A condition where there is over-production of growth hormone by the pituitary gland in a child before the bone growth plates close, resulting in excessive long bone growth, accompanied by muscular weakness and sexual impotence
Excessive growth, resulting from heredity, diet, or growth regulation disorder. Androgen deficiency causes long bones to continue growing after they would normally stop. Overproduction of growth hormone usually due to a tumour causes pituitary gigantism (see pituitary gland). With gradual but continuous growth, height may reach 8 ft (240 cm), with normal proportions. Greater susceptibility to infection, injury, and metabolic disorders shortens the life span. Surgery or radiation can be employed to curtail further growth. Gigantism often occurs with acromegaly
hipofiz ön lobunun fazla çalışmasından doğan dev yapılılık
hi·po·fiz ön lo·bu·nun faz·la ça·lış·ma·sın·dan do·ğan dev ya·pı·lı·lık