have you

listen to the pronunciation of have you
الإنجليزية - التركية
senin var mi
have you got a pencil
kalemin var mı
have you got the time?
saatiniz var mı?
have you ever
sen hiç
have you met
tanıştın mi
have you checked the lost and found
kayıp eşya bürosuna baktınız mı
have you ever been to
daha önce geldiniz mi
have you ever been to the usa
hiç amerika'da bulundunuz mu
have you got a camera with an automatic light meter
otomatik ışık ölçerli bir kameranız var mı
have you got a local wine
yerel şarabınız var mı
have you got an original cognac
orijinal konyağınız var mı
have you got any flashlight batteries
flaş için piliniz var mı
have you got any gold coins
altın paranız var mı
have you got any gold cufflinks
altın kol düğmeniz var mı
have you got any gold earrings
altın küpeniz var mı
have you got silverware in that pattern
bu desende gümüş takım var mı
have you previously been treated for it
bunun için daha önceden bir tedavi gördünüz mü
you have a point there
do not lick what you have spat
(deyim) tükürdüğünü yalama
do you have a car
araban var mı
what the hell have you been smoking?
(deyim) neyin kafası bu?
you have a point
you have to
senin ... lazım
you have to
you have to see it to believe it
inanmak için görmen lazım
Do you have any practical experience?
Hiç tecrübeniz var mi?
Don´t you have any manners?
Sende hiç terbiye yok mu?
I have a bone to pick with you
(deyim) Seninle görülecek bir hesabım var
I should have liked ...: I should have liked you to have known her
Onu tanımış olmanızı isterdim
What do you have to say for yourself?
Şimdi kendini savun bakalım!
What have you
ve benzeri ıvır zıvır
Where in heaven have you been?
Neredeydin Allah aşkına!
You were wrong not to have gone
Gitmemekle doğru etmedin
and what have you
and what have you/and what not
k. dili vesaire
do unto others you would have them do unto you
(Atasözü) Kendine yapılmasını istemediğini başkasına yapma. / Sana ne yapılmasını istiyorsan başkasına da onu yap
do you have
senin var mi
do you have a second
bir saniyen var mi? biraz zamanın var mi?
do you have any plans?
planın var mi?
do you have time
vaktin var mi?saatin var mi? saat kaç?
give an example of when you have used your initiative
insiyatif kullandığın bir örnek ver
i have a bone to pick with you.
seninle almak için bir kemik var
may i have a word with you?
seninle bir kelime olabilir?
they have read it as well as you
what have you been up to
what have you done
Eğer yaptıklarından
what have you done since we last met
görüşmeyeli ne yaptın
you can't have it both ways
hem nalına hem mıhına
you could have knocked me down with a feather
(deyim) Söyleyen kişinin çok şaşırdığını, hayretler içinde kaldığını bildiren söz
you could have knocked me down with a feather
(deyim) To say "you could have knocked me down with a feather" emphasizes the fact that you were extremely surprised

When I heard the name of the winner, you could have knocked me down with a feather!.

you don't have engough coins to buy this
bunu almak için yeterli bozuğun yok
you have watchhed 72 minutes of video today
bugün 72 dakikalık video izlediniz
you might have a pin fall
Bir iğne düşüş olabilir
Do you have any
Hiç tecrübeniz var mı?
Don't you have any
Sende hiç terbiye yok mu?
and what have you
{k} (deyim) ve baskalari ,ve daha bilmem ne
and what have you/and
{k} vesaire
be content with what you have
elindekiyle yetinmek
did you have an accident
kaza mı geçirdiniz
do you also have something to eat
yiyecek bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have
sizde ... var mı
do you have a battery for this
bunun için piliniz var mı
do you have a brochure describing tours and excursions
turu ve gezi bölgelerini anlatan bir broşürünüz var mı
do you have a brother
kardeşin var mı
do you have a calendar with views of the town
bu şehirin manzarası olan takviminiz var mı
do you have a camera
kamera var mı
do you have a cheaper one
daha ucuzu var mı
do you have a color film
renkli filminiz var mı
do you have a fitness center here
burada spor salonu var mı
do you have a girl friend?
sevgilin var mı?
do you have a good, big cigar
İyi büyük bir puronuz var mi?
do you have a guidebook in english
İngilizce rehber kitabınız var mı
do you have a jacket to match these pants
bu pantolona uyacak ceketiniz var mı
do you have a larger one
daha büyük boyu var mı
do you have a leather tobacco pouch
deri tütün keseniz var mı
do you have a longer one
daha uzunu var mı
do you have a more level spot
başka biraz düzgün yer var mı
do you have a postcard with views of the town
bu şehirin manzarası olan kartpostalınız var mı
do you have a poster with views of the town
bu şehirin manzarası olan posteriniz var mı
do you have a prescription
reçeteniz var mı
do you have a program of events
etkinlik programınız var mı
do you have a reservation
rezervasyonunuz var mı
do you have a road map
yol haritanız var mı
do you have a room for one person
tek kişilik odanız var mı
do you have a room overlooking the sea
deniz manzaralı oda var mı
do you have a shorter one
daha kısası var mı
do you have a sister
kardeşin var mı
do you have a smaller one
daha küçüğü var mı
do you have a t shirt with views of the town
bu şehirin manzarası olan tişörtünüz var mı
do you have a table by the window
pencere kenarında masanız var mı
do you have a webcam
kamera var mı
do you have an english newspaper
İngilizce gazeteniz var mı
do you have any antifreeze
antifriziniz var mı
do you have any books in english
İngilizce kitaplarınız var mı
do you have any car models
araba modeliniz var mı
do you have any carry on baggage
yanınıza alacağınız bir şey var mı
do you have any chronic diseases
kronik herhangi bir hastalığınız var mı
do you have any crystal wine decanters
kristal şarap sürahiniz var mı
do you have any dollhouses
oyuncak bebek eviniz var mı
do you have any dolls that walk and talk
yürüyen ve konuşan oyuncak bebekleriniz var mı
do you have any greeting cards
tebrik kartınız var mı
do you have any pictures with scenes of this area
sizde bu bölgenin manzara resimleri var mı
do you have any ping pong balls
pinpon topunuz var mı
do you have any puzzles
yap bozunuz var mı
do you have any transformers
transformeriniz var mı
do you have any trinkets
küçük biblolarınız var mı
do you have any vacancies
boş yeriniz var mı
do you have anything cheaper
daha ucuz bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything larger
daha büyük bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything longer
daha uzun bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything more expensive
daha pahalı bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything of better quality
daha kaliteli bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything shorter
daha kısa bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything smaller
daha küçük bir şeyleriniz var mı
do you have anything to declare
deklare edeceğiniz bir şey var mı
do you have batteries
piliniz var mı
do you have boy friend?
sevgilin var mı?
do you have boyfriend?
erkek arkadaşın var mı?
do you have children
çocuklarınız var mı
do you have cotton socks
koton çorabınız var mı
do you have diabetes
şeker hastalığınız var mı
do you have easy games for children
çocuklar için basit oyunlarınız var mı
do you have entertaining games for children
çocuklar için eğlenceli oyunlarınız var mı
do you have facilities for children
çocuklar için tesisleriniz var mı
do you have girlfriend?
kız arkadaşın var mı?
do you have high blood pressure
yüksek tansiyonunuz var mı
do you have insurance
sigortanız var mı
do you have it in any other colors
başka renkleri var mı
do you have low blood pressure
düşük tansiyonunuz var mı
do you have msn
msn'nin var mı
do you have nylon socks
(isim)ylon çorabınız var mı
do you have nylon socks
naylon çorabınız var mı
do you have one like this
bunun gibi bir şey var mı
do you have one of better quality
daha kalitelisi var mı
do you have ones of a bigger size
bir numara büyüğü var mı
do you have ones of a smaller size
bir numara küçüğü var mı
do you have other relatives
akrabalarınız var mı
do you have our discount card
İndirim kartınız var mı
do you have replacement parts for this
bunun için yedek parçanız var mı
do you have space for a tent
çadır için yeriniz var mı
do you have space for a trailer
karavan için yeriniz var mı
do you have spare parts
yedek parçanız var mı
do you have wool socks
yün çorabınız var mı
have it
(Fiili Deyim ) cezalandırmak
how many bags do you have
kaç valiziniz var
i am sorry to have kept you waiting
sizi beklettiğim için özür dilerim
i'll have him call you back
ona sizi aramasını söylerim
i'll have whatever you recommend
(isim) tavsiye ederseniz onu istiyorum
i'll have whatever you recommend
ne tavsiye ederseniz onu istiyorum
i'm sorry, you have the wrong number
pardonyanlis numarayi çevirdiniz
if you have no objection
sakınca görmezseniz
if you have no objection
bir itirazınız yoksa
now you have done it
{k} (deyim) simdi yapacagini yaptin!
or what have you
{k} (deyim) ve baskalari ,ve daha bilmem ne
see what you have done
gördün mü ne yaptın
what brands do you have with filters
filtreli hangi markalar var
what brands of port do you have
ne marka porto şaraplarınız var
what brands of port do you have
(isim) marka porto şaraplarınız var
what do you have for dessert
tatlı olarak ne var
what kind of wine do you have
(isim) tür şaraplarınız var
what kind of wine do you have
ne tür şaraplarınız var
what time do you have
saat kaç
what tricks have you been up to
yine ne dümenler çeviriyorsun
what type of brain teasers do you have
ne tür zeka oyunlarınız var
what type of brain teasers do you have
(isim) tür zeka oyunlarınız var
what type of building kits do you have
(isim) tür yapı oyuncaklarınız var
what type of building kits do you have
ne tür yapı oyuncaklarınız var
what type of rattles do you have
ne tür çıngırdaklarınız var
what type of rattles do you have
(isim) tür çıngırdaklarınız var
what type of walkers do you have
ne tür yürüteçleriniz var
what type of walkers do you have
(isim) tür yürüteçleriniz var
what would you like to have
ne alırdınız
what would you like to have
(isim) alırdınız
what you have been up to?
ne yapıyordun?
what you have been up to?
neler yapıyordun?
whatever you have in your mind
aklında ne varsa
would you like to have a manicure
manikür yaptırmak ister misiniz
would you like to have a massage
masaj yaptırmak ister misiniz
you have got me there
{k} (deyim) sordugun soruya cevap veremem,sen benden daha cok biliyorsun
you have no money on your account
hesabınızda para yok
you have to do some tests
bazı testler yaptırmanız gerekiyor
you have to make an official report
resmi rapor tutturmanız gerekiyor
you have to pay an overweight charge
ekses ücreti ödemelisiniz
you have too much carry on baggage
yanınızda taşımak için çok fazla şey almışsınız
you have wonderful taste in clothes
kıyafet seçiminiz çok zevkli
you will have to transfer here
buradan aktarma yapmanız gerekecek
you'll have to change trains
tren değiştirmeniz gerekecek
you'll have to pay a fine
ceza ödemeniz gerekiyor
you'll have to wait
beklemeniz gerekecek
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف have you في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Have you killed and also taken possession?
could it be possible that you not only killed someone but also took ownership over his property? (Biblical expression referring to an overly greedy and ambitious person)
have you anything to declare?
do you have any taxable items to report? (question asked by customs agents when entering or exiting a country)
I have to love you and leave you
Used as an affectionate way of saying goodbye
I'd like to have sex with you
Indicates that the speaker would like to engage in sexual activities with the listener
do you have a boyfriend
Used to ask whether the interlocutor has a boyfriend
do you have a menu in English
A question used to ask for a menu in the English language
do you have any pets
Used to ask whether the interlocutor is an owner of pets
do you have children
Used to ask whether the interlocutor is a parent of children
have at you
an exclamation indicating that one is about to strike the person addressed, typically with a sword or other hand-held weapon. E.g., "Dark and sinister man, have at thee." Barrie JM (1904), Peter Pan
have it
To have died

He didn't survive the operation - he's had it.

have it
To be beyond repair

These socks have had it - there are holes in both toes.

have it
To understand or believe

Conventional wisdom has it that heat rises, but in fact heat diffuses: hot air rises.

if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
With limited tools, single-minded people apply them inappropriately or indiscriminately
if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
If a person is familiar with a certain, single subject/has with them a certain, single instrument, they may have a confirmation bias to believe that it is the answer to/involved in everything
there you have it
Used to introduce a speaker's interpretation of what has just transpired or been described
there you have it
That is it; that is the situation or state of things
what have you
Any of several additional, unmentioned things

So you might not have a million-seller every time, 'cause you're not movin' around and what have you, but at least you'll have a good track record.

Alternative spelling of what have you
who are you and what have you done with someone
Said to express surprise due to a perceived drastic change of behaviour of a person
you have the advantage of me
You know my name, but I do not know yours; what is it, please?; you know me but I do not know you
you shouldn't have
Used to express gratitude at unnecessary generosity, especially when receiving a gift

What a lovely vase! You shouldn't have!.

you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have or do two things at the same time that are impossible to have or do at the same time

You can't have your cake and eat it - if you want more local services, you can't expect to pay less tax.

you can't have your cake and eat it
(deyim) Have in one's possession something and be able to use or exploit it; to have it both ways. (Usually stated in the negative)
I have nothing to say to you
I do not want to speak with you
do you have any idea
do you have any concept, do you have a clue
the number you have reached is disconnected
the telephone number that you have reached is not connected, the telephone number you have dialed is temporarily out of service
what have you got against me?
why me?, what did I ever do to you?, what have I done to deserve this terrible treatment?, why do you treat me this way?
you cannot eat your cake and have it
you cannot get everything you want, it is not possible to achieve every dream you may have
you don't have the guts
you aren't brave enough
you have a smart mouth
you have a big mouth, you say things that you shouldn't
you have hit it!
right on target!, direct hit!
you have nothing to worry about
you really don't have to worry, you can relax, I will help you, everything will be all right, everything will work out just fine
you have work to do
you should be busy, you shouldn't be playing till you finish your work; there is a lot of work left to be done
you shouldn't have
you gave too much, you exaggerated, thank you very much
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف have you في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

hiç mi hiç never once: Ankara'ya hiç mi hiç gitmedin? Have you never once been
to Ankara?
inan olmaz. You can't have any faith
in (someone, something): Mücteba'nın laflarına inan olmaz. You can't have any faith in what Mücteba says
have you

    التركية النطق

    häv yu


    /ˈhav ˈyo͞o/ /ˈhæv ˈjuː/

    علم أصول الكلمات

    [ 'hav, (h)&v, v; in "hav ] (verb.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English habban; akin to Old High German habEn to have, and perhaps to hevan to lift; more at HEAVE.

    رصف المشتركة

    have you been, have you got, have you ever


    ... or what have you, that you're keeping your skill sets sharp. ...
    ... Now, how often have you searched for pizza? ...