Identifying information printed at the bottom of each page The footer generally contains the date of the document, the page number, and sometimes the manual name and section title
consist of small type running at the bottom of a page and repeating information such as topic, title, page number, or date
Information at the bottom of a page, an identity element For WWW pages, the page creator's name, the last updated date, and other information is conventionally provided
The text and images at the bottom of a web document that provide information on author/institutional sponsor, revision date, copyright, comments form, and navigational links Sometimes these links are buttons The footer is often set off from the rest of the text on the page by a horizontal rule Footers are not the opposite of headers in web documents See Header
If you are submitting a family tree, you have the option of adding a footer to your file Many submitters use this area, which appears near the bottom of each page, for closing comments
{i} title which appears at the bottom of a page in a document (Computers); one who walks, pedestrian (Archaic); rugby (British Slang); soccer (British Slang)
provides a link to the main GPO page, an e-mail link for the GPO Access User Support Team, other page specific e-mail links, complete URL, and date page was last updated
Text printed at the bottom of a sales draft A merchant can customize the footer (i e , Have a Nice Day, No Refunds, Thank You for Shopping With Us, etc )
A footer is information that is displayed at the bottom of each page in a document The footer could be the file name, the author of the document or the page number