The fine, soft, dense hair covering of certain mammals Generally it consists of a double coating of hair, a layer of comparatively short, shoft, curly, barbed hairs (underfur) that are protected by longer, smoother, stiffer hairs (guarhair) that grow through the underfur fur is distinguished from hair, which is longer, thinner and coarser
To nail small strips of board or larger scantling upon, in order to make a level surface for lathing or boarding, or to provide for a space or interval back of the plastered or boarded surface, as inside an outer wall, by way of protection against damp
Fur is the fur-covered skin of an animal that is used to make clothing or small carpets. She had on a black coat with a fur collar the trading of furs from Canada
Fur is an artificial fabric that looks like fur and is used, for example, to make clothing, soft toys, and seat covers. furlong. furred furring fur up to become covered with an unwanted substance
التركية النطق
/ˈfərz/ /ˈfɜrz/
علم أصول الكلمات
[ 'f&r ] (verb.) 14th century. Middle English furren, from Middle French fourrer, from Old French forrer, from fuerre sheath, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German fuotar sheath; akin to Greek pOma lid, cover, Sanskrit pAti he protects.