The source of heat in a glassworks in which the crucibles are placed for fusing of glass ingredients Traditionally, furnaces were fired with coal or wood Mordern furnaces typically employ natural gas or electricity Temperatures reach a level
A furnace is a container or enclosed space in which a very hot fire is made, for example to melt metal, burn rubbish, or produce steam. arc furnace blast furnace electric furnace reverberatory furnace
That part of an environmental system which converts gas, oil, electricity or other fuel into heat for distribution within a structure
A heated chamber where high temperature reactions take place For silicate glass fusion, this occurs at temperatures between 11000C and 12000C
A place or time of punishment, affiction, or great trial; severe experience or discipline
is the part of the heating system in which the fuel is converted into heat by combustion It is made of cast iron, steel or stainless steel While cast iron furnaces consist of individual sections that can be assembled on site, steel and stainless steel furnaces are welded and delivered to their installation site completely assembled There are the following types of furnace
genellikle doğal gaz ile çalışan ısıtma sistemi
ge·nel·lik·le do·ğal gaz i·le ça·lı·şan ı·sıt·ma sis·te·mi