
listen to the pronunciation of gas
الإنجليزية - التركية

O bir kenara biraz benzin koydu. - He puts aside some gas.

Arabam çok benzin yakar. - My car burns a lot of gas.

(hava) gaz
havadan sudan konuşmak
gaz ile zehirlemek
sıvı gaz
boş laf
çene çalmak
(about ile) laklak etmek
{i} övünme
{i} matrak şey
{i} atıp tutma
{f} gaz vermek
argo olağanüstü şey
{i} hava civa
{f} atıp tutmak
{f} k.dili. çene
(Tıp) Yel
anestezide kullanılan gaz karışımı
argo boş laf
{i} havagazı
{i} (çoğ. --es/--ses)
{i} gaz

Hava, çeşitli gazların bir karışımıdır. - Air is a mixture of various gases.

Bir deprem durumunda, gazı kapatın. - In case of an earthquake, turn off the gas.

(Askeri) GAZLA ZEHİRLEMEK, GAZLAMAK: Bir kimya harbi maddesi kullanmak suretiyle zehirlemek, yaralamak veya öldürmek, Yada bir sahayı gazla kirletmek
{i} grizu
{f} benzin almak

İşe giderken benzin almak için durdum. - I stopped to get gas on the way to work.

Eve giderken benzin almak için durdum. - I stopped to get gas on my way home.

{i} (midede) gaz
{i} eğlenceli şey
{i} gaz pedalı
{f} övünmek
argo insana zevk ver
{i} boş lâf
{f} gazla zehirlemek
(Tekstil) 1. gaz 2. yakmak
{f} saçmalamak
hava cıva

Sami, Leyla'nın cesedini yakmak için benzin kullandı. - Sami used gasoline to burn Layla's body.

Dan kendine benzin fışkırttı ve kendini yakmakla tehdit etti. - Dan sprayed gasoline on himself and threatened to set himself on fire.


Buralarda bir petrol istasyonu var mıdır? - Is there a gas station around here?

Güneydoğu kömür, ham petrol ve doğal gaz ile ilgili önemli bir enerji üreticisidir. - The Southeast is a major energy producer of coal, crude oil, and natural gas.

step on the gas
gas bloat syndrome
(Geometri) Gaz şişkinliği sendromu
gas mileage
(Biyoloji) Mil başına yakılan yakıt miktarı
gas production
gaz üretimi
gas ring
(Avcılık) gaz deliği
gas spring
gazlı amortisör
gas about
çene çalmak
gas about
laklak etmek
gas analysis
gaz analizi
gas burner
gaz memesi
gas burner
tenek gazı memesi
gas chamber
gaz odası

Leyla suçlarından dolayı gaz odasına gidecek. - Layla will go to the gas chamber for her crimes.

gas chromatography
gaz kromatografisi
gas coal
gaz kömürü
gas compressor
gaz kompresörü
gas cooled reactor
gaz soğutmalı reaktör
gas cooler
gaz soğutucu
gas counter
gaz sayacı
gas cutting
gaz kesme
gas density
gaz yoğunluğu
gas electrode
gaz elektrotu
gas engine
gaz motoru
gas equilibrium
gaz dengesi
gas exhauster
gaz boşaltıcı
gas flow
gaz akışı
gas furnace
gaz ocağı
gas furnace
gaz fırını
gas generator
gaz jeneratörü
gas generator
gaz üreteci
gas heater
gas heater
gaz su ısıtıcısı
gas holder
gas jet
gaz alevi
gas jet
gaz memesi
gas lamp
gas lambası
gas laws
gaz yasaları
gas laws
gaz kanunları
gas main
havagazı ana borusu
gas man
havagazı memuru
gas mask
gaz maskesi

Polisler gaz maskesi ve kask giydi. - The policemen wore gas masks and helmets.

Polis bir gaz maskesi takıyor. - The policeman is wearing a gas mask.

gas meter
gaz saati
gas meter
gaz sayacı
gas mixture
gaz karışımı
gas oil
gaz yağı
gas oven
havagazı fırını
gas pedal
gaz pedalı
gas pipeline
gaz boru hattı
gas plant
gas pressure
gaz basıncı
gas pump
gaz pompası
gas shielding
gaz korumalığı
gas shielding
gaz maskı
gas station
gas station
benzin istasyonu
gas stove
gaz sobası

Bir gaz sobası yemek için en iyi ısıyı sağlar. - A gas stove provides the most even heat for cooking.

gas system
gaz sistemi
gas tank
gaz deposu
gas tank
benzin deposu

Benzin deposu patlayacak. - The gas tank is going to explode.

gas thermometer
gaz termometresi
gas thermometer
gazlı termometre
gas tube
gaz tüpü
gas turbine ship
gaz türbinli gemi
gas welding
gaz kaynağı
gazla dolu
gas-filled lamp
gazlı lamba
gas amplification
gaz kuvvetlendirmesi
gas analyser
gaz analizörü, gaz çözümleyici
gas bracket
gaz desteği
gas canister
gaz bombalarından
gas carburizing
gaz karbonlama
gas cell
gaz pili
gas cooker with gas rings
gaz halkalar gaz ocak
gas detector
gaz detektörü, uçun bulucu
gas diode
gaz diyodu
gas discharge
gaz desarji, gaz boşalımı
gas dynamics
gaz dinamiği
gas emission
gaz salınımı
gas engineering
gaz tekniği, gaz mühendisliği
gas factor
gaz faktörü
gas flare
gaz parlaması
gas focusing
gaz odaklamasi
gas fuel
gaz yakıtlı
gas gage
gaz ölçer
gas ignition system
gaz yakma sistemi
gas is leaking
gaz sızıntı
gas jet cooling
gaz jet soğutma
gas kinetics
gaz kinetigi, gaz hizbilimi
gas laws
gaz kanunları, gaz yasaları
gas lift
gaz asansör
gas mantel
gaz lambası
gas maser
gaz maşerî
gas metal arc welding
(Mühendislik) Gazaltı kaynak
gas motor
gaz motor
gas nitriding
gazi nitrürleme
gas noise
gaz gürültüsü
gas phototube
gazlı fototüp
gas shielded welding
(Endüstri) Gaz altı kaynağı
gas spring
gas station attendant
Pompacı; akaryakıt istasyonunda pompa görevlisi
gas strut
Gazlı amortisör
gas supply
gas thread
gaz vida dışı
gaz sobası
zehirli gazda kirlenmiş
{i} zehirleme
{f} gaz ver
gas cylinder
(Askeri) GAZ SİLİNDİRİ: Barut gazının tesiri ile çalışan otomatik silahlarda, namluya tespit edilmiş olan ve içinde bir piston bulunan boru. Bu pistonun hareketi, doldurma ve boşaltma tertibatının çalışmasını temin eder
gas cylinder
gas cylinder
gaz silindiri
gas cylinder
tombul tüp
{s} gaz bulaşmış
{s} gaz olmuş
{i} zırva
(Tekstil) yakma, gazeleme
{i} gazla çalışma
{i} saçmalık
{i} gazlama
التركية - التركية
Yalan, şaka anlamında yerel bir sözcük
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
To talk, chat
A hob on a gas cooker

She turned the gas on, put the potatoes on, then lit the oven.

Gasoline; a derivative of petroleum used as fuel
A fastball

The closer threw him nothing but gas.

comical, zany

It was gas when the bird flew into the classroom.

Methane or other waste gases trapped in one's belly as a result of the digestive process

My tummy hurts so bad, I have gas.

To kill with poisonous gas
To fill (a vehicle's fuel tank) with fuel
A chemical element or compound in such a state

The atmosphere is made up of a number of different gases.

A humorous or entertaining event or person

He is such a gas!.

A flammable gaseous hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon mixture (typically predominantly methane) used as a fuel, e.g. for cooking, heating or electricity generation

Gas-fired power stations have largely replaced coal-burning ones.

Matter in a state intermediate between liquid and plasma that can be contained only if it is fully surrounded by a solid (or held together by gravitational pull); it can condense into a liquid, or can (rarely) become a solid directly

A lot of gas had escaped from the cylinder.

To give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate it

The cops are coming. Gas it!.

To emit gas

The battery cell was gassing.

{n} aeriform fluid, or a fluid which is invisible, in distinction from vapor which visible
It gives a brilliant light when burned, and is the common gas used for illuminating purposes
in distinction from vapors, as steam, which become liquid on a reduction of temperature
a fluid having neither independent shape nor volume, but tending to expand indefinitely The word is often used to denote anesthetics, combustibles (gasoline), poisonous materials, etc , whether liquid or solids at ordinary temperatures
An aëriform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be permanently elastic, as oxygen, hydrogen, etc
Laughing gas
Methane or other waste gases trapped in ones belly as a result of the digestive process. My tummy hurts so bad, I have gas
A state of matter in which the particles are widely spaced
Gas is a gas used for medical purposes, for example to make patients feel less pain or go to sleep during an operation. an anaesthetic gas used by many dentists
Gas is a substance like air that is neither liquid nor solid and burns easily. It is used as a fuel for cooking and heating. Coal is actually cheaper than gas Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel
To singe, as in a gas flame, so as to remove loose fibers; as, to gas thread
a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc ) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines
{f} fill with gas, supply with gas; poison with gas or fumes; talk idly or falsely (Slang)
1% that of liquids. Gas is very compressible but tends to expand indefinitely, and it fills any container. A small change in temperature or pressure produces a substantial change in its volume; these relationships are expressed as equations in the gas laws. The kinetic theory of gases, developed in the 19th century, describes gases as assemblages of tiny particles (atoms or molecules) in constant motion and contributed much to an understanding of their behaviour. The term gas can also mean gasoline, natural gas, or the anesthetic nitrous oxide. See also solid. marsh gas gas chromatography gas laws gas reservoir intestinal gas natural gas nerve gas laughing gas noble gas inert gas perfect gas ideal gas tear gas kinetic theory of gases
The state of matter which has neither independent shape or volume A gas expands to entirely fill its container
A humorous event or person
a state of excessive gas in the alimentary canal
show off
{i} substance that is neither liquid nor solid; gasoline, fuel, benzine; automobile accelerator, gas pedal; empty talk (Slang); something entertaining (Slang)
is a phase of matter which expands indefinitely to fill a containment vessel Characterized by a low density
A state of matter, in which the mollecules move freely and consequently the entire mass tends to expand indefinitely, occupying the total volume of any vessel into which it is introduced Gases follow, within considerable degree of fidelity, certain laws relating their conditions of pressure, volume and temperature Gases mix freely with each other, and they can be liquefied through compression or temperature reduction
The "Gone Aways Register" A suppression file made available from information supplied to the major Mail Order Catalogue Houses
From a physical point of view air is a gas (one of the three phases of matter) In practice, however, the term is used to describe any gas other than air
A substance that is not a solid or a liquid A gas has no shape or volume and can expand without limit
Typically natural gas (which consists primarily of methane); a fuel burned by boilers and by internal combustion engines for electric generation May also include manufactured, waste and coal gas
The state of matter distinguished from the solid and liquid states by: relatively low density and viscosity; relatively great expansion and contraction with changes in pressure and temperature; the ability to diffuse readily; and the spontaneous tendency to become distributed uniformly throughout any container
a fossil fuel in the gaseous state; used for cooking and heating homes
A state of matter where molecules are free to move in any direction they like The state of matter where the substance completely fills any container that it occupies
In lamps, a very inexact term! US "gas" is either gasoline for cars, or a vaporous fuel product like propane or "natural gas " In the UK, "gas" is likely to be "City gas" delivered through the "mains " As this IS a matter of some confusion, let us reserve the use of the word GAS to mean ONLY the vaporous form of the fuel, including propane, natural or manufactured gas, and try to add the particular FORM of gas to the description (as "propane gas lantern" or "city gas lamp" ) The term should be used to distinguish fuel sold or delivered in a vapor form (even if liquefied!), as opposed to normally "liquid fuel" As ALL lamps actually burn the fuel as a "gas", we need to be MUCH more specific if we are to be correct, and universally understandable! [There, Dr Tilley does THAT make the distinction?]
In present usage, since all of the supposed permanent gases have been liquified by cold and pressure, the term has resumed nearly its original signification, and is applied to any substance in the elastic or aëriform state
Gas is the fuel which is used to drive motor vehicles. a tank of gas. gas stations. = gasoline
attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
To impregnate with gas; as, to gas lime with chlorine in the manufacture of bleaching powder
To gas a person or animal means to kill them by making them breathe poisonous gas. Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her. see also gas chamber, gas mask, greenhouse gas, laughing gas, natural gas, tear gas
The form gases is the plural of the noun. The form gasses is the third person singular of the verb
A complex mixture of gases, of which the most important constituents are marsh gas, olefiant gas, and hydrogen, artificially produced by the destructive distillation of gas coal, or sometimes of peat, wood, oil, resin, etc
The vapor state of matter
A substance that flows freely, expands to fill its container, and can be compresses to fit into a smaller container
A substance composed of widely spaced molecules or atoms to the extent that the substance is not a solid or a liquid
a pedal that controls the throttle valve; "he stepped on the gas"
If you step on the gas when you are driving a vehicle, you go faster. One of the three fundamental states of matter, in which matter has no definite shape, is very fluid, and has a density about
A fuel burned under boilers and by internal combustion engines These include natural, manufactured and waste gas
Gaseous fuel, typically natural gas that is burned to produce heat energy
Any irrespirable aëriform fluid
A fluid (as hydrogen or air) that tends to expand indefinitely Is one of three basic phases of matter (099)
n matter in a state like fluid, but having neither definite shape or volume and tending to expand indefinitely; vapor
To fill (a vehicles fuel tank) with fuel
A gas is any substance that is neither liquid nor solid, for example oxygen or hydrogen. Helium is a very light gas. a huge cloud of gas and dust from the volcanic eruption
A state of matter in which the material is compressible and has a low density and viscosity
air that collects in the stomach and intestines as a natural result of digesting food Passed out of the body via the rectum or the mouth
An inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon or hydrocarbon mixture (typically predominantly methane) used as a fuel, e.g. for cooking, heating or electricity generation
Gas is a poisonous gas that can be used as a weapon. mustard gas The problem was that the exhaust gases contain many toxins
a fluid in the gaseous state having neither independent shape nor volume and being able to expand indefinitely
A gas is matter with no definite shape and no definite volume It spreads out and fills whatever container it is in The molecules in gas move around freely and can get very far from one another
natural gas, used as fuel
gas and air
A mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen in the ratio 1: 1 commonly used as a mild analgesic and anaesthetic in medicine, particularly during childbirth, for dental procedures, and in emergency medicine
gas and gaiters
a pleasant situation
gas and gaiters
pomposity and verbosity
gas bar
filling station
gas bars
plural form of gas bar
gas bladder
An internal organ that fish use to control their buoyancy, allowing them to maintain or change depth by changing their density
gas bladders
plural form of gas bladder
gas bottle
Common term for a gas cylinder
gas bottles
plural form of gas bottle
gas chamber
a sealed chamber in which people are executed with poison gas
gas chambers
plural form of gas chamber
gas chromatography
gas-liquid chromatography
gas clathrate
a gas hydrate
gas clathrates
plural form of gas clathrate
gas constant
a universal constant, R, that appears in the ideal gas law, (PV = nRT), derived from two fundamental constants, the Boltzman constant and Avogadro's number, (R = NAk)
gas constants
plural form of gas constant
gas cylinder
a cylindrical vessel capable of containing a compressed gas at high pressure
gas cylinders
plural form of gas cylinder
gas fire
a fireplace or heater whose flames are fuelled with combustible gas
gas fires
plural form of gas fire
gas gauge
A gauge in a vehicle that shows how much gasoline the vehicle has
gas gauges
plural form of gas gauge
gas generator
(engineering} (US) an electrical generator that runs on gasoline
gas generator
A mechanical device that uses a chemical reaction to produce a gas as an output
gas giant
A large planet composed mostly of gaseous hydrogen and helium, along with methane and ammonia; possibly with a solid core
gas giants
plural form of gas giant
gas guzzler
a vehicle that consumes a large amount of fuel
gas guzzlers
plural form of gas guzzler
gas hydrate
a crystalline compound having an isometric ice lattice containing cages that incorporate small guest gas molecules; they are stable at moderate pressure and low temperature
gas hydrates
plural form of gas hydrate
gas jar
A container used for collecting gas from experiments. It looks like a tube with a broad base and a broad opening
gas jars
plural form of gas jar
gas main
The conduit through which natural gas is conveyed to users
gas mains
plural form of gas main
gas mantle
The incandescent gauze surrounding the flame in a gas lamp. It contains rare earths to enhance the light output
gas mantles
plural form of gas mantle
gas mark
a scale of temperatures in domestic gas cookers

Roast potatoes need 25 minutes at gas mark 7.

gas marks
plural form of gas mark
gas mask
a covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas
gas masks
plural form of gas mask
gas mechanics
The branch of fluid mechanics that deals with the action of forces on gases
gas pedal
Accelerator; foot control for fuel flow
gas pump
A device at a gas station the dispenses gasoline
gas pumps
plural form of gas pump
gas station
A place which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car or into an approved container
gas stations
plural form of gas station
gas syringe
An item of laboratory equipment used to withdraw a volume of gas from a closed chemical system, for measurement and / or analysis
gas syringes
plural form of gas syringe
gas tank
A fuel tank for gasoline built into equipment, especially vehicles
gas tanks
plural form of gas tank
gas truck
A truck designed to store gasoline which is being delivered to gas stations
gas trucks
plural form of gas truck
gas turbine
An internal combustion engine consisting of a compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine, where the turbine mechanically powers the compressor
gas turbines
plural form of gas turbine
gas up
To fill the gas tank of an automobile with fuel

I can close down this bar. / I can gas up my car. / I can pack up and mail in my key.

Powered by burning natural gas

a gas-fired power station.

A motor car that has poor fuel economy
vehicle that uses a large amount of gasoline or fuel, or a person who owns or drives such a vehicle
gas-liquid chromatography
A form of chromatography in which the mobile phase is a gas and the stationary phase is a liquid, usually on small beads packed in a long column
gas mileage
The ratio of the number of miles traveled to the number of gallons of gasoline burned
Gas tungsten arc welding
(Mühendislik) Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is an arc welding process that uses a nonconsumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area is protected from atmospheric contamination by a shielding gas (usually an inert gas such as argon), and a filler metal is normally used, though some welds, known as autogenous welds, do not require it. A constant-current welding power supply produces energy which is conducted across the arc through a column of highly ionized gas and metal vapors known as a plasma
gas metal arc welding
(Mühendislik) Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), sometimes referred to by its subtypes metal inert gas (MIG) welding or metal active gas (MAG) welding, is a semi-automatic or automatic arc welding process in which a continuous and consumable wire electrode and a shielding gas are fed through a welding gun. A constant voltage, direct current power source is most commonly used with GMAW, but constant current systems, as well as alternating current, can be used. There are four primary methods of metal transfer in GMAW, called globular, short-circuiting, spray, and pulsed-spray, each of which has distinct properties and corresponding advantages and limitations
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gas
plural form of gas
a gas
gas cylinder
pipe which ejects gases produced by the combustion of gunpowder when a bullet is fired
third-person singular of gas
plural of gas
{s} poisoned by gas; drunk (Slang)
Drunk or intoxicated
past of gas
plural of gas
alternative spelling of gases
third-person singular of gas
Boasting; insincere or empty talk
The evolution of gas from one or more of the electrodes in a cell Gassing commonly results from local action (self discharge) or from the electrolysis of water in the electrolyte during charging
{i} poisoning caused by exposure to gas; use of gas (for poisoning)
The formation, in the can, of gaseous products in a coating material, due to the reaction between two or more constituents of the coating material or between the latter and the metal of the container (see Putrefaction)
the deliberate act of poisoning some person or animal with gas
Poisoning by noxious gas
The propensity of a material to form a gas during cure
The evolution of gas from one or more of the electrodes in the cells of a battery Gassing commonly results from local action self-discharge or from the electrolysis of water in the electrolyte during charging GRID Transmission line network used to distribute electric power GRID LINES Metallic contacts fused to the surface of the solar cell to provide a low resistance path for electrons to flow out to the cell interconnect wires
the deliberate act of poisoning some person or animal with gas the process of interacting with gas
The evolution of gas from one or both of the electrodes in a cell Gassing commonly results from self-discharge or from the electrolysis of water in the electrolyte during charging
The liberation of hydrogen from an overcharged battery due to electrolysis of the electrolyte
Gassing occurs when more current is being fed to the battery than it can use The excess current produces Hydrogen and Oxygen gasses Some gassing is normal, but excessive gassing can indicate that the batteries are being overcharged The gasses released are explosive if a spark or flame occurs, so adequate ventilation must be provided Batteries normally start gassing at about 80-90% of full charge A common fallacy is that you should stop charging as soon as the battery starts gassing Most batteries start gassing at about 80% SOC, so if you quit charging at that point, you will never get a full charge Most better chargers cut back on the current when the battery reaches this point to prevent excess gassing
present participle of gas
the process of interacting with gas
The process of passing cotton goods between two rollers and exposing them to numerous minute jets of gas to burn off the small fibers; any similar process of singeing
The use of chemical agents
The evolution of gas from one or more of the electrodes in a cell Gassing commonly results from local action (self-discharge) or from the electrolysis of water in the electrolyte during charging Generator A device that produces an electric current through magnetism Gravimetric Energy The ratio of the energy output of a cell or battery to its weight (Wh/kg) This term is used interchangeably with specific energy Ground To connect to the earth or some conductor which takes the place of the earth
trapped gas marks and burns the mold
التركية - الإنجليزية
(Tıp) Gaz.Besinlerin normal bozulmasıyla oluşan hava.Gazlar vücuttan rektum yoluyla (Flatus-Yellenme) veya ağızdan (Burp-Geğirme) atılır