Incomplete The administrative symbol "INC" is recorded on the student's permanent record in situations in which the student has not been able to complete a course due to circumstances beyond the student's control The student must complete the course within one year after the end of the semester, or the "INC" reverts to a letter grade determined by the instructor Courses in which the student has received an incomplete ("INC") may not be repeated unless the "INC" is removed and has been replaced by a grade of "D" or "F " This does not apply to courses which are repeatable for additional credit
a heterogeneous collection of groups united in their opposition to Saddam Hussein's government of Iraq; formed in 1992 it is comprised of Sunni and Shiite Arabs and Kurds who hope to build a new government
increase example of a sc increase on each end of the piece work 2 st (such as sc) in one st, the increase can be made on the ends of the rows or in the center or anywhere in between
/ink/ v Verbal (and only rarely written) shorthand for increment, i e `increase by one' Especially used by assembly programmers, as many assembly languages have an inc mnemonic Antonym: dec (see DEC)
Industry Numbering Committee, a standing committee of the Industry Carriers Compatibility Forum (ICCF) that provides an open forum to address and resolve industry-wide issues associated with the planning, administrations, allocation, assignment, and use of numbering resources and related dialing considerations for public telecommunications with the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) area