A liquid that, along with the binder, forms the paint's vehicle The thinner evaporates after the paint is applied Water is the thinner used in latex paint, while turpentine, mineral spirits and denatured alcohol are thinners associated with different solvent-based coatings; the liquid used to thin the coating
a liquid used to reduce the viscosity of coatings or mastic Thinners evaporate during the curing process Thinners may be used as solvents for clean-up of equipment
Used to thin lumpy and thick polishes All polishes should not be thinned more than one time Do not thin your nail polish with Polish Remover
A thinner is a volatile solvent added to paint or painting media to reduce its consistency It evaporates on drying thus leaving the composition of the paint or medium unaltered
Volatile liquid used to adjust consistency or to modify other properties of paint, varnish and lacquer Thinner is used to thin and clean up paint
The thinner and binder together form the paint's vehicle Water, the thinner used in latex paints, evaporates as the paint dries, allowing a smooth paint application Turpentine or spirits are the thinners in oil-based paints