تعريف gnaeus julius agricola في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.
(AD 37-93) a Roman general who governed Britain in AD 78-8. born June 13, AD 40, Forum Julii, Gallia Narbonensis died Aug. 23, 93 Roman general. After Agricola served as tribune and quaestor in Britain and Asia, Vespasian appointed him governor of Britain (77/78-84). In that role he conquered parts of Wales and northern England, then advanced into Scotland and set a frontier between the Firths of Clyde and Forth. In 83 he crossed the Forth and defeated the Caledonians at Mons Graupius; he then occupied Scotland to the fringe of the Highlands, with forts at the main passes and a fortress at Inchtuthil. Recalled to Rome, Agricola was offered the proconsulship of Asia but chose retirement. His life is known through the writings of his son-in-law Tacitus