
listen to the pronunciation of holding
الإنجليزية - التركية
{i} holding
{i} hisse

O, onu nefesini tutarak izledi. - He watched it holding his breath.

Tom elini tutarak Mary ile oturdu. - Tom sat with Mary, holding her hand.

göz altına alma
arazi parçası
meşgul etme
(Havacılık) alıkoyma
{i} mal

Tom küçük bir malzeme kutusu tutuyordu. - Tom was holding a small box of stuff.

{f} tut

O, kollarında büyük bir kutu tutuyordu. - He was holding a large box in his arms.

Erkek kardeşim elinde bir kamera tutuyor. - My brother is holding a camera in his hand.


Çiçekleri tutan o kadın kimdir? - Who is that woman holding the flowers?

Dün kollarında bir tavşan tutan bir adam gördüm. - I saw a man holding a rabbit in his arms yesterday.

{i} alacak
{i} toprak kiralama
{i} tutma

Açık söylemek gerekirse, bu takımın kazanamayacak olmasının sebebi onları geride tutmanızdır. - To put it bluntly, the reason this team won't win is because you're holding them back.

Sami tutmakta olduğu her şeyi düşürdü. - Sami dropped everything he was holding.

{i} stok
holding pattern havaalanına inmeye izin beklerken uçağ
{i} kira ile tutulmuş arazi
{i} karar
holding company holding şirketi
{i} arsa
{i} (birinin/bir kuruluşun sahip olduğu) hisseler/emlak/mülk/mallar
elinde bulunduran
(Bilgisayar) bekletme
(Bilgisayar) bekliyor
elde tutma

Kız gözyaşlarını tutmak için çok gayret etti. - The girl tried hard to hold back her tears.

Oluklu kaşıklar geleneksel pelin ayininde belirli bir role sahiptir.Onlar bir adet küp şekeri soğuk suyla bardaklarının içine eritmek için küp şekeri bardağın üstünde tutmak için kullanılır. - Slotted spoons have a particular role in the traditional absinthe ritual. They are used to hold a sugar cube over a glass as one dissolves it into her drink with cold water.

devam etmek

Tom toplantıyı düzenlemek için uygun bir yer arıyor. - Tom is looking for a suitable place to hold the meeting.

Biz, partiyi düzenlemek için bir oda kiralamak zorundayız. - We have to rent a room to hold the party in.

holding current
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) tutma akımı
holding current
tutunma akımı
holding anode
tutma anodu
holding area
bekleme sahası
holding beam
tutma ışını
holding company
holding şirketi
holding cost
stokta tutma maliyeti
holding loop
tutma döngüsü
holding pattern
bekleme paterni
holding period
bekletme süresi
holding point
bekleme çekidi
holding point
bekleme noktası
holding time
tutma süresi
holding cell
holding device
Cihaz holding
holding pen
(pen = penitentiary) Gözaltına alınan kişilerin tutulduğu oda
holding room
oda tutma
holding tank
holding accountable
sorumlu tutma
holding anchorage
(Askeri) BEKLEME DEMİR YERİ/DAĞILMA DEMİR YERİ: Aşağıdaki sebeplerden dolayı gemilerin beklediği bir yer. a) gemilerin gönderildiği toplanma ve boşaltma demir yeri veya liman dolu ise, b) müteakip yolculuğa çıkılmakta iken düşman tehdidi veya diğer sebeplerden dolayı gecikme varsa, c) nükleer bir taarruzun etkilerinden kaçınmak için bir limandan etrafa dağılınmışsa. Bak. "assembly anchorage, emergency anchorage, working anchorage"
holding and reconsignment point
(Askeri) BEKLETME VE YENİDEN GÖNDERME NOKTASI, TUTMA VE YENİDEN GÖNDERME NOKTASI: Vagon veya kamyonların gönderildikleri ve sevk edilecekleri yerler belli oluncaya veya sevkedilecekleri yerlere gönderme için münasip zaman zuhur edinceye kadar alıkonabilecekleri, büyük kapasitede, bir demiryolu veya motorlu araç merkezi. Bu, ayrıca demiryolu vagonları veya kamyonlardan yükün boşaltılıp, ilerde aktarma nakliyat için bekletildikleri bir yerde olabilir
holding area
(Askeri) bekletme bölgesi
holding area
(Askeri) Örtülü bölge
holding area; humanitarian assistance
(Askeri) tutulan (kiralanan, mevzi alınan) alan; insani yardım
holding attack
(Askeri) TESPİT TAARRUZU, DESTEK TAARRUZU, TALİ TAARRUZ: Düşmanı mevzide tutmak, asıl taarruzun yapılacağı yer hakkında yanıltmak, asıl taarruz kuvveti karşısındaki birliklerinin takviyesine engel olmak veya ihtiyaçlarını, kati neticeye tesir etmeyecek bir yerde, vaktinden önce muharebeye sokmasına sebep olmak maksadıyla yapılan taarruz. Buna "containing action" de denir
holding battalion
(Askeri) HASTA VE YARALI TESELLÜM VE SEVK TABURU: Hava araçları, hastane trenleri ve deniz araçları vasıtasıyla tahliyelerini beklemekte olan hastaları kabul etmek ve yatırmak üzere, hava başları (airheads), demiryolu indirme istasyonları (railheads) ve kıyılar yakınında faaliyette bulunmakla görevlendirilmiş sıhhiye taburu
holding bay
(Havacılık) bekleme alanı
holding company
holding current
tutunma akimi
holding down bracket
köşe halkası
holding element
(Askeri) TESPİT KUVVETİ: Bak. "holding force"
holding fix
(Havacılık) bekleme fiksi
holding force
(Askeri) TESPİT KUVVETİ: Kendisine bir mevkii veya mevzii tutmak vazifesi verilmiş kuvvet; bir tespit taarruzu yapan kuvvet. Buna (holding element) de denir
holding garrison
(Askeri) ASIL MUHAREBE HATTI BİRLİKLERİ BÖLGESİ: Asıl muharebe hattı birliklerinin, asıl muharebe hattında işgal ettikleri bölge
holding ground
(Askeri) tutucu zemin
holding out
(Kanun) yanlış zehabı uyandırma
holding pattern
holding pattern
(Havacılık) beklemede uçuş yolu
holding pattern mode
(Askeri) bekleme paterni modu
holding pattern mode
(Askeri) BEKLEME PATERNİ MODU: Programlanmış bekleme paterni uçuşu yapacak bir uçağın otomatik kontrolu
holding pattern mode
(Havacılık) beklemede uçuş yolu şekli
holding period yield
(Ticaret) elde tutma dönemi kazancı
holding point
(Askeri) TESPİT NOKTASI: Optik veya diğer araçlarla belirlenen, uçuşu hava trafik kleranslarına göre belirlenen uçuş halindeki bir uçağın bölgesi içindeki belirli bir mevki
holding point
(Havacılık) bekletme noktası
holding position
(Askeri) TESPİT MEVZİİ: Optik araçlarla belirlenmiş faal piste yakın olan taksi yapan uçağın mevkiinin hava trafik kontrol talimatlarına göre belirlendiği havaalanındaki belirli bir mevkii
holding power
(Askeri) tutucu güç
holding procedure
(Havacılık) bekletme yöntemi
holding six pieces
holding spring
(Tekstil) tutucu yay
holding station
(Askeri) HASTA VE YARALI TESELLÜM VE SEVK İSTASYONU: Bir hasta ve yaralı tesellüm ve sevk birliği tarafından; daha geriye nakillerini bekleyen hasta ve yaralılara geçici barınak ve acil tedavi sağlamak üzere, bir demiryolu indirme istasyonu, hava başı ve liman bölgesinde tesis edilen tıbbi tedavi tesisi. Ayrıca bakınız: "holding battalion"
holding stem
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sarılıcı gövde
holding tank
bekleme tankı
holding tight
sıkı tutma
holding track
(Havacılık) beklemede uçuş yolu
holding tube
(Gıda) bekletme tüpü
holding valve
geri tepme ventili
holding winding
kilit sargısı
(toplantı vb) düzenlemek
(Askeri) AMBAR, TUTMAK, BEKLETMEK: 1. Bir gemide yük istif bölmesi. 2. Bir mevzi veya bölgeyi zorla elde bulundurmak. 3. Taarruzda, düşman kuvvetlerinin hareketine veya yeniden gruplanmalarına engel olacak şekilde baskı yapmak. 4. Hava trafiğinde, uçuş halindeki bir uçağı, hava trafik kontrol talimatlarına uygun olarak, gözle veya diğer vasıtalarla tanınabilecek belirli bir saha veya bölge dahilinde tutmak
{i} tutma

Açık söylemek gerekirse, bu takımın kazanamayacak olmasının sebebi onları geride tutmanızdır. - To put it bluntly, the reason this team won't win is because you're holding them back.

Tom gözyaşlarını tutmaya çalıştı. - Tom tried to hold back his tears.

{f} kaldırmak
{f} kavramak
gemi ambarı
kabul ve tasdik etmek
savunmak (mevzi)
{i} tutunma
{i} tutunacak yer

Kayanın üzerinde el ya da ayak için tutunacak yerler yoktu. - There were no holds for hand or foot on the rock.

{i} bagaj bölümü (uçak)
sığınacak yer
arkası kesilmemek
(Bilgisayar) basılı tutmak
(ağırlık) taşımak
elde tutma

Tom bir iş bulamadı ya da tek başına yaşayamadı. - Tom was unable to hold a job or live by himself.

O onun işini engelliyor. - He is holding up her work.

engel olmak
(Ticaret) bulundurma
meşgul etme
işgal etmek (makam)
(Kanun) icra etmek
(Havacılık) bagaj bölümü
düzenlemek (toplantı)
(Kanun) uhdesinde bulundurmak
(Muzik) durak işareti
(Kanun) hamil olmak
(Kanun) hüküm vermek
(Bilgisayar) dur-bekle
(Kanun) ifa etmek
(Ticaret) bakiye tutma
yapışmak (zamk)
(Havacılık) uçakta bagaj bölümü
genellikle tahıl saklanan yer
(Kanun) elinde bulundurmak
(Dilbilim) durak
karar vermek
kabul etmek
(Askeri) mevcutlar
(Ticaret) varlıklar
inventory holding
(Ticaret) envanter tutma
inventory holding cost
(Ticaret) envanter tutma masrafi
property holding
mal varlığı
there is no holding somebody
tutmanın imkanı yok
{i} tutuş

Mary, Tom ve Conchita'yı el ele tutuşurlarken gördü. - Mary saw Tom and Conchita holding hands.

Tom, John ve Mary'yi el ele tutuşurlarken gördü. - Tom saw John and Mary holding hands.


Yarın öğleden sonra ilk olarak personel toplantısı yapmak istiyorum, bu yüzden konferans salonunu ayırır mısın? - I'd like to hold a staff meeting first thing tomorrow afternoon, so could you reserve the conference room?

{f} tut

Fotoğrafta elimi tutuyorsun. - You're holding my hand in the photo.

Dilini tut, yoksa öldürüleceksin. - Hold your tongue, or you'll be killed.

{f} tutmak: Hold my hand. Elimi tut
kontrol altına almak
(neyise) oluşturmak

Mütevelli Yönetim kurulu yurt dışı holdingleri görevden almak için oy kullandı. - The Board of Trustees voted to divest the organization's overseas holdings.

Bu salon 2,000 kişi almaktadır. - This hall holds 2,000 people.

belli bir durumda tutmak
geride tutmak

Seni geride tutmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to hold you back.

içine almak
leave sb holding the bag
birini yüzüstü bırakmak
small holding
küçük çiftlik
geçerli olmak
a container holding ink
bir konteyner holding mürekkep
be left holding the bag
k. dili 1. kabak başına patlamak. 2. avucunu yalamak
be left holding the sack
k. dili 1. kabak başına patlamak. 2. avucunu yalamak
container for holding firewood
yakacak odun tutarak konteyner
cross holding
çapraz tutarak
hand holding
keep holding on
dayanmaya devam etmek
leave sb holding the bag
yüzüstü bırakmak
stock holding
stok tutma
woman holding the rank of marquis
kadın marquis rütbesiyle holding
acid holding
(Tekstil) asitli ( ekşitli )
alert holding area
(Askeri) alarm tespit sahası
average holding time
ortalama mesguliyet suresi
be left holding the
{k} avucunu yalamak
be left holding the
{k} kabak başına patlamak
be left holding the baby
kabak başına patlamak
be left holding the bag
kabak başına patlamak
{f} barındırmak
sahip olmak
{f} dayanmak
{i} geminin iç tarafı
malik olmak
{f} bırakmamak, zaptetmek
mecbur etmek

Acaba Tom'un durumu nasıl? - I wonder how Tom is holding up.

Yürüyen merdivene binerken lütfen tırabzanı tut ve sarı çizginin içinde dur. - When riding the escalator, please hold the handrail and stand inside the yellow line.

elinde tutmak
iltizam etmek
{f} gözaltına almak
{f} çekmek
{i} ambar
{i} durdurma
devam ettirmek
{f} el koymak
{f} muhafaza etmek
{f} durmak
{f} karara bağlamak
{i} etki

Nancy'nin kocası üzerinde bir etkisi var. - Nancy has a hold on her husband.

{f} sadık kalmak
{f} tıkamak
istiap etmek
{i} nüfuz
{f} (held)
{f} içine almak: How much water will this glass hold? Bu bardak ne
mean holding time
ortalama mesguliyet suresi
moisture holding capacity
(Madencilik) su tutma kapasitesi
moisture holding capacity
nem tutma kapasitesi
records holding area
(Askeri) GEÇİCİ ARŞİV SAHASI: ABD Anayurdu Sahra Ordusu tesisi dışındaki bir tesiste veya büyük bir faaliyet merkezinde işlemi sona ermiş dosyaları, imha edilinceye veya Anayurttaki bir merkez arşivine çekilinceye kadar, daha az lüzumlu yerlerde maliyeti düşük dosya malzemesi içinde tutmak maksadıyla kurulmuş bir tesis
records holding area
(Askeri) geçici arşiv sahası
small holding
küçük arazi
ther is no holding someone
(deyim) tutmanin olanagai yok
التركية - التركية
Birçok ortaklığın pay senetlerini elinde bulundurarak onları denetimi altında tutan sermaye yatırım ortaklığı, ana ortaklık
Bir çok ortaklığın hisse senetlerini elinde bulundurarak onları denetimi altında tutan sermaye yatırım ortaklığı, ana ortaklık
(Osmanlı Dönemi) ing. Bir şirketin diğer bir şirkete, onun idaresine hâkim olacak oranda iştirak etmesini ifade eden hukuki alâka
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Present participle of hold
Something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds
{n} a tenure, farm, burden of a song
The ruling contained in a judicial opinion upon which the result depends
{i} grasping, gripping; possessing; land, property; stocks, bonds
Land and buildings held by a freehold or leasehold occupier (DOA)
That which holds, binds, or influences
A judge's decision in a case - the legally operative part of a decision
An Aircraft flying a "racetrack" pattern based on a defined constraint point
a minor penalty which occurs when a player grabs and holds onto an opponent (or his stick) with his hands or arms to impede the opponent’s progress
designed for (usually temporary) retention; "a holding pen"; "a retaining wall
something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone; "that hat is my property"; "he is a man of property"
the act of keeping in your possession
If you have a holding in a company, you own shares in it. That would increase Olympia & York's holding to 35% = investment
When you use your hands to grab your opponent or his or her stick A minor penalty
The designated area to which the Extra Performers report and stay while waiting to go on set
When a parachute is flying directly into the ambient wind, it is said holding See running and crabbing
Grabbing and holding onto an opponent or the opponent's stick; incurs a minor penalty
A holding operation or action is a temporary one that is intended to keep a situation under control and to prevent it from becoming worse. A garden is, at best, a holding operation against nature. something which a person owns, especially land or shares in a company holding in
Using your hands on an opponent or the opponent' equipment to impede your opponent's progress
All the shares (mutual funds & stocks), contracts (options), or face amount (bonds) you own of an investment
Using the hands or arms to impede an opponent's movements A personal foul, and the penalty is a direct free kick
With drugs in one's possession
The portion of the thermal cycle during which the temperature of the object is maintained constant
Using hands or stick to hold an opponent It is illegal and calls for a penalty
which occurs when a player grabs and holds onto an opponent (or his stick) with his hands or arms to impede the opponent's progress
The burden or chorus of a song
Maintaining full draw whilst aiming
A tenure; a farm or other estate held of another
designed for (usually temporary) retention; "a holding pen"; "a retaining wall"
A minor penalty called when a player uses his or her hands to hold an opponent or their stick
The court’s statement within an opinion of how it decided the case The holding may be thought of as the court’s ultimate conclusion based on the facts of the case
The act or state of sustaining, grasping, or retaining
Keeping another player from advancing by literally holding him back with one's hand(s) Usually illegal
a foul where a player impedes the movement of an opponent by grasping or hooking any part of his body or uniform; punishable by a penalty - 10 yards if against the offense, 5 yards + first down if against the defense
holding action
An attack designed to prevent an enemy from attacking, or from moving its position
holding all the aces
Present participle of hold all the aces
holding cell
A cell in a police station or courthouse in which a prisoner is held temporarily, pending charge, trial or sentencing
holding cells
plural form of holding cell
holding company
A company without significant operations that only holds ownership interests in other companies
holding company
A company that owns enough voting stock in another firm to control management and operations by influencing or electing its board of directors
holding deal
An entertainment industry term for an agreement made between a studio or network (or other similar entity) and a person, such as an actor, producer or writer, to hold the person to be exclusive to that entity for an agreed upon period of time, usually one year or "season", for an agreed upon amount of money
holding off
Present participle of hold off
holding out
Present participle of hold out
holding pattern
A path taken by an aircraft waiting to land

The plane flew in a holding pattern for half an hour because one runway was closed.

holding pattern
Any failure to advance; useless or unproductive activity

This project is in a holding pattern until all the parts arrive.

holding the ball
The action of a player keeping hold of the ball when tackled. When tackled the player must kick or handpass the ball and failing to do so (provided he has had the opportunity) results in a free kick to the tackler
holding up
Present participle of hold up
holding company
(Ekonomi) A wholly-owned subsidiary is a company whose stock is entirely owned by another company. The owner of a wholly-owned subsidiary is known as the parent company or holding company
holding company
(Ekonomi) A company that controls or owns another company or companies
holding pen
A pen where livestock is temporarily confined, holding paddock, holding yard
holding a grudge
harbor ill-will or resentment from a previous insult
holding cell
a jail in a courthouse where accused persons can be confined during a trial
holding company
a company with controlling shares in other companies
holding company
company that controls other businesses
holding company
A holding company is a company that has enough shares in one or more other companies to be able to control the other companies. A company controlling partial or complete interest in another company or other companies. a company that completely or partly owns other companies, as well as doing business itself. Corporation that owns enough voting stock in one or more other companies to exercise control over them. A holding company provides a means of concentrating control of several companies with a minimum of investment; other means of gaining control, such as mergers or consolidations, are more complicated legally and more expensive. A holding company can reap the benefits of a subsidiary's goodwill and reputation while limiting its liability to the proportion of the subsidiary's stock that it owns. The parent company in a conglomerate corporation is usually a holding company
holding costs
(Ticaret) Costs incurred from holding or inventorying items; the costs for the capital invested in an item and the insurance, taxes, storage and handling/movement required while being held
holding defense layout
arrangement of troops in the field to hold back the enemy
holding device
a device for holding something
holding fire
situation in which there is a pause in the firing of weapons (generally caused by surprise)
holding one's head high
maintaining one's dignity
holding pattern
the flight path (usually circular) maintained by an aircraft that is awaiting permission to land a state of inaction with no progress and no change; "you should go into a holding pattern until he gets over his disappointment
be left holding the baby
To be left with the responsibility of resolving a problem
To detain

Hold the suspect in this cell.

To maintain, to consider

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

To win one's own service game
To have and keep possession of something

The general ordered the colonel to hold his position at all costs.

To reserve

Hold a table for us at 7:00.

Something reserved or kept

We have a hold here for you.

An instance of holding one's service game, as opposed to being broken
This word needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}

So I felt my way down the passage back to the vault, and recked not of the darkness, nor of Blackbeard and his crew, if only I could lay my lips to liquor. Thus I groped about the barrels till near the top of the stack my hand struck on the spile of a keg, and drawing it, I got my mouth to the hold.

To be or remain valid; to apply; to hold true; to hold good
leave somebody holding the bag
To remove the value from an article or arrangement and leave somebody holding the empty (or valueless) container

The closing bell may be ringing for business method patents, and their patentees may find they have become bagholders. (Federal district court in CyberSource Corp. v. Retail Decisions Inc., 2009 WL 815448 (N.D. Cal. Mar. 23, 2009), referring to the In re Bilski case).

leave somebody holding the bag
To abandon somebody, leaving them holding the responsibility or blame

After the accident, he just vanished and left me holding the bag.

Status applied to an item being held at the Circulation Desk A valid borrower may request that a circulating book or other material be held upon its return to the Library The patron will be notified when the material becomes available
A term given to the act of holding a balance intact until an item or items have been collected By placing a hold on an account, the Bank will not permit the withdrawal of the uncollected portion of a deposit until it is certain that the items have been collected Back to Top
When item needed by a library user is out to someone else, one can place a hold on the item through the library online system A hold will ensure that the library user will be next in line when the item is returned and becomes available In Webcat the term Request is used for placing a hold
A borrower may request that a circulating book be held upon its return The patron will be notified when it becomes available
A hold on a book guarantees that a book checked out to another person will be saved for you when the book is returned You may request a hold on a book at the Circulation Desk
(Senate only) An informal practice by which a Senator informs his or her floor leader that he or she does not wish a particular bill or other measure to reach the floor for consideration The Majority Leader need not follow the Senator's wishes, but is on notice that the opposing Senator may filibuster any motion to proceed to consider the measure
{e} stop! stay! cease! leave off! forbear
{v} to support grasp, keep, retain, detain, stick, continue
{n} a support, catch, power, custody, place, the interior of a ship
{f} have in one's hand; include, contain; keep, save; restrain; maintain, support, believe; direct, arrange; possess
{i} grasp, grip; handle, something to grip; influence, effect; order to delay or postpone something; stronghold, secure fortified place; storage space in the hull of a ship
bank holding company
a holding company owning or controlling one or more banks
be left holding the baby
be suddenly left with the responsibility
blanch holding
A mode of tenure by the payment of a small duty in white rent (silver) or otherwise
blench holding
See Blanch holding
cross holding
{i} (Business) situation when listed corporations own stock issued by other listed corporations
An opponent call "Hold!" when a player makes a play that the opponent ponders challenging Calling "Hold!" signals to the player not to draw new tiles until either the challenge is officially resolved or the "hold!" is rescinded
Binding power and influence
be valid, applicable, or true; "This theory still holds"
To have; to possess; to be in possession of; to occupy; to derive title to; as, to hold office
A grasp or grip
a cell in a jail or prison power by which something or someone is affected or dominated; "he has a hold over them"
Something that may be grasped; means of support
cause to stop; "Halt the engines"; "Arrest the progress"; "halt the presses"
A position or grip used to control the opponent
The percentage the house wins on a gamble
In general, to keep one's self in a given position or condition; to remain fixed
maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings); "bear a grudge"; "entertain interesting notions"; "harbor a resentment"
to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement; "This holds the local until the express passengers change trains"; "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade"; "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center"; "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"
keep from departing; "Hold the taxi"; "Hold the horse"
be pertinent or relevant or applicable; "The same laws apply to you!"; "This theory holds for all irrational numbers"; "The same rules go for everyone"
have room for; hold without crowding; "This hotel can accommodate 250 guests"; "The theater admits 300 people"; "The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people"
The authority or ground to take or keep; claim
To contain or store
have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable advise
have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him"
arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance; "reserve me a seat on a flight"; "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"; "please hold a table at Maxim's"
assert or affirm; "Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good"
A hold guarantees that when a book is returned to the Circulation Desk it will be held for you
have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable advise"
The cargo area of a ship, (often cargo hold)
The lower interior part of a ship or airplane where cargo is stored
keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e g , "keep clean"; "hold in place"; "She always held herself as a lady"; "The students keep me on my toes"
A character [thus &?;] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged; called also pause, and corona
bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted; "He's held by a contract"; "I'll hold you by your promise"
keep from exhaling or expelling; "hold your breath"
secure and keep for possible future use or application; "The landlord retained the security deposit"; "I reserve the right to disagree"
To maintain ownership of a security over a long period of time "Hold" is also a recommendation of an analyst who is not positive enough on a stock to recommend a buy, but not negative enough on the stock to recommend a sell
aim, point, or direct; "Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames"
Indicates that the request has been filled and the material is on the hold shelf at the location where it is to be picked up A notice has been sent to the patron, or is scheduled to be sent shortly
Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant; to remain attached; to cleave; often with with, to, or for
time during which some action is awaited; "instant replay caused too long a delay"; "he ordered a hold in the action"
A place of confinement; a prison; confinement; custody; guard
Process to request a book which is currently charged out The current borrower will not be able to renew the book, and the person placing the hold will be notified to pick it up at Circulation Ask for information at Circulation
have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices; "She bears the title of Duchess"; "He held the governorship for almost a decade"
To grasp or grip
be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?"
To accept, as an opinion; to be the adherent of, openly or privately; to persist in, as a purpose; to maintain; to sustain
protect against a challenge or attack; "Hold that position behind the trees!"; "Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks"
To receive and retain; to contain as a vessel; as, this pail holds milk; hence, to be able to receive and retain; to have capacity or containing power for
the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it; "he grabbed the hammer by the handle"; "it was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip"
To derive right or title; generally with of
drink alcohol without showing ill effects; "He can hold his liquor"; "he had drunk more than he could carry"
A library user may place a hold on a book charged out to another person; this ensures that the person placing the hold will be next in line to receive the book when the book is returned
To impose restraint upon; to limit in motion or action; to bind legally or morally; to confine; to restrain
is an artificial restriction which prevents a job from being selected for processing There are three types of holds, which is applied by the job owner, (or operator) which is applied by the batch operator or administrator, and which is applied by the system itself or the batch system administrator
Not to fail or be found wanting; to continue; to last; to endure a test or trial; to abide; to persist
You can place a hold on a Library book that is checked out When the book is returned, it will be held for you, and you will receive a notice informing you that it is now available Holds can be placed by you directly using the Online Book Catalog, or you can ask for assistance at the Circulation Desk
When a book or other item is currently checked out, patrons may place a "hold" on it at the circulation desk or remotely through the Novanet catalogue The person to whom it is checked out will not be permitted to renew the item, and the person placing the "hold" will be next in line to check it out after it is returned
cover as for protection against noise or smell; "She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate"; "hold one's nose"
A large compartment in the lower part of a vessel where the cargo is stored In earlier days, the hold also housed the ships gear and any provisions which would be required on the voyage
To maintain in being or action; to carry on; to prosecute, as a course of conduct or an argument; to continue; to sustain
1 During a countdown to stop counting and to wait until an impediment has been removed so that the countdown can be resumed, as in T minus 40 and holding Compare count, recycle
be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action; as to, hold a meeting, a festival, a session, etc
resist or confront with resistance; "The politician defied public opinion"; "The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear"; "The bridge held"
support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright"
take and maintain control over, often by violent means; "The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week"
lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience"; "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience spellbound"
be capable of holding or containing; "This box won't take all the items"; "The flask holds one gallon"
remain committed to; "I hold to these ideas"
To cause to wait or delay
contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something; "he has a good grasp of accounting practices"
a request for a library item that is already signed out or is currently unavailable When the item is returned to the library, it will be kept at the circulation desk for the person who made the hold request
a cell in a jail or prison power by which something or someone is affected or dominated; "he has a hold over them" keep from exhaling or expelling; "hold your breath" remain committed to; "I hold to these ideas" assert or affirm; "Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good" hold the attention of; "The soprano held the audience"; "This story held our interest"; "She can hold an audience spellbound" aim, point, or direct; "Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames" have or hold in one's hands or grip; "Hold this bowl for a moment, please"; "A crazy idea took hold of him" be the physical support of; carry the weight of; "The beam holds up the roof"; "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"; "What's holding that mirror?" cover as for protection against noise or smell; "She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate"; "hold one's nose" support or hold in a certain manner; "She holds her head high"; "He carried himself upright" organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course" take and maintain control over, often by violent means; "The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week" keep from departing; "Hold the taxi"; "Hold the horse" stop dealing with; "hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting" remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching" contain or hold; have within; "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water" have as a major characteristic; "The novel holds many surprises"; "The book holds in store much valuable advise
Not to give way; not to part or become separated; to remain unbroken or unsubdued
power by which something or someone is affected or dominated; "he has a hold over them"
declare to be; "She was declared incompetent"; "judge held that the defendant was innocent"
To restrain one's self; to refrain
The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed
organize or be responsible for; "hold a reception"; "have, throw, or make a party"; "give a course"
stop dealing with; "hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting"
A hold is a request to have a particular item held for the requestor when that item is returned to the library A hold request does not change the due date, but does prevent the current borrower from renewing the item To put a book on hold the requestor must submit a request through CLICnet
To retain in one's keeping; to maintain possession of, or authority over; not to give up or relinquish; to keep; to defend
a cell in a jail or prison
A hold guarantees that when a book is returned to the circulation desk it will be saved for you
Hence: Not to move; to halt; to stop; mostly in the imperative
the act of grasping; "he released his clasp on my arm"; "he has a strong grip for an old man"; "she kept a firm hold on the railing"
The hold button keeps callers on the line while you call someone else to the phone, or switch to different extension to make or receive another call
A place of security; a fortified place; a fort; a castle; often called a stronghold
have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense; "She has $1,000 in the bank"; "He has got two beautiful daughters"; "She holds a Master's degree from Harvard"
the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
a stronghold
hence, to direct and bring about officially; to conduct or preside at; as, the general held a council of war; a judge holds a court; a clergyman holds a service
The amount of the leather captured within the stitch on one side of the seam, determined by how far back from the edge you pierce and how deeply you pierce (Note: depending on how you look at it, the picture above only shows a half of a Hold The rest of the hold is the other half of the piece of leather shown, and the stitching area of any other piece of leather used) These are all separate variables that must be taken into account [Saguto]
The act of holding, as in or with the hands or arms; the manner of holding, whether firm or loose; seizure; grasp; clasp; gripe; possession; often used with the verbs take and lay
To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like; to prevent from falling or escaping; to sustain; to restrain; to keep in the grasp; to retain
A request that a circulating book be held upon its return (whether from another patron or from "missing" status) The Circulation Desk notifies the patron when it becomes available
a state of being confined (usually for a short time); "his detention was politically motivated"; "the prisoner is on hold"; "he is in the custody of police"
keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"
remain in a certain state, position, or condition; "The weather held"; "They held on the road and kept marching"
the books, periodicals, and other materials owned by the MiraCosta College Library I Imprint: the place and date of publication, and the name of the publisher and/or the printer, ordinarily printed at the foot of the title page
All the items in various formats owned by a library
The library materials or library items owned by the library
Materials owned by a library Frequently it is used to denote the record of volumes and issues of serials owned by a library
All materials owned by a library
Items (books, periodicals, audiovisual materials, databases, etc ) owned by a library May also refer to the issues of a periodical owned by a library
The record of the number of copies and locations for library materials Data is entered on Item Update Screen in Advance and displayed in BobCat
Often this term applies just to the issues of a magazine or journal owned by the Libraries, but it can also refer to all the materials (books, periodicals, audiovisual media, electronic databases) in the Libraries’ collections
The total stock of materials (print and nonprint) owned by a library or library system, listed in its catalogue
All research materials owned or leased by a library, including books, periodicals, and databases
The books, periodicals, and other materials in the library collection
The materials owned or held by a library
The group of items (books, journals, magazines) included in a library When a database has holdings information that means it can tell you which libraries own the items listed
Volumes, copies, and/or issues owned by the library The CLICnet Brief Display and Full Display format include holdings information--the abbreviation "CSC" indicates an item found at one of our libraries The Periodical Cat provides information about journal holdings, both in print and online, available at the CSC libraries
The group of items included in a library
The materials owned by a library; often refers to the specific dates and volumes of a periodical owned by the library
Generally, the books, periodicals, and other materials owned by a library
(referred to as "stock" in ISO 2789) Number of documents of a certain type (e g books and serials, microforms, electronic serials) held locally or in remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a certain period of time To be measured at the end of the reporting period
Though holdings can mean the entire group of items included in a library, in CLUES the word is used to designate which issues of a particular periodical or journal the Concordia Libraries own Use our guide How to find journals in CLUES to learn more
Materials owned or held by the Library
plural of holding
Often this term applies just to the issues of a NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE or JOURNAL or another type of a PERIODICAL owned by Boston College Libraries, but it can also refer to all the materials (books, periodicals, government documents, media, electronic databases) Boston College Libraries have In Quest, one can find out whether the libraries own a certain periodical title, what years they have, and the format in which the periodical title is found: microfilm, microfiche, or electronic format, or bound
materials owned by a library, including books, journals, videos, etc
The books, compact discs, videos, and other materials owned by a library for patron use Synonymous with "collection "
A collective term for the books, journals, and other materials owned by a particular library
Refers to all the materials owned by a certain library I Index - A list of citations to journal articles and/or books arranged by subject, author or title
{i} entire stock of books and all print and nonprint reading materials at a library, library collection
leave holding the bag
leave someone else to deal with the consequences, leave someone else with the responsibility
multibank holding company
a bank holding company owning several banks
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} holding
holding company
holding şirket
(Kanun) conglomerate
holding şirketler
holding companies
holding şirketler
conglomerate corporations
ferdi holding şirket
(Ticaret) personal holding company



    التركية النطق



    /ˈhōldəɴɢ/ /ˈhoʊldɪŋ/

    رصف المشتركة

    holding up, holding on, holding out, holding down


    ... been cheating over the years. One by holding down the value of their currency. Number two, ...
    ... it's not. Because I'm offsetting some of the reductions with holding down some of ...