from on high

listen to the pronunciation of from on high
الإنجليزية - التركية
from high
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
From Heaven, from above

For the rest, that the Manchester Insurrection could yet discern no radiance of Heaven on any side of its horizon; but feared that all lights, of the O’Connor or other sorts, hitherto kindled, where but deceptive fish-oil transparencies, or bog will-o’-wisp lights, and no dayspring from on high: for this also we will honour the poor Manchester Insurrection, and augur well of it.

from on high

    التركية النطق

    fırm ôn hay


    /fərm ˈôn ˈhī/ /fɜrm ˈɔːn ˈhaɪ/


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