
listen to the pronunciation of guided
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} rehber eşliğinde
{s} kılavuzlu
{f} yol göstermek
{f} rehberlik etmek

Chicago için rehberlik etmek istiyorum. - I want a guide to Chicago.

Ben Nagasaki çevresinde onlara rehberlik etmek için onlarla birlikte gittim. - I went with them so that I could guide them around Nagasaki.


Bir sonraki rehberli tur saat kaçta? - When is the next guided tour?

O, saraya kadar bana rehberlik yaptı. - She guided me to the palace.

{i} kılavuz

İngilizce konuşan, ruhsatlı bir kılavuz istiyorum. - I want a licensed guide who speaks English.

Kılavuz mümkün olduğu kadar erken işe koyulsak iyi olur dedi. - The guide said that we had better set out as soon as possible.

guided missile cruiser
(Askeri) güdümlü mermili
guided missile destroyer
(Askeri) güdümlü mermili
guided missile submarine
(Askeri) güdümlü mermili
guided missiles
gudumlu roket
guided wave
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) kılavuzlu dalga
guided bomb
güdümlü bomba
guided missile
güdümlü füze
guided missile
güdümlü roket
guided missile cruiser
güdümlü roket kruvazörü
guided missile destroyer
güdümlü roket yok edicisi
guided missile frigate
güdümlü roket gemisi
guided imagery
güdümlü görüntüleri
guided walk
rehber eşliğinde yapılan yürüyüş
guided weapon
güdümlü silah
guided aircraft missile
(Askeri,Bilgisayar) güdümlü uçak füzesi
guided artillery ammunition
(Askeri) güdümlü topçu mühimmatı
guided bomb unit
(Askeri) güdümlü bomba ünitesi
guided bomb unit
(Askeri) güdümlü bomba
guided missile
güdümlü mermi
guided missile
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİ (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, SAVUNMA KURULU): Dünya yüzeyinden yukarıda hareket eden, takip ettiği uçuş yolu dış veya iç tertibatla değiştirilebilen ve içinde insan bulunmayan bir araç. Ayrıca bakınız: "aerodynomic missile", "ballistic missile"
guided missile
ask. güdümlü mermi
guided missile cruiser
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ KRUVAZÖR: Hava, suüstü ve denizaltı tehditlere karşı harekat için vurucu ve amfibi kuvvetler ile birlikte tasarlanan savaş gemisi. Normal silahları, 3 veya 5 pusluk toplar, hava savunması için SAM'lar ve denizaltı savunma silahlarında oluşur. CGN olarak isimlendirilir. Görevi için (heavy cruiser) 'e bak. Bu gemiler -CGN hariç tamamen tadil edilmiş durumda, ağır kruvazörlerdir. Bütün toplar sökülmüş, yerine Talos/Tartar füze rampaları yerleştirilmiştir. CGN; nükleer güçlü, uzun menzilli, Talos/Tartar füze ve Asroc rampaları ile teçhiz edilmiş bir gemidir. CG ve CNG olarak adlandırılır
guided missile destroyer
(Askeri) güdümlü füze destroyeri
guided missile destroyer
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ MUHRİP: Görevi için (destroyer) 'e bak. Bu muhrip tipi; Talos/Tartar güdümlü füze rampaları, geliştirilmiş deniz top bataryası, uzun menzilli sonar ve denizaltı savunma silahları -ASROC dahil- ile teçhiz edilmiştir. DDG olarak isimlendirilir
guided missile equipment carrier
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ FÜZE TEÇHİZAT TAŞIYICISI: Muhtelif güdümlü füze sistemleri ve teçhizatları için kullanılan kendinden müteharrik, tamamen paletli, amfibi, havadan nakledilebilir, zırhsız bir taşıyıcıdır
guided missile frigate
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ FIRKATEYN: 5"/54'lük top bataryası ve güdümlü mermiler ile teçhiz edilmiştir. FFG olarak isimlendirilir. Bak. "frigate"
guided missile frigate
(Askeri) güdümlü füze atan fırkateyn
guided missile heavy cruiser
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ AĞIR KRUVAZÖR: Görevi için (heavy cruiser) e bak. Bu gemiler, tadil edilmiş ağır kruvazörler olup üç toplu bir 8"/55 lik tareti ve yeniden monte edilmiş bir adet ikili Terrier füze rampası vardır. CAG olarak adlandırılır
guided missile light cruiser
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ HAFİF KRUVAZÖR: Görevi için (light cruiser) e bak. Tadil edilmiş hafif kruvazördür. 6"/47'lik toplara ilaveten, esas silah olarak Talos veya Tartar füze rampaları monte edilmiştir. CLG olarak adlandırılır. Ayrıca bakınız: "light cruiser"
guided missile submarine
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİLİ DENİZALTI: Ayrıca su üstünden güdümlü mermi taarruz kabiliyetine sahip olacak şekilde imal edilmiş denizaltı. SSG ve SSGN olarak adlandırılır. SSGN nükleer güçlüdür. GUIDED MISSILE (SURFACE-TO-AIR): GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİ (SATIHTAN-HAVAYA): Hava hedeflerine karşı kullanılmak üzere satıhtan fırlatılan güdümlü füze. GUIDED MISSILE (SURFACE TO-SURFACE): GÜDÜMLÜ MERMİ (SATIHTAN-SATIHA): Satıh hedeflerine karşı kullanılmak üzere satıhtan fırlatılan güdümlü füze
guided propagation
(Askeri) YOĞUN HUZMELİ YAYIN: Radar huzmesinin bir yol üzerinde toplanması
guided propagation
(Askeri) yoğun huzmeli yayın
guided tissue regeneration
(Tıp) güdümlü doku onarımı
guided torpedo
(Askeri) güdümlü torpido
guided tour
rehberli tur

Bir sonraki rehberli tur saat kaçta? - When is the next guided tour?

guided wave
kilavuzlu dalga
(Bilgisayar) klvz
{f} yönlendirmek
(Denizbilim) yönlendirici
rehber olmak
yön verme
rehber kitabı
rehberlik yapmak
precision guided
(Askeri) hassas güdümlü
{f} götürmek
go on a guided tour
rehberli geziye çıkmak
kılavuzluk etmek
{f} rehberlik et

Tanrılar sonuna kadar insanlığa rehberlik etmek için yeryüzüne indiler. - Gods came down on earth to guide humanity to its end.

Tom ormanda bize rehberlik etti. - Tom guided us through the woods.

Kazanç güdümlü, kazanca güdümlü
go on a guided tour
rehber eşliğinde geziye çıkmak
yol gösterici
self guided
öz güdümlü
antitank guided missile; antitank guided munition
(Askeri) tanksavar güdümlü füze; antitank güdümlü mühimmat
can we take a guided tour
rehberli tur alabilir miyiz
do you need a guided tour
rehbere ihtiyacınız var mı
easily guided
kolayca yönlendirilen
easily guided
kolay yönlendirilen
extended range guided munitions
(Askeri) menzili artırılmış güdümlü mühimmat
ground air guided missile
yerden havaya gudumlu fuze
{i} model
işaret etmek
{f} sevketmek
(Tıp) Oluklu sonda
{i} örnek
{f} öncülük etmek
{i} danışman
(Askeri) HİZAYA GELMEK, İSTİKAMETE GELMEK: Yürüyüşte diğer bir şahıs, birlik veya cisimden, yerine göre, hizaya gelmek veya istikamet almak. Ayrıca bakınız: "alignment"
{i} el kitabı
{f} idare etmek
yol gösteren kimse
{i} yönetmelik

Burada çok katı yönetmeliklerimiz var. - We have very strict guidelines here.

{i} yol işareti
{f} önderlik etmek
individually guided education
(Dilbilim) bireysel yönelimli öğretim
laser guided weapon
(Askeri) LAZER GÜDÜMLÜ SİLAH: Bir lazer ışınıyla işaretlenmiş/Nişan alınmış bir hedeften yansıyan lazer enerjisini tespit ederek ve bu sinyalleri işleme tabi tutmak suretiyle silahı bu yansıma noktasına yöneltmek üzere güdüm komutları sağlayan bir cihaz kullanan silah
short range guided
(Askeri) Kısa menzilli, güdümlü
tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided
(Askeri) Tüp Fırlatımlı, Optik Nişanlayıcılı, Kablo Güdümlü
when is the next guided tour
bir sonraki rehberli tur saat kaçta
wire guided
(Askeri) KABLO GÜDÜMLÜ: Güdüm operatörü ile füze arasındaki kapalı bir devre üzerinden bir kablo vasıtasıyla elektrikle güdülen bir füze
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Subject to guidance
Simple past tense and past participle of guide
{s} instructed; directed; lead
adj. divinely guided one Rightly Guided guided missile
subject to guidance or control especially after launching; "a guided missile
past of guide
subject to guidance or control especially after launching; "a guided missile"
guided capitalism
A capitalist economic system with some variety of state guidance

He calls it a guided capitalism. I think of it more as corporate capitalism. Singapore is run much as one would run one of the corporate elephants,.

guided missile
An unmanned, self-propelled vehicle that travels through the air to deliver a warhead to a predetermined point, keeping itself on course by making corrections via its control surfaces
guided him
directed him, led him, instructed him, advised him
guided imagery
A technique used to help someone focus on various images and pleasant experiences to relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, and provide diversion during painful procedures
guided imagery
This technique concentrates on using images or symbols to train the mind to create a definitive physiological or psychological effect Practitioners may teach clients how to relieve physical problems caused by stress, such as tension headaches The technique has also been effectively used in some cancer treatment programs for pain management
guided imagery
This relaxation and stress-reduction technique uses positive thoughts and images to relieve pain, slow the heart rate, and stimulate the body's healing responses
guided imagery
Physical problems can sometimes be alleviated by using the mind to concentrate on images and symbols Stress related headaches and even cancer pain can be effectively managed as practitioners guide patients in order to create the desired physiological or psychological effect
guided imagery
A relaxation technique that involves listening to music and/or a persons voice for the purpose of allowing imagery, symbols, and deep feelings to arise from the inner self
guided imagery
Guided imagery is an ancient form of meditation that uses the imagination (images and pictures we experience through any of our sensory perception) to reconnect to their inner resources for healing This process, often guided by a practitioner or audio tape, can help boost the immune system, promotes a reduction in anxiety and pain, and a greater sense of wellbeing
guided imagery
envisioning a certain goal to help cope with health problems
guided imagery
A technique of relaxation and pain control in which a person conjures up a picture that is held in mind during a painful or stressful experience
guided imagery
is usually incorporated as part of meditation or hypnotherapy Affirmative images, words and symbols are conjured and held in the mind to promote physical, emotional, spiritual well-being Guided Imagery can also be used to develop self-confidence in realizing a business or athletic goal
guided imagery
Using the power of the mind to evoke a positive physical response, guided imagery can reduce stress and slow heart rate, stimulate the immune system, and reduce pain As part of the rapidly emerging field of mind/body medicine, guided imagery is being used in various medical settings, and, when properly taught, can also serve as a highly effective form of self-care (3)
guided missile
A guided missile is a missile whose direction can be controlled while it is in the air. a missile that is controlled electronically while it is flying. Projectile provided with means for altering its direction after it leaves its launching device. Almost all modern missiles are propelled by rocket or jet engines and have guidance mechanisms, usually including sensors, to help the missile find its target. Heat-seeking missiles, for example, carry infrared sensors that allow them to home in on the exhaust of jet engines
guided missile
a rocket-propelled missile whose path can be controlled during flight either by radio signals or by internal homing devices
guided missile
missile which is directed towards its target by means of a guidance system
guided missile cruiser
a cruiser that carries guided missiles
guided missile frigate
a frigate that carries guided missiles
guided tour
organized and educational excursion led by a knowledgeable guide
guided tour
If someone takes you on a guided tour of a place, they show you the place and tell you about it. if someone takes you on a guided tour, they show you around a place of interest and tell you all about it guided tour of/around/round
guided wave
An electromagnetic or acoustic wave transmitted by a process that limits its physical dispersion along the length of its transmission
guided writing
In language teaching, when students do guided writing activities, they are given an outline in words or pictures to help them write. some guided writing tasks
A document or book that offers information or instruction; guidebook
A spirit believed to speak through a medium
to supervise the education or training of someone
A device that guides part of a machine, or guides motion or action
A sign that guides people; guidepost
Any marking or object that catches the eye to provide quick reference
to steer or navigate, especially a ship or as a pilot
Someone who [[#Verb|guides]], especially someone hired to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and explanation
{n} a director, conductor, manager
{v} to direct, conduct, superintend, rule
Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
ATGM, missile designed to destroy tanks and that is directed by laser or infrared signals
A guide is someone who shows people the way to a place in a difficult or dangerous region. The mountain people say that, with guides, the journey can be done in fourteen days
In Britain, the Guides is an organization for girls which teaches them to become practical and independent. The Guides used to be called the Girl Guides. In the United States, there is a similar organization called the Girl Scouts
A guide is someone who shows tourists around places such as museums or cities. We've arranged a walking tour of the city with your guide
If you guide someone somewhere, you go there with them in order to show them the way. He took the bewildered Elliott by the arm and guided him out = lead
If something guides you somewhere, it gives you the information you need in order to go in the right direction. They sailed across the Baltic and North Seas with only a compass to guide them
A guide is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something. Our 10-page guide will help you to change your life for the better. the Pocket Guide to Butterflies of Britain and Europe. = guidebook
A guide is something that can be used to help you plan your actions or to form an opinion about something. As a rough guide, a horse needs 2.5 per cent of his body weight in food every day When selecting fresh fish, let your taste buds be your guide
If you guide someone through something that is difficult to understand or to achieve, you help them to understand it or to achieve success in it. a free helpline to guide businessmen through the maze of EU grants
A guide is a book that gives tourists information about a town, area, or country. The Rough Guide to Paris lists accommodation for as little as £25 a night. = guidebook
In Britain, a Guide is a girl who is a member of the Guides
If you guide a vehicle somewhere, you control it carefully to make sure that it goes in the right direction. Captain Shelton guided his plane down the runway and took off
If something or someone guides you, they influence your actions or decisions. He should have let his instinct guide him My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me
If you guide someone around a city, museum, or building, you show it to them and explain points of interest. a young Egyptologist who guided us through tombs and temples with enthusiasm There will be guided walks around the site. see also guided tour
Precision Guided Munition
smart" bomb, bomb that uses radar laser or some other method to ensure accurate targeting, PGM
automated guided vehicle system
(Ticaret) (AGVS) Warehouse and logistics equipment, such as robots or picking systems with no operator, that are routed to planned inventory or production locations by software and network commands
A Globally Unique IDentifier used to identify a computer, a user, a file, etc for tracking purposes GUIDs are represented as thirty-two hex numbers
Globally Unique Identifier A controversial 16-byte number generated by Microsoft programs that uniquely identifies a network or user or computer or document It is one of the elements of information that can be passed when you connect to an Internet site, and it may be stored in cookies
A flower
Globally Unique Identifier A GUID is a string of numbers and/or letters allocated to each individual piece of data within a system, to uniquely differentiate it from other pieces of data
Globally Unique Identifier Also called a Category ID or CATID
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
Globally unique identifier In the Component Object Model (COM), a 16-byte code that identifies an interface to an object across all computers and networks
Globally Unique IDentifier A GUID, a Global Unique IDentifier, is a string expression that represents an objects uniqe identity
Identifiers (IDs) assigned to COM objects that are generated through a sophisticated algorithm The algorithm guarantees that all COM objects are assigned unique IDs, avoiding any possibility of a naming conflict, even in distributed systems with millions of objects supplied by different vendors H
Globally Unique Identifier
guidis, good, goods
Globally unique ID A unique (i e , never duplicated) 128-bit number that identifies an AD object
128-bit hexadecimal number, guaranteed to be globally
Globally unique identifier used by an interface or object for identification
(COM Automation Feature Developer's Guide; search in this book) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide; search in this book) [definition #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide; search in this book)
Globally unique identifier A 16-byte value generated from the unique identifier on a adapter, the current date and time, and a sequence number This is used to allow any party to create identifiers that will be guaranteed not to overlap with other similarly created identifiers
someone employed to conduct others
A noncommissioned officer or soldier placed on the directing flank of each subdivision of a column of troops, or at the end of a line, to mark the pivots, formations, marches, and alignments in tactics
a hypertext system marketed by OWL (Office Workstations Ltd ) that includes scrolling and note capabilities
to act as a guide
In the Desktop documentation, the word "guide" usually refers to an Interactive Guide (like a "wizard"), which is a program that steps you through a task
The portion of a valve used to guide the disc 055
To lead or direct in a way; to conduct in a course or path; to pilot; as, to guide a traveler
be a guiding force, as with directions or advice; "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses
to serve as a guide for someone or something
Sometimes known in Birmingham as the "Black Mark" The small stylus which is set next to the cutting tool and which follows the work surface regulating the cut depth
a device that supports a pipe radially in all directions, but directs movement
A person who leads or directs another in his way or course, as in a strange land; one who exhibits points of interest to strangers; a conductor; also, that which guides; a guidebook
a member that holds a moving part in position and directs its movement
a member of a group marching in formation who sets the pattern of movement or alignment for the rest
To control the movement of rigging devices by means of slides or rollers moving in tracks or on stretched cables
The individual (base) upon which a formation, or an element thereof, regulates its march
{i} instructor; director; escort; leader; manual, handbook
HUD statements used to provide pertinent program participants with material of an advisory nature; generally, guides supplement or augment handbook issuances
To regulate and manage; to direct; to order; to superintend the training or education of; to instruct and influence intellectually or morally; to train
In a net cop or META context, Mike Chary's Guide to Posting to RAC*, a document which is an authoritative source of information about the hierarchy Also, the Overstreet Price Guide
take somebody somewhere; "We lead him to our chief"; "can you take me to the main entrance?"; "He conducted us to the palace"
a model or standard for making comparisons
A person who is leading students in the right direction
be a guiding force, as with directions or advice; "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses"
guide or pass over something; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers"
Experienced drug user who steers a novice through his first experience, usually of hallucinogens
A strip or device to direct the compositor's eye to the line of copy he is setting
someone who guides, especially someone hired to show people around a place or an institution and offer information and explanation
to exert control or influence over someone or something
Refers to the action to show of give a tour of something specific
Person carrying the guidon
someone who can find paths through unexplored territory
someone who shows the way by leading or advising guide or pass over something; "He ran his eyes over her body"; "She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"; "He drew her hair through his fingers"
Directory of sites by subject
often if you meet someone in your dreams and then he or she seem significant for some reason then they could be a 'guides' or teacher Remember that if you call for help you will be heard
direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
A grooved director for a probe or knife
something that offers basic information or instruction
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Manual of standards for animal care and use developed under the auspices of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research
A uniform set of detailed descriptions for one or more data sets and related entities, containing information suitable for determining the location and content of each data set and its potential usefulness for a specific application
someone who shows the way by leading or advising
Device for holding the metal in the proper position, during rolling, or slitting
Helps students learn by modeling, mediating, explaining, etc
{f} direct; instruct; lead
A finding aid which briefly describes and indicates the holdings of a particular library May also be limited to the description of library holdings relating to particular subjects, periods or geographical areas
document published by CEN/CENELEC giving orientation, advice or recommendations on standardization principles and policies and guidance to standards writersNOTE Guides may also address issues of interest to all users of European documents Internal Regulations - Part 2, 2 8 and 11 5 Procedure - Guide
use as a guide; "They had the lights to guide on"
A non-printing line used to aid the positioning of text or graphics
A girl aged 9 to 12 Guides come after Brownies and before Pathfinders
Any contrivance, especially one having a directing edge, surface, or channel, for giving direction to the motion of anything, as water, an instrument, or part of a machine, or for directing the hand or eye, as of an operator A blade or channel for directing the flow of water to the wheel buckets
One who, or that which, directs another in his conduct or course of life; a director; a regulator
Rollers or slides used to control the movement of rigging devices in tracks or on stretched cables
laser-guided bomb
explosive device that locates and strikes its target using laser beams for guidance
laser-guided bomb
a smart bomb that seeks the laser light reflected off of the target and uses it to correct its descent; "laser-guided bombs cannot be used in cloudy weather



    التركية النطق



    /ˈgīdəd/ /ˈɡaɪdəd/

    رصف المشتركة

    guided tour, guided walk, guided by


    ... that list so that users would be guided fairly quickly to ...
    ... It's the guided way for you to browse am entire collection of ...