
listen to the pronunciation of hypothesis
الإنجليزية - التركية

Gerçekler bu hipotezi doğrulamaktadır. - The facts bear out this hypothesis.

Sizin hipotez mantıklı. - Your hypothesis is plausible.


Bu sadece bir varsayım. - This is just a hypothesis.

O ilginç bir varsayım. - That's an interesting hypothesis.

(İnşaat) sav
{i} varsayım, hipotez, faraziye
{ç} hy.poth.e.ses (haypath'ısiz)
(Tıp) Bir şeyin sebep veya oluşumunu, delillere dayanmaksızın tahmin üzerine izah etme, varsayım teori, hipotez
{i} kuram
hypothesis testing
hipotez testi
hypothesis testing
hypothesis testing
(İstatistik) Hipotez testi, önsav sınaması
hypothesis formation
(Dilbilim) varsayım oluşturma
hypothesis of convection currents
konveksiyon akıntıları teorisi
alternative hypothesis
savlı hipotez
develop a hypothesis
hipotez geliştirmek
efficient market hypothesis
(Ticaret) etkin piyasa hipotezi
(Matematik) varsayım
null hypothesis
(Ticaret) boş hipotez
reject hypothesis
(Ticaret) hipotezin reddi
threshold hypothesis
(Dilbilim) eşik varsayımı
trigger hypothesis
(Biyokimya) başlatıcı kuram
composite hypothesis
bileşik hipotez
null hypothesis
sıfır hipotezi
null hypothesis
sıfır önsavı
Hypothesis (hipotez) kelimesinin çoğulu
null hypothesis
sıfır hipotezi, sıfır önsavi
statistical hypothesis
istatistiksel hipotez
adaptive hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) uyumlayıcı hipotezi
added worker hypothesis
(Ticaret) ek işçi hipotezi
alternative hypothesis
savli hipotez
anniversary hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yıldönümü hipotezi
capture hypothesis
(Ticaret) ele geçirme hipotezi
continuity hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) süreklilik hipotezi
continuum hypothesis
(Matematik) sürey varsayımı
contracting earth hypothesis
(Jeoloji) büzüşen yeryuvarı hipotezi
depth hypothesis
(Dilbilim) derinlik varsayımı
discontinuity hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) süreksizlik hipotezi
distinctiveness hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ayırdedicilik hipotezi
dividend signaling hypothesis
(Ticaret) temettü işareti hipotezi
elaboration hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) detaylandırma hipotezi
expectations hypothesis
(Ticaret) bekleyişler hipotezi
facial feedback hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) yüzden geridenetim hipotezi
gradual adjustment hypothesis
(Ticaret) tedrici ayarlanma hipotezi
handicap hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) handikap hipotezi
liquidity premium hypothesis
(Ticaret) likidite primi hipotezi
matching hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) eşleme hipotezi
monitor hypothesis
(Dilbilim) denetleme varsayımı
nebular hypothesis
nebular (bulutsu) hipotez
nerve net hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sinir ağı hipotezi
operon hypothesis
(Biyokimya) kalıt kuramı
optimum age hypothesis
(Dilbilim) uygun yaş varsayımı
repressive hypothesis
baskıcı varsayım
repressive hypothesis
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) baskıcı varsayım (foucault)
screening hypothesis
(Ticaret) eleme hipotezi
skilled labor hypothesis
(Ticaret) yetişkin işgücü hipotezi
test of hypothesis
hipotez sinamasi
verbal deficit hypothesis
(Dilbilim) sözel eksiklik kuramı
verbal loop hypothesis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) sözel döngü hipotezi
working hypothesis
geçici varsayım
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
The antecedent of a conditional statement
A tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon or scientific problem that can be tested by further observation, investigation and/or experimentation
An assumption taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation
a proposition taken for granted as a premise from which to reach a conclusion
{n} a system formed upon supposition
a tentative (as opposed to a theory which is well tested) explanation for observed events An hypothesis is not a prediction itself, but it must allow you to make predictions which can be tested by experiment When the results of those experiments are as predicted, it lends support to the hypothesis as a good explanation, and its eventual acceptance as a theory If the results are not as predicted, the hypothesis must be modified, or replaced with a better explanation No statement is an hypothesis unless it suggests a cause for an effect
A tentative theory or supposition provisionally adopted to explain certain facts, and to guide in the investigation of others; hence, frequently called a working hypothesis
A hypothesis is an idea which is suggested as a possible explanation for a particular situation or condition, but which has not yet been proved to be correct. Work will now begin to test the hypothesis in rats = theory. Gaia hypothesis hypothesis testing Nostratic hypothesis
A proposition, usually couched in the form of a conjecture or provisional explanation that states a relationship among empirical or theoretical variables
A proposition tentatively assumed Science tests the logical consequences of a hypothesis against facts that are known or that may be determined
A hypothesis is a statement of the expected relationship between or among the things being studied
a scientific idea about how something works, before the idea has been tested Scientists do experiments to test their hypothesis and see if the hypothesis is correct
A hypothesis is an assumption not proved by experiment or observation that is made for the sake of testing its soundness
a tentative statement or supposition, which may then be tested through research
A tentative assumption that is made for the purpose of empirical scientific testing A hypothesis becomes a theory when repeated testing and evidence suggests the hypothesis has a strong chance of being correct
An idea advanced to explain a set of observations Ideally, any problem can be interpreted by several possible hypotheses The idea of the hypothetico-deductive method is that a critical experiment can be devised whose outcome should be different for each hypothesis The actual outcome then eliminates those hypotheses failing to predict it See section 2 3 etc
A belief about probable performance of events, it differs from theory or law in that it is known to be tentative rather than certain No logical interpretation of events can be drawn without some type of hypothesis; some kind of model must be used to provide the hypothesis with its initial base of assumptions
(hi-poth-e-siss) A hypothesis is a conjecture (or set of conjectures) put forward to guide one's investigation and explanation of a given phenomenon, problem or issue The plural of hypothesis is hypotheses (ie hi-poth-e-sees)
{i} explanation which gives a reason for observed phenomena, theory (especially in the sciences); supposition, assumption
Tentative, educated guess or proposition about the relationship between two or more variables; often, hypotheses take the form of statements like "If x occurs, then y will follow," or "As x increases, so will y "
A supposition; a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw a conclusion or inference for proof of the point in question; something not proved, but assumed for the purpose of argument, or to account for a fact or an occurrence; as, the hypothesis that head winds detain an overdue steamer
a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence
"a supposition made as a starting point for further investigation from known facts" or "a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without the assumption of truth" (Oxford Canadian Dictionary)
An hypothesis is a prediction of the relationship between an independent variable and dependent variable in an experiment An example hypothesis: "The number of seeds that germinate will decrease with increasing concentration of NaCl "
A supposition, or statement, used in science, that is precise enough to be tested
a tentative theory about the natural world; a concept that is not yet verified but that if true would explain certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific hypothesis that survives experimental testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later was accepted in chemical practices"
A statement that can be tested Often written as an "if-then" statement (If I do such-and-such, then such-and-such will happen )
A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation
forming a generalization / question based on observations; involves asking questions, making inferences and predictions; must be testable/tested to establish credibility
A tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further observation, investigation, and/or experimentation
A supposition, arrived at from observation or reflection, that leads to refutable predictions Any conjecture cast in a form that will allow it to be tested and refuted
A concept or idea that can be falsified by various scientific methods
As a result of observation and thought scientists make a guess or hypothesis They then test the hypothesis by carrying out experiments If the experiments turn out as expected then this suggests the hypothesis is correct Much more work is usually required before it is accepted as scientific knowledge or theory
A supposition or idea about something In the scientific realm, it generally relates to physical or chemical interactions among various entities of nature
A hypothesis is an unproved proposition to explain a certain fact or observation A working hypothesis is a scientist's best estimation, based on scientific knowledge and assumptions, of the results of an experiment One reason that hypotheses are so important is that in order to evaluate the significance of research data, scientists need something to compare it to A hypothesis typically provides the key point of comparison for experimental data, leading to two crucial questions that must be addressed in the lab report: did you find what you expected to find? why or why not? The point of an experiment is to test the hypothesis The null hypothesis for any experiment is that the results were due to random chance alone Statistical tests cannot evaluate working hypotheses directly; they can only provide the basis for accepting or rejecting the cooresponding null hypothesis
a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations
a tentative question that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation
hypothesis testing
In statistics, a method for testing how accurately a mathematical model based on one set of data predicts the nature of other data sets generated by the same process. Hypothesis testing grew out of quality control, in which whole batches of manufactured items are accepted or rejected based on testing relatively small samples. An initial hypothesis (null hypothesis) might predict, for example, that the widths of a precision part manufactured in batches will conform to a normal distribution with a given mean (see mean, median, and mode). Samples from new batches either confirm or disprove this hypothesis, which is refined based on these results
alternative hypothesis
A rival hypothesis to the null hypothesis, whose likelihoods are compared by a statistical hypothesis test
continuum hypothesis
The hypothesis which states that any infinite subset of ℝ must have the cardinality of either the set of natural numbers or of ℝ itself
generalized continuum hypothesis
The hypothesis that, for each ordinal \alpha, there is no cardinal number strictly between \aleph_\alpha and 2^{\aleph_\alpha}, i.e. 2^{\aleph_\alpha}=\aleph_{\alpha+1}
null hypothesis
A hypothesis set up to be nullified or refuted in order to support an alternative hypothesis. When used, the null hypothesis is presumed true until statistical evidence in the form of a hypothesis test indicates otherwise. Therefore, the null and the alternative hypothesis must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive. The use of the null hypothesis is controversial
random walk hypothesis
(Finans) The random walk hypothesis is a financial theory stating that stock market prices evolve according to a random walk and thus the prices of the stock market cannot be predicted. It has been described as 'jibing' with the efficient market hypothesis. Investors, economists, and other financial behaviorists have historically accepted the random walk hypothesis. They have run several tests and continue to believe that stock prices are completely random because of the efficiency of the market
Gaia hypothesis
Model of the Earth in which its living and nonliving parts are viewed as a complex interacting system that can be thought of as a single organism. Developed 1972 largely by British chemist James E. Lovelock and U.S. biologist Lynn Margulis, the Gaia hypothesis is named for the Greek Earth goddess. It postulates that all living things have a regulatory effect on the Earth's environment that promotes life overall; the Earth is homeostatic in support of life-sustaining conditions. The theory is highly controversial
Nostratic hypothesis
Proposal of an overarching northern Eurasian language family, still of uncertain validity. Holger Pedersen was the first to suggest that the Indo-European, Uralic, Altaic, Afroasiatic, and other language families might belong in one broad category (Nostratic). In the 1960s Vladislav Illich-Svitych made a detailed case in favour of the hypothesis and added Kartvelian (see Caucasian languages) and Dravidian to the list; he began reconstructing Proto-Nostratic but died in 1966 before finishing. Important contributions to this theory were also made by the Russian-born Israeli linguist Aron Dolgopolsky. The hypothesis remains highly controversial
Proposed explanations for natural phenomena
plural of hypothesis
At first everyone in our class guessed how many possums we would catch during a week-long study We decided to set up a hypothesis that might predict the number more accurately and test the idea behind our prediction We wanted to predict the density of possums in town In the bush there are usually about five possums per hectare We predicted that there would be fewer possums in town because (1) food limits possum numbers and that less food is present in towns because houses and roads take up the space; (2) people may kill possums because they eat roses and vegetables in town; (3) cars may run them over, and (4) light and noise may frighten them and disrupt their feeding and movements
Assumptions or theories that a researcher or manager makes and tests
nebular hypothesis
(cosmology) the theory that the solar system evolved from a hot gaseous nebula
nebular hypothesis
A theory of the origin of the solar system according to which a rotating nebula cooled and contracted, throwing off rings of matter that contracted into the planets and their moons, while the great mass of the condensing nebula became the sun
null hypothesis
What do you do when you want others to be maximally impressed with what you do? You DECREASE EXPECTATIONS, then what you do accomplish looks even better! The null hypothesis is the assumption that there is no difference between the groups and that the treatment you are studying has no effect Any difference in outcome actually observed between the groups is then evaluated in relationship to the "zero expectation" hypothesis
null hypothesis
A formal statement that there is no difference or no relationship between variables Researchers often use the results of statistical test to reject the null hypothesis
null hypothesis
This is usually a statement of "no effect", that is to say that the independent variable will not have any effect on the dependent variable and that any differences between the experimental and control groups are attributable to chance The null hypothesis is usually represented by the symbol H0, and is stated in order that it can be rejected as an explanation for the results of the experiment
null hypothesis
Is a hypothesis that has been suggested because it is believed to be true or because it is to be used as a starting point for scientific argument Used in statistical testing to organize arguments
null hypothesis
the prediction that is tentatively held to be true; it states that no relationship will be found between two variables, or that the means of multiple groups are equal
null hypothesis
The general assumption in statistics that two populations or two sub-groups are equal until proven otherwise If the difference in survey results is large enough that it would not be likely to occur by chance, you reject the null hypothesis and conclude the difference between the sample "is statistically significant at the confidence level you were testing
null hypothesis
The null hypothesis is used in experimental research   It asserts arbitrarily that there is no relationship among the variables being studied Then statistical tests are used to determine if any relationship shown by the research data is due to chance alone or to alternative hypotheses
null hypothesis
The primary hypothesis being investigated; often it is an hypothesis that there is no difference between two values, or that a sample value is not different from zero
null hypothesis
the prediction that there is no relationship between your treatment and your outcome
null hypothesis
In hypothesis testing, the hypothesis we wish to falsify on the basis of the data The null hypothesis is typically that something is not present, that there is no effect, or that there is no difference between treatment and control
null hypothesis
The statement being tested in a test of significance
null hypothesis
The statement being tested in a hypothesis test It usually represents the status quo and it is not rejected unless there is convincing sample evidence that it is false (page 301)
null hypothesis
The hypothesis tentatively assumed true in the hypothesis testing procedure
null hypothesis
1) a hypothesis that is being tested, or is about to be tested 2) the assumption that there are no differences between a randomly drawn sample, and the population from which it is drawn
null hypothesis
A statement that there is no difference in measures of the criterion vairable except what would be expected from sampling; requires that a significance level be stated ( 05, 01, )
null hypothesis
The hypothesis that nothing is happening in the data that would not be expected by chance Some null hypothesis are (a) the means of two groups are equal, (b) the slope in a simple regression is zero, (c) the correlation between two variables is zero, and (d) the classifcation of the data according to one nominal variable is independent of the classifcation of that data according to a second nominal variable
null hypothesis
The hypothesis that an observed pattern of data and an expected pattern are effectively the same, differing only by chance, not because they are truly different A statistical significance test is then generally applied to the data to test whether the hypothesis can be rejected If so, the observed and expected patterns are said to be significantly different Tests do not establish that the null hypothesis is true 'Expected' patterns may be derived from theory or from other, related data sets
null hypothesis
A statistical hypothesis that any difference observed among treatment conditions occurs by chance and does not reflect a true difference Rejection of the null hypothesis means that we believe the treatment conditions are actually having an effect
null hypothesis
The prediction that the independent variable will have no effect on the dependent variable in an experiment
null hypothesis
The hypothesis that there is no validity to the specific claim that two variations (treatments) of the same thing can be distinguished by a specific procedure
null hypothesis
an assertion that the independent variable in a study will have no effect on the independent variable
null hypothesis
The statistical hypothesis tested by the statistical procedure Usually a hypothesis of no difference or no relationship
null hypothesis
The hypothesis, or assumption about a population parameter we want to test; usually an assumption of the status quo
null hypothesis
– In terms of probability, the hypothesis of what most likely is occurring in a situation; the goal of subsequent experiments is then to try to disprove the null hypothesis
null hypothesis
The statistical hypothesis that states that there are no differences between observed and expected data
planetesimal hypothesis
The hypothesis that the planets and satellites of the solar system were formed by gravitational aggregation of planetesimals
planetesimal hypothesis
(cosmology) the theory that the solar system was formed by the gravitational accumulation of planetesimals
statistical hypothesis
hypothesis that can be tested by a poll



    التركية النطق



    /hīˈpäᴛʜəsəs/ /haɪˈpɑːθəsəs/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    () Recorded since 1596, from Middle French hypothese, from Late Latin hypothesis, from Ancient Greek ὑπόθεσις (hupothesis, “base, basis of an argument, supposition”), literally “a placing under”, itself from ὑποτίθημι (hupotithēmi, “I set before, suggest”) from ὑπό (upo, “below”) + τίθημι (tithēmi, “I put, place”).


    ... 28C3 in Berlin called "The Coming War on General Purpose Computation." In a nutshell, the hypothesis ...
    ... efficient market hypothesis neoclassical economics ...