Avrupa'da kamusal alanın yokluğu gitgide daha fazla hissediliyor.
- The lack of a public sphere in Europe is being felt more and more keenly.
Gitgide daha çok insan obezleşiyor.
- More and more people are becoming seriously overweight.
Günün sosyal sorunları gittikçe daha karmaşık olma eğilimindedir.
- The social problems of the day tend to be more and more complicated.
Banka hizmetleri gittikçe daha pahalı oluyor.
- Bank services are getting more and more expensive.
We tend to use more and more electric appliances in the home.
- Wir haben die Neigung, im Haushalt immer mehr Elektrogeräte zu verwenden.
However, as living standards gradually came to rise, more and more people began to have their own bathrooms at home.
- Als aber der Lebensstandard langsam anstieg, gab es immer mehr Leute mit einem eigenen Badezimmer zuhause.