
listen to the pronunciation of haymatlos
التركية - الإنجليزية
Of a system or protocol, such that it does not keep a persistent state between transactions

A stateless server treats each request independently.

a property of the Web's Hypertext 'transport Protocol (HTTP) referring to the fact that every request made by a Web browser for a particular Web document opens a new connection on a Web server that is immediately closed after the document is returned This means that the server cannot maintain state information about successive requests from the same browser
{s} lacking citizenship, lacking nationality; having no state
Of or pertaining to a system or process that participates in activity without monitoring all details of its state See also stateful
without a state or nationality, not subject to any state
referring to a system or protocol which does not keep a persistent state between transactions
A person who is stateless is not a citizen of any country and therefore has no nationality. If I went back I'd be a stateless person. not officially being a citizen of any country
Application Integrator component instances that are removed from the instance pool and dedicated to a client application only for the duration of the method call Compare with stateful
without nationality or citizenship; "stateless persons"
Having no nationality
A server is said to be stateless if it treats each request as an independent transaction, unrelated to any previous request This simplifies the design because such a server need not allocate storage to deal with conversations in progress or worry about freeing itself if a client dissappears in mid-transaction A disadvantage is that extra information may be needed in each request and this must be re-interpreted each time By contrast, a traditional FTP server conducts an interactive session with the client A request to the server for a file can assume that the user has been authenticated and that the current directory and transfer mode have been set
Without state or pomp
التركية - التركية
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