
listen to the pronunciation of functional
الإنجليزية - التركية
{s} kullanışlı
(Askeri) ÇALIŞMAYA AİT: Yapı veya şekilden çok harekete veya işe ait
(Tıp) Normal vazifesini gören
{s} fonksiyonel

Mutfak çok fonksiyonel. - This kitchen is very functional.

Her şeyin fonksiyonel olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think everything is functional.

(Tıp) Vücut organının görev ve hareketlerine ait
vazifeye ait
{s} işlevsel

Bunlar tamamen işlevseldir. - These are fully functional.

Her şeyin işlevsel olduğunu düşünüyorum. - I think everything is functional.

(Bilgisayar) işlevsi
görevini yapar
iş görür
s görevsel
vücut organ larının görev ve hareketlerine ait
biyol mutat vazifesini gören functional disorder tlb vucutta bir organın görevine tesir eden düzensizlik functionalism i görevselcilik
bir şe
(Hukuk) görevsel
functional wear
Fonksiyonel giyim, işlevsel giyim
functional analysis
(Askeri) tatbiki analiz
functional analysis
(Askeri) görevsel
functional analysis
(Askeri,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel analiz
functional block
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlevsel öbek
functional chain
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlevsel zincir
functional currency
(Ticaret) geçerli para birimi
functional diagram
(Bilgisayar) işlevsel şema
functional equation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlevsel denklem
functional group
işlevsel kök
functional linguistics
(Dilbilim) işlevsel dilbilim
functional requirements
işlevsel gerekler
functional unit
(Bilgisayar) işlevsel tesisler
functional accounting
sorumluluk muhasebesi
functional accounting
uygulamalı muhasebe
functional analysis
fonksiyonel analiz
functional analysis
işlevsel çözümleme
functional character
işlevsel karakter
functional design
fonksiyonel tasarım
functional group
fonksiyonel türküm
functional group
işlevsel türküm
functional linguistics
görevsel dilbilim
functional programming
fonksiyonel programlama
functional analysis
fonksiyonel analiz, işlevsel çözümleme
functional area
fonksiyonel alan
functional audit
İşlevsel hesap denetimi
functional deficit
(Tıp, İlaç) İşlevsel eksiklik
functional dependence
fonksiyonel bağımlılık
functional digit
işlev basamağı, fonksyion rakamı
functional director
işlevsel yönetici
functional illiterate
işlevsel okuryazar
functional language
fonksiyonel dil
functional linguistics
görevsel dilbilim, işlevsel dilbilim
functional load
fonksiyonel yük
functional structure
fonksiyonel yapısı
functional tests
fonksiyon testleri
functional accounting
(Ticaret) görevsel muhasebe
functional accounts
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel hesaplar
functional action
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel eylem
functional antagonism
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel antagonizma
functional architecture
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlelvsel mimari
functional area code
(Askeri) işlevsel bölge kodu
functional area manager
(Askeri) işlevsel bölge yöneticisi
functional assimilation rule
(Biyoloji) görevsel özümleme kuralı
functional authority
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel otorite
functional autonomy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel özerklik
functional benchmarking
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel kıyaslama
functional block
islevsel obek
functional category
(Dilbilim) işlevsel küme
functional chain
islevsel zincir
functional change
(Dilbilim) işlevsel değişim
functional chart
(Askeri) ÇALIŞMA ŞEMASI: Bir teşkilatın kısımlarını, birbirleriyle olan ilişkilerini ve herbirine ait işlerin kısa tariflerini gösteren şekil
functional check
(Çevre) işlevsellik kontrolü
functional command
(Askeri) görev komutanlığı
functional component
(Askeri) özel görev unsuru
functional component
(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV UNSURU: İleri bir üssün belirli görevlerinden birini yerine getirmek için tertiplenmiş deniz kuvvetleri personel veya malzemesinden bir teşkil. Ayrıca bakınız: "standart advanced base units"
functional configuration audit
(Askeri) fonksiyonel konfigürasyon denetimi
functional costing
(Askeri) görevsel maliyetleme
functional costing
functional costing
(Askeri) işlevsel maliyetleme
functional cv
(Bilgisayar) işlevsel özgeçmiş
functional database manager
(Askeri) işlevsel veritabanı yöneticisi
functional disorder
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel rahatsızlık
functional duty
(Askeri) ESAS GÖREV: Bir birlik veya teşkilin yaptığı esas görev
functional dyspareunia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel disparöni
functional engram
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel engram
functional equation
islevsel denklem
functional excitation
(Fizyoloji) görevsel uyarma
functional files system
(Askeri) İŞLEM DOSYA SİSTEMİ: Evrakın sınıflandırılmasında uygulanan numaralı bir tasnif şekli. Bu sisteme göre yapılan sınıflandırma evrakı, dosya, ilgi ve son işlem şeklinde tanıtır
functional files system
(Askeri) işlem dosya sistemi
functional fixedness
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel sabitlik
functional graph
(Matematik) fonksiyonel grafik
functional graph
(Matematik) işlevsel çizge
functional group
(Tekstil) işlevsel kök, fonksiyonel grup
functional immunities
(Politika, Siyaset) görev dokunulmazlığı
functional infertility
(Tıp) fonksiyonel infertilite
functional interoperability architecture
(Askeri) işlevsel karşılıklı işlerlik yapısı
functional invariants
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel değişmezler
functional knowledge
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel bilgi
functional layout
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel yerleştirme
functional leader
(Ticaret) danışman
functional literacy
fonksiyonel okuryazarlık
functional load
(Dilbilim) işlevsel ağırlık
functional loss
(Çevre) fonksiyonel kayıp
functional manager
(Ticaret) işlevsel yönetici
functional mark
(Dilbilim) edimsel iz
functional organization
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel örgüt
functional organization
(Ticaret) işlevsel organizasyon
functional ownership
(Ticaret) fiili mülkiyet
functional plan
(Askeri) işlev planı
functional planning guide
(Askeri) fonksiyonel planlama rehberi
functional plasticity
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel esneklik
functional pool
functional pool
(Askeri) araç hizmet parkı
functional representation
(Politika, Siyaset) işlevsel temsil
functional safety
fonksiyonel güvenlik
functional separation
(Askeri) görevlere göre ayırım
functional series
(Matematik) fonksiyon serisi
functional social aggregates
sosyal yığınlar
functional specifications
işlevsel tanımlamalar
functional statement
(Ticaret) fonksiyonel maliyet hesabı
functional syllabus
(Dilbilim) işlevsel izlence
functional team
(Askeri) ihtisas timi
functional team
(Askeri) özel görev timi
functional team
(Askeri) İHTİSAS TİMİ, ÖZEL GÖREV TİMİ: Bir birliğe görevini yapabilmesi için, icap ettikçe tahsis edilen aynı iş niteliğini haiz personelden mürekkep timler. Bunlara "cell" de denir
functional team
(Askeri) İhtisas timi, özel gösteri timi
functional test
(Telekom) işlev testi
functional types
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) işlevsel tipler
functional unit
islevsel bolum (tesisler)
functional variety
(Dilbilim) işlevsel değişke
empirical functional
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) görgül işlevsi
empirical functional
(Bilgisayar) görgül işlev
longer functional
işlev dışı
multi functional
çok işlevli
multi functional
çok fonksiyonlu
işlevsel olarak
bio functional
Görevler arası; işlevler arası
yapısal işlevsellik
non-functional currency
geçersiz para birim
advanced base functional component
(Askeri) ileri üs fonksiyonel unsuru
command organizational and functional charts
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK KURULUŞ VE GÖREV ŞEMASI: Başlıca komuta karargahlarını ve üst karargahlar da dahil olmak üzere, tali komutanlıklarla bütün teşkilatı gösteren şema. Emre verilmiş birlikler üs kademesinde gösterilir
cost functional
maliyet islevsisi
empirical functional
gorgul islevsi
energy functional
enerji islevsisi
işlevsel/pratik şekilde
(zarf) işlevsel olarak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Only for fuctional purposes, notably in architecture

A functional construction element generally must meet higher technical but lower aesthetical requirements.

In good working order
Of a disease, such that its symptoms cannot be referred to any appreciable lesion or change of structure; opposed to organic disease, in which the organ itself is affected
Having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects
Useful; serving a purpose, fulfilling a function

That sculpture is not merely artistic, but also functional: it can be used as a hatrack.

A function that takes a function as its argument; More precisely: A function y=f(x) whose argument x varies in a space of (real valued, complex valued) functions and whose value belongs to a monodimensional space. An example: the definite integration of integrable real functions in a real interval
Pertaining to, or connected with, a function or duty; official
{s} having a purpose; useful, practical; working, functioning
Useful; serving a purpose
A general term that refers to any ceramics piece that is not purely decorative and has some intended use Typical examples include teapots, bowls, mugs, and vases Some seemingly functional pieces may actually be decorative only because of how they are made, or because of the type of claybody or glazes used For example, the artist may create decorative teapots that are porous, or may glaze bowls with glazes that are not food safe or that cannot take fluids well When shopping for pieces for a specific purpose, make sure to confirm that they can, indeed, be used for that purpose See also decorative, form follows function
designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture"
Represents a skill that is necessary for success in daily functioning, now or in the future
fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order"
The ability to carry out a purposeful activity
- foods and drinks which are enhanced in some way, e g with added ingredients, to have a positive, beneficial effect on the body in general, or on a particular function of the body e g the digestion Also referred to as nutraceuticals See also specific reference to e g probiotic, prebiotic, etc
Functional means relating to the way in which something works or operates, or relating to how useful it is. rules defining the territorial boundaries and functional limits of the local state
Functional things are useful rather than decorative. modern, functional furniture The decor is functional
involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness"
(of e g a machine) performing or capable of performing; "in running (or working) order"; "a functional set of brakes"
Performing, or able to perform, a function
relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis
adj 1 serving a function; designed or intended to be practical - noun 2 Functionalism - the belief in or stress on the practical application of a thing
describes pottery that has been designed and produced with a use in mind   The term FOLK POTTERY is sometimes used to describe "everyday ware" or the term UTILITARIAN might be used to describe the same   Usually very simple or basic
The use of property for its originally intended purpose
managers are responsible for the performance of a common area of technical or professional work
designed for or capable of a particular function or use; "a style of writing in which every word is functional"; "functional architecture" involving or affecting function rather than physiology; "functional deafness" designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture" fit or ready for use or service; "the toaster was still functional even after being dropped"; "the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable"; "an operational aircraft"; "the dishwasher is now in working order" relating to or based on function especially as opposed to structure; "the problem now is not a constitutional one; it is a functional one"; "delegates elected on a functional rather than a geographical basis
designed for or adapted to a function or use; "functional education selects knowledge that is concrete and usable rather than abstract and theoretical"; "functional architecture"
Pertaining to the function of an organ or part, or to the functions in general
Functional equipment works or operates in the way that it is supposed to. We have fully functional smoke alarms on all staircases. = operational
functional analysis
The branch of mathematics dealing with infinite-dimensional vector spaces, whose elements are actually functions, as well as generalizations such as Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces
functional dependency
A constraint between two sets of attributes in a relation
functional food
Any fresh or processed food claimed to have a health-promoting and/or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients
functional genomics
A genomics branch that measures expression levels of RNAs and proteins to understand biological functions of a set of genes in cells
functional group
A collection of organisms of specific morphological, physiological, behavioral, biochemical properties
functional group
A specific grouping of elements that is characteristic of a class of compounds, and determines some properties and reactions of that class
functional groups
plural form of functional group
functional magnetic resonance imaging
A form of magnetic resonance imaging that records the flow of blood to areas of the brain when the patient is undertaking a specific neural activity
functional programming
Programming in a style that, in lieu of assignment, uses procedure calls to bind variables to values
functional requirement
A description of any of the functions of a software system
functional requirement
A condition or capability that a system, person or object has to satisfy, fulfill or comply with
functional requirements
plural form of functional requirement
functional reserve
The remaining capacity of an organ or body part to fulfil its physiological activity; in the context of disease, ageing, or impairment
functional root
A function which when applied a given number of times, equals a given function

x^2 + 1 is the functional 2nd root of x^4 + 2x^2 + 2.

functional work
A work that can be considered to be of practical use, such as software, encyclopedias, dictionaries and textbooks; having no point of view and non-fiction in nature
functional analysis
Branch of mathematical analysis dealing with functionals, or functions of functions. It emerged as a distinct field in the 20th century, when it was realized that diverse mathematical processes, from arithmetic to calculus procedures, exhibit very similar properties. A functional, like a function, is a relationship between objects, but the objects may be numbers, vectors, or functions. Groupings of such objects are called spaces. Differentiation is an example of a functional because it defines a relationship between a function and another function (its derivative). Integration is also a functional. Functional analysis focuses on classes of functions, such as those that can be differentiated or integrated
functional anatomy
the study of anatomy in its relation to function
functional design
(Ticaret) A formal documentation of a proposed system's capabilities, processing methods, and points of integration that serves as the basis for approval and work initiation
functional disorder
disorder showing symptoms for which no physiological or anatomical cause can be identified
functional disorder
inability to perform or behave effectively
functional food
food that is designed to improve health and lower the risk of disease, for example by increasing the amount of vitamins in it, or removing some of the fat = nutraceuticals
functional genomics
the branch of genomics that determines the biological function of the genes and their products
functional group
An atom or group of atoms, such as a carboxyl group, that replaces hydrogen in an organic compound and that defines the structure of a family of compounds and determines the properties of the family. In molecules, any of numerous combinations of atoms that undergo characteristic chemical reactions themselves and in many cases influence the reactivity of the rest of the molecule. Organic compounds are often classified according to the functional groups they contain. Common functional groups include hydroxyl (OH), in alcohols and phenols; carboxyl (COOH), in carboxylic acids; carbonyl (CO), in aldehydes, ketones, amides, carboxylic acids, esters, and quinones; and nitro (NO2) and amino (NH2), in certain organic nitrogen compounds
functional illiterate
A person whose skills in reading and writing are insufficient for ordinary practical needs
functional illiterate
a person with some ability to read and write but not enough for daily practical needs
functional isomer
Any of several chemical compounds having the same molecular formula but different functional groups
functional language
programming language used to read functions
functional magnetic resonance imaging
a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas of the brain
functional manager
The functional manager is the person that you report to within your functional organization Typically, they are the person that does your performance review Your project manager may also be your functional manager, but they do not have to be If your project manager is different from your functional manager, then your organization is probably utilizing matrix management
functional manager
A manager responsible for activities in a specialized department or function (e g , engineering, manufacturing, marketing)
functional manager
functional manager
The person responsible for the business and technical management of a functional group
functional manager
The most senior manager responsible for a specific function within the command In many cases, the functional manager may be a senior manager
functional manager
A manager responsible for activities in a specialized department or function, such as engineering, manufacturing, or marketing
functional shift
A shift in the syntactic function of a word, as when a noun serves as a verb
functional silo
(Ticaret) A functional group or department within an organization that acts as a silo or island in its lack of interaction with other groups and in not sharing its internal data or processes
In United States trademark law, the tendency of a product design to serve a function other than identification of the product, preventing that design from being protected as a trademark
The presence of a functional group

The vinyldiazomethanes that have been commonly used in our studies contain an electron-withdrawing group adjacent to the diazo functionality.

linear functional
A linear mapping from a vector space to its field of scalars
non-functional requirement
A requirement of a piece of software, such as accessibility or portability, that is not a specific, measurable aspect of performing a particular task
non-functional requirements
plural form of non-functional requirement
positive linear functional
A kind of linear functional which "returns" a non-negative scalar when "fed" a non-negative function as "parameter."
trivial functional dependency
A functional dependency of an attribute on a superset of itself
A term used to describe a process or an activity that crosses the boundary between functions
(Reklam) What a product does for the buyer and user; the utility it offers the user; what he or she can do with it
cross functional
(Ticaret) An activity, system or team that contains more than one functional area within an organization and may involve balancing conflicting objectives
plural of functionality
The ability to perform a task or function; that set of functions that something is able or equipped to perform
capable of serving a purpose well; "software with greater functionality"
Symbol F The number of functional groups in a monomer used for step-growth polymerisation If F=2 in the monomer(s) used, then linear polymer is formed If F>2 then branched or network polymers result If F<2, then polymerisation does not occur
functional capability: Use is deprecated in contexts where just "function" means the right thing (Marketing people seem to think the two are synonymous and that "functionality" has a more impressive sound to it )
how well an item performs the activities expected of it
The degree to which the designed part will perform to meet its intended purpose
It's what the site has on offer for its participants
{i} quality of being functional, usefulness; quality of working properly
The functionality of a computer or other machine is how useful it is or how many functions it can perform. It is significantly more compact than any comparable laptop, with no loss in functionality. functionalities one or all of the operations that a computer, software program, or piece of equipment is able to perform
Set of capabilities of the system which provide some service to the user
Features in a web site giving it a range of capabilities and connectivity
Defined as the number of reactive ends or parts in step polymerization
What functions the software is able to perform
In information technology, functionality (from Latin functio meaning "to perform") is the sum or any aspect of what a product, such as a software application or computing device, can do for a user A product's functionality is used by marketers to identify product features and enables a user to have a set of capabilities Functionality may or may not be easy to use
capable of serving a purpose well; "software with greater functionality
What the computerised part of a system does to automate the business processes
A term used to describe whether software has the features necessary to support the business requirements
with respect to function; "the two units are functionally interdependent
In a functional manner; as regards normal or appropriate activity
with respect to function; "the two units are functionally interdependent"
in a functional manner, usefully; in a working manner
In a functional manner
التركية - الإنجليزية

تعريف functional في التركية الإنجليزية القاموس.

Functional Disorders
(Tıp) Fonksiyonel Bozukluklar.(Örneğin Tiksindirici Dışkı sendromu)bkz: Irritable bowel syndrome. Bu durum Sinir veya kas Zafiyeti'nden doğar.Belirtileri, Gaz,Ağrı,Kabızlık ve İshal gibi tekrar,tekrar gelen,ancak herhangibir hastalık veya hasar işareti olmayan durumlardır. Duygusal stres bu belirtileri tetikleyebilir.Keza motility disorders (Barsak hareketi bozuklukları) da denilir