International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use Members are from industry and regulatory agencies Provides a forum for a constructive dialog between regulatory authorities and the pharmaceutical industry on the real and perceived differences in the technical requirements for product registration in the EU, USA and Japan Identifies areas where modifications in technical requirements or greater mutual acceptance of research and development procedures could lead to a more economical use of human, animal and material resources, without compromising safety Makes recommendations on practical ways to achieve greater harmonization in the interpretation and applications of technical and requirements for registration
Escape of blood due to loss of integrity of "vascular channels, frequently leading to formaiton of hematoma The interval "from injury to recognition of the hematoma depends on extent and location of the "hemorrhage, and on associated cerebral damage The most absolute "contraindication to thrombolytics A history is also a true contraindication
The I/O Controller Hub is a highly integrated multifunctional controller that provides the interface to the PCI bus, and integrates many of the functions needed in today's PC platforms It normally communicates with the host controller (MCH) over a dedicated hub interface
A contagious disease of tropical marine and freshwater fishes, caused by a protozoan (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) and characterized by small white pustules on the skin and eyes
Incoming Call HandlerA uOne component that handles incoming voice calls from TNT and performs a group hand-off of resources to launch the needed application (UM or AA), according to the received call token, call status, and subsequent LDAP lookup