Their furrow oft the stubborn glebe has broke.
After mature consideration he made up his mind that the parson should be his ambassador. . . . e mounted his nag, and rode off to Ballindine glebe. The glebe-house was about a couple of miles from Kelly's Court, and it was about half-past four when Lord Ballindine got there.
Prior to the Reformation the farm buildings (since rebuilt and considerably dwindled) had appertained, like much of the glebe-land around Valmouth, to the Abbots of St. Veronica, when at the confiscation of the monasteries by the Crown one Thierry Monfaulcon Tooke, tennis-master to the Court of King Henry VIII, feinting to injure himself one day while playing with the royal princesses, had been offered by Henry, through their touching entreaties in consideration of his mishap, the Abbey Farm of St. Veronica's, then recently vacated by the monks .