
listen to the pronunciation of forward(s)
الإنجليزية - التركية
ileri (ler)

Bir adım ileriye ilerle. - Move forward one step.

Tom ileriye doğru bir adım attı. - Tom took a step forward.

{s} ileriye doğru

Hayat sadece geriye doğru anlaşılabilir ama ileriye doğru yaşanmalıdır. - Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

Jessie küçük eşeği ileriye doğru sürdü. - Jessie urged the little donkey forward.

look forward to
iple çekmek
look forward
dört gözle beklemek
malı sevkıyat acentesine götüren kimse
forwarder sevkeden firma
{f} ilerletmek
{f} gönder

Lütfen incelemesi için belgeyi idari ofise gönderin. - Please forward the document to the administrative office for review.

Sophie bilinmeyen bir gönderenden gelen bir başka mektup almak için can atıyordu. - Sophie had been looking forward to getting another letter from the unknown sender.

{f} göndermek
forward items
(Bilgisayar) öğe ilet

Arabayı geriye doğru park etmek neden ileriye doğru park etmekten daha kolaydır? - Why is it easier to park the car backwards than forwards?

Tom ileriye doğru birkaç adım attı. - Tom took a few steps forward.


Eğer en iyi ayağınızı öne koyarsanız, başarılı olursunuz. - If you put your best foot forward, you will succeed.

Lütfen gelecek toplantıda maddeyi öne sür. - Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.

{f} yeni adrese yollamak
forward contract
vadeli kontrat
forward contract
vadeli sözleşme
forward exchange rate
vadeli döviz kuru
forward looking
ileriye bakan
forward motion
ileriye doğru hareket
forward moving
ileriye giden
forward price
vadeli fiyat
forward rate
vadeli kur
forward sale
vadeli satış
forward speed
ileri vites
forward to

Sophie bilinmeyen göndericiden bir mektup daha almayı dört gözle bekliyordu. - Sophie had been looking forward to getting another letter from the unknown sender.

forward as
forward bend
öne eğmek
forward bias
ileri önyargı
forward buying
gelecekte teslim edilmek üzere satın alma, vadeli satın alma
forward discount
Vadeli iskonto
forward exchange market
vadeli döviz piyasası
forward freight
varista tahsil edilecek navlun
forward line own troops
ileri hat kendi askerleri
forward march
ileri yürüyüşü
forward march!
ileri mars!
forward part of the boat
Teknenin on kısmı
forward player
(Spor) Forvet
forward positions
ileri pozisyonları
forward recovery
ileri geri
forward repair system
ileri tamir sistemi
forward scatter
öne saçılma
forward slash
eğik çizgi
forward tail group
on kuyruk grubu
forward transactions
vadeli borsa işlemi
forward transactions tender
forward işlemleri ihale
forward travel of a flat ski
ileri düz bir kayak seyahat
forward voltage
ileri gerilim
on tarafa bakan, öne bakan
İlerici, ilerici düşünen
former Soviet Union; forward support unit
(Askeri) eski Sovyetler Birliği; ileri destek ünitesi
{f} sevketmek
{s} turfanda
ilerlemesine yardımcı olmak
forwarding address yeni
{f} yollamak
z. ileri doğru, ileri
{i} forvet

Forvet oyuncusu gol attı. - The forward kicked a goal.

{s} ilerlemiş

Lütfen gelecek toplantıda maddeyi öne sür. - Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.

Tokalaşmak için öne doğru adım attı. - She stepped forward to shake his hand.

{s} ilerideki
{s} hazır
{s} vadeli
{s} fazla ileriye giden
{s} cüretli
{s} ileriye yönelik

Bu, ileriye yönelik büyük bir adımdır. - This is a big step forward.

{s} istekli
mesajın başka birine de yollanması
yeni adrese göndermek
{s} erken gelişmiş
{i} ileride yer alan kimse
{s} küstah, şımarık. i., futbol forvet
{s} büyümüş de küçülmüş
forwarding agent sevkıyat acentesi
{s} ileride olan, öndeki, ön; ileri
forward aeromedical evacuation
(Askeri) İLERİ BÖLGE HAVADAN SIHHİ TAHLİYE: Hasta ve yaralıların, muharebe meydanındaki noktalar arasında, muharebe meydanından ilk tedavi noktasına ve muharebe sahası içindeki müteakip tedavi noktalarına, havadan naklini sağlayan tahliye safhası
forward air control
(Askeri) İLERİ HAVA KONTROLÜ: Kara birliklerini yakından destekleyen muharebe uçaklarının harekatını bir ileri gözetleme yerinden idare etmek
forward air control post
(Askeri) İLERİ HAVA KONTROL POSTASI: İleri muharebe alanında radar kaplamasının geniş bir şekilde kullanıldığı kontrol ve rapor etme merkezi veya yerine tali olarak bağlı bulunan oldukça seferi bir ABD Hava Kuvvetleri taktik hava kontrol sistemi
forward air controller
(Askeri) İLERİ HAVA KONTROLÜ (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, ABD SAVUNMA KURULU): Taktik hava kontrol timine mensup bir subay (havacı/pilot), bu subay ileri bir hava yada yer mevziinden kara birliklerini yakından destekleyen uçakları kontrol eder
forward air controller
(Askeri) ileri hava kontrolörü
forward area
(Askeri) İLERİ SAHA, BÖLGE: Muharebenin olduğu sahaya yakın bir saha
forward area minefield planning
(Askeri) ileri bölge mayın sahası planlaması
forward area sight
(Askeri) İLERİ SAHA NİŞANGAHI: Hava savunma silahlarında, silaha monte edilmiş daire şeklinde nişangah. Bu nişangah, ileri sahalarda veya silahtan ayrı taşınan nişan aletlerini kullanmanın güç olduğu zamanlarda kullanılır
forward arming and refueling point
(Askeri) ileri güç ve yakıt ikmal noktası
forward arming and refueling point
(Askeri) İLERİ MÜHİMMAT VE YAKIT İKMAL NOKTASI: Bir havacı komutan tarafından organize edilen, teçhizatlandırılan ve intikal ettirilen ve genelde ana muharebe sahasında konuşlanmış olup harekat sahasına hava birliğinin muharebe hizmet sahasına daha yakın olan, ve muharebede yer alan hava manevra birliklerine gerekli yakıt ve mühimmatı temin eden geçici bir tesis. İleri mühimmat ve yakıt verme noktası bir muharebe uçağına aynı anda yakıt ve cephane verebilir FARP olarak da bilinir
forward assembly area
(Askeri) İleri toplanma bölgesi
forward bomb lines
(Askeri) İLERİ BOMBA EMNİYET HATLARI: Bir kıta komutanı tarafından belirtilen ve bunların ötesine yapılacak bombardımanın kendi kuvvetleri ile koordine edilmesine ihtiyaç bulunmadığı kabul edilen hatlar (arazi). Ayrıca bak. "bomb lines"
forward channel
ileri yonde kanal
forward command element
(Askeri) ileri komuta unsuru
forward command post
(Askeri) İLERİ KOMUTA YERİ: Bir birlik karargahında komutan ve erkanının çalıştığı yer. Muharebede bir birliğin karargahı genellikle ileri ve geri kademe olarak ikiye ayrılır
forward current
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçirme akımı
forward defense area
(Askeri) İLERİ SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: İleri savunma mevzilerinin oynak savunma halinde tertiplendiği bölge. Ayrıca bakınız: "forward defense position"
forward defense position
(Askeri) İLERİ SAVUNMA MEVZİİ: Oynak savunmada; savunan birlik tarafından beklenmekte olan taarruzu haber vermek taarruz kuvvetini daha elverişsiz araziye saptırmak, ileri hareketi durdurmak veya engellemek için faydalanılan mukavemet adacıkları, mukavemet noktaları ve gözetleme noktalarından oluşan bir mevzi düzeni. Ayrıca bakınız: "forward defense area" ve "mobile defense"
forward echelon
(Askeri) İLERİ KADEME: Bir birlik karargahında, esas itibariyle, muharebenin taktik idaresi ile meşgul kısım. Ayrıca bakınız: "rear echelon". FORWARD EDGE OF THE BATTLE AREA: ASIL MUHAREBE HATTI: Kara muharebe birliklerinin yayıldıkları bir seri bölgenin -örtme kuvvetlerinin faaliyette bulundukları sahalar hariç- en ön sınırları. Bu sınırlar, ateş desteğini, kuvvetlerin mevzilenmesini veya birliklerin manevrasını koordine etmek için tayin edilir
forward edge of the battle area
(Askeri) muharebe bölgesi ileri hattı
forward error correction
(Askeri) ileri hata düzeltme
forward freight terminal unit
(Askeri) ileri nakliye terminal ünitesi
forward interpretation unit
(Askeri) İLERİ HAT YORUMLAMA GRUBU: Muharebe istihbaratı için ileri sürülen ve elde edilecek bilgileri yorumlamakla görevli olan grup
forward line of our own troops
(Askeri) Dış birliklerin ileri hattı
forward line of own troops
(Askeri) dost kuvvetlerin ileri hattı
forward line of own troops
(Askeri) DOST BİRLİKLER İLERİ HATTI: Belirli bir zamandaki bir askeri harekatta dost kuvvetlerin en ileri mevzilerini belirten bir hat
forward link
İleri Bağlantı
forward logistic site
(Askeri) ileri lojistik alan
forward looking
ileri görüşlü
forward looking
ileriye dönük
forward looking
ileriyi gören
forward looking aft
(Askeri) önden arkaya bakıldığında
forward motion
(Tekstil) ileriye doğru akma
forward motion compensation
(Askeri) İLERİ HAREKET DENGELEMESİ: Bak. "image motion compensation"
forward oblique air photograph
(Askeri) İLERİ YATAY HAVA FOTOĞRAFI: Uçağın önünde uzanan arazinin yatay bir fotoğrafı
forward observation
(Askeri) İleri gözetleme
forward observation
(Askeri) İLERİ GÖZETLEME: Atışın ileri gözetleyici tarafından gözetlenmesi ve tanzimi
forward observation post
(Askeri) İLERİ GÖZETLEME YERİ: Bir ileri gözetleyici tarafından gözetleme yapılmak üzere tesis edilen gözetleme yeri. FORWARD OBSERVER (ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, ABD SAVUNMA KURULU): İLERİ GÖZETLEYİCİ: Cephe hattı birlikleri ile faaliyet gösteren ve yer ve deniz topçu ateşlerini tanzim etmek için eğitilmiş ve muharebe meydanı bilgilerini geriye ulaştıracak gözetleyici. FORWARD OBSERVER (NATO, ABD SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): İLERİ GÖZETLEYİCİ: İleri birliklere birlikte faaliyet gösteren ateş desteği için istek yapıp tanzimde bulunan muharebe sahası bilgilerini aktaran gözetleyici
forward operating base
forward operating base; forward operations base
(Askeri) ileri çalışma üssü; ileri harekatlar üssü
forward operation base
(Askeri) İleri harekat üssü
forward operation locality
(Askeri) İleri faaliyet konuş yeri
forward overlap
forward path
ileri yol
forward plannings
ileriye dönük planlar
forward premium
(Ticaret) vadeli kur primi
forward propagation by tropospheric scatter
(Askeri) troposferik muhabere sistemi ile yayın
forward rate
(fiil)deli kur
forward recovery mission profile
(Askeri) İLERİ KURTARMA UÇUŞ GÖREVİ PROFİLİ: İleri tarafsız/dost havaalanı veya iniş yerindeki bir uçağın kurtarılması ile ilgili uçuş görevi profili
forward shift operator
ileri kaydirma isleci
forward signal
ileri yonde sinyal
forward slope
(Askeri) ÖN YAMAÇ: Düşman istikametinde alçalan bir yamaç
forward space support to theater
(Askeri) harekat sahasına ileri alan desteği
forward tell
(Askeri) BİLGİ AKTARMAK: Bilgilerin daha üst komutanlığa aktarılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "track telling"
forward voltage
(Nükleer Bilimler) geçirme gerilimi
forward wave
ileri yonde dalga
look forward to
sabırsızlıkla beklemek
look forward to
dört gözle beklemek
look forward to
can atmak
not be backward in coming forward
(Ev ile ilgili) Fikrini ifade etmekten geri durmamak
الإنجليزية - الإنجليزية

تعريف forward(s) في الإنجليزية الإنجليزية القاموس.

The front part of a vessel
Agreement; covenant
one of the eight players whose primary task is to maintain possession of the ball (compare back)
Without customary restraint

I thought his suggestion that we move in together was rather forward.

An umbrella term for a centre or winger in ice hockey
The small forward or power forward position
Towards the front or from the front

The bus driver told everyone standing up to move forward.

Towards the front or at the front

The fire was confined to the forward portion of the store.

An e-mail message designed to be forwarded to many people; an electronic chain letter
In the usual direction of travel

After spending an hour stuck in the mud, we could once again move forward.

A player on a team in football (soccer) in the row nearest to the opposing team's goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals
Into the future

From this day forward, there will be no more brussels sprouts at the cafeteria.

To send (something received) to a third party

I'll be glad to forward your mail to you while you're gone.

Expected in the future

The stock price is currently 12 times forward earnings.

forward compatibility
Capability of interoperating with anticipated future systems
forward compatible
Capable of interoperating with anticipated future systems

In order to be forward compatible, we keep a configurable list of valid keywords that we don't understand.

forward dive
A dive in which the diver faces the water while taking off, and lands facing forward
forward genetic
Attributive form of forward genetics

forward genetic approach.

forward genetics
The practice of finding genes corresponding to known phenotypes
forward link
In radio communications, the link from a fixed location (e.g., a base station) to a mobile user. If the link includes a communications relay satellite, the forward link will consist of both an uplink (base station to satellite) and a downlink (satellite to mobile user)
forward pass
A pass in the forward direction, advancing toward the goal, generally illegal except in American football, once per play, from behind the line of scrimmage
forward passes
plural form of forward pass
forward reasoning
In artificial intelligence, modus ponens
forward roll
A movement in which one's body is rolled forward, by putting the head on the ground and swinging the legs over the head
forward rolls
plural form of forward roll
forward slash
A slash (the '/' symbol), in contradistinction to a backslash
forward slashes
plural form of forward slash
forward transfer function
The transfer function of the forward path of a control system
Thinking in a manner that takes the future into account; progressive
{a} ready, confident, bold, in the forepart
{v} to hasten, quicken, advance, promote
{a} in front, progressively
forward bias
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A voltage placed across a junction in the forward direction. When a junction is forward biased to a sufficiently high voltage, current will flow
Forward Arming & Refueling Point
FARP, portable base that is moved from place to place by heavy transport helicopters
Forward Line Own Troops
FLOT, current front line of our troops
Forward Operating Base
FOB, temporary airfield that supports tactical operations but does not have full support systems (military)
Forward Repair Team
military support unit that goes into the front lines with soldiers and is responsible for the maintenance of military equipment (such as tank and vehicle repairs), FRT
Forward-Looking Infrared
FLIR, thermal/infrared system that creates images of an object by using electro-optical sensors that convert electromagnetic radiation into electronic signals
The pre-set exchange rate for an FX contract that settles at a pre-determined future date The forward rate is based upon the interest rate differential between the two currencies involved Forward rates can be calculated easily given the fixed term interest rates of each currency and their current spot rates
toward the front; ahead; to the front
{f} send, convey; promote; advance; resend an email message that has been received (Computers)
a position on a basketball team the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit; "forward my mail"
If something or someone is put forward, or comes forward, they are suggested or offered as suitable for a particular purpose. Over the years several similar theories have been put forward Next month the Commission is to bring forward its first proposals for action He was putting himself forward as a Democrat Investigations have ground to a standstill because no witnesses have come forward
forward in time or order or degree; "from that time forth"; "from the sixth century onward"
A large arrow pointing to the right on your browser toolbar By clicking on the arrow you can move forward through any links that you have previously followed Forward is only activated after you have gone Back
Toward the bow of the boat
Developed ahead of its peers; also, when the fruit is prominent, it is said to be forward
arbitrary convention (by Berliner et al ) for direction in a transducer, stack or convertor away from the longitudinal center or crystals toward the radiating surface or tip
To help onward; to advance; to promote; to accelerate; to quicken; to hasten; as, to forward the growth of a plant; to forward one in improvement
A player on a team in football (soccer) in the row nearest to the opposing teams goal, who are therefore principally responsible for scoring goals
Towards the front (bow) of the ship
moving forward
You use forward to indicate that something progresses or improves. In British English, you can also use forwards. And by boosting economic prosperity in Mexico, Canada and the United States, it will help us move forward on issues that concern all of us They just couldn't see any way forward Space scientists and astronomers have taken another step forwards
{i} player positioned at the front of the offensive line (Sports)
"A position near or towards the bow of a vessel " (Uden & Cooper)
At, near or towards the bow or front of a vessel or an aircraft
When you are referring to a particular time, if you say that something was true from that time forward, you mean that it became true at that time, and continued to be true afterwards. Velazquez's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family. = on
Toward the front or bow of a ship
situated at or toward the front; "the fore cabins"; "the forward part of the ship"
If you put a clock or watch forward, you change the time shown on it so that it shows a later time, for example when the time changes to summer time or daylight saving time. When we put the clocks forward in March we go into British Summer Time
To send forward; to send toward the place of destination; to transmit; as, to forward a letter
situated in the front; "the forward section of the aircraft"
Toward a part or place before or in front; onward; in advance; progressively; opposed to backward
Toward the from of a ship
See: forward contract
[ steps --- ] Moves the active turtle forward the number of steps specified by steps The movement is in the direction she is currently heading if steps is positive and in the opposite direction if steps is negative The turtle's heading is unaffected A line is drawn if her pen is down
Towards the bow
toward the future; forward in time; "I like to look ahead in imagination to what the future may bring"; "I look forward to seeing you"
Toward the bow of the vessel
{s} toward the front; advanced; ahead; eager, ready; impudent, brash; frontal; futuristic, of the future, progressive
approval If you say that someone looks forward, you approve of them because they think about what will happen in the future and plan for it. In British English, you can also say that someone looks forwards. Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century People should forget and look forwards Manchester United has always been a forward-looking club. Forward is also an adjective. The university system requires more forward planning
for·ward forwards forwarding forwarded In addition to the uses shown below, forward is also used in phrasal verbs such as `bring forward' and `look forward to'. In British English, forwards is often used as an adverb instead of forward in senses 1., 3., and 6
In the future
Ready; prompt; strongly inclined; in an ill sense, overready; too hasty
to send (a copy of) an electronic mail message that you have received on to one or more other addressees Most e-mail systems can be configured to do this automatically to all or certain messages, e g Unix sendmail looks for a " forward" file in the recipient's home directory
To enclose a mail message within another message according to some specification (such as RFC 934 or MIME ) Forwarding involves ethical questions as well as technical ones; forwarding personal mail can, in some cases, be rude or even illegal
a button on the IE Toolbar that opens the next page on the list of pages you have recently seen It only works if you backed up in the list
Near, or at the fore part; in advance of something else; as, the forward gun in a ship, or the forward ship in a fleet
backwards and forwards: see backwards
If a letter or message is forwarded to someone, it is sent to the place where they are, after having been sent to a different place earlier. When he's out on the road, office calls are forwarded to the cellular phone in his truck
a position on a basketball team
of the transmission gear causing forward movement in a motor vehicle; "in a forward gear"
Forward means in a position near the front of something such as a building or a vehicle. The best seats are in the aisle and as far forward as possible The other car had a 3-inch lower driving seat and had its engine mounted further forward. Forward is also an adjective. Reinforcements were needed to allow more troops to move to forward positions
moving toward a position ahead; "forward motion"; "the onward course of events"
at or near or directed toward the front; "the forward section of the aircraft"; "a forward plunge down the stairs"; "forward motion"
at or to or toward the front; "he faced forward"; "step forward"; "she practiced sewing backward as well as frontward on her new sewing machine"; (`forrad' and `forrard' are dialectal variations)
One of the three players who make up a team's forward line: the center and the right and left wings
A deal that will commence at an agreed date in the future Forward trades in FX are usually expressed as a margin above (premium) or below (discount) the spot rate To obtain the actual forward FX price, one adds the margin to the spot rate The rate will reflect what the FX rate has to be at the forward date so that if funds were re-exchanged at that rate there would be no profit or loss (i e a neutral trade) The rate is calculated from the relevant deposit rates in the 2 underlying currencies and the spot FX rate Unlike in the futures market, forward trading can be customized according to the needs of the two parties and involves more flexibility Also, there is no centralized exchange
near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane; "the captain went fore (or forward) to check the instruments"
Advanced beyond the usual degree; advanced for the season; as, the grass is forward, or forward for the season; we have a forward spring
Towards the bow or front of the vessel
At or in the direction of the bow Also the fore part of the ship
in a forward direction; "go ahead"; "the train moved ahead slowly"; "the boat lurched ahead"; "moved onward into the forest"; "they went slowly forward in the mud"
In football, basketball, or hockey, a forward is a player whose usual position is in the opponents' half of the field, and whose usual job is to attack or score goals. see also centre-forward
used of temperament or behavior; lacking restraint or modesty; "a forward child badly in need of discipline"
Toward the bow
An agreement; a covenant; a promise
Ardent; eager; earnest; in an ill sense, less reserved or modest than is proper; bold; confident; as, the boy is too forward for his years
If you move or look forward, you move or look in a direction that is in front of you. In British English, you can also move or look forwards. He came forward with his hand out. `Mr and Mrs Selby?' he enquired She fell forwards on to her face backwards
send or ship onward from an intermediate post or station in transit; "forward my mail"
The center and the wings are traditionally considered to be the forwards
the person who plays the position of forward on a basketball team
forward air controller
flight inspector
forward bias
Arrangement in which diode acts as a conductor
forward bias
A voltage applied across a rectifying junction with a polarity that provides a low-resistance conducting path In contrast, reverse bias causes the junction to block normal current See p-n junction
forward bias
bias applied to a p-n junction in the conducting direction, majority carrier electrons and holes flow toward the junction so that a large current flows
forward bias
A voltage VA > 0 is applied to the diode terminals The potential on the n-side of the junction is lowered relative to the p-side of the pn junction VA must be =< Vbi since the voltage drop across the depletion region becomes Vbi - VA
forward bias
Voltage applied to a semiconductor P-N junction that increases the electron current across the junction
forward bias
Arrangement in which a diode acts as a conductor
forward bias
also called forward voltage
forward command post
base which is set up out in the field
forward contract
contract guaranteeing the rate at which a business deal is to be transacted
forward financial statement
review of accounting data before the completion of an accounting period
forward location
place that lies ahead
forward mail
have mail redirected to a different address
forward march!
command to begin marching forward
forward opinions
progressive ideas
forward pass
A pass thrown from behind the line of scrimmage to a receiver who is closer to the opponent's end line than the passer
forward pass
a pass to a receiver downfield from the passer
forward pass
A pass that goes to a player who's ahead of the ball; illegal in rugby
forward pass
a pass made towards the opposition's goal
forward pass
The calculation of the early start and early finish dates for the uncompleted portions of all network activities See network analysis and backward pass
forward pass
Throwing of the ball "forward", or in the direction of advancement (towards the opponents' goal)
forward pass
The calculation of the early start and early finish dates for the uncompleted portions of all network activities See also network analysis and backward pass
forward pass
a pass thrown by a team closer to the opponent's goal line; a team is allowed to throw only one forward pass per play, and it must be thrown from behind the team's line of scrimmage
forward pass
A pass thrown in the direction of the opponent's goal
forward pass
The calculation of the early start and early finish dates for the uncompleted portions of all network activities Determined by working forwards through the network logic from the project's start date
forward pass
A pass that travels toward the opposing goal
forward pricing
Requirement of the Securities and Exchange Commission that a mutual fund base its share price on the next net asset value of the securities in the fund's portfolio For example, if you place a mutual fund order today (and the market is open today), your share price will be based on today's closing net asset value
forward pricing
The valuation process for a mutual fund, in which all incoming orders to buy or sell shares are based on the next net asset valuation of fund shares
forward pricing
Practice mandated by the SEC that open-end investment companies establish all incoming buy and sell orders on the next net asset valuation of fund shares
forward pricing
Under Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations, all incoming orders to buy and sell mutual fund shares become effective at the next net asset valuation of the fund shares
forward pricing
A SEC requiring open-end investment companies establish all incoming buy and sell orders on the next net asset valuation of fund shares
forward rate
An expected future interest rate implied by current interest rates
forward rate
A projection of future interest rates calculated from either the spot rates or the yield curve
forward rate
The future interest rate of a bond inferred from the term structure, especially from the yield curve of zero-coupon bonds, calculated from the growth factor of an investment in a zero held until maturity
forward rate
The rate at which forward transactions (a transaction at a future date for a fixed price) are being made
forward rate
Forward rates are quoted in terms of forward points, which represents the difference between the forward and spot rates In order to obtain the forward rate from the actual exchange rate the forward points are either added or subtracted from the exchange rate The decision to subtract or add points is determined by the differential between the deposit rates for both currencies concerned in the transaction The base currency with the higher interest rate is said to be at a discount to the lower interest rate quoted currency in the forward market Therefor the forward points are subtracted from the spot rate Similarly, the lower interest rate base currency is said to be at a premium, and the forward points are added to the spot rate to obtain the forward rate
forward rate
Forward rates are quoted in terms of forward points , which represents the difference between the forward and spot rates In order to obtain the forward rate from the actual exchange rate the forward points are either added or subtracted from the exchange rate The decision to subtract or add points is determined by the differential between the deposit rates for both currencies concerned in the transaction The base currency with the higher interest rate is said to be at a discount to the lower interest rate quoted currency in the forward market Therefor the forward points are subtracted from the spot rate Similarly, the lower interest rate base currency is said to be at a premium, and the forward points are added to the spot rate to obtain the forward rate
forward rate
The interest rate predicted by pure expectations theory of the term structure of interest rates to prevail in the future 141
forward rate
The exchange rate for future delivery
forward rate
A projection of future interest rates calculated from either spot rates or the yield curve
forward rate
the dollar amount that a commodity, currency, or bond will cost on future delivery
forward rate
The rate at which a foreign exchange contract is struck today for settlement at a specified future date
forward roll
roll made by tucking the head down and rolling forward
forward roll
a movement in gymnastics in which you roll over forwards onto your back so that your feet go over your head
forward sale
A method for hedging price risk that involves an agreement between a lender and an investor to sell particular kinds of loans at a specified price and future time
forward sale
A method for hedging price risk which involves an agreement between a lender and an investor to sell particular kinds of loans at a specified price and future time
forward scheduling
(Ticaret) A scheduling method that begins with a specified start date and moves forward into time to calculate a due or completion date based on the lead time required. It assumes flexibility in the due date, but not the start date
forward slash
a line (/) used in writing, to separate words, numbers, or letters = slash
forward transaction
agreement to transfer ownership of foreign currency at a future date and at a price that is mutually agreeable
forward transactions tender
bid for options regarding the dollar rate in future business transactions
approval If you describe a person or organization as forward-looking, you approve of the fact that they think about the future or have modern ideas. planning for and thinking about the future in a positive way, especially by being willing to use modern methods or ideas backward-looking
ahead of the times; "the advanced teaching methods"; "had advanced views on the subject"; "a forward-looking corporation"; "is British industry innovative enough?"
Great Leap Forward
An economic and social plan used from 1958 to 1961 which aimed to use China's vast population to rapidly transform China from a primarily agrarian economy by peasant farmers into a modern communist society through the agriculturalization and industrialization
bring forward
To make something happen earlier than originally planned

The meeting has been brought forward one day.

bring forward
To call up for consideration
centre forward
The most central of the strikers; traditionally the player who makes the kick-off
Describing styles or clothing etc. that is just coming into fashion
fast forward
To cause the tape in a video or audio tape to roll very fast, so that when the device is played, it will start at a later point
fast forward
to shift one's attention or focus toward a later point in time
fast forward
to be fast forwarded (1)
fast forward
A button that causes media to be fast forwarded
Alternative spelling of fast forward
In U.S. patent law, a provision accompanying the license of a patent under which a party agrees not only to grant a licensee the right to use a patent, but also to grant the licensee a license to any improvements made on the existing patent
illegal forward kick
Any kick made from in front of the line of scrimmage. This results in a loss of down and a ten yard penalty
look forward
To anticipate or expect; especially, to expect something to be pleasant

I enjoyed his writing very much, and I look forward to meeting him in person.

look forward to
To anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure

Now, on Friday noon, I am to become a private citizen. I am proud to do so. I look forward to it.

one step forward, two steps back
A situation in which progress is more than offset by adverse developments

We got all the roofing removed but the chimney was damaged and we discovered that some rafters had to be replaced. One step forward, two steps back. Or maybe three.

power forward
A forward who is responsible for scoring near the basket, collecting rebounds and blocking shots in defence
power forward
A forward who is capable of both rugged physical play and scoring goals
put forward
To propose for consideration

The Prime Minister put forward new plans to tackle corruption.

put forward
To change the time in a time zone to a later time

Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

put one's best foot forward
To show oneself in the best or most positive way possible; to make a favorable impression

Try to put your best foot forward at all times during a job interview.

put the clock forward
To change the time in a time zone to a later time

Don't forget that this Sunday we put the clocks forward an hour.

small forward
A forward who plays behind the power forwards