halden anlar

listen to the pronunciation of halden anlar
التركية - الإنجليزية
Opinion, judgement or outlook

According to my understanding, the situation is quite perilous. I wonder if you see it this way, too.

An informal contract, mutual agreement

I thought we had an understanding - you do the dishes, and I throw the trash.


He showed much understanding when he found out of my troublesome familial history.

{n} intellectual powers, skill
Showing compassion
the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
The act of one who understands a thing, in any sense of the verb; knowledge; discernment; comprehension; interpretation; explanation
{i} comprehension, ability to comprehend, ability to perceive or grasp; thorough knowledge of something; mutual agreement (often preliminary or tacit)
appreciation of "why"
Dulenglish | adronato
In this sense it is contrasted with, and distinguished from, the reason
an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion; "his sympathies were always with the underdog"; "I knew I could count on his understanding"
the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination; "we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil"
If there is understanding between people, they are friendly towards each other and trust each other. There was complete understanding between Wilson and myself
If you have an understanding of something, you know how it works or know what it means. They have to have a basic understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology. = grasp
characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy; "an understanding friend
the cognitive condition of someone who understands; "he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect" characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy; "an understanding friend
If you say that it is your understanding that something is the case, you mean that you believe it to be the case because you have heard or read that it is. It is my understanding that this torture has been going on for many years
Reason or intelligence, ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer
halden anlar