A device that makes measurements of the bars, spaces, quiet zones and optical characteristics of a symbol to determine if the symbol meets the requirements of a specification or standard
One who is responsible for the verification of a symbol; a device that performs a dynamic analysis of a bar code symbol to ascertain whether the symbol meets specifications Diagnostic verifiers measure all parameters of the symbol against the standard specification and detail the variance from the specification A go/no go verifier performs a simple read of the code and tells if the code is scannable eighth that light source, at that acceleration, and at that angle of incidence
A theorem prover that steps through the Java byte-code before it is run and makes sure that it is well-behaved The byte-code verifier is the first line of defense in Java's security model
A device which measures the characteristics of a bar code including the contrast, reflectance, modulation, and compliance with the parameters of the bar code symbology
A verifier is someone who reviews your wage and employment information for pre-employment, loan applications, and other verification needs