape, so that the object becomes positively charged by induction
plural of induction
mathematical induction
mutual induction
property whereby an electromotive force is induced in a circuit by variation of current in a neighboring circuit
mutual induction
The production of an electromotive force in a circuit resulting from a change of current in a neighboring circuit
mutual induction
property whereby an electromotive force is induced in a circuit by variation of current in a neighboring circuit generation of electromotive forces in each other by two adjacent circuits induction in a second circuit caused by changes in a first circuit
mutual induction
induction in a second circuit caused by changes in a first circuit
mutual induction
generation of electromotive forces in each other by two adjacent circuits
mutual induction
electromagnetic induction that occurs between two adjacent conductors carrying electrical currents
problem of induction
Problem of justifying the inductive inference from the observed to the unobserved. It was given its classic formulation by David Hume, who noted that such inferences typically rely on the assumption that the future will resemble the past, or on the assumption that events of a certain type are necessarily connected, via a relation of causation, to events of another type. (1) If we were asked why we believe that the sun will rise tomorrow, we would say that in the past the Earth turned on its axis every 24 hours (more or less), and that there is a uniformity in nature that guarantees that such events always happen in the same way. But how do we know that nature is uniform in this sense? We might answer that, in the past, nature has always exhibited this kind of uniformity, and so it will continue to be uniform in the future. But this inference is justified only if we assume that the future must resemble the past. How do we justify this assumption? We might say that in the past, the future turned out to resemble the past, and so in the future, the future will again turn out to resemble the past. The inference is obviously circular: it succeeds only by tacitly assuming what it sets out to prove, namely that the future will resemble the past. (2) If we are asked why we believe we will feel heat when we approach a fire, we would say that fire causes heat i.e., there is a "necessary connection" between fire and heat, such that whenever one occurs, the other must follow. But, Hume asks, what is this "necessary connection"? Do we observe it when we see the fire or feel the heat? If not, what evidence do we have that it exists? All we have is our observation, in the past, of a "constant conjunction" of instances of fire being followed by instances of heat. This observation does not show that, in the future, instances of fire will continue to be followed by instances of heat; to say that it does is to assume that the future must resemble the past. But if our observation is consistent with the possibility that fire may not be followed by heat in the future, then it cannot show that there is a necessary connection between the two that makes heat follow fire whenever fire occurs. Thus we are not justified in believing that (1) the sun will rise tomorrow or that (2) we will feel heat when we approach a fire. It is important to note that Hume did not deny that he or anyone else formed beliefs about the future on the basis of induction; he denied only that we could know with certainty that these beliefs are true. Philosophers have responded to the problem of induction in a variety of ways, though none has gained wide acceptance
self induction
property whereby an electromotive force is induced in a circuit by a variation of current in the circuit itself
self induction
electromagnetic induction which begins on a conductor due to a change in electrical current carried by it (opposed to the direction of energy flow)
generation of an electromotive force (EMF) in a circuit by changing the current in that circuit; usually measured in henries induction in a circuit caused by changes in the circuit itself