
listen to the pronunciation of free
الإنجليزية - التركية

Hiç kimse gerçekten özgür değildir, çünkü bağımsızlıklarının kölesi olan insanlar var. - Nobody is truly free, because there are people who are slaves of their independence.

Apartmanında tek başına olduğunda, bağımsız hissedersin. Odanda tek başına olduğunda, özgür hissedersin. Yatağında tek başına olduğunda, yalnız hissedersin. - When you're alone in your apartment, you feel independent. When you're alone in your room, you feel free. When you're alone in your bed, you feel lonely.

{s} ücretsiz

Gençken,birçok şeyi ücretsiz aldım. - When I was young I got lots of things for free.

Onu ücretsiz alabilirsin. - You can get it for free.


Mike çok nazikti. Arabamı bedava tamir ettirdi. - Mike was very kind. He got my car repaired for free.

Eğer bedavaysa, alabildiğiniz kadar alın. - If it's free, get as much as you can.

{s} parasız

Yeni davranış kurallarını ihlâl etmekten yakalanan gençler seyahat özgürlüğü haklarını kaybedecekler, ve bu hakkı geri almak için parasız toplum işini tamamlamak zorunda kalacaklar. - Youths who are caught violating the new rules on behaviour will lose their right to free travel, and will have to complete unpaid community work to earn it back.

O, bu biletleri parasız aldı. - Tom got these tickets for free.


Her şahıs saldırısız toplanma ve dernek kurma ve derneğe katılma serbestisine maliktir. - Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.

Her şahıs, doğrudan doğruya veya serbestçe seçilmiş temsilciler vasıtasıyla, memleketin kamu işleri yönetimine katılmak hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

{s} özgür

Tüm insanlar özgür, şeref ve haklar bakımından eşit doğar. Akıl ve vicdana sahiplerdir ve birbirlerine karşı kardeşlik ruhuyla hareket etmelidir. - All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Herkes katkıda bulunmakta özgürdür. - Everyone is free to contribute.


Ve biz beleş bir pizza aldık. - And we got a free pizza.

Buralarda beleşçi istemeyiz. - We don't want any freeloaders around here.

{s} muaf

Bu eşyalar vergiden muaf. - These goods are free of tax.

Batı Berlin Sovyet kontrolünden muaf kalacaktı. - West Berlin would remain free of Soviet control.

{s} boş

Ben boş olsam, onun davetini kabul ederim. - If I were free, I would accept his invitation.

Tom boş zamanında ne yapar? - What does Tom do in his free time?

{f} kurtarmak

Tom kendini kurtarmak için mücadele etti. - Tom struggled to free himself.

Küçük oğlan kendini polis memurundan kurtarmak için uğraştı. - The little boy struggled to free himself from the policeman.

{f} serbest bırak

Tutuklu serbest bırakıldı. - The prisoner was given his freedom.

Lincoln bütün kölelerin serbest bırakılmasını kabul etti. - Lincoln agreed that all slaves should be freed.

{f} salıvermek
{s} doğal

Onlar köleleri özgürleştirmek için savaşmazlardı. - They would not fight to free the slaves.


Sığırlarının serbestçe başıboş gezinmelerine izin vermemeleri teşvik edildi. - They were encouraged not to let their cattle roam freely.

(Tıp) serbest radikaller
boş olmak
(Bilgisayar) boşalt
meşgul olmayan
(Bilgisayar) kullanıma açık
izin vermek
özgür biçimde
azat etmek
özgür bırakmak
parasız olarak
(from/of ile) -sız
-den uzak
(yol/geçit) açık
serbest bırakmak

Masum bir adamı hapishaneye göndermek bir suçluyu serbest bırakmaktan daha kötüdür. - It's worse to send an innocent man to prison than to let a criminal go free.

(with ile) eli açık
muaf tutmak
sabit olmayan

Sami cezaevinde rahatça dolaşabilirdi. - Sami could move freely around the prison.

Telefonu kullanabilir miyim? Lütfen rahat olun. - May I use the phone? Please feel free.

{s} laubali, saygısız. z. bedava, parasız

Her şahsın çalışmaya, işini serbestçe seçmeye, adil ve elverişli çalışma şartlarına ve işsizlikten korunmaya hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.

Bu, onları bir ders kitabı için, bir uygulama için, bir araştırma projesi için, her şey için yeniden serbestçe kullanabileceğin anlamına gelir. - This means you can reuse them freely for a textbook, for an application, for a research project, for anything!

{s} vergiden muaf

Bu eşyalar vergiden muaf. - These goods are free of tax.

{s} aletsiz
hür olmak
{s} açık

Kapım her zaman açık. İstediğin zaman ziyaret etmeye çekinme. - My door is always open. Feel free to visit when you want.

Orada Akai onlara katılır ve bu bitiş çizgisinin önünde herkese açık bir yarışma olur. - There Akai joins them and it becomes a free-for-all in front of the finish line.

{s} samimi
{s} masrafsız
{f} tahliye etmek
(Tıp) Serbest, terkipsiz

Onu ücretsiz alabilirsin. - You can get it for free.

Ben bu CD çaları ücretsiz aldım. - I got this CD player for free.

kurtar/özgür bırak
{s} kısıtlanmamış

Çocuklarınız uzakta olduğu için, bir sürü boş zamanınız olmalı. - With your children away, you must have a lot of free time.

Acil çıkış yolları, kamu güvenliği için tıkanıklıklardan uzak tutulmalıdır. - Emergency exits must be kept free of blockages for public safety.

özgür olmak
free of charge
free of charge

Yanında iki kutu bedava ayakkabı cilası ile birlikte onlar sadece 50 dolar. - They're only $50 with two cans of shoe polish free of charge.

free of charge

Onu parasız alabilirsiniz. - You may get it free of charge.

free of charge

Üç yaşın altındaki çocuklar ücretsiz kabul ediliyor. - Children under three are admitted free of charge.

Bileti ücretsiz aldım. - I got the ticket free of charge.

be free
özgür olmak

Gümrüksüz mağazalardan herhangi bir şey almadım. - I didn't buy anything at the duty-free shops.

Tom gümrüksüz mallar mağazasından bir şişe votka ve birkaç parfüm satın aldı. - Tom bought a bottle of vodka and some perfume at the duty-free shop.

set free
serbest bırakmak
free zone
serbest bölge

Onlar onun özgürce konuşma hakkını destekledi. - They supported his right to speak freely.

Sorunu özgürce tartıştık. - We discussed the problem freely.

free of
-den muaf: free of tax vergiden muaf
free of collusion
Muvazaadan ari
free range egg
Açık alanda yemlenmiş tavuk yumurtası
free market economy
serbest piyasa ekonomisi
free port
serbest liman

Serbest liman kuruldu - A free port was established.

free call
ücretsiz arama
free end
serbest uç
free fall
(Askeri) serbest paraşütle atlama
free field
boş alan
free field
(Bilgisayar) ortak alan
free from
-den muaf
free from
free from
-den uzak
free from
-sı yok
free gold
saf altın
free nap
serbest nap
free of
-den muaf
free of cost
free of cost
free play
free port
açık liman
free show
göz banyosu
free will
free with
(deyim) bol keseden atmak
free alongside
geminin bordasında teslim
free and easy
free and easy
free and easy
senli benli
free and easy
free area
serbest bölge
free arts
serbest meslekler
free balance
faizsiz bakiye
free board
parasız yemekler
free boarding school
parasız yatılı okul
free charge
serbest yük
free charge
erkin yük
free competition
serbest rekabet
free currency
serbest döviz
free energy
serbest enerji
free enterprise
hür teşebbüs
free enterprise system
hür teşebbüs jüyesi
free fall
erkin düşüş
free fall
serbest düşüş
free field
serbest alan
free flowing
kendiliğinden akan
free for all
herkese açık yarışma
free form
bağımsız biçim
free from
free from
free from a rule
kuraldan bağımsız
free from duty
{i} görevden muaf
free from nazi ideology
nazi ideolojisinden uzak kıl
free from pain
ağrıdan kurtulmuş
free gift
karşılıksız hediye
free goods
serbest mallar
free hand
elle yapılmış
free kick
serbest vuruş
free kick
free labour
sendikasız işçiler
free labour
serbest emek
free lance
serbest sanatçı
free library
halk kütüphanesi
free list
gümrüksüz mallar listesi
free living
serbest yaşayan
free love
nikahsız olarak birlikte yaşama
free machining
kolay işlenir
free market
serbest piyasa
free motion
serbest hareket
free of

Onu parasız alabilirsiniz. - You may get it free of charge.

free of

Yanında iki kutu bedava ayakkabı cilası ile birlikte onlar sadece 50 dolar. - They're only $50 with two cans of shoe polish free of charge.

free of all charges
bütün giderlerden muaf
free of charge
free of charge
free of customs duty
gümrük vergisinden muaf
free of expense
free of rent
free of rent
free of tax

Vergisiz bir kamera satın aldım. - I bought a camera free of tax.

free of taxes
vergiden muaf
free of taxes
free on board
güvertede teslim
free on board
gemide teslim
free port
gümrükten muaf liman
free rate
serbest kur
free reserve
serbest rezerv
free running
serbest hareketli
free share
serbest hisse
free space
boş alan
free speech
serbest konuşma özgürlüğü
free spirit
serbest ruh
free state
bağımsız devlet
free thought
özgür düşünce
free time
boş zaman

Tom ve Mary'nin ellerinde oldukça çok fazla boş zamanı vardı. - Tom and Mary had way too much free time on their hands.

Tom'un çok fazla boş zamanı yok. - Tom doesn't have much free time.

free trade
serbest ticaret

O aday serbest ticaret yanlısı. - That candidate stands for free trade.

Yüksek tarifeler serbest ticarette baş engellerdir. - High tariffs are the chief obstacles to free trade.

free trade area
serbest ticaret bölgesi
free trade zone
serbest bölge
free vowel
engelsiz ünlü
free will
istem özgürlüğü
free will
hür irade
free will
irade özgürlüğü
free will
free world
özgür dünya
herkesin katıldığı kavga
meydan kavgası
elle yapılmış
elle çizilmiş
free agent
(Spor) Sözleşmesi bitmiş, bonservisi elinde olan oyuncu
free end
serbest üçünün
free moisture
serbest nem, serbest rutubet
free on board
(Nakliyat, Lojistik) GEMİDE TESLİM: Dışardan gönderilen bir malın gemide teslim edileceğini ifade için kullanılan terim. "FOB"
free will
özgür irade

Ben buraya kendi özgür irademle geldim. - I came here of my own free will.

Özgür irade bir masaldır. - Free will is a fairy tale.

Ücretsiz yayın
Serbestçe dolaşan, kapalı yerde tutulmayan (hayvan)
free speech
konuşma özgürlüğü

Serbest konuşma özgürlüğün var ama iftira etme hakkın yok. - You have the right to free speech, but not the right to slander.

{s} serbest bırakılmış
{s} kurtarılmış
azat edilmiş
{f} serbest kal
free flow
serbest akış
free flow
serbest akım
free flowing
serbest akış
free from
(Havacılık) sız
free market
serbest pazar
free of charge
(Ticaret) bedelsiz
free on board
free on board
(Ticaret) fob gemi bordasında teslim
free spirited
özgür ruhlu
free verse
(Edebiyat) serbest şiir
free will
(Felsefe) özgür istenç
free diving
(Spor) Serbest dalış
free float
free of
free out
ücretsiz dışarı
free rein
free spirit
Bağımsız, özgür ruhlu kimse
free time
serbest zaman

Serbest zamanımda bloğuma yazıyorum. - In my free time, I write on my blog.

free to
free to
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية
Unconstrained by relators

The free group on three generators.

Unobstructed, without blockages

The drain was free.

Unconstrained by quantifiers

z is the free variable in \forall x\exists y:xy=z.

Not in use

Go sit on this chair, it's free.

To make free; set at liberty; release; rid of that which confines, limits, embarrasses, or oppresses
Not attached; loose

Furthermore, the free anterior margin of the lobule is arched toward the lobe and is often involute.

With very few limitations on distribution or improvement is free software.

Obtainable without payment

All drinks are free.


He was given free rein to do whatever he wanted.

Not imprisoned or enslaved

a free man.

Abbreviation of free kick

Whether deserved or not, the free gave Cresswell the chance to cover himself in glory with a shot on goal after the siren.

Without; not containing (what is specified)

We had a wholesome, filling meal, free of meat.

Without needing to pay

I got this bike free.

Of identifiers, not bound
Without obligations

free time.

n. commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs
{a} set at liberty, deliver, rid, unlock
To be released
enterprise: absence of government interference in the production and distribution of goods in a country; little government interference in industry
formulae You say `feel free' when you want to give someone permission to do something, in a very willing way. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me
without restraint; "cows in India are running loose"
When used in a trade term, it means that the seller has an obligation to deliver goods to a named place for transfer to a carrier
disapproval If you say that someone is free with something such as advice or money, you mean that they give a lot of it, sometimes when it is not wanted. They weren't always so free with their advice They would often be free with criticism, some of it unjustified
Word whose use is not so severly restricted as it once was - but it's still wise to be sure it really is free if the advertising says it is Conditions on which the free offer is made should be clearly stated
make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
If you free someone or something, you remove them from the place in which they have been trapped or become fixed. It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him
Unrestrained; immoderate; lavish; licentious; used in a bad sense
{i} people who are free
If someone or something is free of or free from an unpleasant thing, they do not have it or they are not affected by it. a future far more free of fear The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes
Exempt; clear; released; liberated; not encumbered or troubled with; as, free from pain; free from a burden; followed by from, or, rarely, by of
One of three price points identified under the Policy Data provided under this price point will be made available free of charge No restrictions will be placed on its re-use other than to gain permission from the custodian to copy and use the data in commercial products, to acknowledge Commonwealth copyright in the data, and to indemnify the Commonwealth from any liability arising from the derived product No royalties will be sought for commercial application of the data Each transaction will be subject to a licence setting out the conditions of the transfer Online fundamental spatial data will be made available Free, as soon as appropriate technology becomes available within the custodian agency
{f} release, liberate; exempt; remove something which restricts or confines; loosen, disentangle, clear away
grant freedom to; free from confinement free from obligations or duties make (information) available publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
Not close or parsimonious; liberal; open- handed; lavish; as, free with his money
Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example by rules, customs, or other people. The government will be free to pursue its economic policies The elections were free and fair Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the region's economy He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed. + freely free·ly They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries
people who are free; "the home of the free and the brave"
part with a possession or right; "I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest"; "resign a claim to the throne"
If you get something free or if it gets free, it is no longer trapped by anything or attached to anything. He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free
Freely; willingly
To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison. Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs
not fixed in position; "the detached shutter fell on him"; "he pulled his arm free and ran"
made when it is not necessary to bid to allow partner another chance to call [Example: South bids one club, West bids one diamond If North bids one hearts, that is a free bid; if North bids two clubs, that is a free raise ]
Characteristic of one acting without restraint; charming; easy
Not confined or imprisoned; released from arrest; liberated; at liberty to go
Not gained by importunity or purchase; gratuitous; spontaneous; as, free admission; a free gift
Data Type – Describes data that have a categorical or nominal measurement scale, for example, the class values on a geological map Refer to Ordered Data Type; Calculating Theme Weights
Not under an arbitrary or despotic government; subject only to fixed laws regularly and fairly administered, and defended by them from encroachments upon natural or acquired rights; enjoying political liberty
at no charge; freely, in a free manner
make (information) available publication; "release the list with the names of the prisoners"
A sum of money or type of goods that is free of tax or duty is one that you do not have to pay tax on. see also duty-free, interest-free, tax-free
If you have a free period of time or are free at a particular time, you are not working or occupied then. She spent her free time shopping I am always free at lunchtime
Thrown open, or made accessible, to all; to be enjoyed without limitations; unrestricted; not obstructed, engrossed, or appropriated; open; said of a thing to be possessed or enjoyed; as, a free school
relieve from; "Rid the the house of pests"
Being absent from it
Not subjected to the laws of physical necessity; capable of voluntary activity; endowed with moral liberty; said of the will
If you do something or get something for free, you do it without being paid or get it without having to pay for it. I wasn't expecting you to do it for free
Unconstrained by timidity or distrust; unreserved; ingenuous; frank; familiar; communicative
not taken up by scheduled activities; "a free hour between classes"; "spare time on my hands"
Invested with a particular freedom or franchise; enjoying certain immunities or privileges; admitted to special rights; followed by of
free climbing; i e , doing a climb or pitch without resorting to aid
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If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it. The seminars are free, with lunch provided. a free brochure with details of gift vouchers. free of charge: see charge
To remove, as something that confines or bars; to relieve from the constraint of
technical support
not occupied or in use; "a free locker"; "a free lane
A variable is said to be FREE when its value is not yet defined This variable can be passed on to another tool (e g , the Experimenter) which will set the values for it (see Specification)
Ready; eager; acting without spurring or whipping; spirited; as, a free horse
grant freedom to; free from confinement
Liberated, by arriving at a certain age, from the control of parents, guardian, or master
Free Alongside Ship
Meaning the seller pays for transportation to the port, and the buyer pays for the rest of the transportation
Free Carrier
Meaning the seller incurs all costs of transportation up to a named carrier, after which the responsibility is with the buyer
Free On Board
without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board a carrier (originally a ship), at a specified location or point; used in such phrases as FOB destination to specify the point where the title of goods passes from the seller to the buyer
Free Zone
A variety of groups and individuals practicing Scientology independently of the Church of Scientology
free agent
A person who acts freely, or without constraint to a higher power
free agent
A professional athlete who is free to play for or sign a contract to play for any team
free and easy
casual, informal, relaxed, unrestrained
free as a bird
Having no ties; completely free
free as in beer
Free in the sense of costing no money; gratis
free as in speech
Free in the sense of having no restrictions; libre
free ball
To wear nothing under a pair of trousers
free ball
If a player is snookered after a foul shot, he can play on any ball he choses. This is called a free ball
free balls
plural form of free ball
free cash flow
Net income plus depreciation and amortization, less changes in working capital, less capital expenditure

Free cash flow can be very negative for profitable, fast-growing businesses and very positive for unprofitable, declining ones.

free climbing
rock climbing without the aid of ropes and other equipment
free convection
The convection (carriage) of contents of a fluid, such as mass or (especially) heat, by means of currents induced in the fluid by a buoyancy force which is dependent on an acceleration (such as gravity) acting upon density changes in the fluid which are induced by heat

The transfer of heat from a hot object by means of upward hot air currents from the object, is due to free convection.

free edge
The part of a nail, such as a fingernail or toenail, that extends past the flesh of the finger or toe
free energy
The Gibbs free energy
free energy
The difference between the internal energy of a system and the product of its entropy and absolute temperature
free enterprise
An economic system of buisness governed by the laws of supply and demand with minimal goverment interference, regulation, or subsidy
free fall
A variant form of freefall
free fatty acid
non-esterified fatty acid
free float
An estimate of the proportion of shares of a public company that are not held by large owners and that are not stock with sales restrictions
free grace
the concept of grace as a gift given freely by God, without regard to entitlement or merit

Justification is an act of God's free grace wherein he pardoneth all our sins. (the Westminster shorter catechism of 1647, question 33).

free group
A group (set with a particular kind of binary operation) that has a presentation without relators; equivalently, a free product of some number of copies of ℤ
free hand
free rein
free house
A public house that is not owned or managed by a brewery company, and can therefore stock a range of beers from several producers
free houses
plural form of free house
free indirect speech
A style of indirect speech which imitates direct speech, converted to third-person
free kick
In football, soccer and related ballgames, a kick in which a player may kick the ball without interference from the opposition. Such a kick may be awarded for a foul by the opposition, or earned by a player such as by taking a mark
free kicks
plural form of free kick
free love
the practice of sexual intercourse without the restraints of marriage or commitment
free lunch
Something obtained without any payment, obligation or effort
free lunches
plural form of free lunch
free market
Any market in which trade is unregulated; an economic system free from government intervention
free marketeer
an advocate of free market model of economy
free marketeers
plural form of free marketeer
free markets
plural form of free market
free neutron
A neutron not bound in an atomic nucleus
free of charge
Without any payment being required

They were giving the tickets away free of charge.

free of charge
Not requiring any payment

Buy two and pay for just one – the other is free of charge.

free on board
Lowercase form of Free On Board
free pass
safe passage
free pass
A document entitling the bearer to free transportation
free pass
An intentional walk

Smith was issued a free pass after Jones' double.

free pass
An exemption from normal processes
free passes
plural form of free pass
free product
A group formed from others by concatenating their presentations (when those presentations are written with disjoint sets of generators)
free products
plural form of free product
free radical
any molecule, ion or atom that has one or more unpaired electrons; they are generally highly reactive and often only occur as transient species
free radicals
plural form of free radical
free reed
a reed in a musical wind instrument whose edges do not overlap the edges of the opening over which it is fixed and that is used typically in the harmonium or concertina
free reign
Common misconstruction of free rein
free rein
the absence of constraints; freedom to make decisions

securing for himself an undivided authority and a free rein for his profligacy.

free rein
loose rein, as of a horse

So ceased the sea's uproar, when its grave SireLooked o'er th' expanse, and, riding on in light,Flung free rein to his winged obedient car.

free ride
An opportunity or benefit which has no cost, especially one enjoyed or undertaken at the expense of others

Financially, the two New York teams have not asked for the sort of free ride at taxpayer expense that has been commonplace elsewhere.

free rider
One who obtains benefit from a public good without paying for it directly

A lighthouse is the classic example of a public good because it is difficult to prevent a ship (a free rider) from using it.

free rider
Someone who obtains goods or services legally without paying

The store failed because all of the manager's friends were free riders who drove paying customers away.

free runner
A person who participates in free running
free running
The activity of combining parkour with gymnastics to pass obstacles and demonstrate athletic talent, most often in urban environments
free sheet
Alternative spelling of freesheet
free sheets
plural form of free sheet
free software
Any software that is free of charge, such as freeware
free software
Software that can be freely copied, redistributed and modified, including source code; software that is libre
free space
available space on a disk drive
free space
vacuum; a space free of matter
free speech
the right to express an opinion in public without being restrained or censored
free spirits
plural form of free spirit
free state
A Federal state, with allegiance to a larger entity, as currently with Germany, and earlier, the relationship between the states of the Holy Roman Empire and the Emperor, and later, the states of the German Empire under the Hohenzollerns
free state
An independent or autonomous political entity whose formal status and relationship to other states is undefined
free state
An approximate synonym for republic or commonwealth, as with the former Orange Free State, and especially as used for the current United Kingdom to refer to the Commonwealth period under Cromwell
free state
A political entity whose political status is less than that of a fully sovereign nation-state, as with the former Congo Free State and the former Irish Free State
free states
plural form of free state
free substitution
A rule in some sports that allows players to enter and leave the game for other players many times during the course of the game; and for coaches to bring in and take out players an unlimited number of times
free substitutions
plural form of free substitution
free thought
The principles of a freethinker; freethinking
free throw
A shot, worth one point, taken from the free-throw line and without opposition
free throws
plural form of free throw
free time
Time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work

I love to play football in my free time.

free to air
Transmitted without encryption
free trade
international trade free from government interference, especially trade free from tariffs or duties on imports
free trade area
An international region in which obstacles to unrestricted trade have been reduced to a minimum
free trade areas
plural form of free trade area
free up
to make (space) available
free variable
A variable that is not bound to a storage location
free variables
plural form of free variable
free variation
Two or more forms appearing in the same environment without a change in meaning and without either one being considered incorrect
free verse
A poetic form divided into lines of no particular length or meter, without a rhyme scheme

Whitman uses free verse to achieve effects impossible under even the broad restrictions of blank verse.

free will
The doctrine that human beings (and possibly other beings, such angels or higher animals) are able to choose their actions without being caused to do so by external forces
free will
The ability to choose one's actions, or determine what reasons are acceptable motivation for actions
free world
collectively, all the countries that have democratic or capitalistic governments, as opposed to dictatorships or communist states
free zone
An area within a port where goods may be temporarily stored without paying duty
free zone
An area that is free of some specified thing e.g. a vehicle-free zone
A practitioner of free-diving
Any of various aquatic disciplines in which divers attempt to stay underwater without breathing apparatus for as long as possible
Moving freely, as a river or traffic
Chaos; a chaotic situation lacking rules or control

When the fire alarm went off, it was a free-for-all.

Having an unconventional, variable or asymmetric form
free-heel skiing
Telemark skiing
That lives independently of other organisms rather than part of a symbiotic or parasitic relationship
free-living organism
an organism that is not directly dependent on another organism for survival
of, related to or characteristic of a free market. Lacking wealth redistribution
Alternative spelling of free marketeer
Of, pertaining to, or produced by animals that are allowed to roam freely, rather than being confined indoors

Sorry, we've been short of free-range chicken since demand rose.

Attributive form of free speech, noun

free-speech advocate.

Not fixed in any way to a surface. Relying solely on the force of gravity to stay in place
free-throw lane
The rectangular or trapezoidal area between the free-throw line and the end line

Players must remain outside the free-throw lane until the ball leaves the free-throw shooter's hands.

free-throw line
A line parallel to the baseline, fifteen feet from the plane of the backboard
free-throw lines
plural form of free-throw line
Alternative spelling of free to air
free profession
freelance work
free of cost
cost nothing
free range egg
Egg produced using birds that are permitted to roam freely within a farmyard, a shed or a chicken coop
free agent
(Spor) In professional sports, a free agent is a player whose contract with a team has expired and who is thus eligible to sign with another club or franchise
free flap
(Tıp, İlaç) The terms free flap and free tissue transfer are synonymous labels used to describe the movement of tissue from one site on the body to another. "Free" implies that the tissue, along with its blood supply, is detached from the original location ("donor site") and then transferred to another location ("recipient site"). This is in contrast to a "pedicled" flap in which tissue is left attached to the donor site and simply transposed to a new location keeping the "pedicle" intact as a conduit to supply the tissue with blood. Various types of tissue may be transferred as a free flap including skin and fat, muscle, nerve, bone, or any combination of these. An example of the latter would be a "free toe transfer" in which the 1st or 2nd toe is transferred to the hand to reconstruct a thumb. For all free flaps, the blood supply is reconstituted using microsurgery to reconnect the artery (blood into the flap) and vein (allows blood to flow out of the flap). The free flap is a type of microsurgery that is almost exclusively practiced by plastic surgeons
free writing
Free writing — also called stream-of-consciousness writing — is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spelling, grammar, or topic
free diving
(Spor) Free-diving is any of various aquatic activities that share the practice of breath-hold underwater diving. Examples include breathhold spearfishing, freedive photography, apnea competitions and, to a degree, snorkeling. The activity that garners the most public attention is competitive apnea, an extreme sport, in which competitors attempt to attain great depths, times or distances on a single breath without direct assistance of an underwater breathing apparatus
free flowing
Characterized by easy freedom in movement, progression, or style

A free-flowing essay.

free market
An economic market in which supply and demand are not regulated or are regulated with only minor restrictions
free spirit
An independent or uninhibited person
free up
To free someone or something means to make them available for a task or function that they were previously not available for
free up
To free up a market, economy, or system means to make it operate with fewer restrictions and controls. ...policies for freeing up markets and extending competition
Free On Board
Free of charge
free enterprise
When business is run by people with little control by the government
free enterprise
freedom of private businesses to operate competitively for profit with minimal government regulation
free enterprise
the freedom of private businesses to operate competitively, for profit, and without government controls
free enterprise
An economic system based mainly on the private ownership of property and the freedom of individuals to produce, sell and buy Government plays a very small role
free enterprise
an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices
free enterprise
A system by which people can conduct business free of government control except for reasonable regulations made for the public good
free enterprise
economic system in which anyone can attempt to raise capital, form a business, and offer goods or services
free enterprise
Free enterprise is an economic system in which businesses compete for profit without much government control. the principle and practice of allowing private business to operate without much government control private enterprise
free enterprise
The ability to direct one's exertion to produce a product or perform a service and exchange that produce or service, in competition with others, in a free market, in the absence of government restriction against any activity that is not directly restricted by the people themselves in open referendum
free float
(FF) - The amount of time that an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any immediately following activities See also float
free float
The ability of a mechanism to operate freely or disengage when locked
free float
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any immediately following activities
free float
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any immediately following activities See also float
free float
An exchange rate system characterized by the absence of government intervention Also known as clean float
free flow
- A waterbed mattress that has no baffles This type of mattress is very wavy
free flow
A philosophy that any country or media organization should be able to send information to any other country 7 7
free flow
Flow that encounters negligible resistance
free flow
A flow through a canal or over a structure which is not affected by the level of the tail water
free house
a public house that is not controlled by a brewery and so is free to sell different brands of beer and ale
free house
In Britain, a free house is a pub which is not owned by a particular company and so can sell whatever beers it chooses. in Britain, a pub that can buy beer from different breweries (=a company that makes beer etc) , rather than being controlled by one brewery
free kick
A placekick awarded to a team when a player of the opposing team is penalized A free kick is either a direct kick, called for serious offense, or an indirect kick, called for a minor infraction Players on the offending team must remain 10 yards away from the ball until it is put into play, unless they are on their own goal line between the goalposts
free kick
(soccer) a place kick that is allowed for a foul or infringement by the other team
free kick
a kick awarded to a player for a foul committed by the opposition; the player kicks a stationary ball without any opposing players within 10 feet of him
free kick
A kick taken by the attacking team after a player is fouled Teams must allow the kicker a minimum of 10 yards before the ball is put into play
free kick
An uncontested kick, usually awarded for a minor penalty by the opponents Except as a drop goal, a free kick cannot be taken directly at the goal posts