If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past I suggested to Mike that we go out for a meal with his colleagues No one has suggested how this might occur `Could he be suffering from amnesia?' I suggested So instead I suggested taking her out to dinner for a change
If you suggest the name of a person or place, you recommend them to someone. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this? They can suggest where to buy one
To propose with difference or modesty; to hint; to intimate; as, to suggest a difficulty
If one thing suggests another, it brings it to your mind through an association of ideas. This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut
If you suggest that something is the case, you say something which you believe is the case. I'm not suggesting that is what is happening It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives Their success is conditional, I suggest, on this restriction
Suggest is used in two main contexts It may either imply that there is no unique answer or that candidates are expected to apply their general knowledge to a 'novel' situation, one that formally may not be 'in the syllabus'
To introduce indirectly to the thoughts; to cause to be thought of, usually by the agency of other objects
ima ve ihtar suretiyle bildirmek veya söylemek
i·ma ve ih·tar su·re·tiy·le bil·dir·mek ve·ya söy·le·mek