Efsanevi futbolcu Diego Armando Maradona, Arjantinlidir.
- The legendary footballer Diego Armando Maradona is from Argentina.
Tom eski bir futbolcudur.
- Tom is an old footballer.
Carlos Queiroz, Portekiz Futbol Federasyonu tarafından kovuldu.
- Carlos Queiroz was fired by the Portuguese Football Federation.
Futbol eski bir oyundur.
- Football is an old game.
Bu futbol değil, bu Amerikan futbolu!
- This isn't football, this is soccer!
Benim favori sporum Amerikan futboludur.
- My favourite sport is football.
O futbol topu gerçek deriden imal edilmiştir.
- That football is made of genuine leather.
Each team scored two touchdowns when they played football.
Each team scored three goals when they played football.
They played football in the snow.
... footballer or soccer star. ...