
listen to the pronunciation of hospital
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} hastane

Eczane, hastanenin yakınında. - The pharmacy is near the hospital.

O yakında hastaneden ayrılacak. - She will leave the hospital soon.

{i} tamirhane
{i} bakımevi
{i} darülaceze
(Askeri) HASTANE: Esas itibarı ile hastalara bakım sağlamak maksadıyla kurulmuş bir tıbbi tedavi tesisi. Hem diyagnostik ve terapatik servisler, hem de kendisine verilen görevi yerine getirmesi bakımından lüzumlu destek, servisleri için elverişli şekilde personel ve malzeme ile teçhiz edilmiştir. Bir hastane, ayrıca bir kliniğin görevlerini de yerine getirir. Ayrıca bakınız: "general hospital", "station hospital", "fixed hospital", "evacuation hospital", "surgical hospital" ve "field hospital"
(Tıp) (ab. Spital): Hastane
eski darülaceze
hospital attendant
hospital room
hastane odası

O şeyi bir hastane odasına getiremezsin. - You can't bring that stuff into a hospital room.

Tom Mary'nin hastane odasına bir şişe viski kaçırdı - Tom smuggled a bottle of whiskey into Mary's hospital room.

hospital bed
hastane yatağı
hospital care
hastane bakımı
hospital drama
hastane dizisi
hospital library
hastane kütüphanesi
hospital rules
hastane kuralları
hospital center
(Askeri) HASTANELER GRUP MERKEZİ: İdari kontrol maksadıyla, iki veya daha çok genel hastane ve icabında, diğer tıbbi birliklerin kuruluşuna veya emrine verildikleri bir idari birlik
hospital council
(Askeri) HASTANE MALİYE KURULU: Hastanenin tahsisatını idare etmekle görevlendirilen ve hastanede fiilen vazifede bulunan yüksek rütbeli subaylar heyeti
hospital dietitian
(Askeri) HASTANE DİYET HEMŞİRESİ: Bak. "dietition"
hospital food service supervisor
(Askeri) HASTANE İAŞE KONTROL SUBAYI: ABD Kara Ordusu'nda, bir tıbbi tesiste iaşe hizmetine nezaret eden ve bu işin idaresinden komutana karşı sorumlu olan baş diyet hemşiresi
hospital fund
(Askeri) HASTANE FONU: Personel ve hastaları beslemek ve eğlenmelerini temin etmek maksadıyla, her hastanede mevcut bulunan tahsisat
hospital returnee
(Askeri) TABURCU: Hastanede iyileşerek kıtasına veya seferde personel ikmal birliklerine ya da, herhangi bir muamele ile birliğine veya memleketine gitmek üzere hastaneden çıkan şahıs
hospital returnee
(Askeri) Taburcu
hospital ship
(Askeri) HASTANE GEMİSİ: Silahlı kuvvetler için hastane tedavisi sağlayacak şekilde personel ve malzeme ile teçhiz edilmiş, ayrıca hasta ve yaralıların tahliyesi için de faydalanılan ve Cenevre Sözleşmesine uygun olarak işaretlenmiş, silahsız gemi. Alt olarak adlandırılır. Bak. "hospital transport"
hospital ship
(Askeri) hastahane gemisi
hospital ship platoon
(Askeri) HASTANE GEMİSİ SIHHİYE TAKIMI: Normalden fazla özel tıbbi bakım tesisleri mevcut olmayan yük veya taşıt gemilerine bindirilecek tahliyeye tabi hasta ve yaralılara gerekli tıbbi bakım temin etmek üzere verilen tıbbi birlik
hospital station
(Askeri) HASTA VE YARALI AYIRMA İSTASYONU: Bak. "clearing station"
hospital surgical expansion package (USAF)
(Askeri) hastane cerrahi genişleme paketi (USAF)
hospital train
(Askeri) HASTANE TRENİ: Hasta ve yaralıları tahliye için özel surette teçhiz ve lüzumlu personeli temin edilmiş tren
hospital transport
(Askeri) HASTA TAŞIT GEMİSİ: Hasta ve yaralıları tahliye için özel surette teçhiz ve gerekli personeli temin edilmiş gemi. Bu terimi; hastane gemisi (hospital ship) terimi ile karıştırmamalıdır
hospital unit
(Askeri) hastane ünitesi
public hospital
Devlet hastanesi
discharged from hospital
(Askeri) taburcu
discharged from hospital
taburcu olmak
district hospital
(Tıp) bölge hastanesi
found a hospital
hastane kurmak
refer a patient to a hospital
hastaneye sevk etmek
research hospital
araştırma hastanesi
set up a hospital
hastane kurmak
be discharged from hospital
hastaneden taburcu olmak
field hospital
sahra hastanesi

Onlar bir Amerikan sahra hastanesine tahliye ediliyorlar. - They are evacuated to an American field hospital.

l'hospital's rule
l'hospital kuralı
lying hospital
hastaneye yatma
maternity hospital
mental hospital
akıl hastanesi
military hospital
askeri hastane
ophthalmic hospital
göz hastalıkları hastanesi
state hospital
devlet hastanesi
Hospital for
geriatric hospital
geriatrik hastane
in hospital

Onun hastalığı onu altı hafta hastanede tuttu. - Her illness kept her in hospital for six weeks.

O, bir hafta hastanede kalmak zorunda kaldı. - He had to stay in hospital for a week.

leper hospital
cüzzamlı hastane
mental hospital
psychiatric hospital
psikiyatri hastanesinde
sign out of the hospital against advice
aksi tavsiye edilmesine rağmen hastaneden ayrılmak
stretcher-bearer, hospital porter
sedyeci, hastane bekçisi
Air Force Theater Hospital
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri Harekat Alanı Hastanesi
Day hospital
(Tıp) Gündüz hastanesi
admission in a hospital
hastaneye kabul
admit a patient to a hospital
hasta yatırmak
admit someone to hospital
hastaneye kabul etmek
air evacuation hospital
(Askeri) HAVADAN TAHLİYE HASTAHANESİ: Askeri hava ulaştırma hizmetinin son durağında veya bu durak civarında bulunan ve hava yoluyla ileri sahadan getirilen hasta ve yaralıları kabul eden hava hastahanesi
air force hospital
air transportable hospital; assign thresholds
(Askeri) havadan taşınabilir hastane; asgariler tahsisi
army hospital plant
(Askeri) sabit askeri hastane tesisleri
army hospital plant
(Askeri) SABİT ASKERİ HASTAHANE TESİSLERİ: Devamlı surette hastahane olarak kullanılan bir mevki ile bu mevkide bulunan bina ve tesisler
base hospital
askeri hastane
be taken to the hospital
hastaneye kaldırılmak
build a hospital
hastane inşa etmek
build a hospital
hastane yapmak
channel; contingency hospital
(Askeri) kanal; ihtimalat hastanesi
clearing hospital
seyyar hastane
combat support hospital
(Askeri) muharebe destek hastanesi
come out of hospital
hastaneden çıkmak
come out of hospital
hastaneden taburcu olmak
community hospital
(Tıp) toplum hastanesi
community hospital
(Tıp) yerel hastane
convalescent hospital
(Askeri) NEKAHETHANE: Günlük tedaviye ihtiyaç kalmayan hasta ve yaralılar için tesis edilmiş sabit veya seyyar hastane
cottage hospital
sağlık ocağı
debarkation hospital
(Askeri) İNDİRME (LİMAN) HASTANESİ: Bir liman veya indirme iskelesinde, münasip şekilde kurulmuş tıbbi tesis. Tahliye edilen hastalar, başka bir tıbbi tesise nakledilmeden önce, dinlenmek ve sınıflara ayrılmak üzere, önce buraya getirilir
do i have to stay in the hospital
hastanede kalmam gerekiyor mu
enter a hospital
hastaneye yatmak
evacuation hospital
(Askeri) TAHLİYE HASTANESİ, HAYVAN TAHLİYE HASTANESİ: Cepheye mümkün olduğu kadar yakın yerlerde, büyük tıbbi ve cerrahi vakaların karşılanması, hasta ve yaralı insan ve hayvanların tasnifi ve çok gerilere tahliyesi için sıhhi tesisler sağlayan seyyar hastane veya yarı seyyar sıhhiye birliği
field hospital
(Askeri) SAHRA HASTANESİ: Genel olarak, çadırlarda bulunan ve uzak garnizon ve hava meydanlarında mevki hastanesi görevi görmek üzere tesis edilen ve muharebede kara birliklerinin sıhhiye hizmeti için kullanılabilen hastane. Bu hastane; sabit bir hastane olarak sınıflandırılmakla beraber kolaylıkla başka yerlere nakledilebilir ve hatta hava yolu ile taşınabilir. Buna eskiden seyyar hastane anlamına (mobile hospital) denirdi
fixed hospital
(Askeri) SABİT HASTANE: Az çok sabit tesisleri bulunan bir hastane. Teşkilat ve malzeme kadrolarının bu gibi hastanelere tahsis ettiği vasıtalar, başka yerden yardım almaksızın, personel ve hastane malzemesini, kendiliklerinden, başka bir tarafa nakletmeleri için yeterli değildir. Mevki hastanesi (station hospital) ve genel hastane (general hospital) sabit hastane sayılırlar. Buna eskiden "stationary hospital" denirdi
fleet hospital
(Askeri) donanma hastanesi
foundling hospital
foundling hospital
kimsesiz çocuklar yurdu
general hospital
(Askeri) GENEL HASTANE: Nispeten uzun süre hastane tedavisini veya yüksek ihtisası gerektiren bir tedavi şekline ihtiyaç gösteren hastaların müşahedesi, tedavisi ve son işlemi için tesisler sağlayacak özel bir kadroya ve teçhizata sahip, numaralı bir sabit tedavi tesisi
go into hospital
hastanaye yatmak
go into hospital
hastanaye gitmek
health hospital
sağlık hastanesi
initial hospital admission
(Askeri) HASTANEYE İLK KABUL: Hastanın doğrudan doğruya veya, hastanesi bulunmayan bir tıbbi tesisten nakil suretiyle bir hastaneye ilk kabulü
maternity hospital
doğum hastanesi
maternity hospital
(Politika, Siyaset) kadın doğum hastanesi
mental hospital
akıl hastahanesi
military hospital
sahra hastanesi
mobile Army surgical hospital
(Askeri) Ordu seyyar cerrahi hastahanesi
mobile army surgical hospital
(Askeri) ORDU SEYYAR CERRAHİ HASTANESİ: Nakledilmeleri uygun görülmeyen vakalarda ilk cerrahi tedaviyi sağlamak için teşkil edilmiş (60 yataklı) seyyar birlik. Bu hastane bir tümen hasta ve yaralı ayırma istasyonunda veya bunun civarında tesis edilir
mobile hospital
(Askeri) SEYYAR HASTANE: Bak. "field hospital". MOBILE MID-RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILE: ORTA MENZİLLİ SEYYAR BALİSTİK FÜZE: Harekat kabiliyetinin düşman tesirlerine karşı sağladığı nisbi koruma üstünlüğünü temin için araca monte edilmiş orta menzilli balistik füze
mobile surgical hospital
(Tıp) seyyar cerrahi hastane
old turkish hospital
old turkish hospital
operational fleet hospital information system
(Askeri) harekat filosu hastahane bilgi sistemi
ottoman hospital
daru’l afiye
ottoman hospital
ottoman hospital
ottoman hospital
ottoman hospital for children
hamidiye etfal hastane-i alisi
post hospital
(Askeri) MEVKİ HASTANESİ: Bak. "station hospital"
private hospital
özel hastane
receiving hospital
(Askeri) KABUL HASTANESİ: Denizaşırı bölgelerden hastaları kabul etmek durumlarını tespit etmek ve bunları, Anayurttaki deniz hastanelerine veya özel hastenelere dağıtmak için bir merkez vazifesi gören deniz hastanesi
receiving hospital
(Askeri) kabul hastanesi
rush smb. to the hospital
hastaneye yetiştirmek
semimobile evacuation hospital
(Askeri) YARI SEYYAR TAHLİYE HASTANESİ: Muharebe sahasında vazife gören ve ilgili tümeni taktik durumun müsaadesi nispetinde, yakından destekleyen bir sağlık tesisi. Bu tesis, her türlü vakaları kabul eder ve bunları daha gerilere tahliye için hazırlar. Acil hallerde, hasta ve yaralıların kati tedavilerini de yapar
special hospital
uzmanlık hastanesi
station hospital
bölge hastanesi
station hospital
sabit hastane
station hospital
(Askeri) MEVKİ HASTANESİ: Askeri personele tıbbi tedavi ve diş tedavisi yapmak üzere, bir garnizonda veya civarında kurulmuş sabit hastane
stationary hospital
(Askeri) sabit hastane
stationary hospital
(Askeri) SABİT HASTANE: Bak. "fixed hospital"
surgical hospital
(Askeri) cerrahi hastane
surgical hospital
(Askeri) CERRAHİ HASTANE: Bir orduya bağlı ve muharebede yaralanan kimselere acil cerrahi yardım sağlayacak tesislere sahip seyyar sıhhiye birliği
take me to a hospital
beni hastaneye götürün
unnumbered hospital
(Askeri) YURTİÇİ HASTANESİ: ABD anayurdunda veya ABD mülkiyeti altındaki herhangi bir memlekette faaliyette bulunan sabit hastane. Bu şekilde; bütün hastanelerin hepsine örneğin, "fort belvoir mevki hastanesi" (fort belvoir station hospital) ve genel bir hastane olduğu için""letterman genel hastanesi" (letterman general hospital) gibi isimler verilir
veterinary evacuation hospital
(Askeri) HAYVAN TAHLİYE HASTANESİ: Hasta ve yaralı hayvan ayırma istasyonlarından getirilen hasta ve yaralı hayvanların daimi hastanelere nakledilinceye kadar bırakıldıkları hastane
veterinary general hospital
(Askeri) GENEL HAYVAN HASTANESİ: Mahalli ihtiyaçlardan çok genel ve özel ihtiyaçları karşılamak maksadıyla kurulmuş olan daimi hayvan hastanesi hizmet bakımından, bu hastane garnizon hayvan hastanesine nazaran daha büyük bir bölgeyi içine alır. Türk ordusunda, kısmen daimi yurtiçi hayvan hastanelerine tekabül eder
veterinary hospital
(Askeri) HAYVAN HASTANESİ: Hastane yaralı hayvanların tedavi gördükleri ve ameliyat edildikleri hastane
veterinary station hospital
(Askeri) GARNİZON HAYVAN HASTANESİ: Bir garnizonda tesis edilmiş olan ve yalnız bu garnizonun ihtiyaçlarına tahsis edilen daimi hayvan hastanesi
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
A building founded for the long term care of its residents, such as an almshouse. The residents may have no physical ailments, but simply need financial support
A place of lodging

they spide a goodly castle, plast / Foreby a riuer in a pleasaunt dale, / Which choosing for that euenings hospitale, / They thither marcht .

A building designed to diagnose and treat the sick, injured or dying. Usually has a staff of doctors and nurses to aid in the treatment of patients
{n} a reception for sick or poor people
A building in which the sick, injured, or infirm are received and treated; a public or private institution founded for reception and cure, or for the refuge, of persons diseased in body or mind, or disabled, infirm, or dependent, and in which they are treated either at their own expense, or more often by charity in whole or in part; a tent, building, or other place where the sick or wounded of an army cared for
a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care
An institution rendering inpatient and outpatient services, accredited as a Hospital by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations, the Bureau of Hospitals of the American Osteopathic Association, or as otherwise determined by Aetna as meeting reasonable standards A hospital may be a general, acute care, rehabilitation or specialty institution
(The), in Post-office phraseology, is the department where loose packages are set to rights
An institution for the treatment of the sick or injured
An institution whose primary function is to provide inpatient diagnostic and therapeutic services for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and non-surgical In addition, most hospitals provide some outpatient services, particularly emergency care Hospitals may be classified by length of stay (short-term or long-term), as teaching or non-teaching, by major types of services (psychiatric, tuberculosis, general, and other specialties, such as maternity, pediatric, or ear, nose and throat), and by type of ownership or control (Federal, State, or local government; for-profit and non-profit)
A hospital is an institution or facility licensed by the state of Nebraska or the state in which it is located, which provides medical and surgical diagnostic and treatment services with 24-hour per day nursing services, to two or more unrelated persons with an illness, injury or pregnancy, under the supervision of a staff of physicians licensed to practice medicine and surgery
a short-term, acute-care, general hospital which
The term "Hospital" means an institution that is licensed as a hospital under the laws of the state at the time and place Covered Charges are Incurred; and is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals or by the American Osteopathic Association; provided, however, that the term "Hospital" shall not include an institution that is primarily a nursing home or a place for rest for the aged, drug addicts, alcoholics, treatment of tuberculosis or mental disorders
A place for shelter or entertainment; an inn
a health facility where patients receive treatment
means an institution licensed as a hospital and operated for the care and treatment of resident In-patients with a registered graduate nurse (R N ) always on duty and with a laboratory and operating room (either on the premises or in facilities controlled by the hospital) where surgical operations are performed by a legally qualified surgeon In no event shall the term "hospital" or "general active treatment hospital" mean any hospital or institution or part of such hospital or institution licensed or used principally as a clinic, continued care or extended care facility, convalescent home, rehabilitation centre, rest home, nursing home or home for the aged, health spa or treatment centre for drug addicts or alcoholics
Article 4-506 Institutional & Uses of Community Significance
An institution which primarily provides diagnostic and therapeutic services for surgical and medical diagnosis, treatment, and care of injured or sick persons The facility must be licensed under applicable laws as a hospital
An institution providing, but not limited to, overnight health services, primarily for in-patients, and medical or surgical care for the sick or injured, including as an integral part of the institution such related facilities as laboratories, out-patient departments, training facilities, central services facilities, and staff offices
– An institution that provides 24-hour nursing services and facilities for diagnosis and major surgery To be covered by HealthSelect, a hospital must be licensed in the state where it is located, approved by BCBSTX and be either accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations or certified as a hospital provider under Medicare
An institution whose primary function is to provide inpatient services, diagnostic and therapeutic, for a variety of medical conditions, both surgical and non-surgical In addition, most hospitals provide some outpatient services, particularly emergency care
A Participating or a Non-Participating Hospital as defined in this plan
A hospital is a place where people who are ill are looked after by nurses and doctors. a children's hospital with 120 beds A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital. a large building where sick or injured people receive medical treatment (hospitale , from hospitalis , from hospes; HOST). Institution for diagnosing and treating the sick or injured, housing them during treatment, examining patients, and managing childbirth. Outpatients, who can leave after treatment, come in for emergency care or are referred for services not available in a private doctor's office. Hospitals may be public (government-owned) or private (profit-making or not-for-profit); in most nations except the U.S., most are public. They may also be general, accepting all types of medical or surgical cases, or special (e.g., children's hospitals, mental hospitals), limiting service to a single type of patient or illness. However, general hospitals usually also have specialized departments, and special hospitals tend to become affiliated with general hospitals
This category includes all expenditure, except depreciation, associated with the operation of the Hospital including nursing expenses, other professional services, general services, administrative services, patient services, fiscal services and charges for the physical plant operations
A health care organization that has an organized medical and professional staff and inpatient care facilities There are four basic types: general medical and surgical, specialty, psychiatric, and rehabilitation and chronic disease
Services provided in a private or public hospital approved by the Department of Health More details available
A lawfully operated institution that provides: a staff of one or more physicians on call at all times; its own operating room and related equipment for surgery (except hospitals for mental health care, chemical dependency and rehabilitation); inpatient care of the sick and injured; and 24-hour nursing care
An institution for the care and treatment of ill, injured, infirm, mentally abnormal, or deformed persons, with organized facilities for diagnosis and surgery and providing 24-hour nursing service and medical supervision In some hospital policies, institutions for the treatment of mentally ill persons are expressly excluded from the definition of hospital
An institution for the diagnosis, treatment or care of aged, sick or injured people The term "hospital" shall include sanitarium, rest home, nursing home and convalescent home; but shall not include any institution for the care of mental disorder or the treatment of alcoholics or drug addicts
{i} location where sick and injured people receive medical treatment
pays the nonphysician costs of hospitalization
A public or private facility or institution, other than one owned by the U S Government, licensed and operating according to law, that
a health facility where patients receive treatment a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care
An institution engaged primarily in providing medical care and treatment to sick and injured persons on an inpatient basis at the patient's expense It must be accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals or qualified to receive Medicare payments
hospital corner
A tight and precise method of tucking a sheet or blanket under the edges of a mattress, so as to form crisp folds at the corners of the bed
hospital corners
plural form of hospital corner
hospital pass
An unwinnable case, often passed to a newly-qualified member of the firm
hospital pass
A pass (for schools, military, etc.) exempting one from regular activities, to instead visit a hospital
hospital pass
A poorly executed pass to a team-mate causing the receiver to present an easy target for a defender, and thus be tackled hard
hospital pass
A throw that stays in the air long enough that it allows too many people to get underneath it, increasing the risk of injury and a trip to the hospital. Thus, a hospital pass
hospital ship
A large ship that is intended to serve as a mobile hospital with appropriate equipment and personnel
hospital ships
plural form of hospital ship
hospital admittance
act of being officially registered as a patient in a hospital
hospital attendant
orderly: a male hospital attendant who has general non-medical duties
hospital bed
a single bed with a frame in three sections so the head or middle or foot can be raised as required
hospital chaplain
a chaplain in a hospital
hospital corner
A tight-fitting triangular fold made by tucking a sheet and blanket securely under a mattress on the end and on each side at the corners
hospital occupancy
occupancy rate for hospitals
hospital orderly
hospital employee who keeps things clean and in order
hospital room
a room in a hospital for the care of patients
hospital ship
a ship built to serve as a hospital; used for wounded in wartime
hospital ship
ship that is equipped with medical facilities to treat the injured and sick
hospital train
a military train built to transport wounded troops to a hospital
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
A type of dedicated field hospital unit designed to be quickly set up as close to a combat zone as possible to facilitate the immediate treatment of wounded personnel
field hospital
A large mobile medical unit that temporarily takes care of casualties before they can be safely transported to more permanent hospital facilities
in hospital
Inside of the hospital hospitalized
in the hospital
Admitted as a patient in a hospital
mental hospital
A hospital facility designed to treat persons with serious mental disorders, as opposed to disorders of the body
teaching hospital
a hospital in which trainee doctors obtain practical training and experience
veterinary hospital
A hospital where animals are treated
go to hospital
Go to a hospital for treatment but not stay in
A hospital
A hospital
Beilinson Hospital
hospital located in Petach Tikva (Israel)
Bikur Holim Hospital
hospital located in Jerusalem
Great Ormond Street Hospital
a famous children's hospital in London
Hadassah-University Hospital in Jerusalem's Ein Kerem
hospital located in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Kerem
administer to hospital
hospitalize, admit to a hospital
base hospital
hospital on a military base; main or central hospital
cottage hospital
a small hospital, usually in a country area
discharge from hospital
release from hospital
duty hospital
hospital on call, hospital which is open on a holiday while other hospitals are closed
field hospital
A hospital established on a temporary basis to serve troops in a combat zone. a temporary hospital for soldiers that is near where the fighting is
field hospital
provisional hospital, temporary hospital (set up near a battlefield, near the site of a natural disaster, etc.)
field hospital
a temporary military hospital near the battle lines
foundling hospital
{i} hospital that takes in infants or children who have been deserted
general hospital
hospital not limited to special field of medicine
geriatric hospital
hospital which specializes in the treatment of elderly people
plural of hospital
isolation hospital
quarantine hospital, hospital in which infected people are kept isolated
lock hospital
A hospital for the treatment of venereal diseases
lock hospital
{i} hospital for treating venereal diseases
maternity hospital
house for a woman who is going to give birth, hospital for pregnant women
maternity hospital
a hospital that provides care for women during pregnancy and childbirth and for newborn infants
mental hospital
a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
mental hospital
A mental hospital is a hospital for people who are suffering from mental illness. a hospital where people with mental illnesses are treated = psychiatric hospital
mental hospital
hospital for the mentally ill
military hospital
hospital for soldiers and other military personnel
mobile hospital
movable hospital, hospital which can be moved from one place to another
psychiatric hospital
mental hospital: a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
psychiatric hospital
A hospital for the care and treatment of patients affected with acute or chronic mental illness. Also called mental hospital
taken to hospital for treatment
brought to the hospital for medical care
teaching hospital
A teaching hospital is a hospital that is linked with a medical school, where medical students and newly qualified doctors receive practical training. A hospital closely associated with a medical school and serving as a practical educational site for medical students, interns, and residents. a hospital where medical students receive practical training from experienced doctors
university hospital
{i} institution affiliated with a medical school that integrates the services of a hospital with the instruction of medical students with medical research
veterinary hospital
place where animals are taken care of when sick
was rushed to the hospital
was taken quickly to the hospital due to a sudden medical emergency