he sees just about any offer as a possible trap

listen to the pronunciation of he sees just about any offer as a possible trap
الإنجليزية - ألمانية
Er sieht schlechterdings jedes Angebot als mögliche Falle
he sees just about any offer as a possible trap


    he sees just a·bout a·ny of·fer as a pos·si·ble trap

    التركية النطق

    hi siz cîst ıbaut eni ôfır äz ı päsıbıl träp


    /ˈhē ˈsēz ʤəst əˈbout ˈenē ˈôfər ˈaz ə ˈpäsəbəl ˈtrap/ /ˈhiː ˈsiːz ʤɪst əˈbaʊt ˈɛniː ˈɔːfɜr ˈæz ə ˈpɑːsəbəl ˈtræp/