hırslardan arınılarak ulaşılan salt mutluluk

listen to the pronunciation of hırslardan arınılarak ulaşılan salt mutluluk
التركية - الإنجليزية
In non-Buddhist usage, state of paradise; heightened or great pleasure
The complete cessation of suffering; a blissful state attained through realization of no-self; enlightenment
the goal of Buddhism; freedom from Karma; extinction of all craving; the realization of the true nature of the mind
The final liberation where nothing else could be more pure Nirvana has no conditions No cause, no effect
( Extinction) Complete cessation of suffering and its causes, karma and klesha, and the peace that results from cessation Nirvana is attained by an enlightened being, a buddha, who will not be reborn into samsara at the end of his or her lifetime, see parinirvana
Considered as the goal of Theravada Buddhist practice, it is the liberation from suffering and departure from the endless cyclic existence
In the Buddhist system of religion, the final emancipation of the soul from transmigration, and consequently a beatific enfrachisement from the evils of worldly existence, as by annihilation or absorption into the divine
(Skt ) State of release from the endless circling (SAMSARA) of rebirth in the world
Originally meant total extinction of desire and suffering Today it refers to the state of liberation through full enlightenment Svabhava Nirvana: The Primeval Nirvana which is always present, whether we realize it or not Non-abiding Nirvana: In which one abides in neither Samsara (Cycle of Birth and Death) nor ultimate quiescence, Nirvana of the Buddhas
The state of having extinguished suffering Nirvana is a spiritual state in which the bonds of existence are cut away It is held to be an ineffable, indefinable experience It generally is concomitant with awakening (bodhi) There are two kinds of Nirvana generally admitted The first is an incomplete, or 'residual' Nirvana, which is the experience of Nirvana which occurs while a person is still alive The 'residue' is the body, which is the last bond of existence the residual Nirvana does not cut The second is the 'non-residual' Nirvana, also called 'parinirvana' ('perfect nirvana') This is the Nirvana of one who is awakening fully when his body perishes Thus freed from the body, the Nirvana is complete
Sanskrit, literally, "extinction, blowing out"; the goal of spiritual practice in Buddhism; liberation from the cycle of rebirth and suffering
This is a Buddhist term which means a state of mind where all suffering and dissonant emotions which give rise to suffering have ceased and one is released from samsara -- the endless cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth
literally means "extinction", refers to the Buddhist conception of the place or mode of existence toward which Buddhists aspire, in which all suffering (and probably individual existence) will be extinguished
People sometimes refer to a state of complete happiness and peace as nirvana. Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana. = paradise. a US band who developed a new style of rock music called Grunge, which was popular in the early 1990s, and whose lead singer was Kurt Cobain. Their albums include Nevermind and In Utero. (Sanskrit: "Extinction") In Indian religious thought, the transcendent state of freedom achieved by the extinction of desire and of individual consciousness. Nirvana is the supreme goal of the disciplines of meditation, particularly in Buddhism. Release from desire (and consequent suffering) and the continuous round of rebirths constitutes enlightenment, or the experience of nirvana. Theravada Buddhism conceives of nirvana as tranquillity and peace; Mahayana Buddhism equates it with sunyata (emptiness), dharma-kaya (the essence of the Buddha), and dharma-datu (ultimate reality)
Liberation from earthly things; paradise
The absence of all attachment to longing
1st appearance: Thor #301 Nirvana is the highest plane of existence in the Hindu religion In the Marvel Universe, Nirvana is the name of the home of the Hindu gods
Complete peace, a mind state of complete awareness or enlightenment Reached or understood after one frees oneself of all desires and wordly things
(Hinduism and Buddhism) the beatitude that transcends the cycle of reincarnation; characterized by the extinction of desire and suffering and individual consciousness
That which is experienced by enlightened individuals: profound peace, limitless arwareness, bliss, unity