
listen to the pronunciation of indicator
الإنجليزية - التركية

Kendine zarar verme genellikle cinnetin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilir. - Self-harm is often regarded as an indicator of insanity.

Pil gösterge ışığı pilin şarj edilmediğini gösteriyor. - The battery indicator light is showing that the battery is not getting charged.

{i} işaret
(Mekanik) sayaç
(Gıda) ayıraç
sinyal lambası
(Kimya) bir tepkimede değişiklikleri fark etmenizi sağlayan madde
{i} bildirici
{i} indikatör
{i} indeks sayı
(Tıp) Asit veya alkali mevcudiyetini bildiren ecza, endikatör
(Askeri) EMARE: İstihbaratta kullanıldığı şekliyle, muhtemel bir düşmanın bir hareket tarzını kabul veya reddetme niyetini veya imkan ve kabiliyetini gösteren bilgi
{i} göstergeç
gösteren şey veya kimse
asit veya alkalinin olup olmadığını bildiren ecza
{i} belirteç
gösterge ibresi
indicator amber
(Bilgisayar) gösterge kehribar rengi
indicator paper
gösterge kağıdı
indicator paper
belirteç kağıdı
indicator species
(Çevre) indikatör türler
indicator chart
gösterge çizelgesi
indicator control unit
gösterge kontrol ünitesi
indicator lamp
gösterge lambası
indicator light
gösterge ışığı
indicator paper
indikatör kağıdı
indicator plant
indikatör bitkiler
indicator regulator
tanzim kadranı
indicator tube
indikatör tüpü
indicator tube
gösterici tüp
indicator panel
gösterge paneli
indicator regulator
tanzim kadrani
indicator bottle
(Tıp) damlalıklı şişe
indicator cam
(Otomotiv) gösterge kamı
indicator card
indikatör kartı
indicator color
(Bilgisayar) gösterge rengi
indicator cover
gösterge kapağı
indicator flash
(Bilgisayar) gösterge yanıp/sönme
indicator flasher
(Otomotiv) gösterge flaşörü
indicator green
(Bilgisayar) gösterge yeşil
indicator mark
(Otomotiv) ikaz işareti
indicator mark
(Otomotiv) gösterge işareti
indicator mark
(Otomotiv) uyarı işareti
indicator plants
(Tarım) indikatör bitkiler
indicator plants
(Tarım) gösterici bitkiler
indicator price
(Ticaret) gösterge fiyat
indicator red
(Bilgisayar) gösterge kırmızı
indicator species
indeks türler
indicator system
(Askeri) ANAHTAR GÖSTERGESİ KRİPTOLAMA SİSTEMİ: Bir anahtar göstergesini kriptolamak için kullanılan sistem
indicator travel
gosterge yolalimi
indicator valve
göstergeli vana
input output interrupt indicator
giriş çıkış kesmesi göstergesi
internal indicator
iç gösterge
indirect indicator
dolaylı gösterge
instantaneous vertical speed indicator
(Askeri) Bak. "vertical speed indicator"
interswitch collective routing indicator
(Askeri) anahtarlararası toplu haberleşme göstergesi
boost pressure indicator
(Otomotiv) takviye basınç göstergesi
consumption indicator
(Otomotiv) tüketim göstergesi
dial indicator
(Otomotiv) komparatör
dial indicator
direction indicator
(Otomotiv) sağ
direction indicator
sinyal lambası
exposure indicator
(Tıp) maruziyet indikatörü
(Otomotiv) gösterge lambaları
malfunction indicator lamp
(Otomotiv) arıza lambası
moving target indicator
(Askeri) hareketli hedef göstericisi
progress indicator
(Bilgisayar) durum göstergesi denetim
remote indicator
uzaktan gösterici
remote indicator
uzaktan kumandalı gösterge
success indicator
başarı göstergesi
trim indicator
trim göstergesi
trim indicator
dengeleme göstergesi
adjustment indicator
ayar göstergesi
airspeed indicator
hava hızı göstergesi
attitude indicator
durum göstergesi
banking indicator
yatış göstergesi
beam direction indicator
ışın yönü göstergesi
brake pressure indicator
fren basıncı göstergesi
call indicator
çağırma göstergesi
charge indicator
şarj göstergesi
check indicator
denetim göstergesi
check indicator instruction
denetim göstergesi komutu
colour indicator
renk göstergesi
column indicator
kolon göstergesi
cooling water level indicator
soğutma suyu göstergesi
direction indicator
yön gösterici
drive indicator
sürücü göstergesi
elevation indicator
yükselti kadranı
firedamp indicator
grizu göstergesi
frequency indicator
frekans gösterici
fuel indicator
yakıt göstergesi
juice level indicator
şerbet seviye göstergesi
leakage indicator
kaçak göstergesi
level indicator
düzey göstergesi
level indicator
seviye göstergesi
liquid level indicator
sıvı düzey göstergesi
machine check indicator
makine denetim göstericisi
mileage indicator
kilometre sayacı
power on indicator
açık göstergesi
range indicator
menzil göstergesi
speed indicator
sürat göstergesi
speed indicator
hız göstergesi
temperature indicator
sıcaklık göstergesi
turn indicator
sapma göstergesi
turn indicator
dönüş göstergesi
universal indicator
genel belirteç
universal indicator
genel indikatör
fuel indicator
Akaryakıt göstergesi, benzin göstergesi
gyroscopic turn indicator
jiroskopik dönüş göstergesi
height indicator
yükseklik saati
key performance indicator
anahtar performans göstergesi
lagging indicator
göstergesi geri kalmış
note indicator
Not göstergesi
oil pressure indicator
yağ basıncı göstergesi
optical indicator
optik gösterge
pressure indicator
basınç göstergesi
range height indicator
menzil yükseklik göstergesi
read/write check indicator
okuma yazma denetim göstericisi
sign check indicator
işaret denetim göstergesi
tuning indicator
akort göstergesi
vacuum indicator
volume indicator
volüm göstergesi
warning indicator
göstergesi uyarı
water temperature indicator
su hararet göstergesi
acquisition indicator
(Askeri) hedef tespit göstergesi
acquisition indicator
(Askeri) hedef tespit müşiri
additional indicator
ek gösterge
addressee indicator group
(Askeri) adres gösterge grubu
airspeed indicator
(Askeri) SÜRAT GÖSTERGESİ: Pilot ve statik basınç girdilerinden gelen, uçağın işari süratini gösteren bir cihaz
alarm indicator
uyarı belirteci
alert indicator
alarm indikatörü
align indicator
(Mekanik) ayar göstergesi
attitude director indicator
(Askeri) DURUM YÖNETME GÖSTERGESİ: Uçuş idare bilgisayarlarından gelen komuta sinyallerini gösteren durum göstergesi
attitude indicator
(Askeri) DURUM GÖSTERGESİ: Bir uçağın içinde. bulunan veya dış kaynaklardan gelen bilgileri temel alarak uçağın durumunu gösteren cihaz. Eğer bilgi kaynağı uçağın içindeyse bu cihaza suni ufuk denir
azimuth indicator
(Askeri) YAN DÖNÜŞ GÖSTERGESİ: Yana dönüşü ölçen mekanik veya elektriki cihaz
barometric vertical speed indicator
(Askeri) Bknz. "Vertical speed indicator"
battle damage indicator
(Askeri) muharebe hasar göstergesi
bearing indicator
kerteriz gostergesi
biological indicator
(Nükleer Bilimler) biyolojik belirteç
bucket indicator
kepçe göstergesi
clearance indicator
boşluk göstergesi
climb and dive indicator
(Askeri) TIRMANIŞ VE DALIŞ GÖSTERGESİ: Bknz. "rate of climb indicator"
climb indicator
(Havacılık) tırmanma göstergesi
collective routing indicator
(Askeri) toplu haberleşme göstergesi
combined airspeed indicator
(Askeri) KOMBİNE HAVA SÜRATİ GÖSTERGESİ: Hem işari sürati hem mach sayısını gösteren cihaz
combustible gas indicator
yanıcı gaz göstergesi
composite indicator
(Ticaret) bileşik gösterge
course indicator
rota gostergesi
crash position indicator
(Askeri) Bknz. "crash locator beacon"
crash position indicator
(Askeri) kırım mevkii göstergesi
critical employment indicator
(Askeri) kritik kullanım göstergesi
deployment indicator code
(Askeri) intikal gösterge kodu
dial indicator
(İnşaat) ibreli gösterge
direction indicator
yön göstergesi
direction indicator
rota göstergesi
directional gyro indicator
(Askeri) İSTİKAMET CAYROSU: Belirli bir pusula yönüne göre veriyi tespit etmeye ait vasıtaları ve direkt görüntüsü olan bir istikamet açısı jiroskopu
dive angle indicator
(Havacılık) dalma açısı göstergesi
draught indicator
çekiş göstergesi
drive designator or indicator
sürücü göstergesi
driving mode indicator
(Otomotiv) sürüş modu göstergesi
dust indicator
(İnşaat) toz göstergesi
earth leakage indicator
toprak kacagi gostergesi
elapsed time indicator
geçen süre göstergesi
elapsed time indicator
gecen sure gostergesi
elevation indicator
(Askeri) YÜKSELİŞ AHİZESİ: Deniz toplarında aynı işi gören cihaz
elevation indicator regulator
(Askeri) yükseliş tanzim kadranı
emission indicator
(Fotoğrafçılık) yayım göstergesi
empty space indicator
boşluk göstergesi
enable indicator on taskbar
(Bilgisayar) görev çubuğunda göster
external indicator
(Askeri) SİSTEM GÖSTERGESİ: Bak. "system indicator"
fault indicator
ariza gostergesi kusur gostergesi
field strength indicator
alan kuvveti gostergesi
flame indicator
alev göstergesi
flame indicator bushing
alev göstergesi kovanı
flame indicator kit
alev göstergesi kiti
flight indicator
(Askeri) UFUK GÖSTERGESİ: Uçağın gerçek ufka nazaran yana eğiklik (tilt) derecesini gösteren ve alet uçuşunda kullanılan jiroskopik veya başka bir alet
float indicator
(Otomotiv) şamandıra düzey göstergesi
fluorescence indicator
(Kimya) flüoresans indikatörü
force indicator code
(Askeri) kuvvet gösterge kodu
fusion indicator
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ergime göstergesi
general collective routing indicator (RI)
(Askeri) genel toplu haberleşme göstergesi (RI)
glide slope indicator
(Askeri) süzülme eğimi göstergesi
glow indicator tube
akkor isimali gosterge tubu
ground moving target indicator
(Askeri) yer hareketli hedef belirteci
ground position indicator
(Askeri) YERE NAZARAN POZİSYON GÖSTERGESİ: Sürüklenme hesabını yapacak tertibatı mevcut ve hava mevkii göstergesine (air position indicator) benzer bir parakete ile mevki hesaplayıcısı
gyroscopic course indicator
(Havacılık) jiroskopik rota göstergesi
heading indicator
(Askeri) YÖN GÖSTERGESİ: Uzaktaki bir pusula sisteminden elektrik olarak gönderilen işarla yönü gösteren alet
health indicator
(Tıp) sağlık göstergesi
height indicator
(Havacılık) irtifa göstergesi
helm indicator
dümen müşiri
horizontal situation indicator
(Askeri) YATAY DURUM GÖSTERGESİ: Seyrüseferin mesafe ve istikamet açısı manyetik yönü, takip/rota ve takip rota sapmasını gösteren bir alet
image quality indicator
(Nükleer Bilimler) (iqi) görüntü kalite göstergesi
image quality indicator sensitivity
(Nükleer Bilimler) görüntü kalite göstergesi
leading indicator
(Ticaret) baş gösterge
level indicator
(Nükleer Bilimler) seviye gösterge
lugs on the indicator
gösterge uçları
mach number indicator
(Askeri) Bak. "machmeter"
malfunction indicator lamb
(Otomotiv) arıza gösterge lambası
message indicator
(Askeri) HABER GÖSTERGESİ: Kriptolu bir haber metninin, genel olarak, baş tarafına konulan ve bu haberde uygulanan anahtar değişkenleri düzenini tanıtan bir harf veya sayı grubu. Ayrıca bakınız: "indicator"
moisture indicator
nem göstergesi
monetary indicator
(Kanun) parasal gösterge
moving target indicator
(Askeri) hareketli hedef göstergesi
moving target indicator
(Askeri) HAREKETLİ HEDEF GÖSTERGESİ: Yalnızca hareket halindeki hedeflerin radar ekranında gözükmesi. Sabit hedeflerden geri gelen sinyaller, uygun bir hafıza devresi aracılığıyla, dönüş sinyalinden çıkartılır
null indicator
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) sıfır göstergesi
null indicator
sifir gostergesi
originating station routing indicator
(Askeri) çevrim istasyonu haberleşme göstergesi
overflow indicator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşma göstericisi
overflow indicator
taşma göstergesi
parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; pilot in com
(Askeri) ana gösterge kodu; nakit ödeme; kişi tanımlama kodu; uçağı idare eden pilot
petrol consumption indicator
(Otomotiv) benzin tüketimi göstergesi
petrol pressure indicator
(Otomotiv) benzin basınç göstergesi
phase indicator
evre gostergesi
phase sequence indicator
evre ardisimi gostergesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
any of many substances, such as litmus, used to indicate the concentration of a substance, or the degree of a reaction
British for trafficator
a meter or gauge
a plant or animal whose presence is indicative of some specific environment
the needle or dial on such a meter
a pointer or index that indicates something
a measure, such as unemployment rate, which can be used to predict economic trends
one who or that which points out
A numerical measure of quality of life in a country Indicators are used to illustrate progress of a country in meeting a range of economic, social, and environmental goals Since indicators represent data that have been collected by a variety of agencies using different collection methods, there may be inconsistencies among them
a device for showing the operating condition of some system
See Indicator card (below)
Any bird of the genus Indicator and allied genera
As used in this manual, an event, entity, or condition that typically characterizes a prescribed environment or situation; indicators determine or aid in determining whether or not certain stated circumstances exist
A lever imparts motion to a pencil which traces the diagram on a card wrapped around a vertical drum which is turned back and forth by a string connected with the piston rod of the engine
A one-digit code that provides information to the computer about a variable field The presence, meaning, and use of indicators will vary from field to field Depending on the tag number of the field, either a numeric indicator value or a blank occupies each of the two reserved indicator positions in each field which always follows the tag number after one space
(1) In biology, an organism, species, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions (2) In chemistry, a substance that shows a visible change, usually of color, at a desired point in a chemical reaction 3 A device that indicates the result of a measurement, e g , a pressure gauge or a moveable scale
An indicator is a measurement or value which gives you an idea of what something is like. vital economic indicators, such as inflation, growth and the trade gap
One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare indicator in a street car
(chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance; can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction
A car's indicators are the flashing lights that tell you when it is going to turn left or right
a device for showing the operating condition of some system a signal for attracting attention (chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance; can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular reaction
Used in the context of general equities Technical or fundamental measurement that securities analysts use to forecast the market's direction, such as investment advisory sentiment, volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying or selling by corporate insiders
An Indicator is a single quantity derived from one, or an aggregation of several, environmental or socioeconomic variable(s) Indicators are used to show environmentally significant trends, to reflect a gain or loss in human welfare from a change in a condition of the environment, or to provide a representative measure of the effect of an environmental stress, or a policy response A comprehensive set of indicators should include measures of stressors associated with human activities and natural events, conditions of the biophysical and human environment, as well as management responses
A feature or phenomenon that can be objectively measured in quantitative or qualitative terms as a means of gauging progress toward achieving a goal or measuring the impact of a specific intervention
A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam boiler; an apparatus or instrument for showing the working of a machine or moving part An instrument which draws a diagram showing the varying pressure in the cylinder of an engine or pump at every point of the stroke
A specific, observable, and measurable characteristic or change that shows the progress a program is making toward achieving a specified outcome
A substitute measure for a concept that is not directly observable or measurable (e g , prejudice, substance abuse) For example, an indicator of "substance abuse" could be "rate of emergency room admissions for drug overdose " Because of the imperfect fit between indicators and concepts, it is better to rely on several indicators rather than on just one when measuring this type of concept A variable that relates directly to some part of a program goal or objective Positive change on an indicator is presumed to indicate progress in accomplishing the larger program objective For example, a program may aim to reduce drinking among teens An indicator of progress could be a reduction in the number of drunk driving arrests or the number of teens found to be drinking alcohol in clubs
Used in the context of general equities Technical or fundamental measurement securities analysts use to forecast the market's direction, such as investment advisory sentiment, volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying or selling or corporate insiders
That which indicates the condition of acidity, alkalinity, or the deficiency, excess, or sufficiency of a standard reagent, by causing an appearance, disappearance, or change of color, as in titration or volumetric analysis
It consists of a small cylinder communicating with the engine cylinder and fitted with a piston which the varying pressure drives upward more or less against the resistance of a spring
{i} person or thing that indicates or points out; pointer; instrument which shows the performance of a machine; sign, signal, symptom
The part of an instrument by which an effect is indicated, as an index or pointer
A compound, such as phenolphthalein, that changes color at the endpoint of a titration
A key clinical value or quality characteristic used to measure, over time, the performance, processes, and outcomes of an organization or some component of health care delivery
In biology, any biological entity or processies, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions 2 In chemistry, a substance that shows a visible change, usually of color, at a desired point in a chemical reaction 3 A device that indicates the result of a meas- urement; e g , a pressure guage or a moveable scale
means according to the Helsinki process a quantitative measure of an impact that does not directly reflect whether the change is good or bad; a quantitative measure of a change to assess whether the criterion has been met
An indicator is defined as any component of the environment that quantitatively estimates the condition of ecological resources, the magnitude of stress, the exposure of a biological component to stress, or the amount of change in condition
Anything that provides information on the condition of something that is more difficult to measure For example, a fever is an indicator of illness For this project, indicators provide an indication of the condition of the Great Lakes coastal margin
A measurement that reflects the status of some social, economic, or environmental system over time The term Indicator is derived from the Latin verb indicare, meaning "to point out or proclaim " Generally an indicator focuses on a small, manageable, tangible and telling piece of a system to give people a sense of the bigger picture
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts; can reveal relative changes as a function of time
The part of a control that visually represents its value For example, on a scroll bar control, the scroller is the indicator
a signal for attracting attention
A telltale connected with a hoisting machine, to show, at the surface, the position of the cage in the shaft of a mine, etc
Quantitative or qualitative factor or variable that provides a simple and reliable basis for assessing achievement, change or performance A unit of information measured over time that can help show changes in a specific condition A given goal or objective can have multiple indicators
1) In biology, an organism, species, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions 2) In chemistry, a substance that shows a visible change, usually of color, at a desired point in a chemical reaction 3) A device that indicates the result of a measurement, e g , a pressure gauge or a moveable scale
Any of a group of statistical values that taken together give an insight into a particular topic
See Honey guide, under Honey
Any biological entity or process, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions or pollutants
A device which makes information available but in which there is no provision for storage of such information, as a radar indicator
a trafficator
1 specific items of information that track a program's success They describe observable, measurable characteristics or changes that represent achievement of an outcome 2 observable phenomena that point toward the intended and/or actual condition of situations, programs, and outcomes These observable items are used to specify program goals and objectives and to signal their degree of achievement 3 tangible evidence that one uses to measure how far one has achieved the goal 4 Observable data whose presence demonstrates or suggests the presence of phenomena that are less observable
A measurable quantity that can be used to evaluate the relationship between pollutant sources and their impact on water quality
indicator bulb
light which when illuminated signals a certain mechanical activity
indicator lamp
lamp which illuminates something specific
indicator panel
board (on a machine) which shows changes within the machine
acid-base indicator
A substance that shows the acidity or alkalinity of a solution by its colour
airspeed indicator
An instrument that displays an aircraft's current airspeed
altitude indicator
An altimeter
attitude indicator
An instrument that displays attitude of an aircraft in pitch and roll
bite indicator
A float used by anglers to tell when a fish has taken the bait
chemical indicator
any substance used to classify another, often by changing colour
dial indicator
An instrument that measures small distances; used especially to check the tolerance of machined parts
That indicates, signifies or implies
key performance indicator
A financial or non-financial metric used to help an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals
leading indicator
An phenomenon that generally occurs in advance of an important phenomenon, aiding in its prediction
leading indicator
A phenomenon that is predictive of the overall level of economic activity, especially one for which reliable statistics are available; a leading economic indicator
ordinal indicator
A sign adjacent to a numeral denoting that it is an ordinal number, rather than a cardinal number
pH indicator
An acid-base indicator
rate of climb indicator
An instrument installed in an aircraft that indicates the rate at which the aircraft is gaining or losing altitude
rate-of-climb indicator
an aircraft instrument that provides an indication of the vertical change in position
turn and bank indicator
An aircraft instrument that shows both the aircraft's rate of turn about the vertical axis and also the amount of banking about the longitudinal axis
fuel indicator
An indicator of the amount of fuel remaining in a vehicle, fuel gauge
absorption indicator
an indicator used in reactions that involve precipitation
acid-base indicator
A substance that indicates the degree of acidity or basicity of a solution through characteristic color changes
acid-base indicator
an indicator that changes color on going from acidic to basic solutions
air speed indicator
device indicating air speed, device which shows the speed of an airplane relative to the air through which it moves
altitude indicator
device which shows height above a certain level on the earth's surface
climb indicator
(Aviation) device that indicates the rate of ascent or descent of a plane
economic indicator
Statistic used to determine the state of general economic activity or to predict it in the future. A leading indicator is one that tends to turn up or down before the general economy does (e.g., building permits, common stock prices, and business inventories). Coincident indicators move in line with the economy; lagging indicators change direction after the economy does
economic indicator
criterion or measure of the state of the economy
engine speed indicator
device which shows the number of revolutions an engine makes
plural of indicator
{s} indicative, showing, pointing out; suggestive, expressive; denotative
Serving to show or make known; showing; indicative; signifying; implying
(usually followed by `of') pointing out or revealing clearly; "actions indicative of fear"
key performance indicator
(Ticaret) (KPI) Indicators used to provide measurements of the defined priority and key success factors of a project or system
lagging indicator
(Ticaret) An economic or other indicator that changes value after the underlying conditions it measures have begun to exhibit a trend. Lagging indicators may confirm the existence of a condition or trend, but are not used for prediction
leading indicator
(Ticaret) An economic or other indicator that changes in advance of a new trend or condition and can be used in prediction
leading indicator
(Economics) variable that historically predicts the direction of an economy (decreases before an economic slowdown and rises before a period of economic growth)
leading indicator
one of 11 indicators for different sections of the economy; used by the Department of Commerce to predict economic trends in the near future
oxidation-reduction indicator
an indicator that shows a reversible color change between oxidized and reduced forms
speed indicator
speedometer: a meter fixed to a vehicle that measures and displays its speed
torsion indicator
An autographic torsion meter
vertical speed indicator
device used to measure the speed of a moving body
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف indicator في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

sinyal lambası blinker, turn-signal light, Brit. indicator, Brit. winker
(on an automobile, etc.)