(Tıp, İlaç) Hepatit C: Sarılık (hepatit), kandaki bilirubin düzeyinin artması sonucu deri, göz ve mukozaların sarı renk alması durumudur. Bir belirti (semptom) olup çeşitli nedenlerden kaynaklanabilir; tek bir hastalığa işaret etmez. Hepatit bir anlamda karaciğerin iltihabıdır. Hepatitlerin çoğu virüslere bağlı olmakla beraber ilaçlar, toksik maddeler, radyasyon, bağışıklık sistemindeki bozukluklar gibi farklı nedenlere de bağlı olabilir. Halk arasında, viral hepatitle, sarılık karıştırılır ve her sarılık "viral hepatit" zannedilir. Halbuki sarılık bir hastalık değil belirtidir. Birçok hastalık, sarılık belirtilerine neden olabilir. Örneğin, ana safra kanallarında taş olması sarılığa neden olabilir. Ancak viral hepatitle hiçbir ilgisi yoktur ve bulaşmaz. Yeni doğanlarda rastlanan sarılığın da "viral hepatit"le bir ilgisi yoktur ve bulaşmaz
Hepatitis is a serious disease which affects the liver. a disease of the liver that causes fever and makes your skin yellow. There are several types of hepatitis: hepatitis A, which is less severe, and hepatitis B and C which are much more serious. Inflammation of the liver. There are seven known types of viral hepatitis (A-G). Types A, spread mainly through food contaminated with feces, and B, transmitted sexually or by injection, cause jaundice and flulike symptoms. The hepatitis C virus spreads mostly by shared needles in intravenous drug use and can cause liver cirrhosis and cancer after a long latent period. Until recently there was no test to detect it in blood, and many people were exposed through blood transfusions. Hepatitis D becomes active only in the presence of type B; it causes severe chronic liver disease. Type E, like Type A, is transmitted by contaminated food or water; its symptoms are more severe than Type A's and can result in death. The hepatitis F virus (HFV), which was first reported in 1994, is spread like Type A and E. The hepatitis G virus (HGV), isolated in 1996, is believed to be responsible for many sexually transmitted and bloodborne cases of hepatitis. Vaccines exist for types A and B (the second also prevents type D). Drug treatment for B and C is not always effective. The other types may not need drug treatment. Chronic active hepatitis causes spidery and striated skin markings, acne, and abnormal hair growth. It results in liver tissue death (necrosis) progressing to cirrhosis. Alcoholic hepatitis, from long-term overconsumption of alcohol, can be reversed and cirrhosis prevented by early treatment including quitting or sharply reducing drinking. Other drugs can also cause noninfectious hepatitis. An autoimmune hepatitis affects mainly young women and is treated with corticosteroids to relieve symptoms
Inflammation of the liver, usually caused by bacterial or viral infection, drugs (including alcohol), toxins, or parasites This disease is characterized by an enlarged liver, jaundice, diminished appetite, nausea, and abdominal pain There are at least three forms of viral hepatitis (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and non-A, non-B hepatitis) Hepatitis A, also known as infectious hepatitis, is transmitted by contaminated food or water and personal contact, and is most often found in children or young adults Hepatitis B, formerly called serum hepatitis, may be transmitted through contaminated blood or needles, as well as sexually, and has a longer incubation period than that of hepatitis A Hepatitis B can result in chronic active hepatitis Non-A, non-B hepatitis is also transmitted through blood and can cause severe liver damage Radioimmunoassays and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays may be used to screen for hepatitis
An infection of the liver, usually caused by a virus Two main types, called hepatitis B and hepatitis C, can be passed on by blood contact This means that dialysis patients, especially those on haemodialysis, have an increased risk of getting these infections Care is taken to reduce this risk, and regular virus checks are made on all kidney patients
Inflammation of the liver May be caused by bacterial or viral infection, parasitic infestation, alcohol, drugs, toxins, or transfusion of incompatible blood Although many cases of hepatitis are not a serious health threat, the disease can become chronic and sometimes lead to liver failure and death
hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver usually caused by an acute viral infection Yellow jaundice is one symptom of hepatitis
Refers to ãinflammation of the liverä, which can be caused by many things such as viruses, bacterial infections, trauma, adverse drug reactions, or alcoholism Inflammation of the liver caused by viruses is called ãviral hepatitisä There are many different viruses that attack the liver
{i} liver inflammation caused by a virus or toxin (characterized by enlargement of the liver, jaundice and fever)
Inflammation of the liver caused by microbes or chemicals Often accompanied by jaundice, enlarged liver, fever, fatigue and nausea, and high levels of liver enzymes in the blood Can become a chronic disease, and lead to cirrhosis or cancer
Inflammation of the liver A virus-caused disorder transmitted to humans by the consumption of raw oysters taken from water contaminated with sewage
Inflammation of the liver One of several viruses that infects liver cells often causes the disorder
Inflammation or infection of the liver It can cause life long damage to the liver and can be fatal
is an inflammation of the liver, that can be caused by viruses, bacteria, drugs or toxins If persist for more than 6 months is called chronic hepatitis
Inflammation of the liver due to virus infection or the exposure of susceptible persons to hepatox agents
damage to the liver, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, and dark urine; hepatitis can be caused by several drugs used to treat TB infection or disease
Inflammation of the liver, due usually to alcohol or viral infection but also sometimes secondary to toxic agents (Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 2000)
an inflammation of the liver that may be caused by several agents, including viruses and toxins Hepatitis is characterized by jaundice, enlarged liver, fever, fatigue and abnormal liver function tests
(Tıp, İlaç) The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a small (50 nm in size), enveloped, single-stranded, positive sense RNA virus in the family Flaviviridae. Although hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C have similar names (because they all cause liver inflammation), these are distinctly different viruses both genetically and clinically
An infection of the liver that is caused by an RNA virus, is transmitted by ingestion of infected food and water, and has a shorter incubation and generally milder symptoms than hepatitis B. Also called infectious hepatitis
{i} hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus and transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids (can also be transmitted by sexual contact, injection of infected blood)
An infection of the liver that is caused by a DNA virus, is transmitted by contaminated blood or blood derivatives in transfusions, by sexual contact with an infected person, or by the use of contaminated needles and instruments. The disease has a long incubation and symptoms that may become severe or chronic, causing serious damage to the liver. Also called serum hepatitis
An infection of the liver that is caused by an RNA virus, is transmitted primarily by blood and blood products, as in blood transfusions or intravenous drug use, and sometimes through sexual contact. Most cases of non-A, non-B hepatitis are of this type
An acute or chronic infection of the liver caused by an RNA virus, occurring either simultaneously with hepatitis B or as a superinfection in a hepatitis B carrier. It is usually more severe than other forms of hepatitis, is transmitted sexually or by exposure to infected blood or blood products, and is most prevalent in tropical and subtropical areas of the Mediterranean basin
A self-limited, acute infection of the liver caused by an RNA virus, having symptoms similar to those of hepatitis A and spread via contaminated drinking water and food. It is endemic in developing countries and has occurred in epidemics in regions of Asia, Africa, and Central America
an acute but benign form of viral hepatitis caused by an RNA virus that does not persist in the blood serum and is usually transmitted by ingesting food or drink that is contaiminated with fecal matter
"Hepatitis A" is a generally non-life threatening disease that is transmitted through contaminated food and drink and causes flu-like symptoms after a two-week incubation period Hepatitis A is considered by many to be the most frequently encountered disease that can be prevented by vaccine, as it is found in approximately one-half of the world
Formerly called ãinfectious hepatitisä, it is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV) It is an acute infection and does not progress to chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis Most patients recover completely within 6 to 10 weeks Hepatitis A is spread mainly via feces and contaminated food and water There is a safe vaccine for HAV
Formerly called ãserum hepatitisä, it is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) Approximately 10% of infected adults progress to chronic hepatitis B; 90% of newborns born to HBV infected women develop chronic infections; and young children have a 30-50% chance of developing a chronic infection It is spread primarily through blood, unprotected sex, shared needles, and from an infected mother to her newborn during the delivery process A safe vaccine for HBV is available
a virus transmitted through blood and other body fluids All blood units that test positive for Hepatitis B are destroyed and the blood donor is permanently deferred from donating blood Blood collection centers began testing all units of blood for Hepatitis B virus in the early 1970s
an acute (sometimes fatal) form of viral hepatitis caused by a DNA virus that tends to persist in the blood serum and is transmitted by sexual contact or by transfusion or by ingestion of contaminated blood or other bodily fluids
"Hepatitis B" XE "Hepatitis B" \b is a serious disease that can cause liver failure and liver cancer, spread through the exchange of bodily fluid, primarily through sexual intercourse with infected partners, unscreened blood transfusions, and through usage of an infected needle Hepatitis B is found throughout the world, but the highest risk areas are tropical areas of Africa and South America, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic
Definition: A virus that causes liver disease HCV is spread by contact with the blood of an infected person HCV is the United States' most common blood-borne disease, infecting at least 2 out of every 100 people
Formerly known as ãnon-A, non-B hepatitisä, it is caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV) Approximately 85% of infected adults will develop chronic hepatitis C infections It is spread through infected blood, primarily in those who use illicit street drugs and those who received blood transfusions prior to1992 (the first year that a blood test for HCV became available for screening the blood supply)
a viral hepatitis clinically indistinguishable from hepatitis B but caused by a single-stranded RNA virus; usually transmitted by parenteral means (as injection of an illicit drug or blood transfusion or exposure to blood or blood products)
HCV - the virus identified as the leading cause of Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis The Hepatitis C Antibody (or Anti-HCV) test detects antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus The Anti-HCV test was implemented in May 1990 to further reduce the incidence of post-transfusion hepatitis The blood from donors who test positive for HCV antibodies is discarded
A liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus The virus is transmitted through contaminated blood from other people who have the disease The infection can be characterized by a prolonged symptom-free period of chronic infection Progresses to chronic hepatitis in the majority of infections, and may ultimately lead to cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer In technical terms, the virus is a positive stranded RNA virus of the Flavivirdae family More directly, a microscopic infectious particle consisting of RNA carries the instructions for making more viruses and several proteins, some of which cover the viral RNA molecule like an envelope conceals a letter
(Tıp) Bazen kalıcı hasarlara neden olabilen karaciğer tahrişi.(Zedelenme).Virüsler veya ilaçlar yada alkolden olur. Hepatitis aşağıdaki şekillerde görülür: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Hepatitis D (Delta) Hepatitis E
(Tıp) Genellikle seksüel ilişki ve kan nakli,veya bebeğe doğumda anneden bulaşan bir virüs.Diğer bir şekilde de önceden enfekte olmuş birinin kullandığı iğne kulanıldığında bulaşır. Hepatitis B çok yaygın ve AIDS virüsünden de çok kolayca yayılan, siroz ve karaciğer kanserine de yol açabilen bir virüstür
(Tıp) Seksüel ilişki,Kan nakli ve enfekte kimselerin kullandığı iğneyi (Enjektör) paylaşma suretiyle bulaşan bir virüs.Bu virüs hastayı Siroz ve Karaciğer kanserine götürebilir.non-A, non-B hepatitis olarak ta adlandırılır
(Tıp) (Delta) Çoğunlukla İğne(Enjektör) kullanarak illegal ilaçları alan kimselerde oluşan bir virüs.Ancak hepatitis B bulaşmış hastalara hepatitis D bulaşabilir
(Tıp) A virus spread mostly through unclean water. This type of hepatitis is common in developing countries. It has not occurred in the United States. Çoğunlukla temiz olmayan sulardan bulaşan bir virüs.Bu tür hepatit,gelişmekte olan ülkelerde yaygın olarak görülür.Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (USA)nde görülmemiştir
(Tıp) Hepatit'e (sarılık) bir virüs neden olur.Beş farklı virüs (A, B, C, D, ve E) en yaygın hepatit sebebidir.Diğer nadir rastlanan virüsler de hepatit sebebi olabilir. bkz: Hepatitis. Geçiş yolları; Hepatitis A Kirli yiyecek ve sular. Hepatitis B Seksüel ilişki, enfekte şırıngayı paylaşma. Hepatitis C Seksüel ilişki, enfekte şırıngayı paylaşma. Hepatitis D Hepatitis B olanlarda ve Esas olarak damar içi ilaç kullananlarda. Hepatitis E Zayıf Halk sağlığı koruma tedbirleri,hijyen ve temizlik nedeniyle kirli sular
التركية النطق
/ˌhepəˈtītəs/ /ˌhɛpəˈtaɪtəs/
علم أصول الكلمات
() From Latin hēpatītis hēpar (“liver”), from Ancient Greek ἧπαρ (hēpar, “liver”).